Exhibitionists meet here!
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By uninhibitedone4u
Hello Everyone. I'm an avid exhibitionist, and a voyeur that loves to show off, as well as to watch others showing off. I live in the Columbia area, but I'm willing to travel throughout the local area for the right opportunities. If you're interested in either watching, or being watched, please let me know. Thank you
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By heretoplay
Try parks that you can visit after dark. Lots of couples go to those places to talk, walk, make out, and have sex. If you find someone just chill at a safe distance and try not to stare. I have found that a lot of folks want to be watched but either have;n articulated it to their partner or aren't ready for close up guests. It takes time and patience.
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By shavednudy
I am passavle for a female at night, in the right outfit.

I have worn a jean skirt and tank top and used a bungee cord to sexure my dildo to a park bench that has a middle armrest. I juat simply step up in the bench seat, slide down on my dildo and start bouncing as a car drives by about 200 feet away. I have had quite a few stop and make comments in regards to thinking i am a female. Only 1 time did i bring myself to cum while being watched, but never approached. I had to let out a couple of deliberate high picltched squeals to be more convincing.

It qas awesome!!!
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