Political discussions about everything
By Intrepid
ElkinDoofus is the very poster child for the low information voter. He accepts whatever his leaders feed him, without question, and stands up and chants the silly slogans whenever he is commanded to do so. He hates whom he is directed to hate, laughs at whomever he is told to laugh at and goes no deeper than the headlines of approved liberal propaganda sources.
Without Useful Idiots such as ElkinDoofus the Dear Leader, Hussein MaoBama would never have been elected the first time, let alone twice.

The rest of us are paying the price for ElkinDoofus's folly.

So is ElkinDoofus, he just has not realize it yet.
By Intrepid
Apparently this post made some sort of sense in ElkinDoofus's confused and deluded mind.
No one else has a clue.

"WASHINGTON, D.C. — With the presidential rac[…]

Nobody here has ever condemned Clownswisher for be[…]

So Much Winning!!!!

Nobody condemns Clowntoker for his sissy soirees i[…]

There isn't sufficient bandwidth to list the plagi[…]

Mr Forbes does not need to claw for a reply to tha[…]

Joe Denies 2000 Election

Per pro-Democrat USA Today: "In some ways, t[…]

Pelosi Admits Responsibility

If McConnell shares some responsibility with Pelos[…]

I agree with Clown that the words of Mr Forbes are[…]