Open Discussions about the site
By Dax
DarkLady has been very vocal here the first couple of weeks and frankly, I think she has offered some very intelligent insight on the current situation. But, she seems to have gone MIA over the last week or so. Anybody seem any sighting of the Lady?
By Dax
Okay Jewels...guess I just missed that one. But you have to admit she's not posting or getting involved as much as she once was. Just wondering.
By redruggers
Jewels wrote:Dax, I believe that DJ (Dark Jedi) the male half of the duo is doing most of the posting.
Yes, that's right Jewels.

(Will even this innocuous post get censored? Do the monitors even look at what we try to post?)
By Dax
Actually, Roderyck777...I was kinda thinking the same thing as you. DnLJ came out so supportive and helpful at the beginning of this fiasco, then two weeks in, seems to have faded into the background. Now, I'm not criticizing her at all here, but the thought did occur to me that she may be a little dismayed about how this as unfolded after so much initial hopes of a new and wonderous beginning. Can't say I blame her at all.

Then again, she may have just gotten tired of the bullshit posts and taking on shit she didn't deserve or have to put up with.
By Dax
And one more thing while I'm on this subject of absentees', has anybody seen or heard from Sushi? She has always been very vocal on the VW/RC boards. Love her or hate her, she has always called'em the way she saw them. Makes you wonder if many of the old-time players have just given up or waiting for the dust to settle.
By Superguy
Dax wrote:And one more thing while I'm on this subject of absentees', has anybody seen or heard from Sushi? She has always been very vocal on the VW/RC boards. Love her or hate her, she has always called'em the way she saw them. Makes you wonder if many of the old-time players have just given up or waiting for the dust to settle.
Sushi is around but very busy of late. I talked with her a few days ago. She was seen over there though. Our first contri on VW was in 1999 after lurking for a year and a half or more. Maybe I'm an oldtimer. Dunno
By cerebio
Personally, my optimism of the first few weeks ceased to exist when nothing appeared on the Wednesday. I've gone back to lurking since. I don't waste my energy on something unless I feel something is coming back in return. Nothing seems to be coming back from VW. So I'll lurk, I'll read, I'll enjoy the wonderful pics of Lisa jane and Angel and others. And I'll wait to see what unfolds. Just enjoying the show.
By cerebio
By the way, the aforementioned "The General" thread where DJ raised some interesting questions has been removed. So no sense looking for it.
By DarknLadyJedi
cerebio wrote:By the way, the aforementioned "The General" thread where DJ raised some interesting questions has been removed. So no sense looking for it.
Hmmm, wonder why? It seemed to hit a nerve with Igor, I woke up to 6 emails telling me about his post over on VC. I was surprised they didn't take it down just from my post linking in JA's girlfriends license info: active and clear with no discipline or complaints on file FYI. Maybe is was my questions though. Or, some post after mine.

In any case, yes, I am DarkJedi, the male half of the couple that is posting. And if people want to bash me, feel free. I have thick skin. If you want to have a reasoned argument or debate, bring verifiable facts, they will be checked. And I expect mine to be checked.

And I am around, but with the BB being as slow as it is I can check back pretty infrequently and still keep up. As for new information, if it can't be verified by anyone looking on the internet I'm not going to post it. Unlike some people I prefer to deal in facts as facts and theories as theories.

Don't like my theory, fine. Don't like my fact, disprove it, so far no one has. Yet I seem to be able to disprove most of the ones coming from the other side in my spare time.
By Dax
Oh, and Superguy...if you think about it tell Sushi (Catwoman) that the boy from Arkansas said "hi" and hope she's doing well with the hope of conversing again. I can't help but like the little redhead.

cerebio...yeah, it's flusterating. Finding the downtime boring. Amazing how one can get addicted to something and yet not know your addicted until it's gone.

Oh well.
By redruggers
Great to see you're still posting freely, DJ.

Now if I could only say the same for myself....

(Really just testing to see whether anything will go through. I think I'm two for about fifteen now.)

Rug Roller
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By rockclimber
Please excuse the switch in topic, but we have meet and greets?

That's news to me though I dont pay to much attention outside of the COFF threads.

Elaborate or not as you all like. I'll just continue to wait and see and hope for sensible heads to prevail here and at VC.

By DarknLadyJedi
Summer69 wrote:Hey DarkJedi, LadyJedi is much better to look at! Hope you are well.

-KC and Summer

Hell yeah she is!

Dax, thank you.

Roderykk, I don't consider anyone who attacks what I say bashing. It's controversial, and I expect it to be challenged. As for if I am the real deal, I'm still using the same email addy I have been using for years.

Rock, can't say much for everywhere but I know the NJ and FL areas both have meet and greets. These aren't put together by the site, but by people on the site. Our FL m&g's can have anywhere from 10-50 people, mostly couples. There are held at an open business, normally a bar or restaurant although we have done the beach thing too, so it's not as wild as some people probably think. But they are good times with good people just hanging out.
By Webstertexas
I just wanted to say thanks also to DarknLadyJedi as well for their earlier post. Kept me coming back. I also didn't realize how addicted I was to the site till it went dark. Beginning to wonder if I ever will get to enjoy the site again.
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By rockclimber
You're a good sleuth DJ....

The ew and ick meter is pinging off the charts for me with this whole mess.

M n G sound interesting when its not so darn hot!

So its ten PM and no launch?

How to ruin a business in 30 days or less.....
By DarknLadyJedi
rockclimber wrote:You're a good sleuth DJ....

The ew and ick meter is pinging off the charts for me with this whole mess.

M n G sound interesting when its not so darn hot!

So its ten PM and no launch?

How to ruin a business in 30 days or less.....

I suspect she meant next Sunday. And when it is hot is the best time to have M&G's, warmer weather means less clothing for the girls.

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