Political discussions about everything
Thanks to Clown for conceding that the remark from Mr Forbes was filled with humor. Not to mention his trademark wit and wisdom.

In fact, Jay Silverheels was the "First Indian-American" to post on this fine forum, and it is only proper that Mr Forbes send out that virtue signal.
sillydummy is so stupid that he thinks VPs have any sort of power beyond casting tie-breaking Senate votes.

What Kamala is going to do for us as President that she hasn't done as VP is only EVERYTHING that a President is empowered to do but a VP isn't empowered to do, dimwit.

Someone get these dimwitted Trump supporters a simple high school civics class fer gawds sake.
"JD Vance's wife is Indian-American, so she is eligible to change into an Afro-American any time."-joyhnfibs

No, she isn't, dimwit. JD Vance's wife (unlike Kamala Harris) doesn't have any African heritage. So she can't claim African heritage. Harris, as everyone has known for decades, has African heritage through her father. She didn't "change" anything. She was black when she went to an HBCU school. She was black when she was a member of the Congressional Black Caucus. Everyone with a brain knows she has been black her whole life.

She is also Indian-American and has been her whole life. Nothing has changed except the way dishonest partisan turds portray her.

Now the chickens are coming home to roost for Republicans as JD Vance and his wife have deal with the racists Trump and other Republicans have encouraged and cultivated within the Republican Party. They have never repudiated the racists and instead welcomed them into their ranks. Now Vance and his family need Secret Service protection from violence of their own party members.
Of course Harris has Black heritage, dimwit.

Kamala Harris was born to an Indian mother and a Black Jamaican father. The U.S. Census includes people of Jamaican heritage among racial groups considered to be Black.

But if the U.S. Census overseen by Trump doesn't convince partisan hack Forbes, then maybe he should just look at this photo.
https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=htt ... AdAAAAABAE

Also, "In a 2016 feature for The New York Times Magazine, Harris talked about her mother’s “choice of community” for her and her younger sister Maya after her parents divorced and referred to herself as a Black person: “She had two black babies, and she raised them to be two black women.”

"In a 2012 interview hosted by digital news organization The Wrap, Harris, then California Attorney General, referred to herself as both African American and Asian American. The clip starts off with her saying, “When we think about women holding elected office and what is the significance of it, you know, it's not because we are trying to makes these milestones in terms of the ‘first of’, and, you know, in fact when I was first elected district attorney of San Francisco, I was the first woman elected, first African American woman elected, and Asian American elected in the state as a district attorney...”-Reuters

So Harris has always considered herself Black. Her mother raised her that way and that's how she spoke of herself.

Trump and johnforbes are simply lying sacks of partisan shit, but we already knew this.
Having been to Jamaica many times, I can confirm that Clown is being racist.

Not everyone from Jamaica is black.

In 2017, when Kamala began littering the Senate, she was touted as the "First Indian-American Senator."

She is just as Indian as Tonto.

Liz Warren is the most famous blonde Indian, and she make heap big wampum.

"Not everyone from Jamaica is black."-johnflubs

But Kamala's father was. What's your point, dimwit?

"In 2017, when Kamala began littering the Senate, she was touted as the "First Indian-American Senator."
She is just as Indian as Tonto."-johnfuckhead

Yes, that's all true. What's your point, dimwit?

johnforbes leave heap big pile of bullshit.

Mr Forbes has been to the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, where his taut and tawny epidermis gleamed golden in the sun.

He had some great coffee there, but he learned that Jamaica was not in Africa.

Kamala is of India-Carib heritage, and neither India nor Jamaica reposes in Africa.

Mr Forbes has been to Kenya, and he is tempted to draw upon his small vocabulary of Swahili words...
"He had some great coffee there, but he learned that Jamaica was not in Africa."-johnfoibles

Nobody said it was, dimwit.

They said Kamala's father was black and his heritage was from Africa, which it was.

As for your own claim to be "Irish-American", YOUR birthplace was not in Ireland any more than Kamala's fathers was in Africa, you dishonest partisan hack.

Don't you ever tire of making an ass of yourself, johnny?
Yes, we have all noticed that johnforbes' father was not born in Ireland any more that Kamala's black father was born in Africa.

johnforbes says that means Kamala is not Afro-American.

Which means that johnforbes is not Irish-American. He's been lying about it his whole life. Which is probably why lying comes so easily and naturally to johnfibs today.
Kamala's father was NOT white, dimwit. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

You made it up because you can't back it up and you're trying to hide your humiliation on your phony 'Irish-American' heritage.

But your father was not born in Ireland. Simple as that. So according to you, you aren't Irish-American.
Mr Forbes has examined the photographic evidence, and then tacked on his peerless objectivity.

Not to mention his hawk-like vision.

Kamala's father -- who doesn't speak to her, and called her a "travesty" (his word) -- can only be described as what he was, is, and shall semper remain -- a guy who is mostly Indian, with a tiny spot of Irish blood added for vigor and charm.
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