Political discussions about everything
By elklindo69
RealJustme wrote:The question now, where is Trump's Nobel Peace prize? Obama got one for just saying "I want world peace"
It it were up to me....I'd give the Nobel Peace Prize it to Trudeau just to fuck with Trump.

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By namngulfvet
elklindo69 wrote:
RealJustme wrote:The question now, where is Trump's Nobel Peace prize? Obama got one for just saying "I want world peace"
It it were up to me....I'd give the Nobel Peace Prize it to Trudeau just to fuck with Trump.

Well that just goes to show you that you an Snakshit have the same IQ. and snakes is lower then a dirt clod... Which has an IQ of 1.5. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
By johnforbes
The Left on MSNBC was saying today Trump got no guarantee, and that thus the deal was a failure.

That is just Trump Derangement Syndrome, whereby legit good things are transformed into yet another leftist rationale for hating Trump.

I root for American policy success regardless of who the president is.

Not leftists; they hate the country.
By Clownkicker
"That is just Trump Derangement Syndrome, whereby legit good things are transformed into yet another leftist rationale for hating Trump."-johnflubs

Wow, that sounds exactly like Obama Derangement Syndrome suffered by every last one of you here on this forum for eight years. No matter what good things Obama accomplished, you and FOXnews spun it into a reason for hating Obama.
RealTool is STILL here hating Obama every week when Obama hasn't even done a thing for a year and a half, so don't bother denying this truth, johnny.

"I root for American policy success regardless of who the president is."-johnfibs

That's just an outright lie again, johnny.
For example, when Obama and five other countries got a nuclear deal with Iran that stopped their production of a bomb, you and the other dishonest scum here had nothing but Righty propaganda without any facts to back it up. I gave you the facts of the agreement, even posted a link to the text of the agreement itself so you clowns could quote the parts you didn't agree with. But there was silence from you all because your handlers hadn't bothered to tell you what was wrong with the agreement. They only told you it was "bad" and "the worst agreement EVER" so you dutifully parroted that nonsense back to us here.

By the way, it's been three years and Iran doesn't have a bomb. You're welcome, you ungrateful tools.

"Not leftists; they hate the country."-johnfibs

johnny, rightists are denigrating our allies daily and praising Putin and Kim and Duterte as great leaders.
They are authoritarian strongmen, you idiots; dictators for all practical purposes, fer cripes sake!
Criminy, all it does is show us that so-called conservatives are simply authoritarians who try to wrap themselves in a Constitution that they actually despise. A liberal tells you something Trump or his cronies did is against the law or unconstitutional and every last one of you automatically starts spewing your handlers' non-factual talking points instead of considering that it might actually be a bad thing to have people breaking the law.

Tool is on record here saying he doesn't care what laws are broken if it "drains the swamp".
None of you care about the law. And that is proof you are actually the ones who hate the country.
By Clownkicker
Notice johnforbes couldn't deny or refute a thing I said. He doubles down on his anti-Obama rhetoric without conceding that Iran hasn't developed a nuclear weapon in three years, no thanks to Trump now that he's bailed on the agreement.

Read this Trump nonsense about wasting your money, johnny.
https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/ ... tem-635164
And before you shrug this off because you think Politico is a leftist publisher, do you honestly think FOXnews would publish this even if they knew about it? Of course not.

Now why would Trump choose to destroy so much of his paperwork, johnny? And why fire career employees who have worked under numerous Presidents of both parties and did nothing different now other than tape Trump's paper scraps back together?

Let's watch as conservatives here praise Trump for his attempted violations of the Presidential Records Act while they belittle Obama for keeping everything as the law requires. After all, complying with the Act is in the interest of all Americans. But undoubtedly will johnforbes "root for" Obama and criticize Trump in this case? Yeah, right.
By elklindo69
Here's an interesting tidbit...

NK has previously promised to denuclearize in:


Each turned out to be a lie. If you were to ask me....if you believe any promise Jong-un made to Trump, I have five failed casinos in Atlantic City to sell you.

By elklindo69
OK Trumptards, I need a little in understanding this.... Is Trump the self proclaimed greatest deal-maker of all time? The master negotiator who always comes out on top? Or is he the guy who dropped every demand in a desperate bid to meet with Jong un and also agreed to pay his hotel bill?

Well..............because it can't be both?

By johnforbes
Whether you are talking about Diem or Ky in South Vietnam, or Kim in North Korea, it is simply a fact that we have to deal with some unsavory characters in foreign policy.

Just look at this fine forum, where we have to deal with unsavory characters such as Elkin who has Trump Derangement Syndrome.
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By namngulfvet
RealJustme wrote:
No matter what good things Obama accomplished, you and FOXnews spun it into a reason for hating Obama.
The key word clown, is accomplishments, tell us about those accomplishments. :D
I see Clown went off on some tirade about paper being tore up. then Elkcrap had to jump in with some worthless babble.. Neither one of them have shown us a list of Odummies accomplishments.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
By Clownkicker
^^^^^^ As we can see, conservatives have no problem paying three or four people $60,000 each per year to tape together Trump's attempts at evading the law. :shock:

Don't let anyone tell you Trump supporters are fiscal conservatives.
And now Trump wants to waste the most valuable training our military has by not participating in war games in order to 'save money'.

This will save very little money since we still have to pay for the soldiers, planes, ships, and bases, whether they are used or not, but all Trump's plan would do is leave our military unprepared for a real world strike.

More false frugality by conservatives. Why do they hate our military so much?
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By namngulfvet
Clownkicker wrote:^^^^^^ As we can see, conservatives have no problem paying three or four people $60,000 each per year to tape together Trump's attempts at evading the law. :shock:

Don't let anyone tell you Trump supporters are fiscal conservatives.
And now Trump wants to waste the most valuable training our military has by not participating in war games in order to 'save money'.

This will save very little money since we still have to pay for the soldiers, planes, ships, and bases, whether they are used or not, but all Trump's plan would do is leave our military unprepared for a real world strike.

More false frugality by conservatives. Why do they hate our military so much?
At lest its just papers and not the country LIke Ojackass tried to tear apart with his extreme racism and hater for the country.
By Clownkicker
No, it's not "just paper", dummy. That part just more wasted time and money for the Trump Administration.

But Trump is actually trying to damage our military preparedness by withdrawing from war games, which is the best 'bang for the buck' money our military spends. It's what makes our military superior to all the others, we're actually ready to fight. But Trump wants to eliminate it and you cheer him on as he bends over and takes it from Kim.

Why do conservatives hate our military so much?
By elklindo69
You know....I don't have an issue with someone going over to North Korea to engage in peace negotiations, but I don't think it's a good idea to send over Trump who is an unprepared unqualified ignoramus who's so desperate for a win, any win, that he'll say yes before he even knows what fuck he's agreeing to............
By johnforbes
Like Obama did by sending pallets of cash in an unmarked plane in the middle of the night?

And sending them to the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism, talk about Barry's incompetence and hatred.
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By namngulfvet
Clownkicker wrote:No, it's not "just paper", dummy. That part just more wasted time and money for the Trump Administration.

But Trump is actually trying to damage our military preparedness by withdrawing from war games, which is the best 'bang for the buck' money our military spends. It's what makes our military superior to all the others, we're actually ready to fight. But Trump wants to eliminate it and you cheer him on as he bends over and takes it from Kim.

Why do conservatives hate our military so much?
ROFLMAO! @ Clown.. keep dancing Clown, keep dancing..... you have nothing nada zero...

Big fucking deal someone had to tape some paper back together. No but you cares... War games can always be resumed.. talk about desperation.. your down to cherry picking what the man eats for breakfast. Tell us Clown have you checked his shorts for skid marks. You know something like that should be headlines according to your standards. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
By Clownkicker
Trump, clearly an inexperienced negotiator, was simply duped into a propaganda photo op for Kim by an underling.
Watch the whole video.
North Korea is playing this photo non-stop on national TV showing how the American President is subordinate to their military leaders.

It's a perfect example of why Trump shouldn't go to these things without preparation, note takers, photographers, and career diplomatic advisors from the State Department. Instead, we got this gaff from Korean TV, just as we got news about the Oval Office from Russian TV.

Trump was played like the rank amateur he is.

It's as bad or worse than anything similar that Obama did.
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By namngulfvet
Trump, clearly an inexperienced negotiator, was simply duped into a propaganda photo op for Kim by an underling.
Watch the whole video.
As usual ClownLICKER (A very appropriate nic) pulls some shit out of his asshole pretending its facts.. Mean while the dumbest president in history Obongo is off some place on his knees sucking the king of Saudi Arabias dick.
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By namngulfvet
Whats really funny is clownLICKER (A very appropriate nic) is calling a Self made Billionaire an "Inexperienced negotiator" while all clownLICKER (A very appropriate nic) has nothing but but his life as a union cocksucker.. Well ok that an his life on a porn board where his pretends to be a great Negotiator for his liberal Ilk.

In reality all he ever gets is humiliated on daily basis..
By Clownkicker
Meanwhile, namandgulfDUMBFUCK (A very appropriate nic) has his stunt double post for him once again because he is virtually brain dead. namandgulfDUMBFUCK'sSTUNTDOUBLE (A very appropriate nic) calls the photo and video North Korea is showing on state TV 'some shit pulled out of someone's asshole.' True enough, it is; Donald Trump's asshole.

namandgulfDUMBFUCK'sSTUNTDOUBLE (A very appropriate nic) would be criticizing Trump for getting duped by Kim's underling and providing propaganda for Kim in this way if he bothered to consume news that actually contained facts the rest of the world knows.

In reality all either of them ever gets is humiliated on daily basis.
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By namngulfvet
Clownkicker wrote:Meanwhile, namandgulfDUMBFUCK (A very appropriate nic) has his stunt double post for him once again because he is virtually brain dead. namandgulfDUMBFUCK'sSTUNTDOUBLE (A very appropriate nic) calls the photo and video North Korea is showing on state TV 'some shit pulled out of someone's asshole.' True enough, it is; Donald Trump's asshole.

namandgulfDUMBFUCK'sSTUNTDOUBLE (A very appropriate nic) would be criticizing Trump for getting duped by Kim's underling and providing propaganda for Kim in this way if he bothered to consume news that actually contained facts the rest of the world knows.

In reality all either of them ever gets is humiliated on daily basis.

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