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By Annie
So much for the moon pic was sideways and I couldn't get it to post right so I deleted it
By Annie
Here's one of my favorite memories from a party. He's trying to get a handful of pussy and I'm hanging on to it blocking him. Don't sound like fun to some - especially the girls but it was a fun night.
By DangerousDi
Was it your husband or someone else?
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By rockclimber
I love this picture! Definitely a good idea of a little black dress!

So you have to tell us what the story is behind it because its hot as hell!

Purty please??
By Annie
It's a long story and most of the pics are blurry. To make it short my hubby had a friend of his that he knew that I liked to man-handle and molest me at a party. Hubby took pics and giggled the whole time while I was trying to protect my private parts in front of everyone. The whole time I enjoyed it though and I was getting turned on. Here's where he first grabbed me and the wrestling match was on. I had a glass of wine and was at a disadvantage.
By Annie
I got the glass of wine put down and pulled me up and kissed me on the neck. I guess hubby told him I like that.
By Annie
Then the old song Brick House started playing and he spun me around and pulled both my dress straps down at the same time and we started dancing a little along with still kind of mutual molestation.
By Annie
We danced a little and things were really getting heated by now and I didn't care if he totally undressed me.
By Annie
Then he spun me around again and pulled my top plum down and we did the ol-bump. I could feel him getting hard so I really bumped the hell out of him. He couldn't have been any more turned-on than I was. I was really working him over as he thought he was doing to me I guess
By Annie
To this day I think he got off in his undies because he pulled me up real fast and grabbed me real tight and started kissing my neck again.
By Annie
Then he said he had to go and left. Leaving me all worked up and frustrated.... that's the story in a nut shell rockcimber and Di. I just got me another glass of wine. Later that week he and hubby told me that they had planned that just to mess with me. Later at another party he and I did hook up
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By rockclimber
Awesome Annie!

What a sexy series. I like the last shot, I can imagine your well satiated smile.....

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By Thinker
I don't think she was sated at all. Rather gushing wet and nothing to slide in. Surprised we did not see a final photo of her covering her snatch, but this time she is working her clit.
By IndyFun1977
That was hot to read...I remember days like ex and I used to play like was that ever fun. ;-)
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By Thinker
You never have to have blue balls. I'll be first to give you release once you get worked up and are abandoned.
By Annie
You're too far away T. Indy hubby was always pulling stuff like that on me with his buddies and our friends. They and hubby knew that I enjoyed putting the tease on them with the way I dressed so at times they'd mess with me and leave me hanging. Sometimes it ended like this then other times we'd end up in a pile having sex.
Here's the pic of how I looked while he was telling me he needed to go. Ruffle me up then leave :x
By Superone
I had pictures from 22 to 70 of my wife, polariods, printed, phot0 shoots with pro, floppy disc, and memory cards. Some of my select friends saw them but wife one day decided that we needed to destroy all so children would not find if something happened to us. Broke my heart! She did have a FB for a while (32 years) that took some and my guess is he still has them?
By Annie
Superone I've been thinking about destroying all my pics too. I have young friend that has asked me for them. I may give them to her. Don't know yet. She's a little hottie too. I'll post a pic of us two together. This was at one our little get togethers where we'd get stripped down and what ever happened would just happen if ya know what I mean.
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By rockclimber

I think you would regret destroying them.

Save them on three secure USB or SD cards if you wish but I suspect you would find the loss bothersome at some point.

Jeny had some insightful comments about the pleasure of posting and being able to look back.

Browse her thread if you like, she put it far better than I could.

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By Thinker
I agree that you are both hotties. I wonder what did "just happen?" Must be good stories there!
By Annie
We had fun T but don't have any pics of the action just the before. once hubby got busy that night he wasn't worried about any pics. I was 48 and she 27 he enjoyed her.
rockclimber I've put them on a flash drive but just thinking about kids and grandkids getting them at some point and wonder what they'll think about ol granny n pop.
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By monkeycoi
Annie wrote:I like wearing that little top under a shirt or light jacket when it's cool outside. Y'all think these shorts are too tight?
Love to see the inside world of that li'l top under when it's cool inside and need some warmth...

---monkey lover @
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By monkeycoi
Annie wrote:I like wearing that little top under a shirt or light jacket when it's cool outside. Y'all think these shorts are too tight?
Love to see the inside world of that li'l top under when it's cool inside and need some warmth...

---monkey lover @
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By monkeycoi
Annie wrote:I like wearing that little top under a shirt or light jacket when it's cool outside. Y'all think these shorts are too tight?
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By monkeykoys
That pics you on yellow dress #Annie turns me on and not bothering the age you have now...Congrats for even the bigger the number you are but it's like just as sweet as your early 20's the smile you wear in your pics... Just want you to know I'm having fun of your pics.
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By monkeycoi
Jbe wrote:Annie, you STILL look good after these years! :mrgreen: Feel free to keep sharing! I'll keep looking.

Perfectly advised...Keep going both wpuld love to see your comment. Babooosh
By linesweet
i cant see any pictures-

Im not a granny jet. but i have pictures posing from age 14 til now 38. no naked pictures until age 18,,
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By Thinker
Your picture of you when you were 18 does not show up for me. However, wouldn't that just be your profile picture?
By linesweet
funny!! it did in the preview!! very strange?!?!

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