Political discussions about everything
By Clownkicker
^^^^^^^^^Revealing the intelligence level of the typical Republican Trump supporter, johnforbes believes today's legal cases should be decided by watching 25-year-old reruns of TV game shows.

At least you would expect dimwit johnny to base his legal acumen on Perry Mason reruns. But no, even that is too confusing for his ability to grasp legal matters.

johnforbes, you are NOT the father of the American legal system!
By Clownkicker
"And so Clown's answer is to shoot the messenger...."-dumbfuck

Answer to WHAT, dimwit?

johnforbes tells you he bases his current legal opinions on a 25-year-old game show clip, and you think it's wrong for me to point out how ignorant johnforbes is about the law?

I'm not 'shooting' him, dummy. I'm laughing my ass off at him. He's a moron, and so are you because you agree with him that a 25-year-old game show clip of someone who isn't Trump is somehow relevant to someone who IS Trump telling lies and being liable for slander.
(get it, johnny? Huh? huh? get it? you dimwitted tool.)
By johnforbes
Raymond Burr was apparently gay, which should earn him the respect and support of Elkin and Clown.

As to that wacky gal ever getting a chance to spend 83 million, come on, some appellate judge will eventually dismiss the entire lurid mess.

In fact, "Lurid Mess" is the working titled of Clowntoker's autobiography.
By Clownkicker
In typical Trump-supporter fashion, johnforbes is here stupidly claiming that as long as a woman is 'wacky' enough, a perpetrator should be allowed to sexually assault them with impunity. (Remember, it has been determined in a court of law that Trump did just that to Carroll. johnforbes doesn't condemn Trump's behavior at all, just as long as there are no actual consequences to Trump.)

This is what has become of "law and order" Republicans. They don't give a damn about the law any longer, as long as they can twist it to benefit themselves and oppress those they disagree with.
By johnforbes
The gal who accused Saint Joe was Tara Reade and, by comparison, she seemed a pillar of credibilityi vis-a-vis the wacky weird wayward wanton antics of folks such as Clowntoker.

"In March 2020, during that year's election campaign for President of the United States, Tara Reade alleged that Democratic nominee Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993 in a Capitol Hill office building when she was a staff assistant in his office. Biden denied Reade's allegation."

Democrats are hypocritical on this, taking accusations seriously only when lodged against Trump but not against senile Joe.
By Clownkicker
So what does johnforbes do when he is caught in an admission that he doesn't take Trump's sexual assaults seriously because Trump's victim was on TV 25 years ago? Why, unlike the jury, he ignores the evidence, bases his legal opinions on a 25-year-old TV game show clip, and then points his finger elsewhere to projects his own admitted lack of concern with sexual assault onto someone else.

johnfuckhead has nothing but diversion and distraction every time he is caught making a partisan fool of himself yet again.
By johnforbes
Statutes of limitation exist for good reason.

Time goes by, and memory fails, and statutes of repose -- as they are known -- do exist.

Scientists have done biopsy-based research on Clowntroller's gray matter and it is -- like Joe's -- a chemical composition identical to green Jello.
By Clownkicker
"Statutes of limitation exist for good reason."-dumbfuck

Yes, johnny, so why wasn't there a statute of limitation on your 25-year-old TV game show clip which you started this thread with, dimwit?

You presented it as though it were somehow relevant to a court case today.

You always fail to see the glaring irony in all your purely partisan posts, don't you, dummy.
By Clownkicker
johnny, the moronic TV shows you watch don't interest anyone. Nobody wants to hear about them.

And certainly not in the context of current legal cases that have nothing to do with them, dimwit.

Take a law course, fer cripes sake. Your obviously phony diploma impresses no one.
By johnforbes
Clowntoker's degree was in swimming pool maintenance, and Clown earned it from the prestigious Southern Institute of Underwater Basketweaving, located in scenic Malaria Manor, Mississippi.
By johnforbes
Mr Forbes has always had respect for Clowntoker's educational credentials.

For instance, Clown graduated from the Alabama Academy of Barber Barbarism (magna cum doge)...
By johnforbes
As stated previously, everybody on this fine forum has nothing but respect for Clowntoker's educational credentials.

Not every day do you run into a person such as Clown who graduated from the Southern Alabama Tonsorial Parlor with a specialty in mullets.

When it comes to the constitutional basis for simpering sissy style, Clown has few peers.

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