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By Greydawg
Thanks, Manda. I aim to please. I get a lot of jokes sent to me and it's fun to be able to share them with people who are twisted as me... or at least appreciate the same warped stuff as me.

BTW, that is a very cool propic you have going there.

COFF party? What does it take to get invited?
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By mandadees
Thank you! It is so hard to make a nice one in such a tiny space :)

Just show up for the parties, Berty used to oversee us online partying! It was a lot of fun! :)
By Greydawg
Well, I'm here and you're here. Sounds like a party to me. Maybe a private party... but that could be the best kind. ;)

I seem to remember talk of trying to get bigger propics. Whatever happened with that?
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By Coffjr
Private party? Here on the COFF Town Hall? I do miss our parties with the group to also also include Thumper and Mrs T.
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By Coffjr
Manda - very nice propic! I also like Vanessa B but it's been a while since I've seen her. Still have renewed my RC account.
By Greydawg
Coffjr, I've been a huge fan of Vanessa and Richard for many years. But like you said it's been a while since she showed her lovely self. I think she is hanging out mostly at that other site unless she still posts on RC. But since I don't go there I wouldn't know.
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By Skeetz
Manda, you gorgeous rascal, you know it's not all that difficult to post larger pics as attachments to your text posts. I would genuinely love to see you do that. That new propic is most intriguing and not only because you are the subject. You do some really fun stuff lady!

I'll try to pass invitations along, especially to V & R and Beef & CB, but it's a touchy thing to do, have to be very stealthy so as not to disappear into the ether. The others you mentioned are roaming the halls in RC but not on a regular basis.

A COFF Party revival would be a hoot. Maybe I'll try to do some emailing and drum up a little interest. If we could get Thumper to do a flyer maybe we could make it happen, Memorial Day maybe, or Fourth of July.

Just what I need, another project . . .
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By 327retro

You eluded to some things in a post to Alexa. I didn't want to take away any comments to her you started nor create any confusion if she decided to stop by again.

it's a shame really even with invites it may take some time for the ladies to come to the BB's if ever. But the ones that have been here know that they were treated respectfully. The old motto was keep it respectfully cheeky. Teasing and bantering about was the norm. Basically for the lack of a better term, I was and adult party with husbands, wives, girlfriends & boyfriends getting together for fun & fantasy. Shame some of the regulars were driven off buy the events over the past two years not to mention what happened last November.

If your having a problem with you commenting on the contributions side just click on forgot my password and have them give you a new one to your email, then change it in a week or so. If that doesn't work get a hold of one of the monitors.

I know if I'm not on there every other day at least, seems I have to reenter my mail & password. Very annoying. Don't know what they did nor why but my handle & password wound up being the same on RC as well as the comment section on the free side. My RC sub ended last month, thinking of holding of on the renewal till things settle down and everything is ironed out.

Great rest of the weekend Dawg.
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By 327retro
Yep Jr, Thumper as our advertising agent. Berty as our wrapped tight event agent. Beautiful people wonderful times. Good friends!!!

Very Happy you are one of those friends I was lucky enough to make along the way Jr.

I'll Be Back...
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By 327retro
Manda I just love the way you think. You Lil'red, TNG the original trio of trouble. Trinity for sure, Natasha, Jay Bird, Hollie, Sassy, Di. Wow would that be a read for sore eyes you naughty gals.

New pro pic Manda. Very classy. ;)
By Greydawg
Retro, thanks for your comments. Maybe I'm just not getting something. Stating the obvious- I have an account for the boards but if I try to use that same info to log onto a contri it says that the account is being used by someone else. So is it a case of needing separate accounts for the boards and contris? I've sent an e-mail to Admin asking that. It makes no sense to me.

And yeah, it would be nice to see more ladies back on the feedback sections like it has been in the past. I think the "problem" is two-fold. 1: It doesn't appear a lot of ladies even read their contri comments. Or if they do they don't comment back. 2. I wonder how many people out there aren't even aware of the boards. It would be nice if Admin had an "ad" on the front page to let people know about it. Hmmmm... sounds like a post for the "Suggestions" thread.
By Greydawg
So did the COFF Town Hall close up? Geee... I was just getting started. And I finally got my password thing figured out so I can comment on contris. And I did make a suggestion on the "Suggestions and Changes" thread. It got a few views but not a single comment... not even from Admin. I rest my case. :?
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By mandadees
Hi Grey,

I read every comment I receive. I don't like how they close so quickly now, it makes it a lot less fun. I want to post soon and have some I am working on and just need a little more work. It takes a lot of time, LOL!

Everyone just gets busy, but we always have you in our hearts, :)

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By mandadees
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By mandadees
I just did another recipe Grey, see if you like it too? :)
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By 327retro
I don't get it myself at times GD, (there is a but coming though) If I don't comment or vote for a few days I have to log in all over again. It's become so annoying I haven't gone the contri section in weeks. My account here seems to be fine, my handle here is different than the one for contributions. Has something to do when I was on RC. No problems with RC yet when I come back to the free side after a few day's BAM! Log in again? Now for the "but" I mentioned earlier. I think I know why VW is doing this. Most likely has something to do with what happened 2 year ago, along with last fall's hacking and hopefully an effort to curve the nasty comments by the troll population. Doesn't make it less annoying but I get it somewhat.

I think VW should make the board more known but that never has been a priority for as long as I can remember. I never quite understood that. Granted VW is a business and want more people on the pay side yet is was these boards that enticed to go on RC for several years. So I don't quite follow there thinking to treat these boards as a redheaded step child.

As far as COFF goes, we have always had ebb & flows since this all started. These past few years have frustrated not only the founding fathers so to speak but many regulars. I think & hope that once this all gets sorted out things will get back normal. All the off shoots of COFF seem to be doing well, that's a good sign. Better yet Manda & Lil'Red (Honora) are popping in more. CG stopped by, the newest of our very appreciated lovely ladies.

Anyway, I'm here as often as I can be with this shift work to put my two cents in for what it's worth.

Great weekend to you buddy and the rest of Ya'll!
By Greydawg
I did see it, Manda. Looks good. The problem is I don't have a waffle iron. :? I suppose I could buy another one but I had one for years and used it maybe once or twice. I bet the recipe could be easily adapted to use for pancakes instead.

Retro, it would be nice if VW made the boards a bit more of a priority and advertised them a bit more rather than just a drop down tab. The people that do come to the boards seem to stick-for the most part- to their preferred section. You don't often see a cross-over though it does happen. But... c'est la vie. That's French for "shit happens".

I have noticed there seems to be less rude comments these days. Now if the ladies would comment back that would make things better.

Yes, I see that Honora and Manda have been stopping by. I've introduced myself to Manda- so to speak. I guess it's time to do that with Honora. Hi, Honora. Pleased to make your acquaintance. I have to say that I am a sucker for red-heads.

I'm off to the boobie faire in a few hours. I'll likely be back with whiplash. :oops:
By Greydawg
I call it the boobie faire but it's the Renaissance Pleasure Faire and if you are familiar with them or have ever been to them then you know that it's women in corsets and bustiers and cleavage EVERYWHERE! Sunscreen? Probably wouldn't be a bad idea if you don't want to get those lovely ladies of yours burned. On the other hand, if you have no tan lines then it's probably not a problem. ;)
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By honora
Hey Grumpy hope your issues with the registration get resolved. I understand about those ebbs and flows - the past year or so I have been spending considerably less time on my computer in general but it has worked out well like that. I miss some things (well mostly people!) about the old VW but like you said it is up and down. And new people come along and make it even better.

You know without your name stamped on your posts, I could tell just by reading. that your posts belong to you! They have a witty, insightful charm to them. Anyway, hope you are doing well. Don't work too hard and tell Sugar hello!

Manda that is a GREAT propic!

Greydawg, that boobie fair sounds like fun! It is amazing what a corset can do. When I put one on I feel like I have a whole new set! ;)
By Greydawg
Honora, the Faire was a grand time indeed. I like to go to it every year if I can but not just to look at the boobies- though that definitely is a lot of fun. There are tons of fun bawdy shows and craft booths and this year I got not only another hand-blown drinking glass to add to my collection but also an AWESOME wood cutting board for the kitchen. I know that's probably not really exciting to most people but Manda might like it since it appears she likes to do some cooking.

But I digress. Corsets and bustiers seem to bring out the exhibitionism in the ladies for sure. "Let's take the girls out for a stroll and show them off!" And why not, I say! If you've got something to be proud of then may as well show it (or them) off.

Speaking of propics, nice one you have there, Honora. Redheads will be the death of me. Or as Dr. Hook so aptly put it, "....women gonna be the death of me but what a way to go." :D
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By mandadees
Thank you Honora!! Hugs! I love your pic too! :)

Corsets are fun Grey, I'm with Honora. :)

Let me see if I can add a corset top shot that I found for fun?
glorious-boobs-gifs-monkey.gif (1.46 MiB) Viewed 19830 times
It worked Hooray!
By Greydawg
Manda, the thought of you in a corset boggles my mind! But in reality it doesn't look like you really need one. The girls look quite lovely just the way they are.

And while I'm at it, I saw a comment from you on another thread where you were talking about not being able to compete with the 20 year olds- or something to that effect. Age has nothing to do with it. From what I've seen you have absolutely NOTHING to be ashamed of. You ought to be damn proud! I'd take you over a 20 y.o. any day! ;) :oops:
By Greydawg
For those of you that haven't stopped by Jeny's thread "Love This Lingerie" , you are missing out on some great extra photos and the opportunity to chat with a real sweetheart.
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By 327retro
Aw Lil'Red you have me :oops: thank you sweet heart. I certainly will pass on your love to Sugar too. Most of the registration problems have been resolved other than when I want to vote or make a comment on the contri side. If I don't get there for a few days it's sign in again. Were doing well but this shift work really sucks. It's severely cutting into Sugar & family time. Can't complain to loudly for now though. Work now-a-day is hard to come by. Many X's & O's LIl'Red.

Manda: Very nice to see more of our very lovely resident Chief & healthy eating guru. But Manda your getting a big finger shaking from me. No not like that! Get your mind out of my gutter. You never let me know how you made out with the goat milk/products I passed on. Did you find a better source? I know they are local with very good products but was it to troublesome or costly to ship else ware? I don't want to recommend something that's not up to snuff to someone out of area. Big Ol'hugs girl.

GD: Man I haven't been to a good Renaissance fair in ages! Always drank a little to much with the artisans when the day wound down. Always seem to end up with the musicians, what a thrill to be in the midst of such talent in the old music ways.

Ya'll have a Super weekend. Hope I can get here more often.
By Greydawg
Retro, the Faire was great. This was actually my third trip to the Faire- and no, it wasn't because of the boobies. Through a strange set of circumstances I got two free tickets which I used to take a guy friend that had never been. Then I ended up with one more from a different friend that wasn't going to be used so I took it. But it was not wasted. I got to see some great shows and music from a women's singing group called "The Merry Wives of Windsor". They are 10 women that sing bawdy bar songs and have a ball doing it. Here is them from a different Faire.

Has Anybody Seen My Cock

The artisans were fun to stop and talk with as well. But the sight-seeing is ALWAYS the best! :D
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By 327retro
GD that was funny as all git-out. Can't wait to show that to Sugar she'll get a kick out of that. Thanks for the link buddy. The sight seeing and the trinkets on sale certainly is a blast. Always got some real nice stuff for Sugar when we had a chance to go.
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By mandadees
Grumpy, I can't find the goatmilk email unfortunately. Could you resend? This is a busy week but I'll keep looking. Hugs to everyone else!! xoxo ;)
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By mandadees
I'm here Grey,

Hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend! :)
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By mandadees
:D Happy Memorial Day!
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By Thinker
Been busy lately. After a long bike ride, I went to a birthday party for a friend yesterday. Today I watched the Indy 500 and baked Oatmeal Raisin cookies (and a dozen with chocolate chips instead). Tonight, I will have a sleepover. Great weekend.
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By Thumper
Dropped by Jeny's thread, thought I'd stop by here. I see lovely Manda and Honora have returned.

Funny how there's nothing like a couple of particularly gorgeous women to bring me out of the woodwork!

Its been a bit of a crazy time, lots going on...both professionally and away from the zoo. But the COFF group has never left my thoughts. I've been checking in every now and then...now that I'm starting to see a few more faces, its feeling a bit more like home.

The Lady gives a wave. She's still a bit paranoid after someone asked her some uncomfortable questions at work tho.
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By Thinker
Thumper, sorry that Lady had it rough at work. I have never seen anyone here that remotely looks like someone at work. Not sure how I would handle it, but discreet comes to mind! Does Lady have any suggestions for us if we find ourselves in a similar situation?
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By Coffjr
Hey Thumper and Lady T. It's great to see you do peek in and I know what you mean about the ladies here would bring someone out to post a message. Hope you can join in more often - but then I don't post that much anymore either....oh well. :)
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By mandadees
Lady T!

Miss you crime partner!!!!!

Anyone gives you a hard time, do what I do, stop totally and look them dead in the eye and don't move or say a word, don't blink and don't turn away. They always cave. If I even say anything, its one or two words like "better" or "good" or "anything else?"

That stops it for the most part. TTYS!! :)
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By Thinker
I am not surprised it works for you Manda. I would bet that most of the guys that attempt to exploit the situation are like bullies. They are really chicken inside but act tough...until they get challenged.

I probably does not hurt that you are a very self-assured woman. Your type commands respect. Gotta love a strong woman!
By Greydawg
Not that I would ever give you a hard time, Manda... well, except for THAT kind of hard time... :oops: (in my dreams and fantasies :? :o ), but I'm sure if you looked me dead in the eye I'd probably start stumbling all over my words and tongue. Hmmmmm.... maybe a science experiment is in order. ;)
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By mandadees
Just a quick pop in and hi! Hope everyone had a nice weekend?

By Greydawg
Nice new propic you have there, Manda. Sure would be nice if it was bigger. Would love to get a better look at you. ;) Had a nice weekend albeit busy. You?
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By Thinker
Had a great weekend. Got to go on a bike ride...only 80* so it was pleasant. Gave my partner a leg massage since it was a lot more miles that she expected. The massage did the trick for her.
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By mandadees
mandadees wrote:A little birdie reminded me its Skeetertime!!!

I hope you have a wonderful Birthday!!! Muah!!! xoxo!! :)
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