Political discussions about everything
By Clownkicker
Yes, johnny, who best suggests health...

"...his [RFK's] lack of scientific or health policy training, as well as his tendency to promote debunked conspiracy theories like vaccines cause autism, make him ill-suited for the role.

Among his unfounded beliefs, Mr Kennedy has declared WiFi causes cancer, chemicals in water turn children transgender, AIDS is not caused by HIV, Covid was engineered to be 'ethnically targeted' and there is 'no vaccine is safe.'"-johnny's article

If Trump could find one, he would appoint a jungle witch doctor with a brain parasite to the position as long as the guy would kiss Trump's ass with enough gusto.

Perhaps the salient question is "Who best suggests MENTAL health?" (That includes all three of those nutjobs, AND johnforbes.)

johnforbes ridicules Levine's knowledge and competence in the field of health based solely on her appearance, but he has no problem taking wacko health advice from Jabba the Trump.

johnny's medicine cabinet is full of horse Ivermectin, bleach injections, and "Hydroxychloroquine, a drug Trump promoted to treat Covid-19, linked to 17,000 deaths"-Forbes <---(ironic, isn't it)
By sillydaddy
You all have seen the drug commercials on TV... Some of all of those drugs are by prescription only for some of the most serious illnesses on the planet....And the voice over says, " Ask your doctor if (the drug) is right for you.."
At the end of each and every commercial there is rapid hush voice that outlines some of the side effects which are different
for each drug, but there are some catch phrases mentioned over and over . .."may lead to death....changes may be permanent...may cause suicidal thoughts and suicidal actions..!
Just remember, Kenedy isn't telling you this ...this is the drug companies themselves.
By Clownkicker
So you're saying Kennedy isn't "telling us this" and it's scientific information; information from scientific studies?

That's exactly what I've been telling you, silly. Kennedy doesn't tell us scientific facts. He's mostly telling us unscientific, debunked propaganda and unsupported nonsense and conspiracy theories.

If you think you want RFKjr to remove every drug from the U.S. market that has undesirable side effects, then you won't have any medicines left to treat your illnesses. Is that really what you want?

Drugs are dangerous, by their nature. Almost any of them can harm or kill you if misused. The point is not that we shouldn't ever take any drugs. Sometimes we need them and the downside risks are acceptable in most cases. You just need to know the scientific facts in order to balance their benefits with their possible negative effects. RFKjr doesn't do that. He latches onto some nutjob's unsupported propaganda and runs with it, willfully ignoring the science because the science doesn't support his narrative.

To compound the nonsense, Trump has just reinstated a bunch of soldiers and sailors who had been expelled from the military because they refused to be vaccinated against COVID, despite their proven efficacy and very good safety records for the vaccines in trials. We can't have soldiers simply refuse to accept vaccinations based on uninformed personal opinions and against the needs of our military like that. Even G. Washington had soldiers inoculated against smallpox, despite the fact that most soldiers didn't know a thing about the science of inoculations but did know how bad smallpox was and they feared it. There were risks associated with preventive treatments, including giving some few the disease they were intended to prevent, but the Continental Army was getting decimated by the disease that spread like wildfire in camps and barracks, and it had to be stopped or we could have lost the Revolutionary War. Fortunately for you and me, the inoculations worked, despite the risks (which were far greater than the risks of the COVID vaccines.)

COVID took out one of our aircraft carriers (U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt) from battle-ready status when there was an outbreak on board, leaving the ship unable to go to war if needed. The crew had not been vaccinated under Trump. That's just stupid.
The risks associated with the vaccines were (and are) negligible, and far less than the risks associated with NOT getting vaccinated. But the risks associated with being down several fighting ships from a preventable disease are far greater.

When you put that beside the myriad vaccines all military personnel must receive and cannot refuse in order to be deployed for battle around the world, picking out one of the safest to be an exception and allow soldiers to refuse so that grandstanding partisan clowns can make political points while leaving our fighting forces vulnerable to avoidable illnesses is just stupid.

That's why we can't have unsupported, unscientific conspiracy theories deciding what treatments are promoted or available to Americans, and especially to our military. But that is what you are supporting by supporting RFKjr and Trump. Neither of those clowns are scientists and neither of them has any training in medicine. And yet you believe every bit of wacko foolishness that comes out of their mouths.
By johnforbes
RFK has a master's in some enviro topic, and was a clinical law professor.

Clowntoker has an Associate of Arts degree, magma cum dog, from the Southern Alabama Beauty Parlor Academy.
By Clownkicker
See, silly? Even johnforbes admits that RFKjr is unqualified for the job as he has no expertise in the area of vaccines or health care.

Thanks for supporting the case against RFKjr. for Secretary of Health and Human Services, johnny.

johnforbes has finally joined me and Republican Senator Cassidy who are "struggling" with RFK's baffling inability to admit that vaccines are safe and don't actually cause autism.
By johnforbes
Nobody would oppose a true vaccine, but the sad reality is that the mRNA covid shots were not vaccines but RNA gene therapy.

The shots were supposed to prevent covid, stop spread, prevent hospitalization, and stop death therefrom.

All wrong.
By Clownkicker
See, silly? Even johnforbes admited that RFKjr is unqualified for the job as he has no expertise in the area of vaccines or health care.

He had nothing further to say about his admission, so instead he desperately resorted to an ignorant and erroneous diversion away from RFKjr's lack of qualifications; the topic of this thread he himself started.

Are you beginning to see johnny's intellectual impotence now, silly?
By johnforbes
In almost every federal agency, lawyers are in charge.

They say, in medical cases, "Where doctors differ, lawyers decide."

The LLB (since 1970 called a JD with not much logic) is a general "undergrad" 3-year course in law.

But what does a good lawyer do -- look things up.

The best advice is to take advice...
By Clownkicker
johnforbes must be from Psychotic Break Land.

Just two days ago he told us "RFK has a master's in some enviro topic, and was a clinical law professor."
He has already completely forgotten about this statement. I'm worried about johnforbes' fragile mental state.

The utter lack of expertise in vaccines or health care in johnny's listing of RFK's resume led me to state "Even johnforbes admitted that RFKjr...has no expertise in the area of vaccines or health care." which would make RFK glaringly unqualified for a job overseeing vaccines and health care.

johnforbes has provided no additional qualifications of RFKjr. beyond those that make him unqualified to fill the job.

So after pondering the words of Mr Forbes and their implications, one can only conclude that johnforbes admitted that RFKjr is unqualified for the job as he has no expertise in the area of vaccines or health care.

By johnforbes
Mr Forbes has forgotten nothing.

RFK Jr has a master's in some enviro area and was a clinical law professor.

Lawyers are not scientists.

A person with an undergrad law degree -- the old LLB or the current JD -- is a generalist.

That is why lawyers occupy so many executive jobs in the federal government, in the Congress, in the Executive Branch, and so forth.

Richard Levine, a guy pretending to be a girl, was the obese icon for health in Senile Joe's administration.

Sure, to effete flabsters like Clowntoker, he represents an icon of health.
By Clownkicker
See, silly? Even johnforbes admitted once again that RFKjr is unqualified for the job as he has no expertise in the area of vaccines or health care.
By johnforbes
Mr Forbes does not have a MA in some enviro field.

Given bandwidth limitations, Mr Forbes cannot embark upon the task of listing his own graduate education.

But, on the specific topic of medical science, Mr Forbes earned his M.D. from the University of Yahoo, one of the finest cybernetic institutions on the Worldwide Interwebs.

In terms of clinical training, Mr Forbes studied real issues in the real world:

By Clownkicker
See, silly? Even johnforbes admits that he is as unqualified for the job as RFKjr is since he has no more expertise in the area of vaccines or health care than RFKjr. does.
By johnforbes
But, during covid, the mRNA shots were portrayed as "vaccines" even though the mRNA shots did not prevent getting covid, or spreading it, or being hospitalized, or dying of it.
By Clownkicker
See, silly? Even johnforbes admitted he is as unqualified for the job as RFKjr, and then he went on to demonstrate the danger posed by such ignorance by posting partisan foolishness that directly contradicts the medical expertise of JohnsHopkinsMedicine and YaleMedicine about the COVID vaccines.

It is surprising to see johnofbres push back this hard against the lack of qualifications of a Trump appointee.
By johnforbes
This is a timeless debate in the federal government.

Do you want -- or need -- a subject matter expert leading a given agency?

Or do you need a guy who is a lawyer, with the old undergrad law degree of a LLB, which since 1970 has been called a JD?

There are arguments to be made for both, but there is an old saying in the law about medical/scientific disputes: "Where doctors differ, lawyers decide."
By Clownkicker
johnny, there is no significant number of doctors or scientists who disagree about the efficacy and safety of the COVID mRNA vaccines. RFKjr believes unsupported nonsense about them because he has no expertise in the field you want him to administer.

That you would have a lawyer without any expertise in the field make contra-scientific decisions concerning things not disputed by those who hold expertise in the field is just stupid. There IS no argument to made for it. And the fact that you yourself are utterly unable to make an argument for it in RFKjr's case is all the proof we need.

A bunch of silly childish questions do not constitute an argument, dimwit. They constitute a FOXnewscast, which explains why your skull is still so full of mush, despite your incredible claim of having graduated from a law school.
By johnforbes
Mitch McConnell, from his position in a wheelchair, voted against RFK for the health gig.

RFK Jr is not anti-vaccine, although the Left has contended that in its usual dishonesty.

What RFK wanted is what we all should want -- shots that REALLY work, that really are vaccines.

The mRNA shots were gene therapy, and did NOT prevent getting covid, spreading, hospitalization because of covid, or death therefrom.
By Clownkicker
See, silly? After johnforbes admitted he, like RFKjr, is unqualified for the job because he has no expertise in vaccines or healthcare, Dishonestjohn once again claims he is more authoritative on the subject than JohnsHopkinsMedicine and Yale Medicine about vaccines. :/

This illustrates the danger of appointing admittedly unqualified and ignorant clowns who spread utter nonsense about medical treatments when they don't even know what a vaccine is, even after the science has been explained to him by medical researchers and doctors. He keeps babbling on about some "gene therapy" nonsense when he doesn't know what that is either.

Someday johnforbes will come to understand that the mRNA COVID vaccines are indeed vaccines. This is according to every scientific medical authority on the planet. Holding the opposing view are morons like johnforbes and RFKjr who have no training whatsoever in vaccines or healthcare and then disregard the science, instead getting their medical information from internet conspiracy gossip sites.

If you don't believe me, just ask johnforbes for a link to his sources for his vaccine information. Then take a long vacation and forget about it because no matter how long you wait, Chickenshitjohnny will NEVER tell you where he sources that information because it is too embarrassing and humiliating.
By johnforbes
Well, nobody contended that the medical training attained by Mr Forbes was superior to Johns Hopkins.

However, Mr Forbes did graduate from the prestigious University of Yahoo School of Medicine....
By Clownkicker
"Well, nobody contended that the medical training attained by Mr Forbes was superior to Johns Hopkins."-johnfibs

YOU contend that very thing, you pathetic tool.

I posted the facts from Johns Hopkins and provided a link to their website about the COVID vaccines and you are here now saying the exact opposite of what they said. Only someone who considers themselves superior and more authoritative on the subject of COVID vaccines than Hopkins would continue to post such contradictory partisan lies.
By johnforbes
Mr Forbes has not been trained in medicine at Johns Hopkins.

He has, however, gone to lecture there on non-medical topics.

Mr Forbes is not a physician.

To be crystal clear, the medical expertise of Mr Forbes stems from his extensive training at the University of Yahoo School of Medicine.

Now take two aspirin, and do not call Mr Forbes in the morning.
By Clownkicker
"Mr Forbes is not a physician."-johnflubs

No shit, Shereluck.

We knew that the minute you started spouting moronic unscientific vaccine nonsense that you insist is more accurate that the medical expertise of JohnsHopkinsMedicine and YaleMedicine.

Why you continue to profess that you know better than Johns Hopkins about what vacines are and what they do is a mystery that can only be explained by your reliance on conspiracy theory internet gossip sites for your medical information.

Every last thing you posted about the COVID vaccines is simply wrong. And that isn't just me saying it. It's Johns Hopkins and Yale Medicine saying it. But you continue to yammer on ignorantly about the vaccines.

That's the danger of having someone like johnforbes or RFKjr overseeing vaccines and healthcare. However, there's nothing to be done about it now because every chickenshit Republican in the Senate voted to confirm him despite knowing that he is unqualified to do the job.
By johnforbes
Intellectual honesty demands candor about one's credentials.

Mr Forbes was not trained at Johns Hopkins, nor was Clown.

Clown is a proud graduate of the Southern Mississippi Academy of Beauty Culture, which has often been called the "Harvard of Swamp Hairdressing Schools."

That was, of course, before Clown's tawdry tenure in the seedy salons of sordid SanFran...
By Clownkicker
"Mr Forbes was not trained at Johns Hopkins, nor was Clown."-johnfimicolous

EXACTLY, dimwit. That is why what you or I say about vaccines should be ignored.

You keep posting unscientific bullshit from internet gossip sites. All of that information should be ignored just as your uninformed opinions on the subject should be ignored.

However, I keep posting scientific medical information from the likes of JohnsHopkinsMedicine and YaleMedicine and provide links to their websites. One may ignore what I say just as one absolutely SHOULD ignore what johnfibs says about vaccines, just as everyone should ignore what RFKjr says about vaccines. The three of us have comparable medical training in the field. Everyone should be skeptical of what johnfibs, RFKjr, and I post about vaccines, but they should not ignore the medical advice and scientific findings of globally recognized medical authorities that they may read for themselves on the websites I linked.

My comments here align with what these medical authorities tell us all, and in that respect my comments may be seen as useful starting points for one's own inquiries. Johnforbes' and RFKjr's comments only align with nonsense posted on internet conspiracy theory gossip sites and so should be ignored for the sake of one's own health because they are founded upon pure partisan bullshit supported by nothing at all. To this day johnforbes is so chickenshit in his opinions that he has never been able to post a source or an accredited quotation to back up anything he has to say about vaccines.

The truth of what I just said is that johnforbes will now return to again attack me personally but will still fail to produce any attributed comments or linked studies from trained scientists to back up his and RFKjr's tedious and dangerous bullshit about vaccines.

That's what flapping intellectual pussies do, attack the messenger. And johnforbes is as loose a pussy as anyone is likely to encounter on this forum or anywhere else.
By Clownkicker
Why wouldn't I admit it openly, dummy? Unlike your fruity 'manly' posturing, I don't pretend to be something I'm not.

I'm not a gigantic pussy like you.

You're such a huge pussy that even now you have to point elsewhere rather than simply openly admit you disregard authoritative sources of medical information and instead get all your medical information from partisan internet gossip sites.

It's only your occasional Freudian slips that reveal who you really are. Like when you admitted your friends compare you to the Klimt painting of the Woman in Gold-- your true self, the soul of a middle-aged Jewish woman in a gold Lamé dress and rhinestone choker.

Lord knows what you are going to do now without all the DEI programs that kept people from looking down on you for your unconventional lifestyle choices.

And don't think nobody noticed that you still failed to produce any attributed comments or linked studies from trained scientists to back up his and RFKjr's tedious and dangerous bullshit about vaccines, just as I said you would.
By johnforbes
Unlike DEI Ketanji on the Supreme Court, Mr Forbes can define the word "woman."

Mr Forbes is neither female nor Jewish.

However, he does feel it is pointless to audit Fort Knox because the contents may well have been heisted by Mr Auric Goldfinger:

By Clownkicker
^^^^^^^...and there's that olde patented johnforbesian Shuck-and-Jive diversion used as his go-to distraction from the glaring fact that johnny has still failed to produce any attributed comments or linked studies from trained scientists to back up his and RFKjr's tedious and dangerous bullshit about vaccines, just as I said he would.

Of course, nobody ever said you were Jewish or female, dimwit. What was said is that you have is the SOUL of an old Jewish woman. That's your underlying gender.

johnforbes is ever the dependable intellectual pussy in denial.
By johnforbes
We all remember when Clowntoker promised to do 50 correct slow pushups.

He got through pushup 1 in fine form.

But, on pushup 2, his feeble form found the firmament and was fully flaccid.
By Clownkicker
^^^^^^^^^And johnforbes just proved my point true with another impotent personal attack when he is once again unable to provide a shred of evidence to back up his COVID vaccines conspiracy ignorance.

"johnforbes is ever the dependable intellectual pussy in denial."-me

By johnforbes
In terms of providing evidence, there is little more that Mr Forbes should do.

He has shown a video providing proof that Mr Auric Goldfinger may well have affected Fort Knox.

And he has furnished his own scientific credentials, to wit: M.D. (summa cum laude), Yahoo School of Medicine, 69 Interwebs Road, Silicon Valley, California.

The zip code there is 90210.
By Clownkicker
No, dimwit, the gold is right where it's supposed to be. Trump said so.

Haven't you gotten your updated marching orders from your handlers' propaganda stations recently?

And yes, the rest of your admitted intellectual impotence regarding science and even your medical school's zip code is noted.

Not like we needed any additional confirmations from an ignoramus such as yourself.
By johnforbes
Nobody really knows until they take a look.

And on live video.

What was in Al Capone's safe?

Nobody knew until they looked.

Will Fort Knox be as empty as the brain of Komodo Harris?
Mineral Deal?

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