Political discussions about everything
In related news, Clowntoker's own brother has claimed that Clown lacks the character to continue posting on this fine forum.

The Board of Directors of this fine forum is, even now, taking this matter under advisement to ascertain whether Clown's character flaws, as established by his 13, 834,122 posts spread over the past 87 years on the Interwebs, might warrant some disciplinary action.

I am arguing that Clown's positions are standard socialism and class warfare, and that Clown has been rendered incapable of reasoning by leftist indoctrination and thus not responsible for his delusions.

New Info Shows

johnny, never mind that your post is bullshit. It'[…]

Impossible Whopper

This afternoon, after a long hike on a hot and hum[…]

Walz Dancing

I think Clown has stooped to the dreaded Haiti Spe[…]

Correcting the ABC Fact-Checkers

Apparently the idea has been to flood pro-Republic[…]

There are some bodacious bodice-rippers there, alo[…]

21 Lies

Mr Forbes, despite his tan and taut physique, is a[…]

Emotional Support

Dana Walden, a Disney exec with oversight of ABC, […]

Save the Kittens

You can't lick a good kitty discussion. For sure,[…]