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By masseur
CountryGal - I've been on a horse twice in my life and they both did the same thing . . . . Laid their ears back . . .turned their head and rolled their eye to look at me . . . and then proved to me that they could run in excess of 200 MPH !!!!!! Screw that !!! I'm not getting on anything that does'nt have a throttle or boobs from here on out.
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By freddie
Hey guys, don't let Countrygal's pretty feminine looks fool you, she is tough as nails. The bigger
the challenge the more she likes it!
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By trinityxxx
Hey everyone....hope everyone had a wonderful weekend?
Its been great seeing all the new pictures and Pro Pics as well. Nice!

Kiki....I am flattered you had to take a peak at my new contri :oops: ...I will take that as a compliment and even more so coming from a sexy lady too....love it. :oops: ;)
I do have one suggestion.....I was hoping for more smiley face icons.....haha.....I know it sounds like a silly request and a far fetched on, but I miss the old ones....especially the "blowing a kiss" smiley face. Just my two cents, otherwise I am so thrilled the boards are back up and running,this will certainly help develop the community that we once had and from the looks of it....the community is starting to grow and thats exciting. :D

Berty.....Love the new pics of your wife Rita. Thanks for sharing those fun sexy moments with us.

JBE......love the new propic and of course the picture of you and Berty that Berty posted.

Grumpy.....love this new propic sweetie haven't seen that one before.

ICU......how are you sweetheart. Are you referring to little ole me? Mr T does keep me warm....honestly its been freezing ass cold here, temps below zero and windy as hell. Hate it....but staying warm it top priority if you know what I mean....hahaa
Lots of love to you sweetheart.

Countrygal....lovely propic, so pretty!

Freddie....nice to see you!!!.....and thank you for the comment earlier about looking foward to seeing my next contri, I am flattered by your interest. Thank you! :D

Skeetz....I am loving the Flinestone pics....loos like living in the stone ages wasn't too 'hard' after all......well maybe in Freds case it was!! LOL :lol:

Hello to Jr, Paul, Jaybird & viscount, Rock, LJ, Rita, Sugar......and of course some of the others that I haven't seen drop by yet that I miss dearly. (hope they stop in at some point )
Markjean.....Nice to have you here sweetie...and hello to you too! :D

Once again I hope all is well with everyone ( hope I didn't miss anyone there )...and stay healthy...so scary with the flu being at its peak. Lots of love!

By Jbe
Bob, I was cracking up as I read your post! :lol: That was perfect!! It's good to see that you can take a razzing and toss it right back. Yeah, she is pretty special, that one... who shall remain nameless... :roll: Of course it's no secret that I was always a little partial to a cute red-head that used to post here. I sure miss her. :cry:

I also totally agree with you in regards to Kiki stopping by. It's great to see her on this thread commenting and helping us out with problems and asking for input. You are right about the "I" person. Not once did he ever stop by even just to say "hi". And I can't be sure but I'd be willing to bet the old Town Hall thread was the longest continuously running thread on the site before the crash.

Masseur, I never played too many tapes in my car except on road trips. The tapes tended to jam up.. but it might have been my stereo in the car. I used to have several hundred albums that I traded for some stained glass work... but the person moved away before I ever got the glass. :evil: That didn't turn out well. Oh well... live and learn.

Hey Countrygal, speaking for Grumpy (Retro), that is a pic of him when he was 39. Oh wait, he's STILL 39 and has been for mumbly mumble years. :roll: :lol:

Masseur, I'm with you about horses. They know right away if you are a rider or not... and I'm most definitely NOT! I have a friend who talked me into riding with him a couple of times and his horse messed with me the whole time. Took me days to recover before I could walk right. :oops: :x I'll leave the riding to CG. Besides she looks a lot better on a horse than me! ;)

Berty, it worked! Well done , lad. That wig and shades still crack me up. That was your first day here last May wasn't it?

Where was I when you took that shot of Rita on MY bed? Yeah, I gave Berty and Rita my bed and I took the futon in the living room. If I may be so bold, nice boobies, Rita! ;)

For those of you are who are newer to this group, Berty and his missus Rita came over from England last year and stayed at my place for two weeks. We did a couple of road trips and had a wonderful time. This May the Beave (a former commenter and COFFette) and I are going over to Blighty and are staying at their house for a couple of weeks.
By Jbe
Ohhhh... so that's what I was feeling... a Trin tingle and slip under! Thanks, Trinity. You made my day! ;) :D Oh, I don't know if you noticed, but I also mentioned to Kiki about the smiley icons and she is looking into getting more.

Speaking of which, Kiki that was just downright mean of you to tell us about Trin's upcoming contri. ;) :lol: But like Grumpy said, RHIP. It's driving me (and I'm sure a lot of others) nuts waiting for it to be posted. ;) :o So it's probably a good thing the "preview of tomorrow's contris" feature is no longer there. The anticipation keeps me "young"... and I use that term very loosely. :shock: :oops:
By CountessFuntime
We made it to the islands and are headed to the beach with the camera for some new pics of Jaybird.

Here's the picture of our Town Hall meeting in Vegas.
DSCF0597 (640x480).jpg
DSCF0597 (640x480).jpg (273.34 KiB) Viewed 37853 times
By Jbe
I love that pic, Viscount. Berty has his hand on one of Jaybirds butt cheeks and I have my hand on the other. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 'Cept the pic doesn't include you and the Beave. :? Actually, was there a pic with all six of us? And yes, Jaybird is tall. I'm 5-6 so that gives you an idea of her height and Berty's. Looking forward to seeing new pics.
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By Skeetz
Lord have Mercy! Berty's figured it out . . .
Rita's in trouble now. But I suspect the rest of us are in for some fun. :D (I'm biting my tongue, fighting the temptation to do a short joke.)

Better I go look for another Flintstones shot maybe. Wonder if I can find any proof of that "Barney on Dino" suspicion. :?

Trin, things may not have been so "hard" in stone age days but they, (I/we,) sure were over on your RC thread last night. (Damn! where's that Kiss Kiss emoticon when I need it?)
Yes guys, if you have RC access you definitely don't want to miss Trin's latest B-day card. Hope she's still in the "card sending" mood when mine comes around in June!

(Sorry for the shameless Hint) :oops:
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By countrygal
Retro i really like your propic it reminds me of lonesome dove, you kinda look like a young Robert duvall :D one of my favorite movies by the way.
By Jbe
jr, I got your e-mails this morning but for some reason my Outlook does not want to send any mail to your address. Hmmm... but they were good mails.
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By trinityxxx
Skeetz...awh thanks for the shout out on my RC thread. So glad you like the bday card! :D

Berty... I am excited about your enthusiasm to see my contri, it will publish tomorrow ;)

Ok I am I over the weather here, and John don't rub it in with your 70 degree temps. Lol I am so jealous if that. It's -26 degrees with the wind chill. Omg

Stay warm and healthy everyone.
Love ya
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By trinityxxx
Berty that has got to be the absolute sweetest message you have ever left me and you are very kind with all your messages, so that is saying a lot about this one. Thank you :oops:

Oh and it's Negative 26 here. Yes minus -26. With the wind chill.
So I am hoping our COFF Cali friends can send us some heat!

Thanks again Berty for being so very kind, you are indeed a great friend.
Big hugs and kisses to you both. Xxx
By VWSupport
Retro - Thanks for the welcome! I agree, it was pretty evil of me *EWG*. Although yes, on the rare occasions here, rank does have its privileges lol. I will have to keep an eye on Skeetz...
As far as pictures, are we talking about propics here or just regular photo posts?

To all with any sort of photo issues, so far I haven't had any problems with the photos I have tried. So I can better help with this, please send me the specific photo you are having trouble with (email me: Kiki AT voyeurweb.com) and I will check it out.

ICU - Thanks! Although I can assure you this crowd was more than validated long before I came around ;) I completely agree with ya, my favorite part of being on the VW team is the amazing community, it is quite the fun group of people from all over the place.

Berty - So glad you got those pics working, love the Rita update :D

Trin - I do hope you would take it as a compliment, I meant it in the highest form! I am on the hunt for more smiles as mentioned by John.

John - Thanks, it means a lot coming from you! :) I am hoping to just keep making this place better for everyone. You are all so welcoming it is easy to have fun on these sites (even with all the emails and work that piles up each day lol). And I know...it was terrible of me to peek and tell, but I promise she is worth the wait...as always! Oh, and you know what they say: "Age is only a number...Mine is unlisted."
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By Coffjr
Grumpy, wasn't me. I have no idea what it is called but I've study it for years. Robert Duvall?? Must have been when he was 39. :lol: Now wait, didn't he star in a movie with Tom Cruise - Days of Thunder. Grumpy, your kind of movie.

Trin, we were not that warm farther up the left coast. I'm think it was in the high 60's. Nice weather tomorrow before we hit come rain again. So here comes some heat from one of the Cali boys. I better personally deliver it so no heat escapes. I'll drop on by on my way to the Super Bowl - go Niners.... :D
By masseur
Hey Trinity !! I must be a little south of you. I'm at a balmy 5 degrees with a wind chill of -15. I went out earlier to bring in some firewood for the woodburner and noticed I had forgotten to bring in the brass monkey from the front porch. He wont be speaking to me anymore. Your propic helps keep me warm though !!
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By freddie
Trinity, your pics are amazing. You're a beautiful lady ;)

Countrygal, what happened to your propic? I hope you get another one up soon babe. :cry:
By Jbe
I had been thinking about bringing back some of those amazing posters Thumper did and since Grumpy brought it up and Berty reaffirmed it I thought I'd start with this one. Hmmm I was just looking at it and it looks cut off. Anywayze... it's Berty, Grumpy, jr and Jbe... aka "Rockers and Rednecks".
Pub-COFF-Band-Cover.jpg (158.73 KiB) Viewed 38355 times
By Jbe
Kiki, I don't know what I did or said to rate that compliment "John - Thanks, it means a lot coming from you!" I'm just one of the guys and gals that hangs out here. :oops: But thank you! ;) It's ok that you peeked and told... That just heightened the anticipation. And you are right, she is ALWAYS worth the wait. :mrgreen: I just think it is great that you stop by here and chat. And like Bob said, it does add some validation.
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By Skeetz
Kiki, glad to hear you're "keeping an eye on me." But, turnabout is fair play, you know. I just know that avatar is going to do an "about face" one day, and I don't want to miss it! ;)

John, just click on the pic to reveal the lower half. I guess it's a little trick to save space on the page.

Grumpy, great pic, pickin' and'a grinnin', (well, pickin' at least,) great pic but it always reminds me of "Deliverance" somehow.
By Jbe
Skeeter, I guess I should have clarified what I meant. My brain was still in a tizzy about Trin's contri when I wrote that comment. :o I was looking at the pic on my computer and I thought it was bigger when Thumps made it... going left to right and not up and down. On the left side there is somebody in a green shirt cut off. I don't remember that. Does anybody else happen to have a copy of it?

Anywayze, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :?
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By Coffjr
John, my copy is the same way. I also don't remember who it was. Maybe Thumper will join us and answer your question. Those were great days with lots of fun and outstanding posters.
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By Coffjr
Grumpy, to answer your question - the dimples in the small of the back are referred to as "Dimples of Venus". I'm not going to go into the medical terms but if you are interested, see Wikipedia. I'd provide a link but I have no clue on how to do it, sorry.
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By Skeetz
Checked my copy of the poster . . . same thing. Who was that man in the green shirt, Lothario maybe?

I even went back to the VDogg, "Thumper World" page. Same there. But, whilst searching the vault I ran across this one . . . a tradition worthy of revival don't you think?
SlumberParty8.jpg (107.43 KiB) Viewed 38334 times
Those were the days!!
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By trinityxxx
Kiki.....thank you so very much and yes your comment was very much appreciated. Thank you!
I am happy there may be new smiley faces....yeah! I know it sounds silly, but they are so much fun.
Thanks again for all you do Kiki as you are a huge asset to this site. :D

John....you are still dizzy from my contri.....you know if you pass out I might need to do mouth to mouth on you. :oops: :P haha

Freddie....thank you for the lovely message, I am very grateful for the kind feedback. Hope you enjoyed taking a peak.

Masseur.....all I know is that its freezing ass cold here and I need to warm up. All of your love is certainly helping! :D

Grumpy....loving the new pic. All I can think is mustache ride!!! :oops: .....you know grumpy why is it that you always make my mind go in the gutter.....geesh. I just love ya!

Berty....hope you enjoyed the pics! ;)

Hope all is well with everyone! xoxo
By cdl2
Where are Trinity's pix???????

Any body wanna help me with an avatar, I resized many but still can't get it small enough
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By trinityxxx
CD12....I am flattered by your interest sweetie. You can find them in the freestyle section they posted yesterday. Called "Sexy in the Sun"
Hope you enjoy them! ;)

sorry I am not much help with your resizing as I am not all that computer savy...but I had to sit and resize my a few times before it fit. I am sure some of the others may have some insight.

Have a great day CD12 :D
By Jbe
Trin! HELP! I can't breathe! NEED MOUTH TO MOUTH... or mouth to something else! :mrgreen:

Countrygal, nice new propic. :D

Chuck did you try the auto re-sizing when submitting your propic/avatar? Kiki says that as long is the file size is 605 kb or less the system should automatically re-size it for you.
By VWSupport
Grumpy aka Retro :) - I am still a COFFette newbie here, so forgive the questions; you have had the username Retro for quite some time (forever) from what I know...where did Grumpy come from? As for those "Indentations above a ladies buttox..." see you already got an answer from Coffjr. Nice guitar by the way, you will have to play it for us sometime. Open mic night at the pub?

Coffjr - To put in a link (as long as you don't use outside links as spam or to advertise another site you are okay regarding the rules here, and last I checked you didn't seem interested in either lol): click the URL button on the top of the posting box, then insert the link you want between the [ url ] PUT LINK HERE [ / url ] which will give you this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimples_of_Venus ;)

CountryGal - A true Renaissance woman, what else are you into aside from horses and guitars? Love the new propic; great boots!

Berty - Just let me know if I can do anything to help keep things rolling, speaking of Meet and Greets, are any of you folks also on the Explicit BBs? There is a M&G event in Atlanta coming up, was wondering if anyone was going?

John - Just wanted to know...who are the rednecks and who are the rockers? ;)

Skeetz - I am more the voyeur (with ladies like Trin and CountryGal how can anyone not be?) than the exhibitionist, although perhaps one day...

Trin - Thank you! I do what I can :D

Cdl/Chuck? (I will get all these darn names down lol) - If you are still having trouble email me the photo you are trying to use for your propic so I can ensure the resizer is behaving!
By Jbe
Kiki, I was gonna say you could tell by the length of our hair... but since we all have long hair in that pic... :roll: I'm defintely not a redneck. That pic of me was taken during one of my longhair phases about 1978 and I was... uuuhhh in my early 20's. Berty is wearing a wig but he is more of a rocker. jr I do believe is more of a rocker... (jr, if I'm wrong please feel free to correct me) So that leaves our good old country boy Grumpy and he'll likely admit he IS a redneck.

Kiki, just how long have you been around here? Some of the comments you post lead me to believe that you have been around for a while but until the crash I don't ever recall seeing your name. Of course that could have been just me. I spent most of my time on the Feedback sections and only occasionlly perused some of the other bb's. I learned to stay away from the Poli bb, though. That place is just poison.

Anywayze, was just curious. BTW, I think you are doing a wonderful job! Looking forward to seeing what new smilies you come up with. It's great that you join in here!
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By Coffjr
Thanks Kiki, I'll have to try it sometime. I'm guessing the Img is for adding a picture or image? Yep, I'm a Rocker and like John, my picture was taken when I was in my 20's - a few years ago. :lol: I'm the drummer of the group, beside isn't that what the groupies like? :) I'm a person who loves long hair and I just love your avatar or propic as we call them (as I also wonder what the front looks like). I have an RC account but normally I'm at Sam's place where I can catch Trinity, Sinsation and Vanessab. I was unaware of the meet and greet, but living on the left coast (Calif), it's unlikely I'll attend.

Grumpy, I always thought the 327 reference a chevy engine - it just fit you. And also think that Skeets in a closet Redneck but will never admit to it. As for the Calif crack, watch it - remember, we out number your. :D And you better get those dishes clean, wouldn't want Sugar mad at you. :P

Countrygal, love your new propic too. When are you going to be posting a new contri?
By masseur
Kiki the link you supplied about the "Dimples of Venus" is the best definition of them that I have seen. The anatomy & physiology books we studied in college were not that specific and they were excellent books. For those that read it, the PSIS (posterior superior iliac spine) is just a boney prominence on the ilium (hip bone) that is there only for muscle attachment. Those dimples though, beyond the medical hoopla, are JUST SO DAMN CUTE AND SEXY !!!!!
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By freddie
Dang, hey Countrygal it's gonna be hard to wait till next month
to see your next contri. Kinda like having to hold your
breath under water for a long time. :shock:
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By trinityxxx
Chuck, thank you for the lovely compliment as I am most appreciative. Thanks sweetie. :D

John, omg you seem to having trouble breathing let me help. Don't worry I will be sure to make you all better and get your blood pumping properly :oops: hehe
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By Skeetz
Love the new pic CountryGirl, you sexy rascal.

Closet "redneck?" I'm not closeted about anything guys, what you see (or read,) is what you get. But if I is a Calif. redneck, I come by it honestly. Growing up, here in the valley a goodly number of my friends were kids of folks who came here from OK and AR during the "dust bowl" days of the thirties. Some of it was bound to rub off I reckon.

That yellow '57 Chevy I was showin off in my propic some time back, had a 327 in it shortly after the pic was taken in '62. After I blew the stock 265 I bought a brand new, 360 HP, solid lifter, Duntov cam, 'vette short block and "slid it in under" the 265 heads. Made the compression ratio even higher than the 'vettes on the street. Thank goodness you could buy 104 octane pump gas in those days, (at thirty some cents a gal.,) to feed the big Carter AFB carb I put on it.

Hmmm, sorry for hijacking the thread should'a brought back the old "Gear Head" thread I guess. But Grumpy started us talkin' 'bout 327's so I'm blaming it on him.

Won a whole lota' street races in that car, was kinda' proud of it. :D
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By Skeetz
Mercy, look who "slipped in under" while I was typing!

Trin, darlin' you know that move always takes my breath away too! :o

;) Don'tcha?
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By honora
Hey everyone!!

I've missed coming here ;) How has everyone been doing?! So much has happened in the past year, and once it began changing I had to take a step back from it all (yes I know it's a bit cryptic, but this is the best I can do to explain it)! So I'm sorta creeping back in, and just hoping some of you have missed me as much as I have missed you?

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By honora
Hey Grumpy!

If I could reach out through this screen and give you a hug you wouldn't be able to breathe by the time I'm done!! ;) Thanks for the welcome - I had thought about emailing you to be honest but the time just got away from me and then I felt it was too little too late, so to speak. But I did get a little nudge from someone so I decided to take the plunge again hehe...Anyway I really missed ya - hope all is well with you!
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By trinityxxx
HONORA!!! Welcome back sweetheart!! I am so glad you decided to join the group again, we all have missed you dearly. I need your help keeping these boys in order.... :lol:
It is so great to see you and OMG!! Wowza with the pro pic....very nice Honora!
damn it where is that kissing icon.....lol

luv ya girl!
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