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By Jbe
Ok... technically this isn't a link to a contri but it was our "home"... and hopefully will be again. I figure it would be redundant to link to some past contris even though ther have been some wonderful sets over the past few months

Ok COFFer's and COFFettes... and others that want to join in... let's have some fun again. :D
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By Coffjr
John, did you say have some fun? I'm up for that or for the Coffettes that is. :D

Now to figure out how to post my propic again.
By Jbe
Hey, jr! I'm in the same boat. I tired to post a propic but was having sizing issues. Damn...I hate it when that happens. :oops: :roll: I'm also trying to figure out the link posting procedure.

Now we just gotta get Berty to open up Pub COFF again for a New Years Party!
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By Coffjr
John, I'm using an old propic that was already re-sized. What I've done (because I have the software), I've saved the propic and then go into my Adobe Photoshop Elements and re-size it. If you can't figure it out, send me what you are trying to re-size. I'll fix it for you and send it back.

Yes, agree - we need to get the pub going again.
By cdl2
JBE, start with user control panel off to the right here
Damn they want a small pic!!!! I gotta size one way down :oops:
By Jbe
I thought it was time to make the official announcement. Some of you remember that Berty and Rita came over from Great Britain in May of this year (2012) and spent two weeks with me. We had a total blast... and the colonies will never be the same. Well, the Beave and I have tickets to go to England in May 2013 for two weeks and Berty and his bride are gonna show us a good time. :mrgreen: I can hardly wait! We already have plans to go to Scotland for 4 days and are going to try and squeeze in a day trip to the castle that is my family's ancestral home in Scotland.
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By trinityxxx
This is just awesome.....so great to have the community back again. Things are really looking up. Just awesome. I really missed the old forums and its great to see the BB's at use again.
Also wanted to say Happy New Year!!
Trin :D
By CountessFuntime
It's good to see the band getting back together. Jaybird & I have had it a little rough lately dealing with some identity theft, it pretty much ruined our holidays. Thanks to our bank, the local police, and a very good friend, we are getting back on top of things. Haven't had much time to search out groaners, looking forward to getting back there.

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By trinityxxx
Jaybird and Viscount.....that really sucks about the Identity theft.....ugh...been down that road before and its not fun. I hope you can get everything worked out and hopefully the 'thief' gets caught and prosecuted.
I do hope when things settle down and back to somewhat normal for you two.....I do hope that 2013 will be brighter and fulfilling year. Best wishes to both of you!
By Jbe
Viscount and Jaybird, it's so nice to see you guys back as well. That sucks about the identity theft. Hope you get it all straightened out. The groaner jokes have been missing you. Hey, maybe you ought to start a new groaner jokes thread. I don't want to grab all the glory. :lol: :mrgreen:

Trin, you are looking AWESOME in that propic! I just love that white bikini on... and off of you. :mrgreen:
By Jbe
Berty, nice to see you Bud... and so glad the Pub COFF doors have re-opened. I loooove what you've done with the place. The extra sturdy stripper poles for the guys are a nice addition. I hear that Thumps has been practicing at work in anticipation of the grand re-opening party. :lol:

BTW, a belated Happy Birthday to Elise. Unfortunately this part of the BB's weren't up in time to have a party in her honor. But thanks to Kiki's efforts they are back. Hope you had a great day, Elise. Looking forward to seeing you again. ;)

One last thing... although Berty sent out tickets to the aforementioned folks, there is ALWAYS room for more. Oh, Winston, I just wanted to let you know that Waldo will be in attendance. You two dawgs can go hang out under the pool tables and enjoy your favorite activity... sniffing crotches. :mrgreen: :shock:
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By rockclimber
Glad to see the glimmers of life!

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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By Coffjr
So Berty, do I also have to pay at the door or do I get a free ticket? :cry:

If Trinity and Elise show up together, that would make my century - I'd be willing to pay the $50 ticket fee.
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By Skeetz
Well, "Holy Happy New Year" Bat Man. The COFF TH is back in business. Even Berty has reemerged fron where ever he's been hiding, (I don't really want to know where, thank you.) Glad to see he hasn't lost his touch, needling poor old Skeetz at the first opportunity. :x

I'm all ready for the "Nude Years Party" got my Birthday Suit dry cleaned and pressed specially for the occasion. But if I may be so bold, I'd like to suggest Jewels as "Guest of Honor" she's been through the wringer this year as Grumpy might say. Hope she feels up to joining us.

Ohhh yeah, Berty, I'll gladly pay the cover charge if you'll just stop calling me Dear!

Happy New Year!!
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Hi everyone! It's been quite a while since I've checked in here at VW but I'm mighty glad to see some of the gang back in the swing of things. I am sorry to read about Jaybird and Viscount's difficulties. I hope all works out for the two of you real soon. That's got to be difficult and worry some.

It's exciting to read that JBE & the Beave are making a journey to see the one and only Berty! Should be a great trip. Before I forget, I want to wish each of you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas - I know I did!

I sure hope to see more of the gang return here in the upcoming year....sorry guys I've got to do this -

A SPECIAL HOWDY to our dear, beautiful Trinity. :D
By Jbe
I heard there was a party here tonight! Hey, Berty, in 1/2 hour it will be Happy Nude Year to you! Get the party started off on the right foot!
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By Skeetz
Hello there Lace I don't think we've met but I've heard good things. Let me buy you a drink and introduce myself. (Just keep an eye on the barkeep, he's a little excitable when hot nekkid chicks are near.)

Love your outfit, looks like a very happy "Nude Year" ahead with you here!
By Jbe
Hi Lace. Pleased to meet ya. My nick is Jbe but my name is John. Feel free to use either. Not sure if you were aware of this group before. The biggest thing to know about this group and thread is that there is no topic. The conversation goes whichever way the wind blows... which can lead to some interesting conversations. :? :roll: New people are always welcome as long as the tone is kept "respectfully cheeky"... as Grumpy says.

Hope everybody had a safe and happy new years celebration. Looking forward to seeing what 2013 has in store for us.
By Jbe
Hey, Bob! Nice to see ya back. Yeah... it's gonna be a great trip to the UK. Berty and Rita are returning the favor of letting us stay at their place and being our tour guides. We've got a 4 day bus tour to parts of Scotland as well as various day trips scheduled. Knowing Berty I'm sure there will be a visit or 12 to his favorite pub. :shock:

Ok... so who are we missing? Who hasn't stopped by? Jewels... the Thumps- both of them... Manda.. Honora... LJ... Natasha... Paul... Hollie... Sassy... Lothario... the "Wordman" Tyro... Iris and Veiiia... Am I forgetting anyone? Probably... I left a few brain cells in 2012. :lol:
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By rockclimber
Here's a hot link, Just in case ya'll missed....

http://forums.voyeurweb.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3967" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Lace69, welcome COFFette!
By Jbe
Rock, we gotta take the yellow text button away from you. It's darn near impossible to read. Or is it just me?
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By rockclimber
Sorry bro,

I have my settings on dark grey and red, similar to the old boards and it uses alot less energy with a dark background.

Maybe tilt the screen back a tad? I will keep that in mind though.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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By Coffjr
Rock, thanks for the link to Lace69. The yellow was a bit hard to read but manageable.

Welcome Lace, we have never met before. As you can see, I'm Coffjr but just known as jr. Once we get some of our old gang back, this should be a fun place to visit and talk. We are a very supportive group and do appreciate the fine female form. The conversations are very active and as John said can go in any direction. Don't be shy, we would very much like for you to join in.

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By rockclimber
rockclimber wrote:Here's a hot link, Just in case ya'll missed....

http://forums.voyeurweb.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3967" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Lace69, welcome COFFette!

Okay Okay, Heres Red ROFL
By DangerousDi
New to this link, but I have to ask..... what does Coff stand for?

Glad Lacy is getting known more. Her Christmas pic was great and creative.
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By rockclimber
Connessoiurs Of the Female Form milady. Tyro's term I think. Sounds better than dirty ol' man dontchathink?
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By rockclimber
Connessoiurs Of the Female Form milady. Tyro's term I think. Sounds better than dirty ol' man dontchathink?
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By Skeetz
Welcome back Marie, soooo very nice to see you back in the clubhouse, errr TowneHouse, excuse me.

DangerousDi, such an intrigueing moniker. Rock is correct but terribly brief . . . on his phone no doubt. There is actually a Wiki entry, (Thanks to Thumper,) that explains us, sorta'. If I can get the link thing to work you can read about us here:


Chat later, gotta' fly!
By Jbe
Hi Marie! Glad you saw my FB message and stopped by to say "Hi". Hope you had a great vacation. Nice to see you back in all your naked glory. ;)

drzeta28, check out the link Skeeter posted. That will give you and idea of what this thread is all about. Ooops... he is going by Skeetz now.

DangerousDi, feel free to drop in anytime. this thread has no real topic or direction. It's just a place to chat about... whatever. It's kinda like Seinfeld in that sense. :roll:
By Jbe
COFF... It might have been Tyro's term or it might have been Grumpy's. I keep forgetting. After all, I am gettting old and crusty and I left a few brain cells in 2012. :lol: Ask Grumpy. He is, after all, a young sprite at 39. :lol: :lol: :roll: :o
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By trinityxxx
Hey COFF gang. Hope everyone is doing well. So nice to see everyone gathering again.

bob long time no hear, hope you are well sweetheart! Missed you.

Lace69. Welcome aboard, thrilled to have a new coffette on board! :-)

Berty that was an awesome party and thanks for inviting me. Hehe. Things got crazy my gawd what did you serve that night for drinks? I got pretty wild. Lmao

Marie great to have you here. I visited your other profile, your so pretty! Glad you are here too. :-)

I hope all of the COFF gang had a wonderful new year and let's continue the fun in 2013. :-)

Kisses to everyone!
By DangerousDi
Thanks Rock... I found it and read up on it.

I see CDL and Jewels are around still. Hi.....
By Paulbrx
Aww, I see Marie and Trinity got here before me. Hi everyone. I hope we can make this as good a spot as our old COFF home was. Did I hear someone say we can post pics here?

By Jbe
WOOOO HOOOO! The doctor is in the house! Hey, Paul! Nice to see you finally wander back. I do believe you can post pics... but I am the wrong person to ask how to do that. I bet Rock or Winston could probably tell you how.

Hi Trin! With Berty being out of practice behind the bar it's hard to know for sure what he was pouring. And juding by his location passed out under the pool table, methinks the squire inbibed too liberally on his own concotions. :mrgreen: :lol:
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By trinityxxx
Hi Paul....there is my muff diving partner forever!!! love ya great to have you in the house. :-)

Hey John...yeh what the heck I have got a killer headache from all those drinks Berty was serving me...what was that. I am not surprised he still passed out LMAO.
Now that night was pretty crazy and I know things got out of control....just tell me that someone took some good pics?...you know so I can remember....lol
You guys are such a Riot!

Hope everyone had a great and safe new year....looking forward to the gang being back together on here. :D
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By Coffjr
Say John, you said earlier that the tone is kept "respectfully cheeky" - does that mean I have to start behaving myself?? :( If so, sorry Trin, I can't tell you what you did at the party - but lets just say that black thong you were wearing was almost nabbed by Berty before he passed out - you just have to watch that guy. :D No pictures, isn't it a rule: What goes on at the pub stays at the pub? Or was that Vegas? :lol:
By Jbe
Well jr... that's what Grumpy says. I'm just repeating it. :? As far as you behaving yourself... yeah.. right.. like that's gonna happen. :lol: And as far as telling Trin what she did at the party I think we ought to keep that quiet and hold it over her head. That way we'll have something to blackmail her with. :mrgreen: ;)
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By Skeetz
Yeah well, I'm not too sure that Grumpy knows the meaning of respekful or cheeky for that matter. Guess we should ask Sugar, maybe. Has anyone seen the "Old Boy" since New years Eve?
(I hope he didn't fall in the fire pit, or somethin')

Paul, when I saw Marie slip through the door I just knew you'd be close behind . . . CLOSE behind. :oops:

Trin, you naughty rascal, you nearly melted my camera lens. ;) Uhhh, maybe I shouldn't have admitted that . . . I could post one or two here, just to show the guys how it's done . . . posting, that is.

I might know a little something about what happened with those drinks, heh,heh,heh, a few quid under the table and Berty quit "short pouring," for the ladies. And for himself too . . . maybe?
Of course he did start partying several hours earlier than the rest of us, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt . . . this time.
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By rockclimber
Hey there Lace!

Yup we did and do and now with the new capabilities of adding a post like you do its even better.. The fun was, and could again be, was to change them frequently. Always something to peek and check out.

The Propics would link to a profile with a full 800x800 pixel image and the viewable propic like what we use now was a link to the person's profile page where the larger image could be found. One thing about it, once posted it could be pulled immed so a girl could flash so to speak and then down it came. Some like that! And it adds to the fun methinks!

I'll add a few here over the next few days that I promised John. one's of him I happened to save and fiddled with. Sorry John but some just begged color correction and editing!

If anyone is interested in a FIX MY PIC thread, speak up, could be easy to do? There is or was one like that in the Redclouds also. RC threads move so darn fast I could never keep up and found it too hard to engage in. I have it, paid for it, but rarely go peek to be honest.

PS, we are in Lace withdrawl.....more please! I asked Kiki to add a Forum top threads link of some sort to the home page, maybe we'll see you there!!
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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By trinityxxx
OMG....sounds like you guys have alot to dangle over my head.....oops that sounded really dirty...BUTT i liked it...hehe! :lol:

Where in the hell is Berty is he still passed out. LMAO :lol:
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