Political discussions about everything

"The rich businessman" that was a fictional character Trump portrayed on TV.
"The billion dollar loser" the character Trump portrayed in the late 80s and early 90s.
"The Moron" that's the character Trump portrays now.
"The jailbird" that's the character Trump will portray when he leaves office.
I'm feeling really sentimental this morning.... but I think it's nice that Trump is spending Mothers Day with that green card trophy wife of his who married him for his billions, recoils at his touch, who is stone-faced and never smiles in his presence, refuses to share his bed and sits in her room, counting every second until he dies...........
Of course they aren't screaming, dimwit. They aren't nut-job conservatives.

They are going through the civilized process of negotiating with the DOJ to get Mueller to testify before Congress, which is the first thing you do.

Mueller would have been there weeks ago except Trump and Barr are desperately stonewalling. They are scared to death of the truth getting out.

If you would listen to sources who aren't merely your handlers, you would know this already.
RealTool seems to be one of those clowns who believes we're in a Constitutional crisis instead of a period of Constitutional procedures being observed. When Trumps fucks this one up, a subpoena will follow, Tool.

Your idiotic thread title is just your handlers jerking you around again.
I told you guys Mueller testifying was a red herring. With Barr's announcement the conduct of those involved in the Mueller investigation and what led up to it are under criminal investigation, Mueller has lawyered up and zipped his lips.

The last thing Democrats want now is for Mueller to be put under oath before Congress knowing he can't lie, due to the ongoing DOJ investigation of the investigators. You can bet Barr was praying Mueller testified under oath to Congress to lock him into his story.
"Notice the Democrats aren't screaming for Mueller to testify :laugh:"-RealStool (Why scream when you just quietly go through procedures, eh, Tool? Dems don't scream about everything the way Trump does.)

"I told you guys Mueller testifying was a red herring."-RealTool (Eat bait, Tool)

"The last thing Democrats want now is for Mueller to be put under oath before Congress knowing he can't lie, due to the ongoing DOJ investigation of the investigators."-RealTool (Apparently not "The last thing Democrats want" is it, Tool? )

See the endless string of made up stupid shit RealTool spews on a regular basis? Conservatism illustrated. They have nothing else......other than Trump's dog whistle race baiting, of course.

It's not often we get such a perfect bitch slap of RealTool and his constant made up stupid shit. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Today we have proof that everything RealTool posted on this thread is proven to be made up stupid shit.
I try to be humble, but when I continue to call them right, that's really hard to do. :D
Harvard Law School professor Laurence Tribe, a fierce critic of President Trump who has been one of the most outspoken advocates for Trump's impeachment, said Wednesday that former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's House Judiciary Committee hearing was a "disaster" that set back impeachment efforts.

“Much as I hate to say it, this morning’s hearing was a disaster for us," Tribe tweeted. "Far from breathing life into his damning report, the tired and often conflicting Robert Mueller sucked the life out of it. The effort to save democracy and the rule of law from this lawless president has been set back, not advanced. After today, I understand why the investigators are under investigation."
Mueller is another public employee who destroyed his life trying to cover for Hillary. Even his supporters are feeling sorry for him after today's performance, others are suggesting he lawyer up and avoid the public.

As I warned, the Democrats now regret making him testify. What today proved was that Mueller is an old senile man that was used by the swamp to approve and sign reports written by Weaver and his swamp attorneys recruited based upon their hatred of Trump and loyalty to the Clintons and Obama.

Mueller's right hand man that he insisted sit with him today during testimony is his minder assigned by the swamp. It was pointed out today that he is in fact the attorney who defended Clinton's IT person who destroyed evidence that was under subpoena. That person was Mueller's Chief of Staff during the investigation but yet the swamp has the balls to send him out to keep control of Mueller as he testified.
Imagine if Trump's CIA and FBI and other officials concocted a fake dossier on some Democrat opponent, then used that fake dossier to wiretap his/her campaign.

Democrats would scream bloody murder and they should in that hypothetical.

What the Obama Administration did in spying on Trump was disgusting and illegal, and surely Rhodes and Rice and Valerie and Barry know a whole lot about this.

As to collusion and obstruction, Mueller wasted two years -- based on a fake dossier he surely knew from the start was fake -- and found nothing worthy of prosecution.
"As I warned, the Democrats now regret making him testify."-RealStool

Again, RealTool's made up stupid shit is the exact opposite of the truth.

Having Mueller tell all you Republican tools in so many words that he certainly did NOT conclude there was "no collusion" and "no obstruction" should make even morons of your caliber finally understand that Trump is lying to you on a regular basis.

But, being morons of your caliber, you still don't care that he plays you for fools.

At the very least you should be concerned about Trump's obstruction of justice that has been made clear in the report, but again, unprincipled self-righteous morons of your caliber don't care about criminal behavior by your own Party.

johnny, Mueller certainly didn't "waste two years" by indicting a few dozen criminals and uncovering Trump's obstruction.
Regardless of you opinion of the quite real dossier, and if you are really concerned about the rule of law as you are pretending, you need to be concerned about your President attempting to obstruct justice. Yet you aren't, which means everyone can continue to ignore your unsupported yammering about the dossier and FISA warrants.
^^^^^^^ RealTool is telling us what we already know, that he doesn't care about someone breaking the law in order to prevent someone from exposing the crimes that Mueller uncovered and made dozens of indictments for.
RealTool also doesn't want anyone to know that Republicans hire unregistered foreign agents to run our government.

Another conservative who hates the rule of law and supports foreign government interference in our affairs--- what a surprise.
I especially liked the part where Mueller answered a speedy "Yes" when asked if Trump could be indicted for obstruction after he leaves office. And that was a question from a Republican. :O

And when another person asked if Mueller's report says there was "No collusion" and "No obstruction" Mueller said "No, it does not."

Did you like those parts too, Tool?
So Much Winning!!!!

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