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By RealJustme
Elk, not a bad sort, wouldn't mind having a beer with him, he's just confused and needs to be detoxed from the koolaid
By Clownkicker
johnforbes is too stupid to understand that his tribute threads are just more johnforbes idiocy.

johnny actually believes he's making some kind of point. :lol:

obviously, johnforbes is a doody head.
By elklindo69
johnforbes wrote:Thoughts?

Let's be polite as we remind young Elkin of his idiocy.

Re: MO Police Officer caught on tape harrassing blacks
Postby johnforbes » Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:11 pm

Nearly three-fourths of black births are illegitimate.

There are more black men in prison today then were ever enslaved in the south of the US.

Black males make up less than 6% of the nation’s population but nearly half of its murders, rapes, and robberies.

Welfare dependency is at an all time high.

Lare numbers of black teenagers are graduating high school with poor reading, writing, and math skills.

Before you criticize a whole segment of humanity, perhaps you may want to pay greater attention to detail and utilize the free spell check function that is available.

By johnforbes
Nearly three-fourths of black births are illegitimate.

There are more black men in prison today then were ever enslaved in the south of the US.

Black males make up less than 6% of the nation’s population but nearly half of its murders, rapes, and robberies.

Welfare dependency is at an all time high.

Large numbers of black teenagers are graduating high school with poor reading, writing, and math skills.
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By RealJustme
Nearly three-fourths of black births are illegitimate.

There are more black men in prison today then were ever enslaved in the south of the US.

Black males make up less than 6% of the nation’s population but nearly half of its murders, rapes, and robberies.

Welfare dependency is at an all time high.
The sad fact is, the United States would be a safer and more prosperous Country without blacks. Now that may hurt some people's little PC ears but it's a fact, so what we should look for are solutions to the problems within the black community rather than excuses. Currently under the accepted norms within the black community a child born black is destined to be left behind unless they stand on their own two feet and be an American instead of a "African" American with all the chains that come with it.
By johnforbes
That is the destructive element of the modern grievance industry.

Everything is "poor pitiful me" because of America's history of slavery.

And, instead of dealing with the real problem of why Brown wasn't getting in shape for football season, or reading a book, or doing anything other than stealing cigars to use as shells for illegal drugs, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and Obama spend their time blaming others.
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By RealJustme
And, instead of dealing with the real problem of why Brown wasn't getting in shape for football season, or reading a book, or doing anything other than stealing cigars to use as shells for illegal drugs, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and Obama spend their time blaming others.
Sharpton, Jackson and Obama aren't stupid people, they're just evil. They pretend their are no problem within the black communities and stroke the fires of racial hatred rather than addressing the real problems head on so that future blacks can better themselves. As a black to escape your chains you have very limited choices if you want to be prosperous:

1- Become a politician and play the race game
2- Become a hired race baiter like Jackson and Sharpton
3- Stand on your own two feet and reject number 1 and 2 as your advisors on what you should do and believe.
By johnforbes
The really sad thing, for America, is that Obama had a chance as a 1/2 black fellow to really change the grievance industry.

He could have pointed America toward a "post-racial" future, as he promised.

Instead, Obama is stuck in the same race-baiting nonsense, and black kids are stuck in the same old high unemployment, low education idiocy of hanging around the hood using drugs.
By elklindo69
RealJustme wrote:
Nearly three-fourths of black births are illegitimate.

There are more black men in prison today then were ever enslaved in the south of the US.

Black males make up less than 6% of the nation’s population but nearly half of its murders, rapes, and robberies.

Welfare dependency is at an all time high.
The sad fact is, the United States would be a safer and more prosperous Country without blacks. Now that may hurt some people's little PC ears but it's a fact, so what we should look for are solutions to the problems within the black community rather than excuses. Currently under the accepted norms within the black community a child born black is destined to be left behind unless they stand on their own two feet and be an American instead of a "African" American with all the chains that come with it.
The streets would be safer for pedestrians if neurotic white cops with inferiority complexes were not patrolling the streets.


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