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By mandadees
Thank you Grey,

I wish these teeny pics were bigger, I would show you more, Ha ha!! I think a "hard time" is just what a girl needs for the weekend don't you? I let my hair down last weekend for the first time in a long long time and it was such a needed thing. I paid for it all weekend but I'm glad I did. How are your plans coming for this weekend?

Huggs Thinker, Honora and Retro and Holly, Skeeter you can slip into bed here with me and read the forums, :)
By Greydawg
Well, Manda, with that kind of offer how can I refuse a damsel in distress? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: In that case, where can we meet up so I can properly give you a hard time? ;) ;)

You could always post that pic here so I can get a better look at you. :D

My plans for the weekend- Hmmm- I am on vacation right now visiting family out of state. Well, out of state for me. Going to visit a Frank Lloyd Wright designed house in eastern Wisconsin tomorrow and then 2 more in Chicago next Thursday. That's about it for me. Do you have more wild party girl plans?
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By Thinker
Did my long bike ride (for me) again. I have sped up 6 more minutes. That could be riding faster or being idle less. I keep the timer running when I stop for a break. Today I did an overall 12mph. Not bad for early in the season.

Watched the Belmont Stakes. No Triple Crown winner this year. :( Part of me was hoping the streak would be broken and part of me wanted it to continue. I wonder if that is because I would like to streak myself! Anyone care to join me?
By Greydawg
Thinker, if you are going to be chasing some naked women on that streak, I'd be tempted to join you. Otherwise that would be a bit too weird. :shock: :oops: :lol: :lol:

Hey, Manda, where is that larger picture of you? ;) ;)

By the way, Manda, you made some reference a while back about remembering my propic from pre-crash days. To which I replied that I had never used it before. Just a useless piece of trivia, it is actually a photo of a statue from Taliesen- which was the summer home of architect Frank Lloyd Wright.
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By Thumper
Manda and Honora...you BOTH have great propics (Of course, the subject matter is gorgeous, so its kind of to be expected!)

Hey, Manda, mind if I open that shirt up for you, just a little? I'm feeling a little warm in here, so maybe it will help to cool you off? ;) That patented Manda smile just heats up the whole room!

And Honora, that tank top is just begging to be ripped apart by my teeth! Don't worry, I'll be much more gentle with whats underneath....

Nibbles in naughty places to you both.....
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By mandadees
Thumper! I'm so happy to see you! You always know how to get a girl all hot and bothered, LOL! Hugs LT!

Grey, there is one in Skeeters thread :) Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesen? I know it, perhaps that is what I remember but I think it was that picture, it will come to me eventually. :) I like FLW style so much don't you? Clean crisp lines.

JR, retro, waves! :)
By Greydawg
I sure do, Manda. I've been a fan for years. Yesterday went and toured the Unity Temple in Oak Park (Chicago) yesterday morning and then did a quick look at his house but didn't do the tour. Didn't have time. But passed by six other houses he designed on the walk to his house. Then went and toured the Robie House in the afternoon. Loved them both. What a great day!

Manda, I saw the pic in Skeeter's thread but I was hoping for your propic in a larger size. :D ;)
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By Coffjr
Waving back at you, Manda. I still think you have the best smile on VW - in fact, the best smile I've ever seen! I'm still waiting with warm towels in hand to dry your back sometime - but if I do, I'll have to carry them a little lower than normal. ;) Did I promise a rub down after the dry off?? Just tell me when and where to stop.......I think I better take a cold shower now just thinking about it. :oops:
By Greydawg
Hey, jr, about Manda's smile- it certainly is one of the best smiles I've seen as well. Ahhhh.... to be able see it in person....maybe some day... heavy sigh. :D
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By Thumper
Thinker wrote:Smiles? Are we talking about smiles? My favorite thing on a woman.
Especially when thats ALL she's wearing! :D

Hey, Manda, you don't happen to have any daisy dukes, do you? and a plaid shirt that you can tie off like a halter?
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By Coffjr
Grey - you got that right. I bet her smile is even better in person.

Thanks Thumper - I won't be able to sleep tonight thinking about Manda in daisy dukes and a plaid top - with a BIG smile. :D
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By mandadees
You guys! Happy Fathers Day to all of you! :)
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By mandadees
Thumper, you are sooo bad!

I might be able to come up with something hot and sweaty, how does that sound? :)
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By Thinker
Manda being hot and sweaty works for me too! You know if we are both nude and sweaty, we would slip and slide all over each other. Would love to get sweaty with you!
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By Skeetz
Good Morning all!

I Just can't let this day pass without mentioning that this is Jewels Birthday. I miss that sexy Lady so much, what a true Jewel she was.

This is a shot taken at the age of seventy-one, while wig shopping as she was undergoing chemo treatments. It was near Halloween, thus the green wig. I hope she would appreciate being remembered in this way.

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Here's to You Victoria, Happy Birthday, where ever you are! Love Ya' Kiddo!
By Greydawg
She is missed- that's for sure. Her b-day notification popped up on my e-mail calendar this morning but ya beat me to it, Skeetz. :)

Happy birthday, Jewels!!
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By Thumper
mandadees wrote:Thumper, you are sooo bad!

I might be able to come up with something hot and sweaty, how does that sound? :)
Any pic with you is bound to be gorgeous, Manda! And believe me, I'll take any little crumbs you care to throw my way! :shock:

With your legs, I'm sure the Daisys would look beyond awesome, but you may have figured out, that's kind of my thing.... 8-)
Hot and sweaty.....well let me think....HELL YES!!!!!
Or pouring water over yourself...or in a wet T, or, or or........

Thinking of ladies who look awesome in wet Ts, I see Elise has a contri in RC. Damn, I won't get to see her. Elise, will you be making a return to this side? Please? Huh? Will you? Will you? Please? Huh?

Man...a pic of Manda and a pic of Elise on the same day? Even the possibility has Little Thumper doing a purple happy dance! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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By mandadees
I can't get that dance out of my head Thumper! I about spilt my tea! Lol!

You made me laugh so hard!
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By Thinker
Can't get you in that shirt doing any dance for me out of my head...not that I want to! A simple 2some dance with you would be great. :D
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By trinityxxx
It has been forever it seems and I just wanted to chime in and say hello to the COFF gang. You have no idea how much I have missed all of you. I hope all is well. Lots of love. Xxx
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By Skeetz
Trinity my love it's always wonderful to see you pop up on the boards whether here or on the RC side.

Well OK, maybe just a little more wonderful on the RC side, ;~) but it's great to see your smiling face either way. Sure hope you find time to "chime in" again on a more regular basis! Love ya' kiddo, see you on the dark side!

PS, Congrats. on reaching that personal milestone on the beach in Mexico! Ol' Professor Skeetz is proud of you! I knew all that extra credit time would pay off someday!
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By Skeetz
OK, guess I'd better tell the story, you know what they say about curiosity and the cat.

A couple of weeks ago Trin posted a pic of her sexy self lying topless on a Mexican beach. She commented that, believe it or not, this was her first time topless on a beach with other people around. She went on to say that she was a little nervous at first but after a minute or two it was no big deal!

I thought it was kind of a big deal, but maybe that's just me.The really big deal came yesterday morning when she posted an RC countr. for the first time in a while.

Take my word for it, Trinity, is deliciously back!!
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By Thinker
Congrats Trinity! You can try to go to a nudist resort too. I have been to some, and I can honestly say that no one will care that you are topless. They did not care *I* was topless.

No one cares that you are totally nude either. It is so great having the sun shine all over your body...just remember to put lotion ALL over. ;)
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By mandadees
Happy Fourth Everyone! :)

I hope everyone had a great weekend and a fantastic birthweek!!

Hi Trinity!! I'm so glad to see you back, big hugs!! xoxo :)
By Greydawg
Damn, Manda! That new propic of yours is just downright HOT! Makes any fireworks I saw pale by comparison. I think you ought to post a full size shot of that. :mrgreen:
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By Coffjr
Nice to see you peek in Trin dearest - It's always great to hear from you. Sorry I haven't responded to any of your RC stuff since I am no longer a member. Maybe I'll rejoin again soon if you started posting again.

And Manda - ole Greydawg was so right about your propic being so HOT! I hope you didn't get too close to any fireworks - you are so hot you would have set it off. I also wish for a full size shot. :)
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By mandadees
LOL!! Ok, all that begging hard really deserves some reward, this weekend promise!
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By Skeetz
That's the most promising promise I've heard in a loooong time Manda!

I, for one, will be waiting with bated breathe! I so miss the days when were privileged to see your Gorgeous Body on a more regular basis. You're welcome to consider that statement, "Hard Begging" if it furthers the cause!
By Greydawg
Well.... I've been checking periodically throughout the day wishing and hoping for Manda to post that pic.... and sad to say I don't see anything. :cry: :cry: :cry: If begging doesn't work does pouting? :?
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By mandadees
Snap that guys! :)

I had some things to deal with is week, so I am just getting time but I didn't forget! xoxo :lol: :lol: :lol:
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By Greydawg
WOOF!!! That was certainly worth the wait!!! Damn, Manda! Those are some SWEET titties!! And those spinning classes have certainly been working for you!! :mrgreen:
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By Skeetz
Just Gorgeous!

Thank You kindly MissM! But you know, of course, that the next thing we'll be begging for is posting more pics, more often. It's inevitable, that fantastic body is just waaay too Hot to be kept out of sight for such long periods of time.
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By Thinker
Manda, I know, being a guy, I am supposed to be looking at your tits and trying to peek down that towel. However, I cannot stop looking at your abs! I am so envious! Love them...and you!
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By mandadees
Thanks guys, I've had some health issues lately and you really gave me a sweet pick me up, thank you so so much!

I would hug you all! John, I owe you a note back hugs! ;)
By Greydawg
Manda, you look mighty healthy to me! :mrgreen: Seriously though, sorry to hear you've been having health issues. Hope you are getting all better.

I'll definitely take "another" hug from you, Manda. You know what I'm talking about. ;) ;)
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By FastFive
Those abs! :shock:
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