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Omarosa's Long History of Being Fired

Donald Trump wasn’t the first person to fire Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth, the combative “Apprentice” contestant who makes a heralded return to the NBC reality show on Thursday, the next-to-last episode of the ratings hit.

According to the new issue of PEOPLE, the former political appointee — who spoke glowingly of her White House days — was banished from four jobs in two years with the Clinton administration.

At her last one, “she was asked to leave as quickly as possible, she was so disruptive,” says Cheryl Shavers, the former Under Secretary for Technology at the Commerce Department, where Omarosa worked several weeks in 2000. “One woman wanted to slug her.”

Manigault-Stallworth, 30, was also bounced from a previous position at Commerce, says another former administration official, “because she couldn’t get along with people.”

At her first White House gig, answering invitations received by Vice President Al Gore, “she didn’t do her job, and it got everybody in trouble,” says a former Gore staffer.

During the Q&A with the audience at a March 19 Washington, D.C., panel discussion on “Wearing the Pants: A Woman’s Experience in a Man’s World,” PEOPLE asked Manigault-Stallworth about the challenges she’s faced as a woman in her own career.

“I have done logistics and advance and event planning for the White House under the Gore staff. … At 23, I got appointed to the White House. That was not a place to learn how to be a young professional. That’s a very difficult environment, because they don’t believe in training. They just kind of throw you in the fire,” Omarosa told the audience.

But Omarosa did not do any logistics or advance work for the Vice President, the former Gore staffer, who asked to remain anonymous, tells PEOPLE. “Her exact title was scheduling correspondent. Her job was to respond to invitations,” says the former staffer.

Omarosa was transferred to the White House personnel office, which later sent her to Commerce.

When asked about her employment history, the former Apprentice at first told PEOPLE, “I left when I got married,” but later said she left “to go out on the campaign for Al Gore.”

Manigault-Stallworth, who claims she’s inundated with new job offers, said recently, “I’m a moving target. As soon as they think they’ve figured Omarosa out, I’ve already moved on to a whole different industry.”
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FLASHBACK: Omarosa Was Fired or Tossed From Govt. Positions Under Clinton… FOUR Different Times
Here’s something that is not making many headlines in the liberal mainstream media.
Omarosa was fired four times by the Clinton White House.
They say she was very “disruptive.”

Raise your hand if you knew that Omarosa was fired from the Clinton White House not once, not twice, not thrice, but four times before. Have barely seen anything on this: “She was asked to leave as quickly as possible, she was so disruptive.” https://t.co/UC8Ac2kPcS" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/0 ... ent-times/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
namandgulfdumbfuck stops in to tell us Trump is incompetent at hiring people. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks for nothing, dimwit.

As namandgulf shows, the woman had a track record of being fired, not least of which was being fired by Trump himself at least twice, and he hired her again anyway. Doesn't he vet ANYONE he hires? Even the people he himself has fired?
Is Trump's mind so far gone he can't remember someone he has personally fired previously?

What kind of moron does that? In the case of the Trump White House, that verges on criminal negligence.

It's hilarious that namandgulfdumbfuck is now defending Trump by saying Trump is just as bad as Clinton. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks for admitting the Klintoons were even more stupid for hiring her 4 times..

At least Trump was willing to giver her a second chance. If he would have turned her away you Libs would have been calling him racist. So suck it up LGBQ boi and go pound Sand Bernies Bitch
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