A place to share your sexy stories
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By canepar
My best friend (female) loved shopping at a small store near our office due to the fact that the clothes were not expensive.

She went into one of the two dressing rooms while I was looking something like a guys’ section (only belts and ties) and then I sat on a comfortable sofa and checked my phone. When she went out, she called me to ask my opinion on what she was wearing. She looked awesome with that light blue sundress. In fact everything fitted perfect on her.

She told me to wait there since she would try the same dress in another color. She had just gone into the cubicle and I was waiting outside and we were chatting while she was going to change. I then noticed that, due to the light inside, the curtain was fully see-through and left nothing to the imagination!!! The cute dress came over her head and I got a view of my friend in her bra and panties and she had no idea!!! I convinced her to check two more dresses that day.

We went back to this store three times more until one day it was gone. She told me that she would miss that place but I have missed it more than her!!
By WickedWonder
Once we were in an expensive store and my wife wanted to try on a new bathing suite. She went in the changing room and tried it on. I noticed no one was around and as she went back in after showing me, I slipped in with her. Waited for her to take off the bathing suite and bent her over the bench. When we came out. The lady whom oversees that area, just smiled at us. She knew what we did.
Another time I was getting fitted for a tux for my buddies wedding. The lady came walking right in the changing room to measure me. She insisted I take off the pants so she could get a better measurement. I told her I didn't wear underwear. She smiled and told me it was alright, she didn't either and showed me. NO! she was too old for me then.
By Funstuff
When she measured for your tux did you measure up? :)
I never knew they measured that part for tux fitting. I have been missing out
By WickedWonder
Funstuff, you never had the inner seam measured? Usually they go from your crotch to your ankle to see how long the legs need to be. No I didn't measure up. She wasn't that good looking for me to take my pants off. I might add, I go to custom tux shops. We don't have those walk-in tux shops around here.
By Funstuff
I was joking about "that part" was referring to your dick. Yes I have had my inseam measured many times. One time when I was in my early teens I had a very attractive girl measuring my inseam when my dick decided to show its appreciation. Talk about being embarrassed I must have turned ten shades of red. She just grinned a bit but never said anything about it. The worst part was I had to try o several different pairs of slacks and I could not get my boner to go away. I think she made me try on several different pairs because she was enjoying my torment, at least that is what it felt like to me.
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By Thinker
Funstuff, it may have been torment back then, but I bet you would love to have that happen to you today.
By Biguns
I have had many wonderful experiences with dressing rooms. Years ago, my husband and I went for a 3 day get away to the Florida coast. It was in the mid 80's and I packed our clothes accordingly. That first afternoon an unexpected cold front came through. I had not packed for cold weather. We ask the hotel clerk where we could find some warm clothes. She told us the only thing open at that time of evening was K-marts. We headed over and found us some clothes. As we were headed toward the checkout counter we passed the swimsuits. My husband picked up a skimpy tie side bikini and ask me to try it on for him. SInce the store was almost empty I went in and put it on. I whispered out and ask if anyone was around. He told me the coast was clear and I came out and modeled for him. I even took time to look in the full length mirror outside the dressing room. In the meantime while I was changing clothes my husband Had picked out a skimpy night gown for me to try on. I went through the same ritual as before. When I came out this time I noticed in the mirror that everything was visible through the thin material After trying on several more outfits for my husband, we put up the clothes I had tried on and headed for the checkout. We paid and headed out of the store. My husband was stopped as we were getting in the car by two college age young men. He finally got in the car and handed me the sack the young men handed him. It seems they had been hiding over behind one counter watching me. My husband knew they were there but never told me. They purchased the night gown they liked the best for me. My husband told them to follow us to hotel and wait. If it was ok for them to come up for a chat he would have me walk out on hotel balcony with the night gown on. I put it on and stepped out in freezing cold to wave them in. I must say the cold had my nipples poking way out when they entered the hotel room. They stayed and chatted for over and hour. I thought their eyes would pop out before they left. My husband assured me I was the talk of campus the next day. It was fun for me and husband.
By Pink
I haven't had any really sexy experiences with dressing rooms but this comes close I think. Back in 1995 my husband and I shouted ourselves a holiday at Surfers Paradise. Unfortunately my swim suit was about 3 years old and against all the beautiful people on the beach it was showing its age so I demanded hubby take me swim suit shopping.
We found a store on the water front and went in. I wanted a 1 piece but hubby said if he's paying it will be a bikini so we picked 3 or 4 and I went to try them on. There was no one around when I went into the dressing room so I racked up my courage and stepped out to show hubby and see what he thinks. Hubby was beaming and said it would be hard to beat. It was a light blue bikini and as I was parading for him 3 young men came in with a young girl doing the same, shopping. One young man commented that my suit matched my eyes. I saw hubby lift his eyes and he said "yeah it does". MEN. My hubby hadn't even noticed that, all he saw was his half naked wife prancing in front of him.
I changed into the 2nd bikini, this one yellow I think, and even briefer. My audience approved but another couple had shown up, a man and wife and more mature although the wife was stunning. The husband had a big grin when he saw me and the wife an amused smile when she saw what was happening. It turned out the young girl trying on swimwear was their daughter and the young men their sons.
I went in to try on another bikini, this one was an Australian flag style. Union Jack on the right breast, Southern Cross on the left and the State Star on the pants. My husband said yes, the 3 young men stood and saluted and the last just nodded and smiled. They all agreed I should get that one. The wife however said NO. She said just wait there a minute and she ran off. She came back with a light beige one piece and said this one is screaming for your body.
I tried it on and had to admit I looked bloody good in it. It was very high cut at the legs, side less with a see through piece between the breasts. When hubby saw it his jaw dropped. He said I looked beautiful in it, very classy was his next words. The 3 young men went "awesome" together and their father said I was just like his wife at my age. The wife said something to him and he just nodded, never taking his eyes off me.
Well to my surprise hubby bought it, it cost more than all my other cloths put together, I couldn't believe the price tag. But it was a great choice. I received many appreciative glances over the next week and hubby was proud as punch walking me up and down the beach, showing me off every day. My confidence lifted and I really enjoyed wearing it.
I never saw that lady again but I really do owe her one.
By Shardog
We were out having dinner and hanging out when we came across a Thrift
store with a lot of clothes and so on. My wife wanted to take a look so in we went.
She was dressed nicely with a skirt about up to her knees, a thong underneath,
a nice low cut top and a very sexy pair of high heels.

She found a bunch of things she liked so I told her to try them on. The dressing room
had a curtain and was just behind the counter where you pay and facing the rear of
the store. At first I didn't think anything of it until she walked in and I saw that there were
3 mirrors. One on the wall facing the rear of the store, one on the side wall facing the
back of the dressing room and a full length mirror like you would hang on the inside of
a closet door. That one was just leaning against the corner, not against either wall but
right into the corner. I noticed right away that that mirror was placed there for a reason,
you could easily see the "dressee" if the curtain was left open a couple inches.

My wife had some drinks with dinner and was feeling good and went along with the "game".
I looked around the store to see who would be the lucky one to get a view. There wasn't
really anyone there but a lady or two. They looked around and left, just a couple guys left that
worked in the store. They were busy and didn't make any overt moves to get a look, although
they were watching my wife every time she came out to "model" for me what she was trying on. Most
of which were pretty short sun dresses. She looked great with the high heels and these little summer dresses.

Finally there was a guy that was looking through the mens clothes and noticed. He made a
bee line towards the dressing room. I had left the curtain open about 6 inches or so to make the
view a good one. I was checking out the view quite a few times myself from different angles and
you could see it all. There were 2 mirrors that gave a great view, the one on the wall and the
one leaning in the corner. My wife was in her heels and a red thong, no bra going from dress to dress.
She took her time hanging them on the hanger before going on to the next dress.

The guy was in his mid to late 50's, a "mad scientist" looking guy with frizzy grey hair and glasses. Once I saw him
making his move towards the dressing room I moved down the next isle like I was looking at
some clothes. His intentions were obvious he first stood looking right into the opening of
the curtain. I moved into position to see what he was seeing. A very nice side view of my wife
with only her thong on and her heels. My wife was in her mid 30's but looks more like mid-20's.
She has fantastic legs, I mean real eye catchers and a nice ass. She looked great standing there hanging up the dress.
There was a stand with music CD's on it right next to the dressing room curtain. He then moved
over to make it look like he was looking at the CD's. It was hard to get the same view but I am
pretty sure he was now getting the real look, not a view in the mirror. He was getting a nice
look at her bending over and getting her legs into the next summer dress. He then moved back
towards the opening in the curtain. This time he just about had his face 3 or 4 inches from the

From that close he was treated to a full view. I quickly made my way over to him so my
wife didn't get scared of his boldness. I was right behind him and taller then him. He was seeing
an amazing sight. In the mirror was my wife pulling up the sun dress, no bra with a great view of
her tits. She has nice B cups with fantastic brown nipples about the size of chocolate chip cookies.
It took him a while to even notice that I was right up behind him, he was mesmerized by the view.
To tell you the truth so was I !!!

Once he noticed me he quickly moved back to the CD's once again kneeling down as if he was looking
for some music. All the while still stealing peeks through the opening of the curtain.
I made a comment out loud about there being CD's there also. My wife answered me
and I made a comment that there was a Beatles best of album. I wanted to see if he would try to make
conversation. I was going to ask him if he liked the view and that it was OK to take another look. But I guess
I scared him off, he quickly made his way out the door.
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By Thinker
Dressing rooms always allow for "accidental" exposures. You naturally have to undress so people can peek. You just have to make sure the curtain doesn't close totally. I bet your wife got really excited about being viewed.
By AnonAnon
Depending on the store, you can take a lot of liberties with dressing rooms. Most of the time, my wife just strips down naked before she tries on dresses and doesn't care who gets a look, but one time I almost laughed was when the store owner of a handmade leather good stores held up a jacket for my wife to try on and she shrugged off the bulky top was wearing and stood their topless for him to put the jacket on. He didn't flinch as he slid the jacket on and didn't linger when she took it off to put her own top back on.
By Shardog
Thats awesome. Of course he was being professional, I am sure he loved the view.
By AnonAnon
He was behind her, so the view wasn't full-on. She was facing the front of the store, but there wasn't anyone else in the store nor anyone looking in. When she took it off, he was already at the register at the front and she was facing the back of the store. She did it so naturally, like she was trying it on at home, that it was kind of funny, but at the same time stunning.
By Biguns
Anon I love the jacket story. I can imagine the clerks reaction while he slid the coat on her topless bodies. I don't know how many remember when the body shop first opened but the dressing rooms had doors that were made like car doors. I went in one that had the dressing rooms elevated from the rest of the floor. It had a sign asking men not to go up to the dressing room but many did. The thing with the doors was that anybody tall could look right in at you. I always found that thrilling and use to try on clothes just so men could get a look. One day I was trying on a very skimpy 1 piece swimsuit. I had it on and was pulling the top up when a very tall gentleman walked by with his wife. He looked over the top and smiled. I dropped the straps and let the top drop and shook them for him. He smiled and his wife pulled him on to another stall. She was too short to see what he was seeing, but I am positive she had to see the smile on his face. My husband watched the incident from the store floor. He said the look on the man's face and the woman's reaction were both priceless.
And thanks anon, you are one of the few that will contribute regularly to keep this board going. I enjoy the board but wish more would participate in telling their adventures.
By AnonAnon
Biguns, thanks for the response. Sounds like your husband has a fun attitude to your exposure and that you enjoy it.

I'm pretty sure the owner of the store enjoyed the experience, because his attitude, which was distantly professional to begin with, turned friendly after. I think his stand-offish attitude while working with what was a fantastic jacket design worth a little more passion was what made my wife want to inject some fun into the process. My wife has small Bs with erect nipples so when they appear they are very engaging to the viewer and she knows it and reflects the same attitude. That particular jacket design is quite sexy and she usually wears naked underneath of with a bra she intends to let show a little. The entire store is a bit edgy, so a show like that can be considered as partaking of the atmosphere.
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By canepar
I went with mi best friend (female) to the mall. Since I owed Valeria her birthday gift I offered her to buy there. She chose, of course, clothes. Valeria is pretty slim and is very confident regarding her figure.

We entered in a small store which sold dresses. She was ten minutes deciding which she would try. Finally she decided for three fashion ones. There were two dressing rooms at the back of the store and she got into the second booth since the first one was occupied.

I was waiting against the clothes rack, near this first one, when the woman inside there opened the curtain to leave but she left it opened. The division of the two cubicles was another curtain made of the same material of the others but there was a gap of about 5 centimeters to the back wall, which was a mirror. Suddenly I discovered that from my position, you could see Valeria in the reflection of the mirror standing there in just something like a white chemise and yellow panties. She tried another dress and soon she took it off and stood there in her undies looking at the last one. So I got great view of her changing and she had no idea. She came out to browse again and asked my naively if I was in a hurry or if she could pick more things to try. Of course I encouraged her to do what she wanted. I had all the time she needed!!!
By Jocko64
Great stories, all of them, I was fortunate to be married to a woman who hat beautiful legs and body and very pretty. She loved to shop and spend money on clothes and I was able to provide her with this luxury. It started when she was in late thirties till age 70, she loved to have me along and show me the clothes before she bought them. It was always a great time. Sometimes she would heave curtains or door ajar so I could watch her change, sometimes there would be an audience like one time at VS and we got asked to stop because some guys wife bitched about it. She never wore panties (was shaved) and her bras were always sheer or shelf. Shoe shopping with her was fun also.

One time we were in Destin Florida at an outlet mall and she wa looking for a bathing suite, we were with another couple, women trying on clothes, my buddies wife did not come out to model, mine did because she was very proud of her body. First she come out wearing a one piece bathing suit that was cut very high on legs, and had deep plunging neckline with zipper that went all the way below belly button. It was black and she was beautiful in it and twirled around so I go good look, barely covered her ass cheeks. My buddy was like WOW ! Then she stand in front of us and zips front all the way down showing her firm tits on the sides and my friend looked like he was going to drool. She tried a couple more on no as impressive (he wife has not showed us any yet). The last one wife came out in was a string bikini that the top just covered the nipple and bottom showed it all. She bought the first and last. His wife bought an ugly one piece. She had a good body and my buddy was pissed at her because she would never buy sexy clothes. She changed a few years later thanks to my wife.

My wife had some great times wearing both of those bathing suites but those are other stories.
By AnonAnon
Love a confident woman.

My wife's favorite bathing suit is a tiny bikini and despite them being skimpy and usually exposing her when she is swimming or getting in and out of the water in them, she remains very partial to them. We were visiting friends near a beach once and the girls were modeling some bikinis for us. My wife came out in a new one that was so small, a length of landing strips showed above it. "It's a little small," she said, with no obvious embarrassment at all. She shows off her landing strip a lot on the water, but something about doing it so unselfconsciously when not on the water was very sexy.
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By SweetStephanie
I always leave the curtains slightly open when I try on clothes. I love catching guys and girls peek at me, turns me on so much!
By Jocko64
Sweet Steph, my wife same way, she loved giving shows, Kicked us out of VS one time (with an apology) because one guys wife saw what was going on and went to manager
By AnonAnon
A store clerk once asked my wife if she realized how transparent her shirt was. My wife pointed to a long pendant she had on and said, "I wear this to distract from that." They both giggled uncontrollably after.
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