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Jbe wrote:Some of my latest creations. Left to right... Cranberry Ketchup, Mixed Veggie Pickles, Cranberry Mustard and Cranberry Orange Marmalade.

Seeing these jars reminds me of my childhood. Helping mom can was a fun job as a kid. Hardly anyone does any more though.....
Thank you for posting John,

I am always so happy to see you and thinker post your recipes. You both are really good cooks!

If I lived with you I'd be 20 pounds heavier with all the good cooking you do!

Oh for sure we would have to work so hard :oops: z, haha, to keep that weight off ! :oops: Xoxo
honora wrote:I am helping a good friend with a birthday party and made a cake tonight for the event tomorrow. So far it's going....ok :lol:

In any case I am SO going to post a pic with a "nailed it" meme :D :lol:
Oh yum. What kind of cake is it Honora? I'd love to try a cake class sometime. wouldn't that be fun?

My mother is the better cook in our family. She makes some amazing simple cakes and deserts. I add tequilla to my attempts and that so makes it better.

I think decorating sleeves should look like giant penises. That would make the decorating oh so much more fun don't you think? Oh gawd that would be fun for a party!

It is so past bedtime lol!
If I lived with a woman who could really bake cakes...
That'd be the end result. :roll:
mandadees wrote:Thank you for posting John,

I am always so happy to see you and thinker post your recipes. You both are really good cooks!

If I lived with you I'd be 20 pounds heavier with all the good cooking you do!

Oh for sure we would have to work so hard :oops: z, haha, to keep that weight off ! :oops: Xoxo
That's a bunch of BS. If you lived with me, we would be doing enough "aerobics" to compensate!!!

As I am sitting here drinking my morning coffee, I smile...
Manda, if you even got close to my kitchen, we'd be doing something other than cooking. Ok... we'd be "cooking"... but not cooking. :? :? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Honora, where is the pic of the cake you made? I'd love for you to show me around your "kitchen"! :oops: :oops: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: ;) ;)
honora wrote:I am helping a good friend with a birthday party and made a cake tonight for the event tomorrow. So far it's going....ok :lol:

In any case I am SO going to post a pic with a "nailed it" meme :D :lol:
Speaking of nailed ...
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A cap-full of Maker's Mark in my cup of jo w/ my Irish Creme this morning...Yum!

It goes well with coke or alone just fine too ;)
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Mmmm, so many comments, so many "hard" choices! I think I'll sample the Maker's Mark with Bree and try them all! (Hard and Aerobically!!) :lol:

It will be Legend! LOL!!!! :oops:

I need comfort food after my Packs! Who has some consolation foods? HEALTHY ONES Thumper!! LOL!
Thinker wrote:Bree, I just tried Markers Mark recently. Wow, it is smooth.

Manda, I have a protein shake. Shake my Legend, and it will deliver hot protein...gluten-free!
It's a good sipping whiskey, I like my Crown bestest. Crown and Cock go so well together, don't you think? :oops:

Did I say that? :oops: :oops:
mandadees wrote:
Thinker wrote:Bree, I just tried Markers Mark recently. Wow, it is smooth.

Manda, I have a protein shake. Shake my Legend, and it will deliver hot protein...gluten-free!
It's a good sipping whiskey, I like my Crown bestest. Crown and Cock go so well together, don't you think? :oops:

Did I say that? :oops: :oops:
Yes you did Manda! write out loud in front of God and everybody! Such language in the old coffee shop, and on Sunday morning to boot! I'm shocked! What's become of this place? Can a guy still get a cupa' coffee around here with a little brandy in it? And where's the morning paper? Did Berty sneak in under the cover of darkness and make off with it already?

If I didn't know better I'd say I had stumbled onto the "Food Channel," oh well that's progress I suppose! But there is one saving grace I can see, you're deliciously sexy avatar is just as delicious and sexy as always! Thank God for small favors! But I do have one more question, if you plan to give away those puppies you're cradling . . . . Can I have the one with the pink nose?

Hmmm, maybe you'd rather not break up the twins, no worries I'll gladly take care of the pair! I can give references! LOL

Love ya' Doll!

I always have a little brandy on the bottom shelf for you! How are you? I was worried! Berty stole the paper but he left a pound note. :-) I think we can find some bran flakes and an omelet for you, what would you like in it? Its a little late, but breakfast is always fun! Stop in soon, maybe we can try that crown special? :oops:

I watched the Superbowl with friends and now I'm ready for bed, yawn!

Hey beautiful, good to hear from you! I'm getting better every day, a little stronger every day, but still have a long road ahead.

I'm always up for an omelette, but that crown special you suggested has really peaked my interest! But that's for another time I think, I had a rough night last night and was up extremely early this morning so I'm kind of looking forward to hitting the hay myself.

Sleep safe and warm you sexy rascal!
Be careful with your spelling there young Lady! An old pervert with failing eyesight might get a completely different idea!

Okay maybe I'm not that old! Can we skip the warm milk and go straight to that big kiss? Good Night Lover!
Skeetz wrote:Be careful with your spelling there young Lady! An old pervert with failing eyesight might get a completely different idea!

Okay maybe I'm not that old! Can we skip the warm milk and go straight to that big kiss? Good Night Lover!
I like different ideas. :oops: :oops: Ni ni!

What a Pretty Pink tongue you have my dear! All the better to try out some of those "different ideas?" Maybe, huh?!

Now you're making this old "Big Bad Wolf" blush! Sleep tight Gorgeous!
Skeeter, I love tongue things, Muah!

Retro, I LOVE the new propic, soo sexy!!

Good morning!

The COFFee is on. Tea is on the boil, Ezekial toast is just done and I'll have one teaspoon of butter to start the morning. Its chilly so I have my extra fuzzy socks on lol! :D

The paper is on the counter and I just finished this great story about Brian Williams and how he leapt over a tall building to save seven kittens surrounded by dead floating bodies and a rocket propelled grenade attack during his trip to Starbucks near Central Park! Riveting stuff!

Valentines is coming people, what special food gifts would you make for your special or bestest friends?

:D :D
Manda, you are going to frown upon me for saying this, but I will be making my chocolate chip cookies for everyone. I have a skinny dip to go to next Sunday. Everyone there loves them.

But THIS Sunday, I am going hiking. Supposed to be in the mid-60s. Going to try to be nude at least a little bit of it. Then off to give a massage while taste-testing plum wine.

This is after going to a nude wine tasting party last night. I have been a busy boy! And having a lot of fun!
Ahhhh, Manda won't you please cut poor old Brian a little slack? It's not his fault, he was born with this giant Ego and some serious inadequacy issues. He somehow managed to make himself believe that the whole world was just one big COFF Fantasy party, where he could just make it up as he went along.

Of course, unlike us COFFers and COFFettes, he managed to aligned himself with a group of money grubbing fools who would pay him millions of dollars to do it on nightly TV! Where is good old Walter Crankcase when we need him?

Thank you kindly Manda, for putting the coffee on, though I wish you had stayed to serve it wearing that tiny little skirt the way you used to in the old days! Now there was a fantasy I could count on and occasionally sink my teeth into! Heh,heh,heh!

Thinker, I don't see those cookies anywhere! I would dearly love to have one or three to add a little sweet to my morning coffee, since Manda seems to have flown the coop already!

Forgive me please, Mr.Thinker sir, but are you by any chance related to good old Brian W.?
Skeetz wrote:Ahhhh, Manda won't you please cut poor old Brian a little slack? It's not his fault, he was born with this giant Ego and some serious inadequacy issues. He somehow managed to make himself believe that the whole world was just one big COFF Fantasy party, where he could just make it up as he went along.

Of course, unlike us COFFers and COFFettes, he managed to aligned himself with a group of money grubbing fools who would pay him millions of dollars to do it on nightly TV! Where is good old Walter Crankcase when we need him?

Thank you kindly Manda, for putting the coffee on, though I wish you had stayed to serve it wearing that tiny little skirt the way you used to in the old days! Now there was a fantasy I could count on and occasionally sink my teeth into! Heh,heh,heh!

Thinker, I don't see those cookies anywhere! I would dearly love to have one or three to add a little sweet to my morning coffee, since Manda seems to have flown the coop already!

Forgive me please, Mr.Thinker sir, but are you by any chance related to good old Brian W.?

Here's a cheek, errand day gtg xo
IMG_manda cheeks.jpg
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Good morning Love! And thanks for the sweet cheek peek!

But that's much more than a cheek, that's a heartwarming smile and a body to die for and the most delicious ass!
In my younger days, a sight like that might inspire me to say, "Man I'd love to get a bite of that ass and then pray for a case of lock jaw!"

Of course, I would never say that today. Someone will surely be thinking it though! OK, it might even be me! Have a great day lover!
My gosh... Manda!! That smile just above!! That is one of THE most beautiful and biggest smiles I have ever seen! Of course I have led a sheltered life... hehehe But really.. you have a stunning smile!

And Bree... that Makers Mark turns your eyes a beautiful golden hue :!:

I am going to try out the "Upload Attachment" option down there a share a pic of our outdoor canning set up. We canned outside where it was cooler plus the electric stove in the house was so old and feeble it couldn't handle two pressure cookers full of green beans. :)
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Lothario2 wrote:My gosh... Manda!! That smile just above!! That is one of THE most beautiful and biggest smiles I have ever seen! Of course I have led a sheltered life... hehehe But really.. you have a stunning smile!

And Bree... that Makers Mark turns your eyes a beautiful golden hue :!:

I am going to try out the "Upload Attachment" option down there a share a pic of our outdoor canning set up. We canned outside where it was cooler plus the electric stove in the house was so old and feeble it couldn't handle two pressure cookers full of green beans. :)
Thank you Lothario!! Now I remember what I have been missing! :oops:
That's quite a canning set up too! :)
That backyard canning set up reminds me of all the stuff we used to can when I was a kid at home. Everything from tomatoes to pickled peaches! But my favorites, put up in jars, were the Brandied peaches and pears that my late wife used to put up. With a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a glass of 10-year-old Port . . . Now that's a dessert worth skipping the main course for!

But, and I hope I don't offend, I couldn't help but wonder if that outdoor cooking set up was really the place where old moonshiners go to die.
Aww heck Skeetz... no offense taken at all.. that could very well be the place the new young fogey moonshiners show up to add a little life to the party! ;)

Plantspirit has done quite a bit of making "brandied" fruit... like fill a jar with peach slices or mandarin orange slices and pour over till full moonshine with a teaspoon of sugar... let sit for at least 6 months and then folks will line up like a bunch of baby birds with their mouths open for a spoonful of that "electric" fruit and then wheez a little juice! :P
Good Morning Manda, is the coffee on? But not much else I hope!

I guess I just have a one track mind, but you know how I like my breakfast. Kind'a wild and unrestrained! And I know you can do wild. . . . and unrestrained!
Skeetz wrote:Good Morning Manda, is the coffee on? But not much else I hope!

I guess I just have a one track mind, but you know how I like my breakfast. Kind'a wild and unrestrained! And I know you can do wild. . . . and unrestrained!
Just a tshirt is my regular breakfast wear but it is toooooo cold for anything but sweat pants and a hoodie and huge blankets!!!
Skeetz wrote:That would work for me too! If there's room for two in the blanket!
Bring me another pair of socks on your way too! Brrrr!!!
Skeetz wrote:Your wish is my command my dear! But I'll need driving directions!

And please don't tell me to just head east and turn right at the biggest snow drift!
I'm about to think snow will get to here tonight! Brrrr!
I was watching the races from Daytona Beach earlier tonight and the temperature was well below freezing even there. Was kind'a wishing they'd stop reporting the low temperatures, they were making me cold!

Current temp. here is 54, even that is too damned cold for me! A lady friend earlier this evening offered me a rice bag to heat up and hug. I told her the only thing I was interested in hugging to keep warm was someone with arms to hug me back!

Yours would do quite nicely I'm sure! :P
Good morning Manda, are you going to open up this morning? Sure could use some help getting myself right this morning, if that's even possible.

I just stumbled in from Kenny's bar over on RedClouds, and it was a long long night! But it did take two of the hottest Babes in the place to drink me under the table!

They started calling it the, "Lick Me Booth" at that point and they wouldn't let me out from under the table! Help me, won't you please?
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