Political discussions about everything
By johnforbes
As Clowntoker Pride Month looms, the proud members of this fine forum need to make preparations to honor Clownslacker for his carnal contributions to the pansy posse of fetid Frisco?

By Clownkicker
^^^^^^ "Almost Clown Pride Month" ^^^^^^^^Look at these clowns. They are actually here bragging about how they have a special month to celebrate the MAGA stupidity branch of the Republican Party and their inability to govern.

They're actually proud of the havoc they have unleashed on this country. It's downright depressing.

By johnforbes
Sad to relate, Clown has gotten a jump on many things in his dark, demented, deranged, depraved days in the sordid swamp of fetid Frisco...
So Much Winning!!!!

"...but we did not wish to ignite controversy[…]

There isn't sufficient bandwidth to list the plagi[…]

Mr Forbes does not need to claw for a reply to tha[…]

Joe Denies 2000 Election

Per pro-Democrat USA Today: "In some ways, t[…]

Pelosi Admits Responsibility

If McConnell shares some responsibility with Pelos[…]

Mr Forbes is merely flexing the muscles slightly i[…]

I agree with Clown that the words of Mr Forbes are[…]

Senile dementia...