Political discussions about everything
By Clownkicker
Of course he will, and he will be right.

Trump is merely riding the eight year wave of Obama economic policy and when that wave finally runs out due to Trump Administration mishandling, it will never be admitted that Trump fucked up the global economy with ill-advised tariffs and trade policies.

So yes, since Obama sat by and did nothing to stop Trump's reckless behavior the past two years, a recession will be Obama's fault.
By elklindo69
And that 12 billion dollar "welfare" farm bill to farmers hit by retaliatory tariffs imposed by the Chinese because of Trump's idiotic trade policies obviously are ignored by Johnnie............
By sillydaddy
So when a recession hits...then I suppose that you blame Obama?
When a recession hits, we will probably blame the illegal Guatemalan Democrat
you crazy pendejos liberals elected as President who promised you, "Un pollo en tu olla.."

Until that day comes....I'm going to laugh all the way to the bank that
just sent me notice my CDs are earning the highest interest I have since ...I can't recall.. :laugh:

Trump in 2020
By johnforbes
Come on, Elkin.

Surely you recall that members of my family are in agribusiness?

Surely you recall that one of my business interests is partial passive ownership in one of them?

My brother's refrigerator has a magnet reading:

"My country tis of thee, sweet land of subsidy."

So folks in ranching/farming are well aware of the contradictions between capitalism and the weird nature of the history of farm subsidy.

I'm uncomfortable with it too, as they are, and so am fairly close to Elkin's level of discomfort on this issue.
By elklindo69
sillydaddy wrote: Fri May 03, 2019 7:52 pm
So when a recession hits...then I suppose that you blame Obama?
When a recession hits, we will probably blame the illegal Guatemalan Democrat
you crazy pendejos liberals elected as President who promised you, "Un pollo en tu olla.."

Until that day comes....I'm going to laugh all the way to the bank that
just sent me notice my CDs are earning the highest interest I have since ...I can't recall.. :laugh:

Trump in 2020
Watch the fuck out everybody....Silly's blowing out the doors with those 2% returns on those "HOT" CDs!!!!!!

Go and call Cramer and ask him whether you should buy, sell or hold. Maybe you should back up the truck and double down!!!

By sillydaddy
Elk ...making up stupid shit...again!
I have a hellva a sense of humor....am I not the one telling you the jokes?

A pendejo orders a meal at a Mexican restaurant
The waitress bring him his meal...and as she is walking away..
the guy calls her back, " Miss, you didn't bring me any utensils..."
The waitress asks him, " What would you like..corn or flour..? " :laugh: :laugh:
By elklindo69
johnforbes wrote: Tue May 07, 2019 2:21 pm US has been in a trade war, and losing, for many decades.

Unlike Obama, Trump is trying to negotiate with China.

That isn't easy, but unlike Barry he is trying.
"Trump is trying"

That's an oxymoron Johnnie.....LMFAO!

Do you really think Trump likes to be president? The guy would rather play golf, eat happy meals, watch Hoax News, and play on Twitter. That's the life of a retiree not the President of the United States of America.

By johnforbes
What is your point?

Everybody on the planet would rather eat and loaf than do anything productive.

For proof, look no further than the 78,000 posts of leftist drivel which Elkin has produced here over the past 37 years.
By Clownkicker
"What is your point?
Everybody on the planet would rather eat and loaf than do anything productive."-johnfoibles

I gotta say, johnforbes and the rest of the conservatives really set a high bar to be President, don't they?

Someone who likes to eat and loaf is all they expect in someone holding the most powerful job on the planet.

They should really be impressed if a Democrat gets elected and actually starts doing the job.

"Trump: when you want an obese pig who likes to play games."
By elklindo69
Johnnie...let me explain something to you....when Trump loses billions of dollars and commits dozens of crimes, but you’re not allowed to say it’s a bad thing, then you’re a brainwashed member of a very stupid cult.
By sillydaddy
Elk...I know of No one here who has ever stopped you from saying a damn thing...!
Freedom of speech is alive and well here ...That's what I love about this site..

Believe me I have been banned elsewhere for posting just a fraction of what I post here..
and I'm more civil than either you or Clown...! :O :laugh:
By elklindo69
Silly....when Trump "wrote" the Art of the Deal...that's when he was losing more money than any other American taxpayer.

Even you would have to admit that Trump was lying.

By elklindo69
Trump: Tariffs are good and helping the US...we are all going to be fucking rich!

Kudlow on Hoax: US consumers are benefiting.

Wallace from Hoax: But Sir....hold on... that’s a lie, correct? The tariffs are hurting us, right?

Kudlow: Actually, Yes, you’re correct.

Markets Crash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By elklindo69
When markets are going up Johnnie will insinuate that Trump's policies are the driving factor.

And when markets go down....Johnnie will claim that markets go up and down..............
By johnforbes
Nonsense, Elkin.

You would know otherwise if you had ever read my posts on said topic.

Under Obama, when the U-6 remained at disgraceful levels, I noted that no president has anything like a direct causal relationship to markets.

Nor do markets necessary move in synch with economic growth.

Read the work of Stiglitz, for example.

Don't be afraid of a new idea; he is a faithful Democrat like you.
By elklindo69
The market cratered some 600 points in a day because of Trump's moronic trade war and Johnnie will still claim that the markets randomly go up and down.

Trump has yet to explain tariffs and how they impact prices of consumer goods. I just wonder when the media will call out Trump’s lies, moronic understanding of tariffs and trade wars.

I do remember when Obama held town halls on healthcare and he answered EVERYTHING?
By johnforbes
Market movements are not "random," but they are difficult to predict.

Were it otherwise, Elkin would not be poor, but he is.

Yes, Obama held town halls on Obamacare, and he lied repeatedly about keeping your doctor, keeping your plan, being deficit-neutral, and saving the average family $2500 per year.

He lied, and lied, and lied again.

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