Exhibitionists meet here!
By AnonAnon
Very smooth!

My wife wears a lot of see through without underwear, but she’s really most comfortable in the nude. It’s not possible in public, but she sometimes wears mesh lingerie tops that get really close. One such was worn to a movie screening at the largest park in our town with thousands of people and two dozen friends getting a good look at her tits and nipples. While many had seen them prior, it’s a whole different level to see them displayed so blatantly. My wife clearly loved the opportunity to go essentially topless in public for several hours.

I find that my wife is completely uninhibited and she covers up only because of what others expect rather than out of modesty. A female friend of hers took a degree in photography a few years ago and my wife modeled for her on several projects all to do with the nude body. One of them was against a brick wall that had mostly fallen down and a graffiti artist painted over her and the wall for one of the shots. One of the shots that didn’t make it into the project showed my wife standing, probably waiting for some of the props to be positioned, seemingly touching herself. Her friend handed me a print thinking I’d enjoy it. When I showed my wife, I figured she’d say that it just looked like that, but she said she did enjoy arousing herself a little while waiting. It was early in the morning on a weekend, but she didn’t have any concern about the photographer or the artist or anyone else that might pass by seeing her.
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By fastglass427
I don't even know your wife (unfortunately) and I love her free spirit. My wife has worked very hard at her body staying toned and in great shape and has zero problems showing it off as I've described with the one exception of when children are around especially our own she is just mom to them and any other kid. When she met she was a very repressed woman not just sexually but all around the result of being in an abusive relationship and a strict upbringing of course I complimented her on how great she looked but as she would say you just want to get laid, well of course but when she took my suggestion and started dressing a little sexier, starting out showing some of her fantastic cleavage and clothes that complimented her figure instead of hiding it, she instantly started getting noticed and would get a lot of compliments especially form a few of the partners in the firm where she worked anyone of them would have boned her if given half the chance. So taking it further and further has only succeeded in bolstering her self esteem so much so that she now has so much confidence in herself its amazing she has started a new business venture that was doing over the top before the Covid bullshit happened so instead of being woe is me she improvised adapted and is now doing financially fantastic. Our visits to the nude beach are also another way of her appreciating her self and her body. I could only imagine our wives together out in public it would be one hell of a show
By AnonAnon
Thank you. Sounds like you have a great relationship.

I agree on confidence. It’s what attracted me to my wife. The exhibitionism took some getting used to. I’d dated sexy women before but here was a girl that always wore some level of see through and we braless with her nipples in view. The first time I took her along to a small dinner party at a friend’s home, she had on a very flimsy tee and I’m sure the guests noticed her nipples before her face. The first time to a large party and she wore a short dress and flashed her pussy a lot. A month or so in I was behind her on a flight of stairs and noticed she had no panties on under very see through pants and everyone at the party soon found out her natural hair color was darker. At a late night outdoor dinner she wore a pantyhose thin maxi dress stretched over every contour that was nearly transparent to where I was sitting across the table from her essentially topless in a group of people. After the first few months I got used to it and then started enjoying it and she got comfortable having me there and started pushing boundaries further. I also realized most folks enjoy it rather than resent the show as one might think and everyone having seen your wife mostly undressed can be fun rather than weird.
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By fastglass427
Well, my wife keeps this part of our lives from family and friends with few exceptions one her girlfriend of course, and her girlfriend's mother who is beyond cool. She over the moon about the three of us as a throuple and has joked that she's still got a few good ones left in her winking at me. My family on the other hand is not that cool, so she dresses nicely but more on the conservative side. We recently went to an anniversary party and everyone complimented her on how nice she looked while seated at the table and place my hand on her knee and slowly brought it up to her thigh I continued feeling the garters attaching her thigh high stocking and I continued to discover she wasn't wearing any panties, she casually unbuttoned a few buttons of her white saying blouse to reveal she was wearing a sexy saying and lace-trimmed bra that is one of my favorites it supports her 38DD's like she was 16 years old again I was very casual in my glances and noticed her nipples were hard as diamonds. As she buttoned up she leaned in whispering in my ear I am so fucking wet I might stick to my chair. While holding a pleasant conversation with someone who just happened to stop by our table of course we both knew he wanted to get a better look at her tits, I kept my hand on her thigh making my way to her pussy and lightly rubbed in and fingered her and slipping my finger out I started rubbing her clit. Never breaking stride she kept talking to this guy and his wife when she clamped both her things tight trapping my hand. she later told me on the ride home that if she didn't she was going to moan so loud they would have heard her over the band. As soon as they left she eased up and I continued rubbing her to a nice orgasm, she held her cloth napkin to her face and bit down on it to prevent her from letting the entire place know she was having a much better time than anyone realized. So even when she plays her the conservative unassuming middle-aged wife and mom her inner slut as she calls herself is always fighting for dominance, which is probably more truth than speculation. She constantly tells me how happy content she is now and wouldn't trade it for anything. Her girlfriend has to me that even though she has a hall pass it's her reason for not having sex with another man, she's happy being my wife and loves the freedom she has in her words another cock is not something I need or want. I have to admit that does make me feel very privileged. I won the lottery as far as I'm concerned
By AnonAnon
Fastglass, no problem with family and friends here, but that doesn’t mean eyebrows aren’t raised. My wife does enjoy pushing the boundaries so raised eyebrows just means it’s working.

Prior to going out one evening I complimented my wife on a chunky chrome plated necklace she was modeling nude. It was doing a great job of slithering over her boobs and I was clearly enjoying that. Not wanting to ruin that effect, my wife put on some boots and a popover dress that she left completely unbuttoned to just above her navel. The necklace slithering over boobs effect was in full view. We had to stop by her parents’ house to drop something off. I figured she would button up, but she didn’t. The look on her mother’s face was priceless. Seeing my wife in boots, a short dress put on as if she hadn’t finished dressing, a pile of chrome drawing attention to her visible nipples. She recovered quickly though and shared a hearty laugh with my wife, who got back in the car and enjoyed the rest of the evening as per usual.
By AnonAnon
Sometimes simple is best. On Friday I asked my wife to wear something interesting for a dinner for three by the pool at a friend’s house. Her interpretation was to jump in the back of the tinted car in her bikini bottoms and ask me to drive a few second after I had pulled into the garage. I texted ahead to have my friend open up his garage so I could park in it but my wife decided to jump out and greet him at the front door. Topless girl at the front door is a lot more fun than sneaking in through the kitchen. Our friend has seen her naked several times before so his response was to offer to take her “briefs”, which she did so she could greet me coming in through the kitchen with a surprise. The briefs were returned, put on but not completely pulled up and the rest of the evening continued in the same vein.
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By fastglass427
Great story I love her sense of adventure, my wife applied the simple is better, theme once when we went to my stuck sister's one day, and of course, she made it a point of telling us to bring our suits because they got a new pool making a point of telling my wife how expensive it was bla bla bla well my wife jokingly said I always bring my birthday suit. Oh, I don't know about that so we show up say our hello's and my wife excuses herself to go get changed where in actuality she had her suit on under her clothes but wouldn't tell me what she was wearing. She reappears poolside wearing an electric blue one-piece spandex suit and her 38DD's were remarkably under control but still looked like they were straining to burst out of their confines and her nipples were on full display and her suit was so form-fitting it was apparent her pussy was clean-shaven and she was sporting a nice camel toe. In her defense of modesty, she did wear a skirt type cover up when she wasn't in the pool. Regardless she was the center of attention with a few all of the guys present but she paid them no mind and played with the kids in the pool and some other things because she is "The Cool Aunt" yeah the cool aunt with the bog knockers...lol. So unless she's wearing a potatoes sack her body is pretty much always on display and I'm good with that
By AnonAnon
When it’s just close friends by the pool, my wife likes to go topless or even swim in the nude if there’s just one person. A few years ago she was topless on a boat with a tiny string bikini bottom that shifted when she was hauled up into the boat. I suspect she realized at once, but she didn’t fix it for quite some time and was essentially bottomless for a few minutes. After that she got very comfortable with wearing her bikini bottoms loose and revealing. The first time someone sees her like that there’s a shock but after that it just becomes something titilating to look at while relaxing.
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By fastglass427
My wife reserves the nudity for when we go to the nude beach, she likes to wear bikini's as well very attention-getting one's choices of fabric such as foils and neon colors, etc when I asked her why she isn't a fan of the micro bikini or even thongs her response was sometimes you have to leave something for the imagination. She accomplished just that the other day when she was out at one of the big (orange) box stores wearing a form-fitting bodysuit under her flannel shirt left open enough to see her amble breast and nipples on display because she either wears she fabric bras or half cup ones that support her tits but leaves her nipples exposed. The sea of Orange apron-wearing guys said mission accomplished, she laughs when they offer to carry her stuff to the car, she loves driving my lifted 4x4 pickup and when she climbs up into he can wearing her dasy dukes or tight yoga pants she gives a few a nice show
By AnonAnon
I enjoy a good tease, but my wife loves being as close to naked as possible. When we were dating we were at a pool party together. It wasn’t at a residence, but at a local large apartment complex. It was the evening and dark but my wife was wearing a very revealing string bikini and I could have sworn you could almost see her butthole when she leaned over to get a drink out of a cooler on the ground or squatted and there were a bunch of people checking her butt out. She did have a top on, but it was parted enough to partially reveal her areolae. She was as close to naked as she could get in that setting. Since we’d just started dating, she asked me if I was OK with it. At the time she said something like it she liked to let it all hang out once in a while to show how it was done. It took a little while to get used to everyone seeing my girlfriend nearly naked, but I loved the confidence and attitude right away.
By sjd0404
Ginger and I like mini golf. Our last outing of this season Ginger wore a lite black sleeveless dress. By lite I mean sheer in the sunlight. The course was all to ourselves except for the owner. Since an empty course, the under garments were removed before play began; distraction. Distraction didn't work.

At the end of play, returning the club and ball, you could try for a free round. The owner let Ginger try as many times as she wanted. He just gave her a free game. I think he was done.
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By fastglass427
I got dragged out one-night shopping with an ex GF for a party we were attending the next weekend I had better things to do and she just wanted my credit card truth to be known so I wasn't very attentive to her questions but she came out wearing a white mini skirt and white gauze top which instantly got my attention she was all smiles raving how she loved it and wanted to know what I thought well it was so tight and clingy that you could actually make out her thick bush and her nipple and areola were clearly visible. I asked her if she was sure several times as it was rather revealing, she protested and said what's the matter are you jealous that other guys might notice me. Ok that sealed the deal for me I shut my mouth and we left. when we went to the part she definitely got a lot of attention every time she would stand so the sun-exposed how transparent her outfit actually was it actually appeared she was naked even more so as she decided to wear a white matching see thru bra and panty set. Well gawking didn't describe the look even from a few very old guys, well her sister finally showed up and said what the hell why didn't you just come naked. She looked at her like what the hell are you talking about when her sister explained to say she was mortified was an understatement. She looked at me and I said I tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen. Well, they had to take pictures of course and she just always happened to be in everyone a perfect view of her very skimpy bra and panties in every picture I loved it. I teased her about it on the way home and she just took my hand and placed it in her panties that were soaked, I smiled and fingered her all the way home it seemed she liked being an exhibitionist
By AnonAnon
My wife goes braless in flimsy white stretch tanks with her nipples showing through very often. She enjoys it, but we don’t get a lot of uncomfortable stares though almost everyone looks. I think a loose see through top that allows her tits to move with the nipples rubbing the fabric is more provocative and when she wears those there is a lot of staring.

We went out to Halloween dinner with some friends today and my wife wore flimsy tights and a short black tie-front top tied very wide to show most of her tits and everything if you wanted to look in from the side or wait for her to raise her arms a bit, which she did a few times to sort out her hair. Normally, Halloween is a good excuse for her to wear something very skimpy, but we didn’t do costumes this year. We went to a food court type of market with a lot of folks in skimpy costumes so she got a few looks, but no crazy stares.
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By fastglass427
My wife and her girlfriend's idea of dressing modestly, lately they have been playing around with different hair colors to get attention, this months color has my approval
Red tied top.jpg
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By AnonAnon
That’s a sexy outfit!

My wife is a lot smaller so she can get away with going braless under a see through top a lot more easily than more generously endowed women can. She loves being as close to naked as she can get away with, sometimes just throwing on a maxi dress slightly more opaque than pantyhose with nothing under it for a date with a band of color providing strategic frontal modesty lower down but with her tits and ass nearly fully displayed. Once in a while we’ll go play bocce like that and I just sit back and enjoy how comfortable she is being so close to nude in public.
By AnonAnon
Post-election crowds this weekend provided a nice opportunity for my wife to get out and show off. She briefly thought of going topless with large pasties and then decided to wear a see through fitted wrap top instead because we had to walk some distance. A mile to the intersection she wanted to stand at and back. We had a sign she could use to cover up, but she used it to attract attention instead. Entirely predictable! At the intersection, there were lots of people, including some other women with similar ideas when it came to attire. Lots of honking and staring and people coming up to talk about the election while taking in her chest. Lots of sign waving allowed her to show off for several hours. I particularly enjoy walking down our street and letting the neighbors take in the view because some of them seem so shocked while my wife talks to them like it's nothing. Great outing after months of being cooped up with only private nudity.
By AnonAnon
In recent years my wife has become comfortable with frontal nudity in front of some of our close friends. She can manage all this on her own but she once jumped in my lap when we were out on the local lake with the ladies topless and my wife topless but with a very loose string bikini bottom and asked me to grab her ass cheeks, a request I’m familiar with in private settings. The result was a slightly scandalous view of her asshole to the audience in the rear. In a conversation later my wife said simply, “They’d seen everything else.”
By Jocko64
Nudeone wrote: Mon Oct 05, 2020 1:06 pm My wife likes hotel bar flashing

You have a beauty here, just happened to open it, my wife loves flashing and teasing at nice bars. I am always there with her but couple stools away, she has been felt up and never wearing panties an occasional finger in her. Sometimes she will rub a dick, just loves teasing!
By Jocko64
AnonAnon wrote: Sat Oct 31, 2020 9:37 pm My wife goes braless in flimsy white stretch tanks with her nipples showing through very often. She enjoys it, but we don’t get a lot of uncomfortable stares though almost everyone looks. I think a loose see through top that allows her tits to move with the nipples rubbing the fabric is more provocative and when she wears those there is a lot of staring.

We went out to Halloween dinner with some friends today and my wife wore flimsy tights and a short black tie-front top tied very wide to show most of her tits and everything if you wanted to look in from the side or wait for her to raise her arms a bit, which she did a few times to sort out her hair. Normally, Halloween is a good excuse for her to wear something very skimpy, but we didn’t do costumes this year. We went to a food court type of market with a lot of folks in skimpy costumes so she got a few looks, but no crazy stares.
We went to Halloween party some years back, wife wore toga outfit, got tipsy, was naked underneath, the host snuck her into a bedroom and had his way with her then invited me to have his wife so we found a bedroom. Was beginning of some awesome swaps with them!
By Jocko64
This goes back some years, Wife and I have open marriage, many friends have seen her naked at times both accidently and on purpose. We had moved south (transfer for me) and we had friends from north that liked to visit because of weather.

We had been invited to a wedding in Tallahassee and had made plans to go for the weekend. Her lifelong friend calls and asked if they could visit, wife said sure forgetting that we had plans. Well they show, we tell them we going to this wedding but they can stay in house and we will only stay the two nights. Mother of bride when talking to wife said bring them. OK, now problem is we have hotel room and no more available. Wife says no problem, we share the room .

Off to Tallahassee, get there Friday evening, have dinner back to hotel. Wedding at 2 on Saturday, we have have breakfast, sit around reading, time to get ready, I shower,. buddy showers, gals have bathroom now, wife in there first, showers gets make up on, ready to get dressed calls her friend to have bathroom. Friend goes in , wife out wrapped in a towel. Gets her outfit, lay it on bed beside me. Jay on other bed, she tells him no peeking and drops towel and starts dressing. he watching show in mirror and she did not realize it. She gets dressed, putting thigh highs on no panties, I am watching and drooling, I know he is too! We go to weeding, had great time and Sunday AM head back home.

Tuesday evening my Buddy and I watching golf match on TV in my office and the two women walk in wearing robes and wife says put on some music to me, they want to dance for us. I do it, they take robes off. His wife has some of my wife's undies on, sheer bra and sheer tanga panties (big hairy bush), my bald pussy wife has a crotch-less very sheer teddy on. They dance and my 58 yea old wife at time showing it all. She says she going to do lap dance for my Buddy and his wife sits by me on couch watching the show. What she and I did not realize was my Bud was fingering my wife and I could see my wife's eyes get glazed and she was cumming, his wife stands and grabs her husbands free hand and says lets go finish this. My wife gets up , he gets up and leaves, my wife is dripping and says Fuck me now and I did!

My buddy had the hots for my wife, told her that his ultimate fantasy was to see her naked in red high heels then have sex with her! Two years later, he turned 60, shortly after the birthday he had his fantasy filled by my wife but she gave him a blowjob, no fucking. LOL She is 58 in the pic
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By AnonAnon
Jocko64 wrote: Sun Jan 24, 2021 7:26 am We went to Halloween party some years back, wife wore toga outfit, got tipsy, was naked underneath, the host snuck her into a bedroom and had his way with her then invited me to have his wife so we found a bedroom. Was beginning of some awesome swaps with them!
A little candor can go a long way! From both sides. My wife responds very well to it. We were at a photographer friend's studio-loft for dinner one evening and my wife was in a clingy wool wrap dress. Without underwear as usual and bare feet as per the rules of the house. The friend offered to take a few nudes since she didn't have any underwear marks to worry about and a few seconds later my wife had removed and folded her dress over a dining room chair like she was picking up placemats. It happened to quickly and unselfconsciously that the three of us just continued chatting for a half hour of photography that cycled through some pretty explicit, and some pretty ridiculous, poses and my wife having to groom her landing strip to a spiky shape. Some of the most interesting images were with the wrap dress draped but not tied and her putting on her shoes at the entrance, clearly in no hurry to cover up. When we got home and got to it the aspect of the evening my wife commented on was her recent wax and grooming. The rest just seemed natural to her.
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By lukethehammer
Alcohol can bring so much fun to a marriage.

It's been a while since I posted. One of my favorite memories was a time we vacationed in a Hawaii. When we first arrived, we stopped by a local restaurant and had a couple drinks Then, when we got to the hotel room, I convinced her to quickly have a couple more drinks before we went to the beach. I had bought her this string bikini that tied on the side of her hips. When we went down to the beach, she was already pretty drunk since all the drinks were basically in the last 45 minutes. I got her out to the water and held on to her. I pretended to lose my balance and slip backward. While slipping, I grabbed the side strings and untied her bottom. When it floated off, she said "honey, I have a problem. I can't feel my bathing suit bottom." Then she looked down and found it floating. I asked for it and she gave it to me without hesitation. There she was in the middle of the ocean with about a hundred people around us standing completely bottomless. The water was so clear. If anyone looked down, they would see her bare ass shining under the water. There was a guy standing behind her that wouldn't move away. He starting calling his friends over. I just ignored them and pulled her close so she would grab my neck. When she did, I gently pushed her ass up close to the surface of the water. She was just floating with her legs spread and too drunk to care that she was completely naked from the waste down. The guy and his friends got such a great show. Finally, I helped her get dressed under water and walked her back to the beach. She was walking behind me. AFter I got out of the water, I turned around to make sure she was ok and then noticed that not only was her nipple completely out of her bikini top, her bush was also completely exposed. She was still too drunk to realize or care. I quickly fixed her bathing suit and waked her back to the room. On the way, I had more fun and untied her bikini bottom again in the hallway. At the same time, the elevator dinged and a couple came out right when her bottom was falling off. We got back into the room and I immediately got her naked and went to town.

That day was one of my favorite memories. She was so hot that day. And I don't think I was the only one that thought so.
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By fastglass427
Yes it surely has a way of shedding those inhibitions which doesn't take much these days but my wife is always a lot more fun when she's a little tipsy.I suspect there have been times where she used it more as an excuse to just let herself go
By AnonAnon
fastglass427 wrote:I suspect there have been times where she used it more as an excuse to just let herself go
"I can be very charming when I'm drunk," is my wife's version.
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By AnonAnon
When actually tipsy my wife once asked a cute guy handing out name tag stickers to apply one directly to her breast in response to his hesitation at where to put it on her skimpy dress. Pretty soon other folks were joking about it and applying their own stickers to her tits with the result that about a dozen guests had applied stickers to her tits by the end of the evening.
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By fastglass427
Many years ago before the days of political correctness ladies who were sponsor representatives or track girls used to clearly get felt up fondled whatever you want to call it by the race winners clearly evident by the handprints all over their T-shirts.

One day my wife came out to the garage when I was working on my Corvette and her being a car girl loved to help me work on cars as well as work on her own car but today she was there to tease me wearing a white guinea T , no bra and a pair of very short shorts and sneakers. I went to kiss her and grabbed both of her tits with my dirty hands if it was a good top she would have killed me but she laughed and said oh my am I one of the winner circle girls now her tits adorned with my handprints Maybe a half hour goes by and one of my friends puls in the driveway and she just smiled at him never skipping a beat hi Joe would you like a beer, turns walks to the fridge and comes back with three long necks and continues talking cars and handing me wrenches, she even went as far as asking me if I'd like her to check the clutch as she lay on her back and wiggled under the car. My friend didn't know what to say or do but mouthed the words you lucky fuck
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By AnonAnon
One of the guys applying the stickers took the opportunity to feel up my wife’s tits, no doubt using the fact that she invited the contact to take advantage without much risk of being called out for it. She was annoyed enough by it that she mentioned it and we’re not as close friends as we once were, but she’s pretty clear it was one of a dozen or more and his problem rather than hers. Sometime later he was calling her out for generally being a ball buster. There’s always someone helping the PC cause.

After that evening my wife revealed to me that her ideal Halloween costume might be going topless with me covering her tits with my hands, but not all the time. She mentioned it again recently with some ideas around wearing a stick on over her nipples. She’s been experimenting with them in see through tees where the print covers one side well but allows a nipple stick on glitter to show through the other side.
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By fastglass427
Well my wife realizes that her dressing provocatively is fully intended to garner attention but that doesn't mean that it is a licence for anyone to take advantage no matter what her choice of dress is or how enticing and tempting it may be , she always comments that I have great powers of restraint around women who dress the same way or just in general. There have been many many times where I wish I had the invitation to help myself but have always treated women with respect

She always cites the example of going to the nude beach where everyone is always respectful even though some may be admiring her or having a conversation while sporting a hard on but those cases are not as commonplace as one would think but it does happen more so with the newbies so to speak. On the few occasion where some guy has gotten out of line she wastes no time putting him in his place, but there was one incident that involved a woman who was clearly under the influence or so it appeared that couldn't keep her hands off of my wife especially her ass. My wife's facial expressions were priceless I have to say but it got to the point where she actually slid her hand up her skirt and was attempting to finger her ass when she spun around and grabbed her wrist very politely smiling saying this is not the time or the place for that if you behave maybe later. Well later never came because she felt a letch is a letch no matter what the gender
By AnonAnon
My wife just wants to enjoy it without letting a very small minority being the dominant experience. She likes me to be around for control and a show of force, but is well capable of handling the situation to her liking. This doesn’t mean stupid guys don’t do stupid stuff, just that it remains below the annoyance threshold she likes. It’s not like she forgets the folks who took advantage, but she doesn’t get upset over it.

Most of the time, I’m around so problems do not arise. In public or in large private gatherings, where I might be talking to someone else for a bit, is where these things tend to happen. My wife one had someone come up to her at a party to which she was wearing something see through braless and say, “Nice tits,” in a rude manner and her immediate retort was, “My husband was saying the same thing about your wife’s legs.” I had no idea who his wife was, but the retort caught the guy totally by surprise. By the time he unpacked it, my wife made a joke, exchanged some pleasantry and walked away.
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By AnonAnon
My wife likes to play a game. She models something ridiculously revealing she has already planned to wear out in our bedroom, enjoys any shock and discomfort on my part and then takes the inevitable compliment as tacit approval. It’s a version of foreplay before a date and we both enjoy it. Her latest choice was a nearly transparent white long sleeved shirt worn braless and mostly unbuttoned to keep it from clinging too revealingly to her nipples. The restaurant of choice for a double date dinner was sit down with predictable results and her invitation was for the men to sit across from the ladies for maximum enjoyment of the scenery. With the other lady is a slightly see through dress and my wife’s ample display of uncovered nipples in our direction and bare back and side boob in the direction of the other patrons in the restaurant, dinner was a very sexy hour.
By AnonAnon
Some friends of our have a pool party each year just before they shut their pool down for the Winter. It’s understood that the women will wear daring swimsuits. My wife’s suit last year was a plunging one piece see thru worn over nipple jewelry and it was a hit. She couldn’t come up with a better idea this year so I suggested she go topless. She loved the idea and talked me into walking in right behind her covering her tits with my hands for a few seconds after we walked in. That added the necessary humor so she could be the lone topless woman at the party, pose for photos with most of the women and men covering her tits and generally have a great time showing off.
By AnonAnon
An intimate New Years party with some close friends provided my wife with an opportunity to inject some sexiness with skin tight see through skin colored knit pants so tight they sank deep into her ass crack and provided the narrowest seam as cover for her ass crack and crotch topped with a very short very loose tank top inviting those sitting down to take in all the views under it to their hearts’ content. In the course of sitting by the fire or bending over the kitchen bar, some spectacular tits and ass views were absorbed by all and enjoyed by my wife. A memorable evening to start the new year with.
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By Solstice2006
We love having sex outdoors and have been seen a number of times both by friends and strangers . She has a special liking for giving me head and when driving she does it naked most all the time giving truckers a great show . . She doesn't really like to be seen completely for fear of being recognized at work but when it's been friends that doesn't matter .
We've given a number of people some serious memories and her great body doesn't hurt either .
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By Solstice2006
AnonAnon wrote: Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:05 pm An intimate New Years party with some close friends provided my wife with an opportunity to inject some sexiness with skin tight see through skin colored knit pants so tight they sank deep into her ass crack and provided the narrowest seam as cover for her ass crack and crotch topped with a very short very loose tank top inviting those sitting down to take in all the views under it to their hearts’ content. In the course of sitting by the fire or bending over the kitchen bar, some spectacular tits and ass views were absorbed by all and enjoyed by my wife. A memorable evening to start the new year with.
When's the next party ?
By AnonAnon
Solstice2006 wrote: Wed May 25, 2022 1:46 pm We love having sex outdoors and have been seen a number of times both by friends and strangers . She has a special liking for giving me head and when driving she does it naked most all the time giving truckers a great show . . She doesn't really like to be seen completely for fear of being recognized at work but when it's been friends that doesn't matter .
We've given a number of people some serious memories and her great body doesn't hurt either .
My wife gets a kick out of wearing outfits that push the boundaries to her workplaces. Sometimes transparent shirts that show off a cheeky bra, flimsy shirts that show off her nipples or very short skirts that probably provide a few flashes through the day. Sometimes she goes too far and gets a few too many stares through the day, but she’s always excited to come home and talk about it. Where she really pushes it is at the holiday parties, usually wearing something extremely clingy and flimsy without any underwear so there’s very little left to the imagination. A few years ago she invited me along to a late dinner with some work colleagues to celebrate the end of a project. Her choice of dress was a black halter neck dress with a see through top panel that made no secret of her nipples and a high slit long bottom that revealed most of her leg. When I arrived at the dinner, she was seated at a stool visible through a large glass pane I passed just before opening the restaurant door, and she had hitched up her slit skirt just high enough that there was a tantalizing view right into her crotch showing the slightest hint of landing strip and the complete absence of panties. It was a beautiful appetizer to being seated at the table with a clear view of her tits all evening.
By AnonAnon
Solstice2006 wrote: Wed May 25, 2022 1:48 pm
AnonAnon wrote: Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:05 pm An intimate New Years party with some close friends provided my wife with an opportunity to inject some sexiness with skin tight see through skin colored knit pants so tight they sank deep into her ass crack and provided the narrowest seam as cover for her ass crack and crotch topped with a very short very loose tank top inviting those sitting down to take in all the views under it to their hearts’ content. In the course of sitting by the fire or bending over the kitchen bar, some spectacular tits and ass views were absorbed by all and enjoyed by my wife. A memorable evening to start the new year with.
When's the next party ?
This evening!

Last weekend my wife wore an outfit a designer friend of hers had her wear at a small show. A totally sheer dress over lingerie with a very broad belt as the only cover. The occasion was an outdoor party with friends in the evening so the lighting level was low unless you went in the kitchen. My wife didn’t want the panties to crease so she picked some very tiny ones. Everyone enjoyed the outfit, with comments like, “So, this is what you see in the bedroom?” and a request, not met, to take off her bra. When we got in the car to go home, she said, “I was this close to taking my bra off, but I couldn’t figure out how to get to it without a bunch of contortions.”
By AnonAnon
Wife’s choice of outfit for an afternoon cookout was an off white loose polyester dress so revealing it was little more than a minimalist screen on which to track the very distracting movement of her erect pencil eraser nipples, which were further revealed in the midday sun’s nearly vertical lighting. She chose to wear black panties, black leather boots and a black leather necklace under it with the necklace revealing some nice contours of her chest that would otherwise have remained hidden. She took a scarf for cover, but ended up going the other direction and typing up her hair with it instead, leaving the nipples uncovered and telegraphing the movement from her conversation and laughter right through the dress.
By AnonAnon
My wife and I drove a couple of thousand miles for a road trip last week and her top of choice for the car journey was made of three bands of fabric about three inches wide, two looping over her tits from waistline in front to waistline in back and one going around her torso just under her tits. The top left her tits beautifully exposed and was loose enough to allow for the occasional nip slip when we stopped for lunch and she was seated. She requested a lot of rest stops so she could keep up with the stand goal on her watch but I suspect it was exhibiting and not exercise that was the primary motivator. The top got a lot of attention and kept the sexual tension on the drive at a boil for hours each day. Her choice of top for our early breakfast at the hotels was a plunging neckline burnout tee worn braless for maximum see through. On the last day of our trip, she dressed in a completely see through white wrap top worn braless as part of a pride march using mostly heavy eye make-up for “modesty”.
By AnonAnon
We made no plans for NY eve and received a last-minute invitation from some friends to an intimate evening to which my wife decided to wear an ensemble that she suggested might be too much. Too much was an extremely soft wrap dress that was so immodest it revealed even her bumps around her areolae and the material provided no support for her tits at all showing off their beautiful unfettered shape as if she was completely naked. As per her usual style, she wore the wrap loose enough to leave a plunging neckline just barely covering her nipples and showing off her tits and flat stomach provocatively with a long thin necklace that often got caught in her nipples rounding off the list of attractions. In the course of the evening, she made several low bends that provided unobstructed views of the goods already almost all on display. Her just barely covered erect pencil eraser nipples tenting the neckline of the dress and moving provocatively while she was in conversation right next to the half-revealed boobs were the star of the evening. She’s obviously enjoyed herself a great deal because when we got back in our car to go home, I saw the dress was tied noticeably looser than it was when we arrived with predictable results!
By AnonAnon
My wife sometimes like to go topless at pool parties even when she is the only one that’s topless. Sometimes she’s do it even if we don’t know everyone at the party and she enjoys people who start out uncomfortable with her tits on display getting comfortable talking to her by the end of it. Once in a while, when the group is smaller, she’ll wear her bikini loose and tell me something like, “Oh, it’s just the hair visible,” when you can clearly see traces of lip from time to time, particularly when she sits down. Sometimes, there’s not much left to the imagination. She’s been enjoying the full frontal nudity of late and so have our friends.

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