Exhibitionists meet here!
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By lukethehammer
My wife always had great body even after the kids were born. I used to love to show her off every chance I got. She had this one bikini that would end up with nipple slips if I did things right. We used to hang out at a local resort hotel's pool almost every weekend during summer days. I would bring a ball to throw back and forth. That was part of the plan. I loved to make her stand closer to the deep end of the pool on purpose. When I volleyed the ball, she would jump up to hit it and that's when a nipple or both would slip out. I remember one time keeping her playing for almost 30 minutes. She would pull up on her top but never actually look down to check it because her nipples would stay out. At least 200 rooms overlooked the pool. I kept her facing away from the lifeguard so she wouldn't get told about her nipples. She put on a great show over and over again. I miss that bikini.

There was another time when she was a little drunk at the beach and I pull out one of her tits without her knowing. She didn't realize for at least 10 minutes until she saw the lifeguards staring at her. I think she secretly enjoyed that time because we had really great sex later that night.
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By fastglass427
Love it! My wife has big 38DD melons with nice big nipples that are easily stimulated so much that they can bee seen through her bra and top. We were at a new BBQ place that opened a few weeks ago and she couldn't figure out why the two owners and all the guys who worked there kept coming by chatting her up, she the food was good but they were enjoying the show as the airconditioning was cranked up full tilt and her nipples were at full attention. When ever I used to comment on them doing that while we were at home she would always taker he hand and rub them so they would be erect, when I would say something she said well just don't say anything and enjoy the show, so from that day forward it's exactly what I did.

She had had several nipple slips and even one time a full melon exposure at the beach, she bent down to grab something and when she stood up her entire boob fell out,, it wa sthe first time she wore this bikini and was not used to the string around her neck and hadn't tied it tight enough, when she was semi trotting to the water to take a dip and cool off it happened again both times she exposed herself to some very happy guys who i must say all were cool and never let on, she finally had me tie the top string tighter and I let her know I wasn't in favor of her adjustment she just smiled and said I bet your not.

The best time had to be when we went to a party she was wearing a very sheer bra that supported her tits nicely but did little or nothing to hide her easily excitable nipples. She drank way too much and decided she was going to dance and as she gyrated on the dance floor her tits were shaking wildly she had the satin blouse unbuttoned just a little too much and everyone could see she tits shaking wildly getting ready to jump out of her bra as soon as one did her girlfriend from work moved in to help maintain her modesty and told her time to button up honey or they'll be throwing dollar bills at you ...lol Here is a pic of the bra one of

Baby girl-00010081576DD.jpg
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By AnonAnon
In our case its more like conniving, because my wife will wear something obviously revealing and then ask me if it is OK. I learned long ago that there was only one answer. If it is really risqué she'll say something along the lines of, "If you're OK with it . . .," and go out like that.

The most ridiculous use of this "permission" came a few years ago when she bought a ridiculously flimsy black dress with a wide plunging neckline and high slit off a cheap internet store to wear to a client's holiday party. It cost under twenty dollars with the intended use venue being a dark trashy club. When she arrived at the party, there were audible gasps at the exposure which left nothing important to the imagination. Sweat from dancing served to make it even more useless as cover and I'm sure the photographers hired for the event have a catalog of views rivaling mine. To her credit, she made it a lot of fun for herself and for everyone else. The guy who hired her was a little formal, but even he managed a frank appraisal followed by a "Wow!"
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By flashercpl
Several years ago we posted an add on CL asking people with access to workspaces such as auto repair shops, stores, pizza shops, etc. if we could borrow the space to do a photo shoot with my wife and whomever was present. One guy contacted us offering an auto body shop. We met him one evening after the shop closed. My wife wore a skirt and separate top and no panties or bra. We began by having him and her posing in various places around the shop and her slowly revealing more of herself until she was fully naked. Then proceeded to pose her along with him all over the shop. I knew she was getting horny because whenever he would pose from behind she would start to grind on him until she asked him if he would like to get naked with her. He accepted (obviously) and she sucked him on the back bed of his truck which was inside the shop. They fucked for an hour while I joined and took more shots. It was great fun for all of us and we hope to find another place to do this again.
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By fastglass427
DAM! it must be something in the air I check my email today and read this awesome story. The wife and I went out on Saturday night and she decided she was going to dress to thrill. Short lycra mini skirt silky top and rather than go braless she opted to wear one of the half cup bras that leave the top half of the titty and nipples exposed. As she says gravity is not the friend of a big breasted woman. So we had dinner and decided to go to a different place for cocktails, I excused myself after a few minutes to hit the head and when I come back she's getting hit on by these two foreigners who the fuck knows where they were from but when I walked up behind the guy and stood there and tapped him on the shoulder he didn't know whether to shit or wind his watch...lol oh excuse me boss, I just said boss my ass hit the road.
So I just smiled at her and said I see you made new friends, oh those two assholes was her response I was about to tell them to hit the road myself, but i have a new friend and with her hand on the table she discreetly points across the way and some older guy sitting there with his larger than life fugly wife kept sneaking glances at her while i was gone and had the waiter send her a drink, pretty slick as he did it when his wife went to the ladies room. I said well he has good taste and is a boob man such as myself. She said thats not the only thing he's admiring. She leaned over and whispered I'm not wearing any panties and confessed she had given him a full view beaver shot and he was fixated on her pussy, can't say as I blame him. We had a few more rounds and decided to hit one more place for a nightcap before going home. We walk out to the car and she has her arms around my neck and we're making out like a couple of teenagers leaning against the car. She spots her admirer and says just go with this, next thing I know is eh has her arms around my neck and is dry humping my crotch, she says he's frozen like a deer in the headlights, next thing I know is she says oh fuck it and raches down and unzips my pants and pulls my cock out and hikes up her skirt and say put it in me now. She fucked me right there in the parking lot not caring who was watching but as far as I could tell it was only her friend. We were just finished when big bertha made her way to the car and was bitching at him for not coming to pick her up at the door, the wife just flashed him a big smile and gave him a little wave as she walked around to the passenger side and got in. She said I think we made his night, I laughed and said he'll be imagining you as he's trying to mount her tonight.....we both laughed at that
dennis liked this
By AnonAnon
With the weather warming up, we received an invitation to dinner on the deck of a friend that has long enjoyed, even expects, the minimal attire my wife always wears to his darkish small dinners with our close friends. My wife hates to disappoint in this area and always puts together something interesting. For this evening, my wife was trying on a see through turtle neck top she often wears to work with a cheeky print, but full coverage bra, and working with a considerably flimsier bra for a layered show. Also in play was a very loose plunging top that would certainly make for nip slips all evening, something she's done before. I told her it was time to just ditch the bra and wear just the see through top. The top is about twice as see through as he usual braless tops, but my wife needs minimal prompting in such matters. I was about to suggest a jacket, but she made no move to get one. To me, her naked tits looked so natural and perfect they looked less obviously provocative than if she's worn the plunging top and a long necklace caressing her cleavage. My wife put everyone at ease by opening with, "I don't think we're going for ice cream after, but I might have brought dessert." It was only later that we brought out an actual dessert from the car. Dinner was fun with the usual direct compliments and open staring my wife enjoys. On the way home, I suggested to her that the next step might have to be nude. She laughingly suggested that she could strip and we could return immediately!
By AnonAnon
Having gathered some confidence from wearing a transparent rather than merely see through top to dinner, my wife showed up to meet me at our local bookstore in one. A skin-colored plain number like nude pantyhose, but slightly loose, with nothing more than a few panel boundaries for cover. Just slightly cradling her breasts, it showed off her erect nipples and tits in every detail. She seemed completely at ease with the looks and exposure, browsing books with me. The camisole was impeccably chosen so she looked as topless as possible. On the way home, we stopped by our local coffee shop for a cup of tea, my wife determined to be seen nearly topless by as many of our neighbors as possible. The mile long walk home was mostly uneventful with me realizing that most people are a too intimidated by nudity to stare. When we got home, she was buzzed from the experience, but had obviously loved it. I suspect we'll be doing it again before too long.
By AnonAnon
My wife got an invitation to a social at the local crafts market and my wife decided to take advantage of the Bohemian atmosphere to wear high waisted pants and a loose draped front coat with nothing but some jewelry made by the artists at the fair under it. The coat did a great job of staying closed most of the time and my wife did an even better job of looking great topless when it didn't. Rather than make any special effort to keep the coat wrapped around herself, my wife enjoyed letting it fall open revealingly if someone in a craft booth was obviously peeking and letting them have a good look.
fastglass427 liked this
By deepimpact
A bunch of years back, when my wife and I were newly married, we lived in a small apartment. Our bedroom had a window that faced the stairwell to the building. One night after we both had quite a few drinks very late at night, I blindfolded her and quickly went to work to take care of her needs first. When it came to my turn, I secretly opened the curtains and window and placed her on top for a ride facing the window. She went to town on top of me with those beautiful breasts bouncing all around. Then I turned her over and went to town from behind. I also turned up the stereo so she couldn't hear any wind rustling from outside. As soon as I came, I started closing the window and curtains. That's when I noticed in the dark the movement of two bodies and realized the neighbors had actually caught us and were secretly standing around watching the show. After I told her what happened, we avoided all of our neighbors for the next few weeks. But the blindfold came out several more times after that and I discovered her wild side really comes out whenever the blindfold got pulled out.
Solstice2006, Fingerlakes+69, dennis and 1 others liked this
By AnonAnon
When I first started dating my wife, she would want to have sex on the second floor deck of her house when it was dark out. The neighbors could see her, but it was still a private enough deck that they had to deliberately spy, which was reason enough for her to not care. At first I figured she didn't know them, until she dressed for a date in a see through dress worn braless and deliberately talked to her neighbor for half an hour on the way out to the car and I realized she enjoyed it and didn't care what they thought of it.
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By Jocko64
Great posts here, just saw it today, I don't expose my wife, she does it on her own LOL. I will tell a couple stories later today, have to get down to business now !
By AnonAnon
A close friend of ours who has often seen my wife swimming naked in our pool invited us to dinner last weekend, and added the tidbit that it was just us and another single guy apart from him. Interpreting the invitation perfectly, my wife wore only a simple black see through maxi dress. Cut low and wide and loose. The best part of this dress is that while it allows views through it, if my wife sits just right and leans forward it allows for views all the way down the front to her legs and my wife is a master at posing the dress perfectly. My wife's casual and complete display of her pencil eraser nipples is always a hit, but the frontal display always adds a nice edge. She'd groomed her landing strip to a hard edge that boosted contrast to draw the eye with accuracy. After a period of breaking the ice, compliments flowed freely and my friend pointed to a hot tub he was building that he suggested she come test out ...
By Jocko64
When we had pool my wife was naked in it frequently, after kids were gone all the time. Many of our friends have seen her naked or near naked over the years. There has been sex in the pool on several occasions but the most memorable to me was one time we had a couple over for an evening of burgers, drinks, swimming, and playing cards. They came in through garage, I was in kitchen getting burgers ready to grill. Wife in pool swimming, my buddy looks out kitchen window and sees wife in pool and goes out. His wife asks if she can help me, I say sure and she cutting up tomatoes, now I making some drinks. She says come here, standing at sink , says look! I look out window and my buddy sitting on edge of pool with my wife in front of him sucking away on his dick, him playing with her 34D's. We stood there watching the show and him blowing a load down wife's throat then her doing the clean up and then him getting in pool and the two of them necking! She turns to me and kisses me shoving her tongue down my throat and taking my hand and putting it in her shorts, she is soaking them. Says I need fucked right now. We head to bedroom and within 2 minutes I am pounding her wet pussy. She saying don't cum in me I want to swallow it. Within another 2 minutes she is taking my load down her throat. It was the beginning of a wild evening, they went home about 2 AM and I tried to re-claim my wife but could not. I was pooped!
dennis liked this
By AnonAnon
My wife wore a short butt cleavage revealing dress to a house party today. She had a lot of fun with it and a few of the guys there stuck notes on her ass cheeks in the course of the evening. She is only fifty percent sure she kept her front covered at all times ...
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By Solstice2006
Spent a day in Memphis with my wife in a short skirt with no panties at an outside upstairs bar . She had a table full of college guys that kept switching chairs around so they all got to check her out as we sat at one of those taller tables .
I stepped over to the railing overlooking the sidewalk below and spotted a young guy we'd met the night before. I spoke to him so he stopped to look up and talk . I told my wife to come over to the railing beside me so he could get a nice view and she made sure he was getting a perfect look up her skirt. Then he calls his buddies over and all of a sudden she's got five more admirers staring up her skirt .They were all talking amongst themselves without taking their eyes off her pussy . We noticed several rubbing their cocks while they watched her change her positioning from time to time .

She whispered to me that she was sure they could see her pussy gaping and starting to glisten with her juices as it was starting to get to her too . She nonchalantly reached under her skirt and touched a finger to her cunt to get me a taste and I swear one of those guys came in his pants . She lurched a bit and put one foot up on the lower railing , turned to me and said " I just came myself , maybe we should head back to the hotel so you can finish me right " . OK guys , we need to go . See you around I said and we left for our room . Don't you just love those super wet pussies !!!
By AnonAnon
That’s awesome! My wife enjoys the attention she gets from younger guys checking her out. This most often happens at the public pool by us because her swimsuits are usually sexier than most. Of late a plunging piece that only just covers the nipples, but is thin enough to let them poke through. There are bikinis that show more, but this one is just in your face with her boobs. Sometimes she doesn’t even get in the pool, just enjoys sitting around showing off. She has a couple of crochet bikinis that are probably unusable for actual swimming and are more visual confusion than cover. I’d be very surprised if she hasn’t regularly flashed her pussy while wearing them. When we’re out with friends and it’s a lake rather than a pool, the crochet bikinis are so loose that the cover nothing right after she comes out of the water soaking wet. Once dry, they’re more decent. That’s an effect she loves. For my wife, naked is her most confident state. She seems more uncomfortable in clothes because she fusses at the details. When she’s nude, she never fusses about how she looks.
By Jocko64
I have posted this before, I am married to a lady that loved going into hotel hallways late at night, Rare occasion to get caught but one time in Orlando Embassy Suites (One of our favorite places) we are in bedroom watching TV and wife gets up to get me drink of water, she tells me we out of ice and she is going after some. Say she leaving door ajar with safety lock and leaves. It is 11:30 PM, 10 minutes later she is back with four young guys who spotted her when they got off elevator. She calls for me to meet the boys, I am in undershorts, get up and go in other room to meet them. They sitting in chairs and on couch, she getting me my water with ice and says to the guys well what do you think about me at age 65, she was old enough to be their grandmother. These kids in shock, all were second year college students. They were in awe, she said well lets see your packages, you have seen mine and the take their dicks out and she says lets see you boys jack off (booze talking) , tell me to get them towels and the boys all go at it, one was a bit shy and she walked to him and says here feel my tits and then took his other hand and put in on her bald pussy. She let all the boys feel her up and the shy one she sucked a bit after he had blown his load. he had the biggest dick. She told them they need to go now and they laft. Nextt AM we ate breakfast with them, they were very appreciative and polite. They left for home after that.
By AnonAnon
That’s very daring, Jocko. My wife is comfortable in crowds and among friends. She’s quite careful about what she shows when there are very few people around and when those few people are strangers. She can read the room and signal well, but some people mistake her exposure for an invitation. She’s always been able to handle it without getting upset, which is the important thing, but it does happen.

She had a guy pull open the knot on a tiny backless top she was wearing. Being a halter top, it fell to the center exposing my wife’s chest. It was a party with a lot of people and should have been safe, but he was probably a little drunk and let a temporary infatuation get the better of him. I wasn’t anywhere close, but my wife apparently remained confident and unembarrassed and simply told him to redo the knot, but he didn’t want to be graceful about and fondled her tits crudely as he put the knot back into the top. The hostess escorted him out shortly after and my wife was none the worse for it. A friend of mine that saw it happen was blown away by her aplomb.
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By Rexes2
I get very aroused when my lady is exposed, we love nude beaches where there are always plenty of horny guys willing to have a good look. She has big nipples so going bra less is always a turn on. I love the look on peoples faces when her nipples stick out.
By AnonAnon
I’m the same. We went to a small gallery show opening today and my wife wore a halter dress that has a see through top and high enough slits that it shows off a lot of leg and ass if she sits. It’s not hard to build an image of what she looks like naked when she’s wearing that dress and my wife knows how to wear it well, allowing her naked back and shoulder muscle to move fluidly to draw the eye. With the gallery lights punching through her dress, she may as well have been naked because I caught glimpses of everything as I followed her around the room. At one point she leaned against the table perfectly, her tits and pencil eraser nipples on full display behind the flimsy halter top. One of the photographers on display is a friend who has done a series of nudes of her against a wall with graffiti paint sprayed over her and the wall by a local artist so she’s had people looking at her privates in that space but without her face being shown clearly even though she’s recognizable from the rest of her. When the nudes were on display, she wore a see through top to the opening, which was fun because a lot of people recognized her from her tits. I love that my wife likes to brag that everyone we know has seen her tits.
By mistified
we have a game we play called game day where go out and she gets naked in public and walks around while i videotape and take pics of her. all while trying not to get caught, some places that we have gone to are parks, parking garages, carwashes, cemeteries to name a few.
By AnonAnon
My wife was excited about me coming to an afternoon mix and mingle at the boutique of a clothing designer friend of hers that sometimes has her model her more daring clothes. This time the designer put my wife in a bra and panties under a completely transparent pastel pink dress. The bra had some structure to it and concealed, but also emphasized. The panties were slightly more thong like than my wife was comfortable with, but she seemed to enjoy pushing herself a little given that the designer was taking responsibility. I thought it was the perfect choice. Just the slightly contouring around the lips to show something just short of a camel toe and just enough in the rear to part and show off a nicely toned ass. My wife, content with my slightly shocked reaction, smiled her way through a few hours of walking around inside and outside the studio in underwear . . . For the sake of art. We headed to dinner after in one of the designers plunging wrap dresses that I love seeing my wife in. Catching my eyes staring into the revealing neckline of the dress, my wife joked she’d had enough of the afternoon’s over dressing.
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By Fingerlakes+69
Wow I have one very similar to someone else's story here.the wife n I were pretty young and we had a bedroom on the third floor of this house and a shared bathroom on the second floor. We thought it was great cuz we had the whole 3rd floor to ourselves n a nice view. One night I was doing her doggy style on the bed which was right under the window n I noticed a guy across the street also on the third floor watching us. It was still a little light outside. So the wife said she was gonna take a shower. I thought...perfect...so I'm smoking a cigarette out the window there n I notice this guy there trying real hard to see inside ours. He wasn't shy cuz just then he flipped on a light and was totally naked there n i could see his silhouette with a huge hard on. So I moved a table lamp so it was next to the open window n turned it on also. He shut his off now so I knew he was just lurking there waiting to see more and when she came up she took off her towel and I handed her the baby powder which she always used after a shower and I played back on the bed with my erection at full attention watching her. She was facing me and could very clearly be seen by our new friend. I kept her there as long as I could and hslped her with some spots she missed. Squeezing her perfect tits and licking her juices which were flowing heavily again. I laid back again and she mounted me facing the window and I gave him a good show of my wife sliding up n down my cock. Then I put her on all fours so I could see out the window. I wasn't sure if he was there or not but wanted to know. So I pushed her head down a bit as I was pounding her from behind and he flipped his light on again briefly n shut it off and I could see him stroking his cock . so I thought ok. Let's see how far I can take this and I pulled her up so we were both on our knees me fucking her from behind so he could really see her tits bounce and then he turned his light back on n my wife said OMG there's someone over there watching us n she real quick shuts off the light. So did he. I said are you sure? I didn't see anyone. She said definitely. So I said really..wow that's kind of a turn on. Why don't we pretend we don't notice him n finish fucking. Give him a thrill. She said she wasn't sure. I said look if there's someone there they've already seen you n me for awhile. Let's just see what happens. I convinced her to pretend she was getting dressed and add some more baby powder . I said just put on your panties n bra to see if someone's really there. So she did n I turned on the light. Well as she is doing this he turns his light back on n she is describing what he's doing n say oh yea? What's that? She says he is standing in front of his window watching. So I told her to take off her bra n she does. Now she's really hot n running her hands over herself n says omg he's got a hard on. I said slide your panties down a little n she does. Then says now he's stroking himself. I said ooo it's starting to get hot in here n she starts rubbing her pussy n tits. I said you know what we should do? Why don't we get right in the window n fuck. Let's really put on a show. So she opened up the window n was leaning on the windowsill as I started doing her doggy style only this time her tits n hard are out the window bouncing around. He was in front of his window jerking for all he was worth. Until we finished. Next night same thing only we added another light n this time she did a striptease for him then I fucked her as he stroked off. We did the same for about a week n noticed his light wasn't on a few nights. We found out later he invited a few buddies to enjoy the show.
Solstice2006 liked this
By AnonAnon
My wife and I stopped by a mixer for a local hobby club we’re part of on the way to dinner today. She’s said she was going to wear a simple tank and jeans and it was a simple black see through piece with a plunging neckline that she’s worn many times before. When we got to the venue, she was handed a name tag. She didn’t want to put it over where her nipple was showing through to dramatic effect, so she just stuck it directly on her chest to where you could read it partly through the top and partly directly. There were more than a few, “Let me read your tag,” types of conversations in the course of the hour we spent there. I’ve never met anyone so enthusiastic about showing off her tits in public.
By Jocko64
We had a lake house for several years, had all the toys and enjoyed sharing with friends. One time we invited old friends from up north down, ended up with 4 couples coming. House big, 6 bedrooms no problem except bathrooms, only 4 of them. Anyway guys had all showered and gals all still on dock getting tanned LOL. 4 come up and showering and getting cleaned up, wife last, she comes up and goes to master (our room) and one of gals in there so she grabs towel and head to other end to use that bathroom. Al five guys sitting watching golf match on TV, I on love seat. Wife done showering and walks out with just towel on carrying her bikini (only gal there that could get away with wearing one). When she walked by me I reached over and grabbed her towel and off it came. She smacked me playfully and instead of putting it back over herself she said well you guys have seen it all now, picked up bikini and walked away wiggling her nice ass. My buddies were all in shock, and I was to a little bit. None of the other women were in room at time but soon heard about it.

The irony of the deal was that next evening we are playing game of dice in FR, three of gals sitting on floor, we are drinking having great time and stop to get more drinks and wife signals me to come to bedroom, I go in, she tell me that M sitting there on couch and has shorts on but commando , I say well you are too (never wears panties) . She says he has huge dick, I am like WTF, she says will talk about it tonight. I get it, she wanted to try it. She took jet ski ride (teaching him hw to use it LOL) next day, she ended up having that dick twice that week, nobody the wiser except me. Nothing there that appealed to me, we both have permanent hall passes.
By AnonAnon
In the early days of dating my wife, she showed me a dress at a store and asked if it was too see through. It was so I said so and she picked a different one. When she wore it, she seemed disappointed and said something about it being really flimsy, but totally opaque. I took the hint.

Some time after, we were invited to a garden party in the late afternoon and she asked me if her top was too see through. The top wasn't doing much about cover, but I assured her it was OK. She must have been a little uncertain because she reminded me that she was only wearing it out because I had said it was OK. By that time I had well understood my role in this charade so I held firm. When we got to the party, the low late afternoon sun rendered the top completely transparent and my wife spent a few hours fully exposed to several dozen gawking guests. She enjoyed it, but it was such an in your face show that I believe we never got an invitation to that event again because of it.

A short time later, I received a request to evaluate another completely see through top on the way to a party out in a somewhat conservative part of town. I provided my approval once again. At some point after that my wife ceased the charade and just went with her gut, which resulted in even more risqué outfits, once wearing a see through maxi dress to an evening opening of a restaurant knowing full well that we'd spend a lot of time on the sidewalk outside with the headlights of passing cars punching through her dress to very dramatic effect and full frontal exposure.
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By lukethehammer
I once took my wife camping on my birthday. I asked her for a present to make my night a wild one. Though we had plenty of beer, I secretly brought along some Korean soju I picked up a local liquor store. I always heard about the soju experience from a friend of mine who dated a girl that drank it. I told my wife I was mixing a screwdriver and swapped the vodka for soju. Some of the stories I heard were true because she was extra wild that night. We were both drunk but she decided to climb on top of me and start seducing me. She either didn't notice or didn't care the two groups of campers on our left and right just hanging out and watching us. She took off her top then started unbuttoning my pants. I tried to stop her and take her into the tent but she wasn't having it. She pulled off my pants and then sat on top of me and went to town. At first I held back and tried again to pick her up to go into the tent but she just rocked harder. She then dragged me to the ground to to fuck me even harder and began moaning so loud no one could have slept. She then bent over and begged me to fuck her hard. At that point, I just gave in and continued for fuck her so hard it sounded like I was slapping her ass. We were both so drunk that when we came, we immediately passed out right there naked on the ground. I think we were there naked for about 20 minutes before somehow I realized, woke up, and dragged her into the tent. The next day, all of the campers around us couldn't stop smiling and just kept trying to make conversation with my wife. I think the guys really enjoyed talking to her normal like knowing that they just saw her get royally fucked the night before.

I sometimes wonder how many pictures of us are floating around from that night. We have been lucky enough to not find any so far. She was so drunk she barely remembered having sex so she wasn't embarrassed at all the next morning. Me on the other hand, avoided all of the other campers as much as possible the next day.
By AnonAnon
When my wife and I were dating, we rented a house with some of my close friends and their girlfriends for a week away. The house had a pool and the women were pretty excited about wearing something sexy. Most of the men and women there had already seen my wife mostly undressed or in see through tops so I was very curious to see what she would wear but ready for something very sexy or topless. My wife managed to top expectations all round by wearing a one-piece suit that covered just one breast. She's got a few see through tees with prints over one breast that focus the attention strongly on the exposed nipple, but here she was obviously proud of her choice and enjoying the impact because her exposed nipple was rock hard and erect and the entire breast proudly displayed. Even more amazing was the fact that that was the only suit she brought for the week and she wore it every single day.
By AnonAnon
My wife usually wears her most daring outfits around people she knows, including co-workers. She says she feels most comfortable that way and most daring when I’m around. Once in a while she enjoys the risk and associated thrill of wearing something a little shocking to an unknown gathering. We got one such invitation where the host, a person we’d met at a friend’s house where he’d taken a shine to a pair of see through pants my wife was wearing sans panties, implied he’d love an encore of the outfit. Always a sucker for men able to compliment her directly, my wife elected to wear an almost pantyhose see through maxi dress with broadly spaced angled bands providing the only cover. They were designed to cover the crotch against direct viewing, but worked very well to highlight her tits and nipples while also folding beautifully around her mostly uncovered ass. She brushed some glitter and hairspray mix into her landing strip to allow its motion to shine through a little and added a light brushing to the very top of her ass crack. The dress was a huge hit with the host, who paid her a compliment as soon as she arrived, while giving her an appraising look front and back that she enjoyed. It was also a huge hit at the party with several men and women openly complimenting her for wearing it.

It was a fun surreal experience to stand around talking to strangers with my wife standing there essentially naked with her tits, ass and every curve of her body on display with even crotch views available to the careful observer. With over a hundred people there, I asked my wife what she thought they were thinking. Her response was completely comfortable, “It’s just me,” as if there was nothing special going on for her. Right after that party, we got a lot of invitations to parties and we joke that it was only because of that dress. I doubt anyone heard a word she was saying.
By AnonAnon
The masks we have been wearing to go out paired with dark glasses provide a great opportunity for some daring exhibitionism and my wife is not one to let such go to waste. I wanted to get some beer and my wife offered to come along on the walk to the local shop in her pantyhose see through maxi dress. She normally reserves the dress for dark outdoor parties and even there it's very revealing. In the low Western sun we have in the early evenings, it's downright pornographic. The walk was mostly alone, but the store had a guard and line with social distancing markers and a fifteen minute wait. It was clear my wife had realized this in advance and was enjoying the very focused attention from the other patrons. On the way out we ran into one of her work colleagues who was clearly a little astonished when my wife handed me the box she was carrying, thus surrendering the little cover she had. We walked slowly to the car where she carefully hitched up her dress just enough to move the bands on it out of place for a "grand reveal" before pulling the door shut behind her. When I'd said my goodbyes and climbed in, she remarked, "That was fun, running into . . ."
By AnonAnon
I had to make a quick trip out of town to help a friend who lives in a condo complex with an open pool so I took along my wife, who enjoys wearing tiny swimsuits around pools more than she enjoys swimming. I requested her plunging one-piece, but she opted for a micro-bikini in a slightly see through skin color that she wore everywhere from the condo the the parking garage for a weekend of exhibitionism. Sitting out by the pool with beers late one night, we talked her into taking her top off. She didn't continue to lie on the lounger topless as we'd hoped, but sat on one edge of it giving us a spectacular view and those looking at her top draped over the lounger back a spectacular tease.
By mistified
very nice, we had a 4th of july party and misty sleeps naked, we woke up and she threw on her tiny yoga shorts and a tshirt with no bra to setup for the party before showering we were outside getting the coolers together you could see her nipples clear as day through her shirt ass was hanging out the bottom of her shorts the neighbor saw us and came over to talk i had my sunglasses on so he couldnt tell i could see him but i was watching him stealing glances at misty whenever he though no one was looking, she had no clue
By AnonAnon
That's great. Did you tell your wife later and how did she react?

My wife loves to show off her nipples and goes braless almost everywhere including to clients. On one of our first dates, she wore a dress with such a plunging neckline I had no idea how it was going to work sitting down to dinner until I realized she didn't intend for it to. She spent the entire evening at the bar carrying on a great conversation and enjoying herself with her tits hanging out of her dress and half a dozen passing guys complimenting her while everyone was ogling her exposed erect pencil eraser nipples.

Once in a while though she gets a little too much attention. We were at our favorite burrito place a few year ago. She had on a sheer gold shirt with a bit of chunky jewelry for cover, but you could clearly see through to her nipples moving under the shirt as she breathed. I was enjoying the view when a male coworker of hers appeared and shamelessly ogled her tits for nearly half an hour until I ran him off during a break in conversation. My wife remarked later that while her tits were on display and to be enjoyed, the guy was trying to commit them to memory, which she thought was a bit too much.
By mistified
thats awesome, i didnt tell her because she doesnt want to be caught outside of a nude resort shes afraid of getting in trouble. i havent even told her about the time she was caught at the carwash completely nude, i didnt even know till i heard voices on the video that she was caught
By AnonAnon
When I first started dating my wife we were quite young and she always dressed to let everything hang out. My adviser invited her to dinner and she wore a light silk top unbuttoned to well below her boobs, which were fully revealed several times during the meal. I quickly realized that complaints would be rare.

Even in public settings, we’ve never had a complaint. The first concert we went to together, she wore a see through wrap top tied very loosely. We had to walk almost a mile from our car directed by a lot of police and security with her nipples completely visible through the top and easy views of everything from the side. When we were seated at the concert her tits were completely exposed from the side and nearly everyone waking up and down the stadium steps by us was taking full advantage of the view. To another concert she wore painted-on tight see through knit pants without panties through which you could see her landing strip shadow clearly. We had an issue with her seat and she had to stand up while the mechanics fixed the seat. During this time there was plenty of time for people seated behind us to check her out. I offered her my seat, but she was fine standing. Again, no complaints. At this point I don’t even think twice about all the see through tops she wears everywhere. We were at a small dinner a few weeks ago and she wanted to show another woman there a mark on her back so she just took her top off. It was see through anyway so it was easier to just remove it than get it wrinkled. The woman made a comment on how good her tits looked and everyone had to check them out for themselves. Best part was watching her put the wrap top back on, threading the delicate straps and taking her time with it. She could have stepped into the powder room, but didn’t and everyone enjoyed it.
By mistified
ive been trying to get her past the fear of getting in trouble part she has no issues taking it all off if no one is around and also nude resorts so being seen isnt the issue with her we just got back from a trip and our room had the steps right across the hall from our door and i had her walk up from parking garage completely nude up 3 flights, i would let her pick where to park finally i asked if i get to pick she said ok so i parked a ways off and she made the walk didnt get caught. that i know of :P
By AnonAnon
My wife’s never tried anything close to that. There’s always enough clothing on that it’s perfectly legal even if very risqué.

Once in a while I do feel a lack of welcome when she’s really pushing it and people stare. We got terrible food at a restaurant once and I’m pretty sure it was because the waitress and owner didn’t approve of the ample display of chest and nip slips provided by a very loosely worn tie-front top. While turning around during the food ordering process, she provided at least half a dozen nipple views and had patrons turning around to stare at her tits for the duration of the meal. Once in a while she misses and it seems nothing is too much even if the setting clearly cannot handle it. Most of the time though her calibration is perfect.
By AnonAnon
A few years ago we were invited to a restaurant opening. My wife knew it would be crowded, but chose to wear a skin tight stretch see through grey dress with a few opaque bands for cover though not for her nipples, which were on display. With the restaurant crowded we ended up waiting outside with drinks for quite some time. The headlights of cars passing by on the street made the dress completely transparent every few minutes with spectacular views of everything from top to bottom. There was so much ogling from other patrons my wife quickly realized how naked she was. We could have relocated to a darker stop or even left, but that’s not her style and her conspicuously erect nipples revealed how much she was enjoying the show. It was a family style restaurant and we ended up seated across from a couple when we got inside and it was funny watching the guys sneaking glances at her tits all through the meal. Hopefully, he used the resulting “energy” well with his partner after!
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By lgn
This was on a camping trip. Had a few drinks and took a walk on one of the trails
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By AnonAnon
Awesome! Does your wife enjoy being seen or enjoy the risk of being seen?

When I had just started dating my wife, she invited me out on to a small second-floor deck for sex late one evening. It was not as dark as I would have liked and I recall quickly lying down on the rug she had put down. What I had imagined to be a tumble under the sky turned out to be her on top and completely uninhibited while performing a range of intimate acts including wiping herself off after. There was no noise, but I imagine the neighbors didn’t miss the shows. Shortly after we were visiting some friends out of town in a group of about six people and were put up in the basement on air mattresses. She was already under covers when I approached the bed. I could have gotten under the covers myself, but she threw them off to let me in revealing herself completely naked underneath. Nobody missed either the show, or her comfortable nude walk to the bathroom the following morning.
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By lukethehammer
When we first started dating, I took her out drinking after a day at Busch Gardens. I had her showing her tits off on a roller coaster which was unbelievably fun. When I got her back to the motel room, I urged her to do something crazy. At that time, she completely opens the curtains. She was facing the window and rode me like there was no tomorrow. I then changed up and went to town from behind her facing the window. She blew my mind. She was so exposed and having multiple orgasms. I eventually started worrying and ended up closing the curtains before we finished for the night. I have no idea if anyone caught us but it was one of her wilder and louder nights. She was incredibly hot.
By AnonAnon
When I was dating my wife it was her love of being very exposed that I found mesmerizing. We went to a movie at the local public park. It was going to be dark for the movie, but we arrived in plenty of light and her choice of top was fishnet without bra. Literally hundreds of guys, including our friends, checking out her bare tits and she was completely at ease. Another time a tight weave fishnet for pants worn pantyless with a narrow seam providing cover for her pussy. Her landing strip and bare ass in full view at a large outdoor party. I remember her bending over to take photos, fully aware of the near nude views to the rear. It is a lot of fun being with a girl breaking the taboos that everyone wants to break but won't.
By Nudeone
My wife likes hotel bar flashing
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By like2watch1576
Oh I can relate, my wife loves exposing her hot 5-8, 110lb, 34D-24-35 body to anyone she can. One of our favorite things is the Pizza dare where she answers the door in only a towel and lets it fall off. Or at times just answering the door naked except for a garter belt & stockings and heels. And she does it to not just pizza guys but room service or any kind of delivery. Though she only does it out of town. And on occasion she will seduce one of them for sex both male & female. At home she does occasionally expose herself to repairmen and once had sex with 3 guys who were laying carpet. And what makes it hotter is I hide and watch usually.

Though we were swingers for 20+ yrs so I've had my share of joining in the fun. But it's just so hot to hide on a hotel balcony and watch her expose herself to a guy/girl and her end up having sex with them. With the guys she'd make the first move. But the girls she'd just let them see her naked & show it didn't bother her though it seemed to start accidental. And over the years 3 different girls after seeing her naked came on to her the hottest was when she was in her late 20's and an asian girl who looked to be 18-19 came on to her and asked if she could come back after work. And damned if she didn't.

I watched from the balcony for 2 hours as they had wild girl on girl sex, she also had a hot black girl from housekeeping and a pizza delivery girl. All three left since they were working & came back later. And I've lost count of the guys she sucked off in lew of a tip.
By AnonAnon
Nudeone wrote: Mon Oct 05, 2020 1:06 pm My wife likes hotel bar flashing

A few years ago we had a designer hotel open by us and my wife got an invitation to go. She got two of her friends together and the three of them wore the most plunging gowns possible. When they were at our home, someone mentioned tape and they all agreed to go without it. I offered to drive them over and even trying to be a gentleman there was a lot to appreciate on display. When they got back, my wife walked into our kitchen wanting to show me something. It was late, but I followed. She sat on one of the bar stools as she had done at the hotel to listen to our friend, who gave a speech. What she had not realized at the time was that each speaker had had a view up her dress while she was making sure her boobs weren't falling totally out of it.
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By fastglass427
We went out to dinner the other night my wife took an Uber right from work because her car was in the dealer and her loader was going to be delivered the next day the price of German luxury Well anyway I was seated at a table out on the patio social distancing BS I ordered cocktails and was seated facing the door when I see my wife walk in making her way to our table she's wearing a short white mini skirt, sandals and a see-thru white blouse her 38DD tits supported by a half cup bra allowing the tops of her tits to be exposed along with her nipples which were hard as rocks rubbing against the material of her blouse, We've had the bra discussion why even wear one at all she feels gravity is her enemy with her tits being so big it doesn't look as sexy. Well, apparently every guy in the place and some women agreed with her because you could see the heads turn as she walked across the deck. We kissed and she sat down smiling so do you like my new blouse I bought it especially for you baby, I laughed oh the attention your getting is just a bonus. Laughing she said well the bonus is I'm going commando. :O I love it because I usually take advantage of her lack of panties. It was quite a night with all the smiles and looks but the best came from our waitress when she brought our after-dinner drinks when she placed the drinks on the table she smiled saying to my wife I love your blouse where did yo get it and I love your choice of panties. My wife being smooth as ever said oh here and wrote the name of the place on a napkin handing it to her. She smiled saying thank you I'll have to check it out. As she walked away I asked my wife so where did you get that blouse, some smiled saying I'll never tell, I just gave her my phone number, which got an eyebrow raise out of me within less than 10 minutes she received a text, bet you can't guess who it was from.
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