Exhibitionists meet here!
By debonair
I didn't see any gnats this time. He was cleaning the pool when I got there. it wasn't perfect but it was ok...I guess he didn't finish since I was there. Also he didn't say much to me just asked how the water felt and cut grass the entire time...That the only thing I don't like is that constant grass cutting and weedeating all day.
By Hpyhusband
Wife and just got into Perdido for the week. Usually go for walks in the morning starting at the last walkway you can park at. We usually pick up trash as we walk, say hello.
By debonair
Timbers I was out there today and didn't see you. if was cool but lots of jelly fish. The purple sign was out. there was 2 beautiful ladies out topless and a few guys.
By Timbrs
I was only out there til around 3pm. It was a beautiful day. Hpyhusband and his beautiful wife were picking up trash. Very pleasant sight. Planning on going again tomorrow.(wed)
By bullycouple
Anybody know what happen at JB today? We were leaving between 11:30 and 12 and as I was walking to get the car I was meet by several emergency vehicles. It must have just happen as we walked back to the circle.
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By ndbeachcpl
We were out yesterday. As others have commented, it was really quiet once past the camping sign and it was HOT. Really, really hot. We didn't have any problems with flies, and saw only a few people. Even the usual beach walkers didn't come down past the camping sign. It was nice, in a way, to have it so quiet, but it's always nice to see and meet new folks too.

Hey, maybe the hottest weather is about over and things can get back to normal.
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By ndbeachcpl
Bullycouple, I think she spoke to you briefly. I didn't have a chance, but hello to you.

TnT, you can get Cactus Juice at Ace Hardware, just over the bridge in Pcola from Perdido. Turn west on Innerarity Point Road, to 13650 Innerarity.
By Hpyhusband
Another great week in Perdido Key! We love Johnson beach and look forward to our vacation here every year. All of the regulars were really nice to us as we walked the beach but we did have one family from LA ask us why we picked up trash on our walk back. the next day we picked up a whole bag where they had their tent, some people do not get it.

We are going to try to start coming multiple times a year starting this fall.

The old guy and his wife
By nakedfisherman
I do not know why, but the flies are brutal and resistant to all concoctions of bug repellent about 10 minutes after you put it on.
But be warned, if the wind is coming out of due north and it is hot (like 85+) the flies are at their worst. They slack off as the wind cones out of northeast or northwest.
When it is from any other direction you only have an occasional deer/yellow fly to contend with.
There have been times with a north wind in the morning and you spend all your time twirling a tee shirt around to keep the flies off of you. Then within minutes of a change in wind direction closer to east or west, they disappear.
I find the commercial bug sprays to be useless.
Instead I wipe down with scented clothes dryer sheets, like Bounce. And if real desperate, wipe down with white vinagar.
Yes you smell like a pickle but maybe your lady will get ideas.
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By SeanSteinbeck
Banana Boat tanning oil - at any SPF level - will keep the flies off you. They can't stand it for some reason. It's the only thing that works short of hosing yourself down with DEET every ten minutes. It also smells nicer and is fun to apply.
By debonair
Those flies just ran me away! I couldn't take it anymore. it was like 20-30 around me all at once... it was all everyone that passed us talked about. Everyone kept asking if we had a better idea.

Also when I arrived yesterday around 4-5ish it was 2 couples past the camping sign nude in their chairs and got up to go to the water. By the time they had gotten to the water the patrol guy came up to us and was persistent into trying to get us to say that they were bothering us. We told him no three times and he still was like I'm going over there anyway. So he went over there and caught them getting out of the water and made one guy walk and the 2 ladies and the other guy packed up all their stuff and rode with him back up there...They talked for a long time though

he also stayed on his radio the entire time.
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By ndbeachcpl
Sounds like Ranger Duncan was trying to get a witness against the naked people. Without a civilian witness, one willing to testify, he cannot make the distruring the peace citation stick. He's been told to back off unless he has such a witness because the courts are tired of dismissing the charges and wasting judicial resources.

On another note, I think we know those folks. Did they have a large medium blue umbrella?
By beachguy60
I just got a message from one of the couples and she said they were handcuffed and arrested and their car impounded. She said that guy said he was going to stop all the nude sunbathing down there. Power hungry asshole with a badge.
By popeyemorgan
just looked up the arrest, shows three charges of 31-0 DISORDERLY CONDUCT (INCL. NOISE). All misdemeanors and will be quickly dismissed.

What a load of crap. did they know the beach rules? Who were they anyway. Was this there first time on the beach?
By popeyemorgan
He has to prove one thing in court: how this incident was danger to the community.

Is a BS charge they use on protesters and anyone who pisses them off.

I can beat it in a phone call
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By ndbeachcpl
We do know them, and I sincerely hope that they will fight the charges. Florida law clearly states that a charge of disturbing the peace MUST be accompanied by a complaint from someone not in law enforcement. In this case, that seems to be entirely lacking.

Of course 'Dudley Do-Right' Duncan knows that as well, but he's in this for the harassment and intimidation value, and to feed his own megalomania. People like this are what's so very wrong with law enforcement today. No officer's personal values, opinions, and interests should ever be allowed to supersede applicable laws.

Were it me, I would not hesitate to bring false arrest charges against him. With good representation, I believe the claim would be uphead. It would never come to a trail, however, as there is absolutely no way the Escambia County District Attorney would take that gamble. The potential repercussions could be serious, and expensive as well.

For the record, this is not offered as legal advice. And yes, I do have a law degree.

Popeye, the couple we know are weekend regulars at JB and, from what we've seen, have been pretty careful in the past. Perhaps they had an momentary lapse in judgement, or just didn't see Duncan. He can be a sneaky sob, as some of us have observed.

Frankly, it doesn't matter. In legal terms, the arrests were made without cause or merit, and that in itself is illegal.
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debonair you guys should offer to be witnesses that it was actually the Ranger that was disturbing you guys with his repetitive questions. You could also verify that there was no one else on the beach (if that is true).
By debonair
I would do that if they need it that's no problem at all, because I really just want him to stop...He snuck up behind us so fast we didn't even notice till he got close to us... That could have been us if they weren't there. They should not have been so close to the sign though that would be scary for me because lots of campers stop right there after that long walk with all their camping equipment. Right after they left a family of four with two kids got right in their spot and camped out.
By nakedfisherman
TanTay is an asshole. He is the one that was trying to sneak up behind two couples before the camping sign two months ago. I saw him as I was walking out and told them he was back there hoping to catch them nude.
He saw me pointing at them.
Then he buzzed over to me and ragged on about me pointing him out.
I thought tuff shit dude.
I offered him my wrists to cuff.

He said he hoped that I went out there and got naked so he could then arrest me.

I know of two girls that got a disturbing the peace arrest last year.
Cost them about $2500 each with fines court costs etc.
Charges were not dismissed because they were from out of town.
Which is who they like to arrest,.
By Titfreak
Unfortunately with 2 different cops harassing beach goers, it sounds as though JB is no longer what one might call a "nude friendly" beach area. All those miles of shore and they can't leave even one small area alone.

Sad little men....
By nakedfisherman
I do not remember their names, but I think they are usually by themselves well before the camping sign. She will go topless. They use to drag a sled.
Lately they were going into and past the camping sign to get nude though.
They are retired, she is a redhead?
If that is them, they might very well fight the charges as they are also local.
By popeyemorgan
How was it this weekend? We spent the weekend up at Riviera with fiends for our get together. Kind of nice having all the naked women around. just hard to find a quiet place for a quick fuck with all the people around.

any news on the ones who got the tickets?
By Titfreak
I could use a little help from some of you regulars if you don't mind.
We have a friend in the area that Leggs likes to sometimes send dirty pics to. :o
We lost his contact number in an unexpected phone swap a few months back.
I've tried a few other methods to re-gain his info but haven't had much luck.

He's a regular on JB, many know him as "the guy with the ugly bike". Anyone that's spent much time there will likely know who I'm talking about. I would love for someone to get word to him that we'd like him to contact us ~ via text would be easiest I suppose. If you have any doubts as to who I'm referring I'd be glad to share other info through pm's or email.

Thanks in advance for your help.

By debonair
Titfreak wrote:I could use a little help from some of you regulars if you don't mind.
We have a friend in the area that Leggs likes to sometimes send dirty pics to. :o
We lost his contact number in an unexpected phone swap a few months back.
I've tried a few other methods to re-gain his info but haven't had much luck.

He's a regular on JB, many know him as "the guy with the ugly bike". Anyone that's spent much time there will likely know who I'm talking about. I would love for someone to get word to him that we'd like him to contact us ~ via text would be easiest I suppose. If you have any doubts as to who I'm referring I'd be glad to share other info through pm's or email.

Thanks in advance for your help.

I tried looking but I haven't seen anyone on a bike lately
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By ndbeachcpl
Titfreak, I think you're probably talking about Cosmo. He was there almost every weekday, and always sat right at the front edge of the dunes. We haven't seen him at all since Spring. We've asked, but no one seems to know where he is or if he's still ok.

That seems to be the case with a lot of the people who used to be regulars at JB. Kind of sad, really.
By debonair
I haven't been since the day I camped out...I am going to get one of those umbrellas that covers on 3 sides and lays on the ground with the windows for the next time I go.
By nakedfisherman
The Park Nazi arrested one couple on Aug. 2nd (3pm) for "BRAWLING FIGHTING CORRUPT PUBLIC MORAL DECENCY"
They are from New Orleans
It appears he pleaded "no contest" to a reduced charge of "disturbing the peace" and was given "PRE-TRIAL DIVERSION/INTERVENTION [H]".
Appears her charge was also reduced to same as his but she filed to dismiss with a court date late Sept.

The two couples in the picture above have plead not guilty and demanding a jury trial on charges of "BRAWLING FIGHTING CORRUPT PUBLIC MORAL DECENCY".
They have a court date in first week of Oct.

Debonair....you should contact their lawyer as a supporting witness as to how the officer tried so hard to get you to "complain" on the couples above. Their attorneys name is RATCHFORD JR, FRED THOMAS .

It would be a big milestone if the court found the Park Service to be arresting people with false charges because they can not arrest them for being nude. etc.
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