Political discussions about everything
sillydumbfuck is actually here trying to blame Harris for her family being owned by a white guy in the past.... :O

With all the vile things Trump threatens us with every day, all Trump supporters can come up with against Harris is that her family were slaves at some point. :/ :wacky:

Trump supporters are all morons, to a person. They can't find anything to fault Harris for.
And the proof is right here with sillydummy and johnforbes with their desperate idiotic thread topics.
comparison of Russian takeover of political parties:
republican 98%
democrat <1%
comparison of gullible people by political party:
republican 98%
democrat 15%
and blatant stupid
republican 75%
democrat 18%

grab 'em by the pussy, support felons, rapist, and pseudo family values.
Trump IS an actual felon, and Republicans worship him.

In fact, johnfuckhead wants to put Trump back into the White House to end American democracy and allow him to deploy the army against its citizens!

Quod Scrotum Demonstandum
People who claim Trump is a felon belong in a special category of raging lunacy.

Of course, all of that nonsense will be overturned on appeal.

Speaking of appeal, Clowntoker's comments were not appealing, and actually more like appalling.
"People who claim Trump is a felon belong in a special category of raging lunacy."-johnfrottage

johnny, when someone is tried and convicted on 34 felony counts, they are felons.

This isn't something I made up, dummy. I just report the truth, as you know only too well.

Apparently johnforbes attended Trump University Law School to not know what a felon is.

Even in the case of nutty Smith, they are dropping him.

After all, he was never constitutionally appointed.

As to the other cases, like the Engoron one, those were clearly lawfare.

Heck, Nathan Wade even apparently billed Democrat lawyers for consulting with them in DC about how to use the legal system to oust Trump for politics.
johnny, when someone is tried and convicted on 34 felony counts, they are felons. Period.

This isn't something I made up, dummy. I just report the truth, as you know only too well.

How you claim to have gone to law school yet you are oblivious to this fact only convinces us that you can't read a dictionary and that you have lied to us all these years about being a lawyer.

And Smith is only dropping his slam dunk cases because now he has to, not because he wants to.

And of course everyone, including Cannon, including the Supreme Court, and including you knows perfectly well that Smith was constitutionally appointed. Just as everyone, including you, knows that Trump is guilty of stealing classified documents. We all saw the boxes full of them stacked in his bathroom being used as toilet paper by any random Chinese agent he was entertaining on any given day, even after he was asked to return them.
No, the appellate judges looking at that have already weighed in informally on the idiocy of the case.

Smith has been fired, and even if he hadn't he was never constitutionally appointed.

Tish James is -- we all know this -- going to return to making ab crunch videos.
"No, the appellate judges looking at that have already weighed in informally on the idiocy of the case."-johnflubs

Then they should all recuse themselves if they've already made up their minds, shouldn't they, dimwit.

You do realize that your made up alleged "informal" weigh-ins don't mean jack shit, don't you, dummy? Stop being such a tool. We see that you are once again getting your news from partisan internet gossip sites.

I've told you about that folly many times, yet you keep doing it anyway, making a fool of yourself every time.
So let me get this straight (I know that's difficult for you to support, johnny.)

You aren't claiming that Trump didn't commit the felonies he was found guilty of.

You're just saying that it was too late to try him for the crimes he clearly committed.

Now I understand why so many Republicans support criminals for public office. If criminals can commit crimes and get off on a technicality, then Republicans have no problem with them.
The only thing wrong with your otherwise insightful legal analysis, johnny, is is that unfortunately Trump wasn't tried for doing any of those things you mentioned.

He was tried for breaking the laws of the State of New York and found guilty on 34 felony counts. (Thus the "felon" part of Trump's description.)

After being instructed by a judge, 12 people agreed that Trump was indeed guilty of breaking the law.
...and I am going to have to start charging johnforbes for all the legal work I do for him and for which he then bills his clients once I tell him the facts here.

Now every time you tell someone Trump was tried and convicted for breaking actual New York State law and not some propaganda nonsense picked up off partisan internet gossip sites, making Trump a felon, you will owe me a dollar, johnny. (Which at my $1000-an-hour rate accurately reflects how much time any intelligent person must spend arriving at the clear truth of the Trump felony convictions.)
If Kamala paid Beyonce* 10 million for an endorsement, not even a song, Mr Forbes would shudder to think what Clowntoker might bill

* Mr Forbes really has no idea who Beyonce is
^^^^^^^ Dishonestjohn always tries desperately to divert from the fact of Trump's felony convictions when he can't refute it.

But he still can't change the truth, can he.

And Harris didn't pay Beyonce $10 million for anything, dimwit. I keep trying to tell you not to get your information from partisan internet gossip sites, but you just won't listen.

That'll be another dollar you owe me for research services you can't manage yourself, dummy.

Every person of good will -- and even Clowntoker -- should be revolved by lawfare.

Should Republican prosecutors now launch 4 lawfare cases against Democrats?

No, the legal process should not be perverted* to serve political purposes, as Fani's fanny did, as Alvin Bragg did, as Engoron and the rest did.

* No, this is not a reference to the dark demented deeds of Clowntoker's carnality amid the deviant denizens of sordid Sanfran.
"Should Republican prosecutors now launch 4 lawfare cases against Democrats?"-johnflubs

Just "4"? You underestimate the man. Massive retribution is exactly what Trump has said he will do, dummy, as did child rapist Matt Gaetz. Trump said many times on the campaign trail that he would weaponize the Justice Department against Democrats, saying things like how he would perpetrate "retribution" against political enemies.

The difference is, Trump actually committed the crimes he was charged with. Trump's victims will be charged simply to ruin them financially. None will actually be convicted of anything besides parking violations and shoving someone in a bar.
Look how much money Republicans wasted on 'investigating' Joe Biden for years and couldn't even find a rumor of any wrongdoing. They knew when they started that they wouldn't find anything and they 'investigated' anyway to the tune of millions of wasted dollars simply so that Trump could call Biden "Crooked Joe" when Biden is probably one of the most boring law-abiding Presidents we have ever had.

Of course, I would be thrilled if any Democrat child rapists were convicted and put away. But Democrats seem to go after consenting adults when they cheat on their wives. It takes straight Republicans to cover up massive child abuse and illicit gay hookers. Gay Democrats just come out and admit they're gay and no one cares. And now the Republicans are going to bury the damning report on our soon-to-be AG "ridiculous plastic surgery" Gaetz. Republican LOVE him for fucking children and getting away with it by resigning from Congress just days before he might be held accountable.

And now when the actual unfounded lawfare that Trump has promised us begins, hypocrite johnforbes will be twiddling his thumbs, looking the other way and whistling, saying nothing critical of those cases of abuse of the justice system.
Democrats are accusing Trump of planning to do to Democrats what Democrats already did to Trump for 4 years.

Even the folks on "Morning Joe" ( a haven of Trump Derangement Syndrome) walked, hat in hand, down to Mar a Lago to beg for forgiveness.

Every person of good will -- and even Clowntoker -- should be revolted by lawfare.

Should Republican prosecutors now launch 4 lawfare cases against Democrats?

No, the legal process should not be perverted* to serve political purposes, as Fani's fanny did, as Alvin Bragg did, as Engoron and the rest did.

And no, the word "perverted" is not a reference to the dark demented deeds of Clowntoker's carnality amid the deviant denizens of sordid Sanfran.
^^^^^^ Now that's a hoot-- as if sillydummy wouldn't have been one of those Germans kissing Hitler's ass after he became Chancellor. :O

There is no doubt that sillydummy would have been in the vast mob cheering Hitler on. Even silly would admit to that. silly stands behind virtually every social policy of Hitler's.

As with Trump supporters believing Hannibal Lecter and Alphonse Capone were wonderful men, Hitler was a swell guy to the admittedly-racist sillydummy. silly is also cheering on Trump's unqualified White Nationalist nominee for Sec. of Defense.

silly is actually dreaming at night of that wonderful day when immigrants are put in cages and all liberals are housed in detention camps.

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