Exhibitionists meet here!
By nkddrvrtx
Hoping to put together a little flash party like a scavenger hunt, but where you will capture photos of you flashing. Could be tons of fun...
By VWSupport
nkddrvrtx wrote:Hoping to put together a little flash party like a scavenger hunt, but where you will capture photos of you flashing. Could be tons of fun...
Sounds like a lot of fun....sad to say I'm all the way in New York. Would love to see the photos though!
By Superguy
Kiki wrote:
nkddrvrtx wrote:Hoping to put together a little flash party like a scavenger hunt, but where you will capture photos of you flashing. Could be tons of fun...
Sounds like a lot of fun....sad to say I'm all the way in New York. Would love to see the photos though!
I will be in NYC from 7/26 (LGA 9:05 PM) until 7/30 (LGA 1:45 PM). We will be moving around a lot. In Manhattan on the 27th, then on to Poughkeepsie for two days. PM me if ya wanna get a drink and talk.
By VWSupport
Superguy wrote:
Kiki wrote:
nkddrvrtx wrote:Hoping to put together a little flash party like a scavenger hunt, but where you will capture photos of you flashing. Could be tons of fun...
Sounds like a lot of fun....sad to say I'm all the way in New York. Would love to see the photos though!
I will be in NYC from 7/26 (LGA 9:05 PM) until 7/30 (LGA 1:45 PM). We will be moving around a lot. In Manhattan on the 27th, then on to Poughkeepsie for two days. PM me if ya wanna get a drink and talk.
Will you be out on the Island at all? Hoping things settle down here, as right now I have not left my house since I started at VW :-( If things are better and you will be out by me we will have to chat!
By traveler
I don't want to sound like a smart ass, but the Island is Long Island. And when they say "Are you from the City" it sounds like there is only one city (to them).

So now we know Kiki is from the Island. What part?
From an ex Upstate'er.
By VWSupport
traveler wrote:I don't want to sound like a smart ass, but the Island is Long Island. And when they say "Are you from the City" it sounds like there is only one city (to them).

So now we know Kiki is from the Island. What part?
From an ex Upstate'er.
Not going to lie, your post brought a smile to my face. Spoken like a true New Yorker. Sorry to not give you specifics on where, but I'd like to retain some sense of mystery :D
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