Political discussions about everything
By johnforbes
Complaints have been made that Walz will accompany Kamala for emotional support as she gives an interview after 39 days hiding.

However, Dana Bash's husband signed the 51 intel expert letter, so Dana will help.

The interview will be taped, and can be edited to help Kamala.

Beyond that, it must be acknowledged that even the fabulous Forbes does not post here without being accompanied by one of his 28-year-old Swedish bikini model interns for emotional support.
By Clownkicker
johnforbes really needs psychological support for his pathological hypocrisy over Harris not talking to the press for 39 days when she had to organize a complete Presidential campaign organization and get DNC representatives onboard before the Convention, but he wasn't bothered at all by President Trump going over 300 days without a press briefing during his time in office when he had nothing to do that other Presidents didn't have to do.

Not a peep out of the board's partisan pussy that time. But now he's started another whining thread about Harris showing her political savvy.

By johnforbes
Come on, Kamala couldn't organize the inventory in a convenience store and everyone knows that.

Others have organized her Basement Campaign, Part II, in which she hides from the press and expect them to spindoctor for her.
By Clownkicker
"Come on, Kamala couldn't organize the inventory in a convenience store and everyone knows that."-johnflubs

Of course, Harris organized the entire San Francisco DA's office (which is more than you did when you were frequenting the torrid and sweaty haunts of your youth there.)

THAT's what everyone knows, dimwit.
By johnforbes
Mr Forbes did not grow up in the sordid salons -- or hedonistic hotels -- of fetid Frisco.

No, he grew up -- tan and taut, sleek and svelte -- where seldom was heard a discouraging word, and the skies were not cloudy all day.
By Clownkicker
No one said you grew up there, johnny.

They reported that you frequented bath houses (and worse) during your R&R from the Army in your youth.

But everyone noticed you tried to change the narrative to "grew up there" so no one could call you a liar about it, since it's true you didn't grow up there. No, you sought it out later.

You've already been caught trying to hide your sojourn to the bath houses of San Francisco, so why try to pretend otherwise now?
By Clownkicker
^^^^^^^^ ...which is EXACTLY what someone who had taken his R&R in San Fran bath houses would say. But Hong Kong was also known for being a place where you could get whatever your warped, deviant heart desired.

Nobody needs any further proof of your sordid depravity, johnny. Your admission is enough for us.
By johnforbes
There are indeed many facets of Hong Kong.

However, for warped wackos like Clowntoker, sordid Sanfran is the King Kong of looney leftist lairs.
By Clownkicker
So now you're claiming you only frequent loony rightist lairs of depravity?

Like anyone believes that...

Do you still see Sum Yung Gai these days? Or did you simply throw him back onto the Vietnamese trash heap where you found him when he got too old for you?
By elklindo69
After Trump's awful debate performance, apparently he needs some emotional support. Perhaps they can rescue some dog or cat from being eaten by the immigrants. And Trump can adopt one as an emotional support animal....
By johnforbes
Trump's staffers were crazy to let super-biased ABC anywhere near a debate, but Trump did fine.

Remember, some of those watchiing were deranged Democras such as young Elkin.

Others were stalwart pillars of sanity such as Mr Forbes.

But in between those antipodal opposites, there were some undecided people which Kamala's rehearsed responses (surely the questions were leaked to her) did not persuade.
By elklindo69
So now the right wing loonie tards are now blaming the refs because they rightly corrected Trump for claiming immigrants were eating people's pet dogs and cats. Not to mention the deranged notion that people are executing babies after they are born.

However I do reckon that there is a greater chance that someone's pet will get shot by a republican governor than it will reach the dinner table...
By johnforbes
Here we go again, with Elkin salivating at the notion of getting a kitten on his dinner table.

To be fair, however, it might be the first kitty Elkin has eaten, if you take my meaning...
By elklindo69
I'm not the one who brought it up. Now I hear Trump is claiming the immigrants are taking away the geese. Well the Canada geese are illegals anyway so let's go and round them all up.
By johnforbes
Dana Walden, a Disney exec with oversight of ABC, is a lifelong friend of Kamala's.

Her sorority sister was one of the "journalists" there.

An ABC whistleblower has revealed that Kamala was given sample questions and assured that Trump would be "fact-checked" but she would not.

To be fair, she needed help as a low IQ person, but then -- to be even more fair -- that same is true of Elkin.
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21 Lies

Mr Forbes, despite his tan and taut physique, is a[…]

Emotional Support

Dana Walden, a Disney exec with oversight of ABC, […]

Save the Kittens

You can't lick a good kitty discussion. For sure,[…]