Exhibitionists meet here!
Wife and I will be out the next couple of weeks shopping, this time of year she will probably be wearing a dress or a short skirt, thigh highs, high heels and never any undies and loves to let what she thinks are unsupecting guys get a look up her dress to see her neat trimied kitty while she is trying on shoes or squating to look at something, if interested leave add and I will get back with you and try to set something up.
The wife and I went for a ride to Georgia on I20 the other day I was thinking something might happen because the wife was acting horny, well sure enough just as we cleared our town limits she started unbuttoning her blouse I asked what’s up and she said let the fun begin so I suggested she wait till a trucker was looking and let him see her take it off. She is a lot more responsive if she gets attention such as a thumbs up, horn blowing, Jake brakes make her wet and so the first driver did not look but the next driver did and as she reached up for the button he smiled nodded his head she teased him a little but did open her shirt and removed it while he was watching we got separated because of traffic and she waited for him as he pulled back up he let the Jake brake make a lot of noise and I swear I seen her shiver like she got off, but then she took off her bra and let those puppy’s free. Story getting too long so I’ll take a break.
Horny47 wrote:
cbama wrote:... Story getting too long so I’ll take a break.
Not too long at all. If there's more, please do tell. ;)

(Some guys ramble on and on, but don't say anything. Your story is well written.)
Thanks Horny47, I finally got around to adding some more to the story. After she bounced her boobs around and pulled on the nipples so they would get hard we got separated from the truck again but found several more truckers willing to look and give a few thumbs up some were licking their lips and then I look in the mirror and told her the trucker from before was working his way back up through traffic and would be catching up soon she thought he had seen enough and was a little to forward in his actions but I said he gave her plenty of attention and I know the more attention she gets the more show she puts on, so I let the guy catch up and he was blowing the horn, licking his lips and such she was doing her boobs and laughing then she turned to me all red in the face and said he was pointing to her bottom he was wanting to see more. She said lets go and I told her well turn the tables on him point to his and see if he will show so she did and he did he was hard as a rock she said I can’t believe he did that he is stroking himself. She said what should I do and of course I said well what’s fair is fair and she started undoing her pants so I pulled forward to let traffic by and when I pulled back out so he could get a look she raised up showing her hairy little beaver and then she turned toward me put her head in my lap and wiggled her butt in the window I reached over to spread her open only to find she was soaking wet just about then he had to exit for the scales she flashed several more trucks but none as fun as that one. Hope you enjoyed this so far because it is all true.
here we go again going on vacation wife will leave the house naked until we stop for lunch then we will be visiting people and stay in a motel she says the next mourning she will go from the room to the car naked and stay that way till we stop for lunch again. get ready truckers here she comes
Thanks guynwife. We had a great time. At the hotel our room was on the level
with the walkway through the atrium and you could look through the balcony
doors right into our room. We had the curtains open all the time we were awake
and my wife was naked almost the whole time with the lights on! There were
people constantly passing our room. Hundreds (or more) of them over 3 days
and nights. Most had cameras or vidcams. Wonder if her pics will show up under
"What I Saw" on this site!
OH boy, that brought back some super memories of driving on I 65/I 20/ I75 and my wife taking her clothes off flashing truckers while giving me some road head. We had a motor home (3) for years and although she was in early 50's to early 70's she gave some good shows in those coachs. There were days that she stayed naked all day, I loved it, she always had super body in spite of them being hangers in later years.
Wish we could be there but we are near Cookeville. We had a great time when we stayed
at the Opryland hotel. When we were in the room (we had a balcony looking right on to the
walkway through the atrium ) we left the curtains pulled all the way open and had the lights
on all the time. All most every minute of the time in the room she was naked. Don't know
how many people noticed her but there were many hundreds walking by over 3 days. Went
to Opry Mills but it was crowded because of heavy rain and way to many kids around to
flash there.
Hope you have better luck then we did there! Take lots of pics!
Here is a pic I took from outside our room at Opryland Hotel. Hundreds of people
walked by the room each day (we stayed 3 days). She was naked
almost all the time in the room (except for getting dressed to leave the room)
and the curtains were open all the time except while sleeping. Almost everyone
who walked by had a camera or cell phone. I keep hoping to see someone
post photos they took of her on VW!
rsz_20.jpg (418.85 KiB) Viewed 39485 times
TN2Willy wrote:Here is a pic I took from outside our room at Opryland Hotel. Hundreds of people
walked by the room each day (we stayed 3 days). She was naked
almost all the time in the room (except for getting dressed to leave the room)
and the curtains were open all the time except while sleeping. Almost everyone
who walked by had a camera or cell phone. I keep hoping to see someone
post photos they took of her on VW!
She has nice tits!! Congrats on getting to show her off.
TN2willie, We had a pretty good time she wore a short blk skirt with a split up the side stocking with lace tops and garter, a pair of heels and of course no undies, we were at the bass pro shop she was trying on some boots and not being to ladie like as she rasied her foot to slip them on when I noticed this fairle young probably 35 or so guy keep moving and loking at thing all the while watching her when I walked over to her and told her I like the first pair and then said quitely you have an admier and then I walked away but stayed at a distance where I could watch her without him know that I could see both of them with this she turned in his direction and spread her knees while unzipping that pair and then tried on the first pair all the while giving him some great looks at one point she looked at him and smiled with that he got a little bolder and moved in front of her and commented on the pair she had on and said someting like those look very nice on you and with those legs anything would look good on you, then she looked up and said thank you, while he was standing there she spread her knees a little and streached her right leg out in front of her as to look at the boot all the while giveing him a great look at her neat trimed pussy she said so you like this one and he said oh yes THAT is beautfull while looking directiley at he pussy at this point she was looking straight at this paints which had a huge bulge in it and said something like thank you for your opinion but not sure whick one I like and smiled and took them off puttin her heels on, to which he said now those really make you look sexie and she thanked him again, we left the store and he followed at a distance for a while and then was gone, I do know it made my wife`s afternoon and she was hot as heck the rest of the day and I got to reap the benfits later. so all in all it was some good adult fun for all and didn`t hurt anyone.
Anniendon sorry but I`m not sure how to add a pic. here and I don`t post very many of her as to our jobs and never with a face but thanks for asking but she does turn heads for a MILF 5`2 120 # blond nice long legs and never wears undies and has always wore dresses and skirts and not just on ocassion like this.
TN2willie sent you mail mabey you can tell if you think it would be worth watching trying on shoes.
Hi spiceuplife. It's to bad I did not see your post till now. If you go to the Opryland
hotel there are lots of places for both voyeur and flashing fun. There is an elevated
walkway through the atrium. Many of the visiting ladies are wearing dresses or skirts
and if you pick your spot below the walkway you may get some interesting views!
Also most everybody is taking photos so you see some ladies in "interesting" poses
when they think nobody is looking.
On the walkway if you can take your eyes off the atrium it's self you will have
a good view of the rooms and if you look carefully there is no telling what you might
see. Earlier in this thread I put a photo of my wife who could be seen through
the windows of our room from the walkway.
The walkway is also a good place for your lady to show off if she likes too. People
above can look down her blouse or from below can look up her dress if she wants
to show.
Another thing we like to do in Nashville is go shopping (What woman does not like
to shop?) at the Goodwill stores. We walk through trying to find clothes that will
show off my wife's legs and tits. At ever Goodwill store we have been too we have
found some nice stuff very cheap PLUS they have no problem with you going into
the dressing room with you wife. We always fill a shopping cart and park it outside
the dressing room and I go in and out carrying clothes as my wife is naked in the
room. Very often you will see people look your way as you open the door. No telling
how many people have seen my wife pulling on clothes with either her boobs or
shaved puss exposed!
Hey Let me know when you are making the trip up I-65. Be sure to stop at the Lions Den at Upton, KY. If you let me know ahead of time I could meet you there. It's not overly busy and doesn't have the perverts at the store south of there. My wife likes the store. Her persona changes in that she is more willing to talk about sex to the staff than at other places.

Best Regards,
I live not far from Nashville, and would be willing to drive there to see a good "show".

It would be a special turn-on to know that she is willing to put on a show "for me".

Even better yet would be to get invited into the room to be your cameraman.

I'm a WM, mid-50s, educated, safe, respectful ... and well-equipped.

I would use your camera, so that you keep all of the photos/videos.

I just get to keep the good memories.

(I'm straight. I have no problem being in the room with a man that is fucking his wife, but I have no desire to be touch-feely with him.)
So Much Winning!!!!

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