Political discussions about everything
Mr. Mueller during the course of your team's investigation of possible Russian collusion did you find any evidence of anyone who may have misrepresented, mislead or lied?

Democrats don't want that answered but it's to late. After reviewing Mueller's report, Barr has formed a team to investigate the investigators. Mueller may be a liberal but he's not going to go down with the ship.
They never "demanded" Mueller testify in the first place, so how could they possibly "drop" non-existent demands?

Where is this alleged subpoena you are pretending was served on Mueller? :lol:

Honestly, you dimwits will swallow any nonsense your handlers slop into your troughs.
They never "demanded" Mueller testify in the first place, so how could they possibly "drop" non-existent demands?
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, announced that special counsel Robert Mueller will be brought in front of the committee to testify about his investigation.
That was weeks ago, now that information has come out that the investigators, will be investigate concerning how they handled the investigation, Nadler has dropped his crowing about bringing Mueller in. Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), the top Republican on the committee said he would welcome the opportunity to question Mueller under oath concerning how the investigation was conducted and warrants obtained including spying on the President's calls.
Mueller could also be asked by a Repub this terrible-for-him question:

How long ago did you know there was zero evidence of collusion, and how did you get a second mandate letter from Rosenstein to fish around for obstruction?

BEFORE the probe, Mueller's chief deputy Weissmann knew the dossier was fake.

How could Brennan and Clapper, top intel people, not know from the start the dossier was fake?
Tool, when will you clowns learn that presenting evidence that proves your opponent's argument does not help your own false assertions?

As your quotation shows, no Democrat "demanded" Mueller appear. Your quote is just an assertion of what will happen at some time in the future. And it still may happen. Nobody "demanded" anything and nobody "dropped" any demands.

You don't get to make up a nonsensical statement about "Nadler has dropped his crowing". <--huh?
First of all, "crowing" is not a "demand" and secondly, one does not "drop" crowing. One "stops" crowing.
You'll need to try again to support your silly thread title.

ESL classes, Tool, ESL classes. It will literally change how you think.
You could actually become a liberal thinker once you learn HOW to think.
Attorney General William Barr testified before a Congressional committee about the Justice Department’s budget.

Instead he was grilled by the Demos about the Mueller report...
The Demos want to know when will they see it and with no redactions...

From what I saw ...if that wasn't demanding I don't know what is..
In any case, Barr told them they will see it when they see it
and there will be redactions because Congress can not be trusted not to leak.... :o :lol:
"From what I saw ...if that wasn't demanding I don't know what is.."-sillydummy

Well, that's WASN'T demanding and you obviously DON'T know what is, dummy.

If you don't understand that someone asking "when will they see it" and someone "demanding to see it" are not the same thing, then you need to sign up with RealTool for a rudimentary ESL class as well.

Conservatives--- every last one of them is illiterate.
Once again you dimwits don't grasp the English language.

Voting to authorize a subpoena is not demanding anything. It isn't even a subpoena. It's just a vote to authorize one. Actually serving the subpoena is demanding something, which they haven't done yet. And demanding a copy of the report is still not demanding to interview Mueller, is it. It never happened. It's just more of RealTool's made up stupid shit for dimwits. You know who you are.
funny I thought a subpoena was a demand for something or someone. So I would say voting for a "Subpoena" would be the same thing. IE an Attorney demanding evidence from someone so they issue a "subpoena" to get it. Making it mandatory to hand over said item.
A congressperson voting on a subpoena would be the same thing. Demanding evidence of something..

Now do you understand "Clown" or are you going to wear your name well and pretend your ignorant....OH WAIT! he doesnt have to pretend ....
johnny, please explain to your ignorant cohorts that voting to authorize something is not the same as actually proffering the thing voted on.

Like Congress voting on giving namandgulfdumbfuck desperately needed mental healthcare is not the same thing as him actually receiving the desperately needed mental care at his local VA hospital. Until he actually receives the mental care he needs, he has not received any mental care.
elklindo69 wrote:I'm beginning to suspect that the moron who won't show us his tax returns, his grades, his medical records, and the Mueller report might be hiding something.
YOur right Ojackass never did show us any of that shit. Im still waiting for him to show us his collage grades and taxes the ass hole
"...and taxes the ass hole"-namandgulfdumbfuck

So when did Obama tax the ass hole? I never got a bill for mine. johnny, how did your ass hole fare? Any surprise bills?

Why is namandgulfdumbfuck so obsessed with this sort of stupid shit and assholes?

And why the concern with "collage grades"? Why does dumbfuck want to see Obama's junior high art class grades? What relevance could they possibly have with being President?
He doesn't, dimwit. He's only asking where Trump's grades are because johnforbes is so stupid he called for Obama's at least 20 or 30 times, even though the grades and tests are irrelevant. elklindo asks to demonstrate the hypocrisy of johnforbes who hasn't once called for Trump's grades. Hypocrisy is what johnforbes does. And you are silent about his hypocrisy because you are a partisan tool.

And Obama already released his tax returns, dimwit. elklindo isn't asking for them. He's asking for Trump's tax returns, you moron. The tax returns are important because it is good for Americans to know who is paying our President. ANY President. We need to know who owns him. He should comply just as every President has complied and released his tax returns for scrutiny for decades.

The same with medical records. We have a right to know if the man we hire will drop dead half way through his term. That is important to all Americans. But mainly because Trump's 'doctor' was a joke. Everything he told us is a lie.

And the Mueller report is something we paid for and Congress has the Constitutional Right to see. It may be limited to Committees whose members have top secret clearance. There is no reason whatsoever that our representatives don't have oversight of the President. ANY President, ANY party. It is their Constitutional duty to be a check on the President. Anyone who ever fought to protect and defend the Constitution should be insisting the President comply with the Constitution and Congress' legitimate subpoena powers.

We now return our political forum to namandgulfdumbfuck so he can talk obsessively about assholes, shit, and why he hates our Constitution that demands that Trump is subject to Congressional oversight.
Has anyone else noticed that Democrats haven't subpoenaed Mueller to testify? The last thing they want is Mueller to testify under oath before the public about his investigation and be subjected to Republicans' questions.

Mr. Mueller, during the course of your team's investigation, was there anytime that any of your investigators developed any information that might indicate the allegations against Trump were politically motivated?

Game over!
Two months in, Mueller knew there was no collusion.

Did he announce that?


Instead, he apparently got Rosenstein to authorize 22 more months of obstruction probe nonsense.

I say "apparently" because the full, unredacted authorization letters are still reportedly secret.
johnforbes wrote: Sat May 04, 2019 10:16 am Two months in, Mueller knew there was no collusion.

Did he announce that?


Instead, he apparently got Rosenstein to authorize 22 more months of obstruction probe nonsense.

I say "apparently" because the full, unredacted authorization letters are still reportedly secret.
Johnnie...why do you persistently lie? Mueller never investigated "collusion" because there is no such thing. Collusion is not a legal term. That's something made up out of Trump and Barr's imagination.

So apparently Barr seems to be pretty good at deceiving people without committing perjury. However, the other day Ms. Harris seemed to stump Barr who seemed to be struggling with the term...suggest?

Apparently Barr couldn't answer Ms. Harris' question without perjuring himself...
So Johnnie...are you saying that it's more important to find out who "authorized" the investigation as opposed to the fact that Trump obstructed justice and broke the law.

Or is Trump attempting to keep the base engaged with some other loonie conspiracy theory? The next thing you know is that the investigation was authorized from the a basement of a pizza parlor that doesn't have a basement.....
Imagine if Trump's CIA and FBI and other officials concocted a fake dossier on some Democrat opponent, then used that fake dossier to wiretap his/her campaign.

Democrats would scream bloody murder and they should in that hypothetical.

What the Obama Administration did in spying on Trump was disgusting and illegal, and surely Rhodes and Rice and Valerie and Barry know a whole lot about this.

As to collusion and obstruction, Mueller wasted two years -- based on a fake dossier he surely knew from the start was fake -- and found nothing worthy of prosecution.
I find it entertaining so see how Trump can't even enjoy a quiet Sunday afternoon because he's a criminal and not even a competent criminal at that and the SDNY and the house Democrats are breathing down his sweaty fat neck .

And to top it of....Johnnie concocts another right wing loonie conspiracy story about Obama. Why...because that's what Trumpers do.

Dear Leader Jong-un has already amassed a larger fortune than Trump, yet our pumpkin headed president is convinced that Jong-un will jump at his invitation to attend Trump University and learn to be a real estate tycoon. This is the level of delusional fucking idiocy we're dealing with here.....
Imagine if Trump's CIA and FBI and other officials concocted a fake dossier on some Democrat opponent, then used that fake dossier to wiretap his/her campaign.

Democrats would scream bloody murder and they should in that hypothetical.

What the Obama Administration did in spying on Trump was disgusting and illegal, and surely Rhodes and Rice and Valerie and Barry know a whole lot about this.

As to collusion and obstruction, Mueller wasted two years -- based on a fake dossier he surely knew from the start was fake -- and found nothing worthy of prosecution.
John Forbes is the Rudy Ghouliani of the VW political BB.

So Johnnie apparently your president over the past two days has accomplished jack shit except hand out a medal and a trophy and watch himself on Hoax News and play with his phone with his tiny fingers and don't you wish your job allowed you to fuck off for whole days at a time while bragging about how fucking amazing you are.
OK everybody......it's not going to be long before this crazy crack pot starts pounding the table demanding two more years of presidency and both his dimwitted knuckle dragging worshipers and the Conservatard establishment are going to line up behind his fat caboose....so yes, please explain to me one more time why it's wrong to impeach this tinpot turd?
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