Political discussions about everything
By Freedman
Looking over the post looks like a Tea Party convention. What ever happened to that guy with red truck that kept getting hit, he was married to Nikki. I liked his posts because he was always posting a new pic of Nikki. I was surprised my account was still functioning, thought I'd just drop by for old times sake, yah carry on now.
By snakeoil
It's been a few weeks since I last was here. I've given up on having a sane dialog on the complex issues that need to be discussed. Too often, (maybe even most of the time) the views expressed here are just the prevailing talking points of one politician or other; many times with no basis in fact. Here are a few of my opinions about this site:

1. As I am writing this, there are no registered members and 5 guests on this forum.

2. With such a low readership, how big an impact do the rabid posters that inhabit this site feel they are going to make on the world?

3. Too often, major issues are up for discussion but the posters resort to attacking the OP or the elected leaders in office and the issue becomes non-existent.

4. As I once stated in one of my posts, I reject labels such as liberal or conservative as all of us are liberal on some issues and conservative on others.

5. I chuckle when I see the endless criticism of Obama. I too think he has missed the boat on many issues. But, someone voted for him to put him in office TWICE. It doesn't make sense to just dismiss any ideas he might have because he is from another party. No one is wrong 100% of the time.

6. Continuing on Obama, it might be wise to ponder why Obama is disliked.
a. He is Afro-American. Shame on him. Our professional politicians can't abide a black man in the Presidency.
b. It wasn't his turn. In the past few decades,the old boy network has made elections a game. One professional politician or another runs for office after qualifying for his lucrative government pension (my Congressman gets a $96,000 a year pension after being County Executive for 8 years) and tries to beat the professional politician from the other party. Obama jumped ahead of the line so we have to make sure he doesn't succeed.

7. Reading the posts makes one wonder about the political savvy of the poster. Too often, it seems that the views posted are opposed to the life situation of the member. It reminds me of the photos of the senior citizens at the Tea Party rallys with signs demanding an end to Social Security and Medicare. Remember, most seniors rely on SS to live. Seeing that many posters to this site are on the site most of the day, I have to conclude that many are pensioners and are drawing SS or pensions. It seems that some are campaigning against themselves.

8. Looking at many of the posts, I must conclude that many of the members posting are out of touch with the rest of the country. As of yesterday, the two top candidates for the 2016 election are a 73 YO socialist and a blustery businessman who's only qualification is that he is a ruthless businessman. I believe that neither will succeed but the support they are receiving raises serious questions for the professional politicians.

I recall a quote that I heard years ago, "People always get the kind of government they deserve." It might be wise for all of us to ponder that in depth.
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By RealJustme
I chuckle when I see the endless criticism of Obama. I too think he has missed the boat on many issues. But, someone voted for him to put him in office TWICE. It doesn't make sense to just dismiss any ideas he might have because he is from another party. No one is wrong 100% of the time.

Continuing on Obama, it might be wise to ponder why Obama is disliked.
a. He is Afro-American. Shame on him. Our professional politicians can't abide a black man in the Presidency.
b. It wasn't his turn. In the past few decades,the old boy network has made elections a game. One professional politician or another runs for office after qualifying for his lucrative government pension (my Congressman gets a $96,000 a year pension after being County Executive for 8 years) and tries to beat the professional politician from the other party. Obama jumped ahead of the line so we have to make sure he doesn't succeed.
I chuckle when someone plays the race card to defend Obama lies and deceit.
By Benny
Snakeoil, it seems the real difficulty you have is dealing with posters with differing opinions. That, and your arrogance. (i.e. your long winded lectures) :lol:
By Clownkicker
Benny, snakeoil has no "difficulty" dealing with posters of differing opinions beyond the fact that those posters refuse to argue or discuss rationally with him.

And a rational and articulate discussion is not "arrogance" and simply a "long winded lecture".
It is actually respectful of the other posters to give the reasons for one's opinion.
It's the refusal to be rational and to only speak in unexplained soundbites that is arrogant. It is saying that their opinion is all that matters, your opinion doesn't, and they don't need to explain themselves.

If you have a problem with reading more than a few sentences, that reflects on you, not him.
By sillydaddy
As of yesterday, the two top candidates for the 2016 election are a 73 YO socialist and a blustery businessman who's only qualification is that he is a ruthless businessman.
snakeoil....You reject labels such as liberal and conservative..... but not socialist, eh.

That's OK...but I thought Hillary was 67 not 73.

I recall a quote that I heard years ago, "People always get the kind of government they deserve."

I too recall a quote I heard years ago, " America is not a nation....it's a business."

And if what you say is true...that, No one is wrong 100% of the time.

Maybe we should ponder that for a while.....maybe what we need now ...is a ruthless businessman at the wheel.
By johnforbes
Was it Coolidge who said the business of America was business?

A year ago, probably nobody would have thought of Trump as a presidential candidate or a president.

But it has already tried a socialist, race-baiting incompetent, and Trump actually likes the country and would like to see it great again.
By sillydaddy
Those that say Trump does not have the temperament to be President have not taken

a good look at the assholes we have to deal with, that occupy some the presidential chairs around the world.

I think he has exactly the temperament needed in this times.

He has no fear of convention....

He can stand toe to toe with the likes of Nieto, Jong-un, Putin, Masum and Rouhani to name a few.

Even that Cuban asshole Rodriguez insulted the US in Kerry's face and he just stood there....

Trump would have put him and the rest of those panhandling assholes in their place.

If we didn't have Trump....we would have had to invent him.
By Intrepid
I am being reluctantly drawn to Trump for many of the reasons stated above. Trump is the only one who has the heuveos to look Putin in the eye and say, "Yebat tvoyu bat." A friendly Russian saying that roughly translates to, " Fuck your mother." No doubt Trump has used it before.
By johnforbes
Romney should have said to Candy Crowley that she was wrong about Benghazi and that she was also wrong to inject herself into a debate.

Trump should have told Megyn Kelly that her question was unfair right at the time, but he did the next best thing and said it later.

As for those shocked at what Trump said, wouldn't Kelly be the first to say she is equal and can withstand a blunt discussion?

The truth is that Left Wing "journalists" have for far too long orchestrated debates to the advantage of their fellow Democrats.
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By RealJustme
Romney should have said to Candy Crowley that she was wrong about Benghazi and that she was also wrong to inject herself into a debate.
Trump would have chewed Crowley up and spit her out right in front of millions of viewers for trying to cover for Obama with the lie she told.

I can hear Trump "First of all Ms Crowley, I wasn't aware I was debating you and second of all since I am, please tell us exactly where and when Obama said it was terrorists act...you can't, because you're lying, so go back to your role and let me debate Obama"

Had Romney done that he would probably be President, but as it was he was at a loss of words and questioned himself, all because he fell for Growley's lie.
By johnforbes
Even today, there are some who think Trump's concept of deporting illegals would not be feasible.

But they are missing one of the key points -- that, if illegals knew the game was over, many would self-deport.
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By RealJustme
All that needs to happen to result in all illegals to self deport is to fine anyone, including farmers that hire an illegal. They should look at it on a case by case, first a standard fine then determine how the long the illegal has been working for that employer then determine how much the tax payers have paid out for the illegal and their family while working for that person, that includes school costs if they have children in public schools, food stamps, housing assistance, unpaid medical bills, etc. Then make the employer pay the tax payer back those costs on top of the standard fine. I guarantee you, after a few months of this type of enforcement, illegals would be packing their bags and going home on their own...because no one in their right mind would violate the law and hire them.
By johnforbes
That is the hidden truth in what Trump is saying.

As long as America caters to illegals by handing them licenses to drive, educating their kids free in public schools, this game will continue.

If Trump should happen to get elected, and the game was known to be over, then the players would largely reposition themselves on their own.
By johnforbes
That is the hidden truth in what Trump is saying.

As long as America caters to illegals by handing them licenses to drive, educating their kids free in public schools, this game will continue.

If Trump should happen to get elected, and the game was known to be over, then the players would largely reposition themselves on their own.
By elklindo69
Trump still hasn't provided any details about his immigration policies other than the cookie cutter conservative talking points memos.

He has the chance to go on Spanish speaking TV to articulate his ideas, but apparently Ramos turned up the heat and Trump ran out of the kitchen...
By johnforbes
Trump declared candidacy in June.

This is August.

No candidate has any detail two months in.

Obama even today can't explain how Obamacare was developed in total secrecy and why he told so many lies about it.
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By RealJustme
Trump still hasn't provided any details about his immigration policies other than the cookie cutter conservative talking points memos.
Yes he did! He said illegals would be sent home starting with gang members, those who qualify and apply legally will be let back in, those trying to come in illegally will face a big wall he'll have built, if they managed to sneak in they won't be place into housing for months and then set lose on the streets, they will be immediatelybe sent home. What don't you understand about that clown?
By johnforbes
Trump's statement of basic principles -- such as a nation without law is not a nation, a nation without borders is not a nation -- are alone quite noteworthy.

Trump has also started to furnish detail on a host of other issues.

But he doesn't need, two months in, to even be doing that.

To this day, Obama couldn't say the purpose of his presidency other than to increase food stamp use, to have 93 million Americans out of work, to turn the military into a lab for gay/transgender experiments, etc.
By Clownkicker
"To this day, Obama couldn't say the purpose of his presidency other than to increase food stamp use, to have 93 million Americans out of work, to turn the military into a lab for gay/transgender experiments, etc."-johnfibs

Of course he can't say that, dummy, because it isn't true.
That's just the stupid shit you and RealTool make up to pander to your idiot reactionary friends.
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By RealJustme
Of course he can't say that, dummy, because it isn't true.
OK Elk, tell us exactly what part of it isn't true. Heads up, be prepared to try and defend yourself against the facts.
By johnforbes
This thread poses the poignant query where did everybody go?

Where indeed?

In the final sense, we are all here drifting in cyberspace.

Except, of course, for Clownlicker, who resides on his web site moronic_troll.org.
By Intrepid
AssClown Loser Lucky has no facts. So be is left with only emotional outbursts and his beloved emoticons, that form of expression so favored by pre teen girls.
By Clownkicker
"AssClown Loser Lucky has no facts. So be is left with only emotional outbursts and his beloved emoticons, that form of expression so favored by pre teen girls."-Insipid

You have to pity the utter lack of self-awareness and insight among the reactionary Right.
Here Insipid criticizes someone for using emoticons like a "pre teen"[sic] as he strings together a bunch of idiotic third-grade-level schoolyard names in an attempt to insult that person for being childish.
Way to show us how mature you are, moron. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Six emoticons for you.
By Clownkicker
This thread poses the poignant query where did everybody go?

Where indeed?

But one never has to wonder "where did johnforbes go?" because the answer is always the same.

In his Depends, of course.
By johnforbes
This thread poses the poignant query where did everybody go?

Where indeed?

In the final sense, we are all here drifting in cyberspace.

Except, of course, for Clownlicker, who resides on his web site moronic_troll.org.
By Clownkicker
This thread poses the poignant query where did everybody go?

Where indeed?

But one never has to wonder "where did johnforbes go?" because the answer is always the same.

In his Depends, of course.
By johnforbes
This thread poses the poignant query where did everybody go?

Where indeed?

In the final sense, we are all here drifting in cyberspace.

Except, of course, for Clownlicker, who resides on his web site moronic_troll.org.
By Clownkicker
This thread poses the poignant query where did everybody go?

Where indeed?

But one never has to wonder "where did johnforbes go?" because the answer is always the same.

In his Depends, of course.
By johnforbes
Trump's statement of basic principles -- such as a nation without law is not a nation, a nation without borders is not a nation -- are alone quite noteworthy.

Trump has also started to furnish detail on a host of other issues.

But he doesn't need, two months in, to even be doing that.

To this day, Obama couldn't say the purpose of his presidency other than to increase food stamp use, to have 93 million Americans out of work, to turn the military into a lab for gay/transgender experiments, etc.
By Clownkicker
"To this day, Obama couldn't say the purpose of his presidency other than to increase food stamp use, to have 93 million Americans out of work, to turn the military into a lab for gay/transgender experiments, etc."-johnfibs

Of course he can't say that, dummy, because it isn't true.
That's just the stupid shit you and RealTool make up to pander to your idiot reactionary friends.
By johnforbes
So, about 20 yrs ago, was at the Dulles airport and the wife saw Hulk Hogan and asked him if she could get a photo with him.

He was only about 6'2" but was otherwise as shown on TV -- wearing a head scarf and tanned.
By Intrepid
Where did everybody go?
Well, we know where some are. James has taken up PERMANENT, eternal residency elsewhere and as a result is unable to attend. Grog was banned but still infects this place from time to time either as Grog or his alter ego, Malcom. Dogshitzilla was banned for the incredibly stupid, drunken act of calling for the assassination of a sitting president, but he drags his ponderous beer belly back from time to time (or from his Carolina over to AssClown Loser Lucky's Carolina to share a few bowls of the sacred herb). Lucky (insert any of hundreds of suffixes he used to bypass his ban) is back as AssClown Loser Lucky. Despite frequent denials of his former self, he outed himself when he recalled his Nemesis (now, THERE is another annoying libtard blast from the past) Mr. Big.

The question on everyone's mind is WHY is AssClown Loser Lucky so frantic to avoid any association with his former nom de plume? Many think it is part of the terms and conditions of his entry into the witness protection program after his arrest and conviction on multiple drug charges. After which he gave up everybody he could think of to avoid becoming the main punch of cell block B. I'm sure the cartels would love to get their hands on AssClown Loser Lucky as well. That is probably more of an incentive to avoid association with his former self.

As was Lucky (insert any of hundreds of suffixes he used to bypass his ban), AssClown Loser Lucky cannot argue or debate using reason, logic and facts. He is a emotion driven, knee jerk, reactionary Marxist Useful Idiot. His main tool is the profligate use of emoticons when he runs out of names to call and personal attacks to make after someone misspells a word or uses improper grammar.
He denies being AssClown Loser Lucky, but comes on the run anytime I use his new name (I have him well trained). He has claimed to know Lucky, speaks to Lucky on a regular basis, and once, to live next door to Lucky. He has claimed that Lucky will soon make another appearance, but so far, no joy. This may be a delusional manifestation of his long term drug use.

AssClown Loser Lucky thinks that emoticons piss me off or annoy me, so he throws them around freely. In truth, I couldn't care less. I actually enjoy AssClown Loser Lucky's display of emoticons as they demonstrate one thing clearly to one and all, he ain't got no game.

Now AssClown Loser Lucky, more emoticons, chop chop!
You have your orders and your leash has been jerked, OBEY!
By Clownkicker
Insipid posts another full-screen, angry, paranoid delusional igno-rant and johnforbes calls ME crazy. :lol:

I guess that explains why you're not the doctor in charge at your "retirement" home, johnny.

You do realize that Insipid thinks you're Lucky also.
After all, you recall MrBig too.
Wait until Justme wakes up and realizes that he's also Lucky, according to Insipid.

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