Political discussions about everything
By Grog
Forbes? When you make love in the mirror, do you focus on your withered genitals or your botoxed o-face?

You spend more time masturbating --literally and figuratively-- than anyone else around here.

shhh. let's watch

"WASHINGTON, D.C. — With the presidential rac[…]

Nobody here has ever condemned Clownswisher for be[…]

So Much Winning!!!!

Nobody condemns Clowntoker for his sissy soirees i[…]

There isn't sufficient bandwidth to list the plagi[…]

Mr Forbes does not need to claw for a reply to tha[…]

Joe Denies 2000 Election

Per pro-Democrat USA Today: "In some ways, t[…]

Pelosi Admits Responsibility

If McConnell shares some responsibility with Pelos[…]

I agree with Clown that the words of Mr Forbes are[…]