Political discussions about everything
France's Macron requests post-fire pause from politics. Macron said, "I will come back to you, as I committed, in the coming days" and asked the people of France to focus on Notre Dame. " It's time to set politics aside and work together, I'm ready, are you with me, we can do this"

He said: "What we've seen together in Paris overnight, it's our ability to unite. Macron said he wants to see the fire-ravaged Notre Dame cathedral to be rebuilt within five years and it's time to embrace each other to accomplish it.
What? You mean it's okay for you to have MDS but it's bad for someone to have TDS? What makes you so special, dimwit?
I can think logically clown, you can't because of your TDS. The fire was a win win for Macron, planned protests and hearings to vote on a confidence vote have all been called off, Macron has been spared for the time being.

Just how has it helped Trump distract from the report being released tomorrow? Has Democrats in Congress decided not to be critical of Trump during this period because of the fire in Paris, has the media backed off him?

You see clown, you look foolish every time you try and second guess me. :clown: My advice is that you refrain from putting foot in mouth just because what I said triggers you, you're no match form me dude.
The official position of CNN and MSNBC and CBS and NBC is do NOT speculate that this might be yet another in the long string of church desecration across France.

And, after saying don't speculate, the media outlets then begin speculating that the cause was a spark during renovation.

But they have zero evidence.
Officials warn that violence could flare up on the 23rd Saturday of Yellow Vest marches, the first since the Notre-Dame fire, with protesters angry that nearly €1 billion was pledged to restore the cathedral while their demands remain unsatisfied.

Looks like it's business as usual....Macron has no excuse now....! :O
Elkin, my boy, you've got to grow up and accept the world as it is.

Mueller knew, 22 months ago, that there was no collusion.

And that isn't even a crime in this context anyhow.

Mueller hired ONLY Democrats for his 19 staff lawyers, and partisan ones at that, and even they -- after wasting 22 more months and 25 million dollars of taxpayer money -- could find no obstruction.

Barr and Rosenstein went over the Mueller report and told America that -- no obstruction.

And, without an underlying crime, there could be none anyhow because any executive has the right and duty to express anger and disdain at being framed.

Which is precisely what was done here.

This was an attempted soft coup d'etat because surely all the top intel officials knew very well that the dossier was fake and paid for by Hillary.

Let's give Comey and Brennan and Clapper credit for intelligence. Surely
they knew what the game was?
"Mueller hired ONLY Democrats for his 19 staff lawyers, and partisan ones at that, and even they -- after wasting 22 more months and 25 million dollars of taxpayer money -- could find no obstruction."-johnfibs

No, that isn't what they found, johnny. They laid out a roadmap for Congress to take steps if it chooses. It is pretty clear from the report that there is a strong case to be made for obstruction.

Mueller specifically said he couldn't clear Trump of obstruction. If he could, he would have said so. (His words, not mine.)
They laid out a roadmap for Congress to take steps if it chooses. It is pretty clear from the report that there is a strong case to be made for obstruction.

Mueller specifically said he couldn't clear Trump of obstruction. If he could, he would have said so. (His words, not mine.)
Roadmap through a very rough road....
Deliberate or a coincidence..because
What Mueller actually did, was guarantee Trump would keep the Presidency... :laugh:
Mueller specifically said he couldn't clear Trump of obstruction. If he could, he would have said so. (His words, not mine.)
Mueller also can't clear Trump of the 1,400 unsolved murders in Chicago. His job was to prove crimes, not to clear anyone of anything. Mueller couldn't prove ANY crimes after 35 million and two years of investigation with a staff of 90. ;)
That's right.

There is another glaring example of a person who didn't understand his job -- Comey.

After reciting problem after problem with Hillary's email (a law enforcement job), Comey then tried to take over the job of the DoJ and said no "reasonable" prosecutor would charge.

He was wrong, and it was also not his job.

Mueller's job was to investigate fairly, and that means NOT hiring ANYBODY who donated to ANY party.

Instead Mueller wasted 22 months on obstruction with 19 Democrat lawyers.

Moreover, Mueller or Weissmann didn't even understand that prosecutors don't clear or exonerate people.

They charge or shut the hell up.
I see, so you Trump supporters are crowing daily about how Mueller cleared Trump and his campaign of any collusion with the Russians, but now you say Mueller can't clear someone of obstruction of justice because it's not his job to clear anyone.

Brilliant! *LOL*
I see, so you Trump supporters are crowing daily about how Mueller cleared Trump and his campaign of any collusion with the Russians
Yep he fucked up on that one didn't he? :D

Mueller didn't have any crimes on Trump so he tried creating crimes. His only chance was to spend hours interviewing Trump asking hundreds of questions they already had the answers for and HOPING that Trump says something that conflicts with the information they have, even if it was just a guess by Trump, or the information they had was wrong. Mueller would have charged him in a heartbeat with lying to the FBI. Doesn't make any difference the charge wouldn'tt hold up in a trial, charging him with a felony would do the damage they were after.
Clown, I've explained the concept several times.

You can expect any politician to crow about anything he conceivably can.

Because, as Woodward said, it was Brennan pushing the "garbage dossier" and Trump was understandably happy that not even 19 partisan Democrat lawyers could not in 2 years pin anything on him.

Mueller was an idiot to say he couldn't "exonerate" Trump because that isn't what a prosecutor does.

Also, Mueller didn't exonerate Clownslacker for that parking ticket he got in 1956.

The job of a prosecutor is bring charges or shut up.
Like I said, you Trump supporters are crowing daily about how Mueller cleared Trump and his campaign of any collusion with the Russians, but now you say Mueller can't clear someone of obstruction of justice because it's not his job to clear anyone.

Brilliant! *LOL*
Let me again explain.

The truth is the truth (as Gertrude Stein, who went to med school at Johns Hopkins, could have said but didn't).

No prosecutor can "clear" or "exonerate" a person. It is NOT their function.

Mueller was an odd duck, and he hired 19 partisan Democrats as lawyers. He knew in 2 months there was no collusion, but for political reason obviously decided to press on for 22 more months before giving up on obstruction too.

So Mueller should not have issued any longwinded report at all, but did. and obviously the second part was tossing a bone to Democrats.

Now, let us recapitulate.

Politicians will crow about anything favorable.

But it is not -- repeat, not -- the function of any prosecutor to exonerate anybody.

They prosecute or shut the hell up.
johnforbes wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2019 9:13 am Let me again explain.

The truth is the truth (as Gertrude Stein, who went to med school at Johns Hopkins, could have said but didn't).

No prosecutor can "clear" or "exonerate" a person. It is NOT their function.

Mueller was an odd duck, and he hired 19 partisan Democrats as lawyers. He knew in 2 months there was no collusion, but for political reason obviously decided to press on for 22 more months before giving up on obstruction too.

So Mueller should not have issued any longwinded report at all, but did. and obviously the second part was tossing a bone to Democrats.

Now, let us recapitulate.

Politicians will crow about anything favorable.

But it is not -- repeat, not -- the function of any prosecutor to exonerate anybody.

They prosecute or shut the hell up.
Johnnie you can believe whatever it is that you want to believe.

Collusion? Who claimed there was collusion? It wasn't Mueller. That's just a right wing red herring.

Mueller didn't investigate "collusion" Mueller investigated conspiracy. And he found it....the Mueller report showed that members of the Trump campaign conspired with the Russians in interfering with the elections. That's a fact. Right from the report.

As for obstruction....it's crystal clear that Trump committed obstruction.

18 U.S.C. § 1503 defines "obstruction of justice" as an act that "corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice."
It is not a matter of belief. If you understand our system at all, then you would know that prosecutors either charge or shut up.

Their role isn't to issue stamps saying "exonerated" or something silly like the leftist media outlets believe.

As to obstructing justice, Hillary DELETED 33,000 emails under subpoena, then bleached the server.

She also had staffers buy hammer and beat mobile phones to bits on the floor of the State Dept.

Who would do that but a person obstructing justice?
As for obstruction....it's crystal clear that Trump committed obstruction.
The media mobs points to the Mueller report and says Mueller
listed 10(some say 11) instances of obstruction...
Actually Mueller was only listing the areas he investigated.... :)
the Mueller report showed that members of the Trump campaign conspired with the Russians in interfering with the elections. That's a fact. Right from the report.
Clown you really have to watch something other than CNN for your information, this is from Mueller's report.
Mueller "The investigation found no evidence any member of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."
As to obstructing justice, Hillary DELETED 33,000 emails under subpoena, then bleached the server.

She also had staffers buy hammer and beat mobile phones to bits on the floor of the State Dept.

Who would do that but a person obstructing justice?
johnny, how do you explain the Trump DOJ's dereliction of duty for not prosecuting such a glaring case of obstruction of justice?

When are you going to start criticizing Trump for doing nothing about it? He's leaving you looking like a fool since apparently Trump's DOJ doesn't seem to agree with you.
johnny, how do you explain the Trump DOJ's dereliction of duty for not prosecuting such a glaring case of obstruction of justice?

When are you going to start criticizing Trump for doing nothing about it? He's leaving you looking like a fool since apparently Trump's DOJ doesn't seem to agree with you.
Clown where have you been these past 2+ years?
Hillary is serving her time ....Life without the Presidency!
That's why the Demos are in total meltdown and so angry with the President.. :laugh:
Donald the Dumbass........

The self proclaimed genius businessman who went broke running 5 casinos into the ground.
The self proclaimed loving family man who paid hush money to a porn star.
The self proclaimed humanitarian who embezzled money raised for poor kids with cancer.
The self proclaimed the master negotiator who;
1. Shut down the government and got nothing in return.
2. Paid ransom to the North Koreans to return a US prisoner.
As we can see, johnforbes CAN'T explain the Trump DOJ's dereliction of duty for not prosecuting such a glaring case of obstruction of justice.

johnforbes doesn't have the least criticism of Trump, even when Trump tacitly condones obstruction of justice. Trump can apparently do no wrong in johnny's eyes.

So much for johnforbes absurd claim of having rational opinions.
When Hillary deleted 33,000 emails under subpoena, then BleachBit-ed the server, and pounded her cell phones with hammers, that was clearly obstruction.

Now, if you want a criticism of Trump, he made a terrible decision in appointing Jeff Sessions who did absolutely nothing to restore the rule of law.

Obama's intel officials, and other top officials, protected Hillary with a fake investigation and also used the garbage dossier to abuse FISA and wiretap Trump -- a scandal which makes Watergate look petty and tiny.

It was an attempted coup d'etat.
"Now, if you want a criticism of Trump, he made a terrible decision in appointing Jeff Sessions who did absolutely nothing to restore the rule of law."-johnflubs

And then Trump went and hired another guy who isn't doing anything about the most blatant case of obstruction of justice you've ever seen.

How do you explain that dereliction of duty by your President, johnny? Why won't Trump restore the rule of law?
So RealTool takes the "He's simply incompetent" side. Trump has let go over 120 people in his executive office alone. That's one person per week that turns out to be a "bad hire".

What seems to be his problem with hiring good people? johnny? Thoughts?
Clownkicker wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2019 6:31 pm So RealTool takes the "He's simply incompetent" side. Trump has let go over 120 people in his executive office alone. That's one person per week that turns out to be a "bad hire".

What seems to be his problem with hiring good people? johnny? Thoughts?
Clown it isn't uncommon as people age for numerous neurological disorders to manifest in the kind of symptoms you are portraying. Seriously, for your own health I suggest you see a neurologist. It could be just foolishness, but to rule out any neurological illnesses I suggest a complete work up. And maybe some sort of anti anxiety medication.
RealTool, it isn't uncommon as some people who are born natural scumbag liars to manifest in the kind of symptoms you are portraying. Seriously, for your own welfare I suggest you see a psychiatrist. It could be just partisan foolishness, but to rule out any neurological illnesses I suggest a complete psychoanalysis. And maybe turn yourself in to your local police.
So let's get this one straight, the current president is compromised Russian asset who sold out his country while lining his pockets, dismantling our democracy while goading his dimwitted worshipers into a murderous frenzy....

But I suppose that we can say he least he didn't run a private email server......OH wait, the traitorous fuck did that too!
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