Political discussions about everything
"Interest and concern continues to grow about the numerous retrospective adjustments that the U.K. Met Office has made to its global HadCRUT temperature database. Often the adjustments cool earlier periods going back to the 1930s and add warming in more recent times. The adjustments are of course most convenient in promoting the global warming narrative surrounding Net Zero fantasies. There is particular interest in the 0.15°C cooling inserted in the 1940s and the greater warming added in more recent decades. The scientific blog No Tricks Zone (NTZ) has recently returned to the story noting the state-controlled Met Office has “corrected” the data to “align with their narrative”.

In suggesting a narrative, NTZ traces the adjustments back to the 2009 leak of ‘Climategate’ emails from academic staff at the University of East Anglia working on the HadCRUT project. In one email speculating on ‘correcting’ sea surface temperatures to partly explain the 1940s ‘warming blip’, it is noted that “if we could reduce the ocean blip by, say, 0.15°C, then this would be significant for the global mean”. It would be good to “remove at least part of the 1940s blip”, it is suggested. Just as they have said they would do, comments NTZ, 0.15°C of warmth has gradually been removed from the 1940s HadCRUT global temperature data over the last 15 years."
We would like to thank johnforbes for once again revealing the extent of the gross ignorance of partisan tools like himself who are desperately grasping at straws to deny the fact of global warming.

But just because johnny's handlers spin the science into some sort of dastardly plot to trick dimwits like himself does not alter the fact of global warming, or even the extent of global warming. As the Met Office report itself, if he would bother to read it, tells him as much: "None of these improvements affect the broad scale conclusions. Long-term warming is still clearly evident at a global scale – in line with other data sets – and the four years 2015 to 2018 are the warmest in the series, which at the time of publication runs from 1850 to 2018."
https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/research/n ... e-data-set
If johnforbes had any interest at all in science he could read the report explaining why the revisions were made and what they mean.

That johnforbes doesn't understand that science is always improving and updating their data sets and analysis methods to better reflect the world they attempt to measure only shows us once again that johnforbes insists on ignoring the science in favor of partisan propaganda.
Apparently johnforbes can't post on global warming threads right now because of the terrible, unseasonal weather in his area and the unusual number of killer tornadoes unleashed in the U.S., killing at least 21 people.

Who could have predicted such bizarre weather? I mean, besides all the climate scientists studying global warming who predicted it, of course.
"The typical tornado is not a "killer."-Dishonestjohn
Correct. Only the ones that kill people are killers. As in this last string of killer tornadoes. Duhh...

Let's check in with Merriam-Webster, shall we? (I'm well aware that johnforbes does not know how to use a dictionary, but I will try to enlighten the dimwit one more time.)

: strikingly impressive or effective
a killer smile
a killer résumé
: extremely difficult to deal with
a killer fastball
also : causing death or devastation
a killer tornado

Just as johnforbes refuses to get his science information from authoritative scientific sources, instead preferring internet gossip sites, he also refuses to accept authoritative sources for the definition of words. He finds all authoritative sources to be silly and thus his gross ignorance displayed in every field of discussion. (He also doesn't understand Ruskin.) This is all probably because he once looked up the word "dimwit" and found himself described succinctly in the definition and he didn't like it:

: a stupid or mentally slow person

...in other words, someone who is incapable of understanding the word "killer".

Apparently, to johnforbes the only thing on earth that kills is humans. He actually believes that killing is a purely human characteristic. He just said so. "That is ascribing human characteristics to weather."

What would we do without johnforbes to tell us the earth is a pastoral place where all the the lions lie down with the lambs, deadly ebolaviruses don't make you bleed out of your ass, and that only humans can be killers. This bizarre misconception probably came from the time someone made the mistake of thinking the reason johnforbes was bleeding out of his ass was that he had contracted the ebolavirus. But johnny thought that was just silly because he knew the real reason he was bleeding out of his ass was that he too often enjoyed being the 'catcher' in gang bangs in the baths in Frisco while on leave from the Army.

It's truly sad to see what johnny's mindless political fanaticism has done to his thoughts. He can't even understand plain English any longer....which accounts for all the partisan nonsense he regularly regurgitates here.

Meanwhile, the tornado death toll is up to at least 24. But apparently johnforbes thinks they weren't killed by tornadoes. He thinks they are victims of roving gangs of humans who only go out in bad weather.
It was chilly this morning where Mr Forbes currently is resting his magnificent frame.

In the 50 degree morning chill, even the bronzed and muscular digits of Forbes cannot type much.

Ergo, this Global Warming commentary will have to cease on account of cold weather at the end of May.
So Much Winning!!!!

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