Political discussions about everything
By Clownkicker
Who Should Be President?

Should it be the obese, old, sickly-pale-faced-fake-tan, self-proclaimed would-be dictator Trump?


Someone fit and better looking than Trump? After all, appearances is how johnforbes is judging people, as we see here.

So let's judge them on appearance, johnny.

https://media.gettyimages.com/id/163273 ... h99ZkbjQk=
https://media.gettyimages.com/id/158766 ... KgnxRuuaQ=
https://x.com/photowhitehouse/status/12 ... ehead-hair

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/gal ... n-pictures
By johnforbes
He has a golf tan, but that is not germane because a president is not gonna be the health secretary.

That would be somebody else, like for example the obese guy pretending to be a chick...

To be fair, Clown's health guru is Governor Pritzker.
By Clownkicker
"He has a golf tan..."-johnfoibles <--- :laugh: Hilarious, johnny.

The only tan Trump has is a rub-on chemical tan, you moron. That's why his face always looks orange (unless you think it's jaundice?) and the rest of his skin looks a sickly pale white.

Trump is too clinically obese, too sickly, too mentally ill, and too old to be President, and johnforbes agrees with all of that.

He's just too big a pussy to say it out loud.
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21 Lies

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Emotional Support

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