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By rockclimber
What she said but less mushy.

Who the hell is gonna teach me about bourbon for kricky sakes?

The hotness of hotties gravitates to ya bro, and if that doesn't make sense, have another shot.

By DangerousDi
JBE: The one thing you should know you made a choice, and if you come back again you are making another choice. Pretty much there is always a choice, and if decide you don't like being gone you can always come back. Maybe don't sign out and just look in. Must success with your new venture.
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By 327retro
Every now and again we need some time off to gather our thoughts, reflect, hell even wax nostalgic to a point. Leave out the could-a should-a crap, it's not helpful & very counter productive.

I've seen this coming old friend, I only hope your sabbatical will be fruitful and not long lived as one of those year long ones or worse yet disappear into the Sunset. If the latter is the case do put a note in a bottle and hope the currents bring it to these shores.

Sugar bought me some Bulleit Bourbon Frontier Whiskey 10 year old a bit ago. (corked) I've got my favorite Bourbon glass with some Bulleit on the rocks. I hoist it to you dear friend. All the best and lots of love till your return. (?)

Damn if this keeps up we'll have to have a Mt. Rushmore, rather a Mt. COFF for the Founding Fathers. Only problem is we don't have a picture of Tyro.

Be well dear friend, lots of love,

Grumpy & Sugar
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By Skeetz
I'll drink to that Grump! Me and George T, whata' ya' think? https://youtu.be/97ECZMvbLxg

But then we have seen this phenomenon before with John haven't we. It's probably my return that dropped the fly in the ointment again, so to speak! Sorry about that! I guess it's up to you and us interlopers to keep the COFF tradition alive.
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By rockclimber

That bourbon sounds mighty fine. I'll draft you for advise while John goes on walkabout. Hopefully not for too long.

Life is not always sweet, friends make it tolerable to fine, in my opinion. Several times in my life it's been a friend who pulled me back from the edge so to speak. They know who they are and to them I will forever be grateful and loyal to.


Let us pull you through big guy. Friends are more than amusement, they are the ones we choose to share our lives with.

Family is chosen for us, friends we choose, good ones don't shy away from the hard parts of friendship. Said with great affection and esteem.

Winston offers the paw of love too btw....


Well said, far more simply than I... Not surprisingly.... Btw, my six pack is Magners...... Does that count? (curse you Tatum.....ha! )

By DangerousDi
Did you hear that Thinker gets to go to a nude St. Patrick's party? I sure hope he tells us all about it, he told me he was wearing his beads, and that is it. I wonder how you don't get a hard on guys....
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By FastFive
No different than any other social nude scene, I would guess.
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By rockclimber
Socially nude... Maybe if Sunny or Trin were along for the romp?

Happy St Paddy!
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By Thinker
The party was a potluck. Many of the people were at the wine tasting last month. Met many new people including a young lady that was running a marathon the next day.

Guys probably have hard-ons as often at a nude party as often as they have one at a textile party. After a bit, everyone is a person. You don't even notice that they are nude...mostly.
By DangerousDi
@ thinker hope you had a terrific time. Interesting how time goes it just seems normal as being dressed. Did all the guys and girls have nice bodies?
By DangerousDi
@fastfive, I guess you pinned that one correctly according to Thinker's comments.
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By rockclimber
What's amusing is the random dude with a pudgy who walks around like he's top dog. There's always one, and he's always the super friendly one too, ha ha!
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By FastFive
rockclimber wrote:What's amusing is the random dude with a pudgy who walks around like he's top dog. There's always one, and he's always the super friendly one too, ha ha!
He really likes to give hugs... :?
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By rockclimber
Yeah..... To everybody.....
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By Star
rockclimber wrote:Grump,

That bourbon sounds mighty fine. I'll draft you for advise while John goes on walkabout. Hopefully not for too long.

Life is not always sweet, friends make it tolerable to fine, in my opinion. Several times in my life it's been a friend who pulled me back from the edge so to speak. They know who they are and to them I will forever be grateful and loyal to.


Let us pull you through big guy. Friends are more than amusement, they are the ones we choose to share our lives with.

Family is chosen for us, friends we choose, good ones don't shy away from the hard parts of friendship. Said with great affection and esteem.

Winston offers the paw of love too btw....


Well said, far more simply than I... Not surprisingly.... Btw, my six pack is Magners...... Does that count? (curse you Tatum.....ha! )


soooooooooooo sweet hun n sooooooooooo very articulate. :) :) im sure john has just a little sneaky peek every now n again im off 2 the land of nod just now but ill send him a pm tomorrow c if we can entice him back to his adopted family. :) :)
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By Star
honora wrote:Sigh, only Channing could make me go see a movie for the sake of just "seeing" :lol: July 1st cannot come soon enough!

Magic Mike 2 Teaser :shock: :oops:

nice 1 honora :D i dont blame u. :P ace heads up thnx :D :D wow looks really hot n sexy. :P :P
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By Thinker
I would say most people don't have great bodies. They are like regular society: much more overweight than they ought to be. There are some people who exercise regularly so look nice. A gal there ran a marathon the next day. She was in good shape.
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By 327retro

That bourbon sounds mighty fine. I'll draft you for advise while John goes on walkabout. Hopefully not for too long.

Life is not always sweet, friends make it tolerable to fine, in my opinion. Several times in my life it's been a friend who pulled me back from the edge so to speak. They know who they are and to them I will forever be grateful and loyal to.


Let us pull you through big guy. Friends are more than amusement, they are the ones we choose to share our lives with.

Family is chosen for us, friends we choose, good ones don't shy away from the hard parts of friendship. Said with great affection and esteem.

Hey Rock,

Thanks for the vote of confidence, but truth be told John was the connoisseur of Bourbon & Sugar of all people went out of her way to find special cuts for me. Ever clear, Apple pie, regular Bourbon & beer are passed around at the weekend bon fires in the lower 40's or backyard so to speak. Right now Sugar is frustrated that she can't find Jim Beams Devil cut. Personally I've found Jim Beam to be a bit harsh for my taste, but have never had the Devils cut so I can't comment. I'll do my best to have Sugar provide Intel on the Bourbon front, maybe she can get a hold of John for some collaboration.

Family & fiends are the most important things in life. I personally have made what I consider some good Friends here, yet was reminded recently that friends are virtual here. Most of us may never meet and not know how truly great or nuts we are. In a good way I would hope.

Truth be told "most" of us are loving normal couples and or singles just out to enjoy some harmless adult fun & well deserved compliments. Still there is a comradery of mutual respect that shouldn't be overlooked. Would any of us not like to dive into the beauty & pleasures of Honora, Trinity, Star, Manda, Jess, Sunny, Holly or any of the other exceptionally lovely Ladies that stop by here? I sure would. But Sugar is my special lady. And it's Sugar that has broadened my appreciation of beauty in others. (if that makes sense)

It sucks that non of us will never meet down at the lower 40 for a Bon Fire and some 4X4ing or share some Shine, Bourbon or beer shoot off fireworks or even shoot at some targets before drinking of course. But it is what it is. Virtual or not it has been a learning experience. Jr. and I had some discussions about hot rods and restorations & oil ***. Skeet, RB and myself are truckers from opposite sides of the world yet there is a commonality. Rock came in and held this team together after an almost fatal blow and he was a newbie at the time. Kudos Rock. COFF owes you my friend.

I fully understand John's frustration on every level as I have experienced those frustrations myself over the past few months. Newbies come & go. Some newer regulars don't know the history and certainly can't fault them for that.

I can only speak for myself. I'm a gearhead, biker, trucker, Southern county boy,mechanic. I can relate to many but not all can relate to me. Wither it's my long hair or country ways I don't give a damn. If you hate me so be it. It's not about me nor John nor anyone else. It's about the beautiful Ladies that put there beauty here for us. Sorry for my rambling.

Your incite and wisdom will be missed Dear Friend John. Virtual or not.

Ran my mouth a bit didn't I. Sorry about that.
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By Coffjr
Grumpy, well put bro. If I lived closer, I'd be joining you & Sugar at that fire pit after squeezing off a few rounds. No fancy drinks for me but I do like my Jim Beam - I grew up with it, taking some from my mom bottle. Haven't tried the Devils cut yet.
I'm also the same way - if you don't like me, I could care less. I can associate with people who do like me and accept me for the way I am. I met up once with a first cousin who make comments about my long hair - well just to say, we never used to get along and now even less.
I think most of us will miss John, a few might not but that is their problem. Enough said.
By Annie
By Jbe ..........you've always been sweet to me. Going to miss you. I'm just like ya though. This site is so dead it's just no fun anymore. It's just too slow and I haven't found anywhere any better.
I had fun on flickr for a little while but you can't post the good stuff. I did and got a warning to stop and didn't then they deleted my account but yet others have really juicy stuff posted and are still there. I don't get it.
Kiss Kiss going to miss you Jbe.
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By rockclimber
He's still here, he posted a few days ago in another thread. His PM will go to his email as well. I think John is on during the day and few others are at the moment. I offered to show him a nipple but he wasn't interested lol. Maybe yours would be more to his taste?
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By BreeOclaire
I haven't been so regular here as I am on the RCBB side. But am glad I happened to peek in here and see the announcement from our good ole Jbe. You've been a sweetheart to all...managing to linger in these parts through all the chaos of old-times falling and new-timers birthing. You've helped keep many of us together. Though it is always a bitter-sweet to see friends leave this playground, I always understand when one must make that decision on their own. So, farewell and may you stay happy & content and know that you've made a difference in many peoples days spent here...both pervy & sincere.
Sm♥♥ches all over ya John!
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By Thumper
Hey all

Grumper...Devils Cut is a bit smoother than regular Jim Beam. Has a real woody flavour.
when whisky ages, the portion that evapourates is called the Angels' Share. The portion that soaks into the wood is called the Devil's cut.
thus the name.

We'll all miss John. One of the founding fathers and stawarts.
There will always be a place at this table for you, John.
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By rockclimber
BreeOclaire wrote:I haven't been so regular here as I am on the RCBB side. But am glad I happened to peek in here and see the announcement from our good ole Jbe. You've been a sweetheart to all...managing to linger in these parts through all the chaos of old-times falling and new-timers birthing. You've helped keep many of us together. Though it is always a bitter-sweet to see friends leave this playground, I always understand when one must make that decision on their own. So, farewell and may you stay happy & content and know that you've made a difference in many peoples days spent here...both pervy & sincere.
Sm♥♥ches all over ya John!
That sums us up nicely Bree, "sincerely pervy" to the bone....
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By Star
im sooooooooo pleased soooooooooo many of Johns mates have been on here 2 say something. :) :) :) so sweet. :) :) thnx guys n girls hes sure 2 appreciate that :) :)
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By FastFive
The Sex Personality Test

My result:
You're the Adventurer! You're basically the Indiana Jones of the bedroom, always looking to try something new and explore uncharted territories. With you, there's never a dull moment; your sex life is exciting, and your partner is in for the ride of his/her life!

17.5% of people that have taken this quiz have achieved this result.
I think my answer to the S&M question followed by the DisneyWorld answer screwed up the metrics. :lol:
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By Skeetz
And the survey says . . . . I'm The Sweetheart!

Well Hell, the girls on the VW/RC have been telling me that for years. So I guess the survey was a total waste time!
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By rockclimber
Disney World is nice but I'd rather have close Amsterdam would be a close second.

I got the Indiana Jones of the bedroom designation as well.

The categories were a little bit difficult to choose from. The music selections don't really fit my tastes either. D/s would have been a better choice than BDSM. That was off putting, but I'm probably over analyzing.

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My results from the sex personality test....

You're the Jackrabbit! When it comes to sex, you just can't get enough. You have an insatiable appetite, and you're up for getting it on anytime, anywhere. Though some might call you a sex addict, you prefer the term sex enthusiast!

19.4% of people that have taken this quiz have achieved this result.

Not owning up to how accurate the results were. It might be true...then again, truth be told, my indulgence is few and far between. My spouse doesn't share my actual wants (which WAS significant)...sad but true. And I'm not a strayer...so I am doomed to a life of little to no sex. Unless you count "Rosie".

Funny how my right arm/wrist is soooooo much stronger than my left. Go figure...

BTW, hi Trinity! How have you beem?
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By honora
ONLY 9.1% ?? :o Well, there is NO pain involved with my sex life but....:lol:

You're the Jackhammer! When you get your freak on, you want it to be exciting and dangerous, skirting along the border between pleasure and pain. :oops: :oops:

9.1% of people that have taken this quiz have achieved this result.
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By FastFive
That's kinda'... hot! :oops:
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By Thumper
I got the Indiana Jones one.
But if Honora came a callin', I'd change my habits as much as it took to keep "The Jackhammer" happy! :lol:
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By Skeetz
At first blush "Jack Hammer" just didn't seem appropriate for Li'l Red. But after giving it some thought I can see it now. Petite, yet powerful and relentless, sounds like a great lover to me!
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By mandadees
Hmmm, When the mood comes, yes :lol:
Watch out people!! :oops: Image
jackhammer.jpg (43.95 KiB) Viewed 13472 times
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By Thinker
Oh wow!!! Manda's gone shopping. Love your outfit! Is it leather or vinyl? You are just too sexy for your clothes. Let me ease you out of it!!!
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By rockclimber
Have a Beagle rest of the night all!

May the paws of good cheer make the rest of your weekend a good one...... I'm sleeping in after my six day week and ten hour days! Funny how we work and pets relax?
20150329_001718.jpg (1.83 MiB) Viewed 13452 times
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By 327retro
"May the paws of good cheer make the rest of your weekend a good one...... I'm sleeping in after my six day week and ten hour days! Funny how we work and pets relax."

They relax for when we get home to bring us a joy that can't be explained. Call it primal or what ever, makes no matter. I think at times even when we are present they are showing us a way to unwind. Relax and enjoy your good fortune Rock. Money nor anything else can buy the enjoyment that little flopped eared varmint brings.

Later my friend.
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By BabyCakes
Hey everyone!!! Hope everyone is doing great! Posted a few new gallery photos tonight for anyone that wants to check them out! ;) sooo looking forward to spring and warmer weather here. :)
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By rockclimber
BabyCakes wrote:Hey everyone!!! Hope everyone is doing great! Posted a few new gallery photos tonight for anyone that wants to check them out! ;) sooo looking forward to spring and warmer weather here. :)
I found them and they are beautiful! Hope all is well?
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By BabyCakes
Yes, things are great, thank you! How have you been? Seems so quiet in here lately! :? I've been kind of lurking around the past few weeks but didn't have much time to post too much. Everyone looking forward to Easter weekend?! For those that celebrate it anyway...lol I'm definitely looking forward to the food! Woohoo always love great food and visiting with friends/family.
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By rockclimber
Yup Babycakes, Easter is coming, time for family things. I have a family member seriously ill right now which has my focus. And, it's almost playoffs, so....

It goes hot and cold, COFFettes post and activity perks. Glad you're back and posting your lovely self.
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By BabyCakes
Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that! I hope everything goes ok!

I'm definitely happy to finally have some spare time again! Haha I enjoy these moments that I can hop on here and catch up cause before I know, we're off and running onto the next seasonal sport/activity! Lol
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By 327retro
BabyCakes wrote:Hey everyone!!! Hope everyone is doing great! Posted a few new gallery photos tonight for anyone that wants to check them out! ;) sooo looking forward to spring and warmer weather here. :)
Hey BabyCakes, had a chance to catch your photos very nicely done. And Sugar did have some blueberry muffins in the pantry. :)
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