A place to share your sexy stories
By DM09
Hot story!! Something similar to that actualy happened to me a few years back when I was on a golf outing with friends down south. I pulled my shouldler and rather than have a horrible game I decided to just hang back at the condo while my friends hit the course. It was early afternoon and I decided to sit on our balcony and catch up on some reading on my Ipad and enjoy a cold beer. The condo was in a multi unit building and although the balconies were not connected there were only railings dividing each unit. As I was sitting on the balconie our female neighbor stepped out onto her balcony to retrieve her swim suit that she had drying on the railing. We made casual small talk and she went on to tell me that she also was also alone because her boyfriend who lived in the codo where she was had left town on business (yep, heard that one before havnt ya?). Anyway after a while I offered her a beer and she hopped the railing and came over and we just sat there chatting about all sorts of trivial stuff until we both were starting to feel a the beer. She was wearing a tank top and some baggy excercise/athletic type shorts and after a while adjusted herself in her chair to where she was sitting with her kness sort of pulled up to her chest to get comfortable. It took me only a minute to notice that in this position the baggy shorts afforded a complete view of what was going on under the shorts and that the shorts were all that she had on. After a while I decided I should gently let her know that she was putting it all out on display and when I did she quickly covered up and laughed that she forgot that she was not wearing underwear because she had just gotten out of the shower and thrown on the shorts just to step outside to grab her swim suit. After a tense moment i just laughed and told her not to worry about it because I wasnt wearing underwear either. She called me a bullshitter and said that I was just trying to make her feel better and that I needed to prove it!. I said what the hell and unzipped enoug for her to see that I had no underwear on and she started ribbing me that what I showed her was not exactly fair since I had seen all of her. I wasnt sure where this was leading so I made the comment to her that I would be happy to show her but that I wasnt sure her boyfriend would approve. She just laughed and said "boy I have no intention of fucking, sucking or touching you in any way, I just want to see your cock" > I was floored and said what the heck and stepped into the door frame and just dropped my shorts and now was just standing there butt naked and with a now raging hard on. I just stood there while she looked me over and after a moment stated that this was feeling a bit awkward. After another moment she just stood up, walked past me, pulled off her shirt to reveal a very small but perky racka nd then dropped her shorts to geive me a better view of her neatly bikini ready and trimmed pussy. I approached her thinking I was going to get laid but she just put up her hand and said slow it down and restated that this all a show and there would be no "go" but that she had an idea. There were two chairs in the room for a dinette and she grabbed two of them and put them facing each other about 3 feet apart and told me to sit in one and she would sit in the other. Once we sat down she told me that she loved her boyfriend very much and would never cheat but she was really enjoying showing me her body and that her boyfriend is the only man she has ever been with and that she wanted to keep it that way but that she saw no harm in us each getting ourselves off while watching each other. Holy crap that was hot and just sat back in her chair, spread her legs and started fingering herself as started stroking off. Amazingly we both came almost instantly and it was amazing. When we were done she just stood up and grabbed her clothes, stepped over and gave me a peck on the forehead and said that she hoped my should was still sore tomorrow. Funny, I didnt get my golf in until her boyfriend returned home. This was the best sex I have ever had without actually having any physical contact with another woman. Sounds like bullshit but it sure was fun.

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