Political discussions about everything
By johnforbes
After 2 yrs, the Senate Intel Committee has found no evidence of Russia collusion.

Now any person with any knowledge of D.C. knew this a year ago because the Dems leaked no evidence.

Still, this is a remarkable example of the Big Lie Often Told.

Dems could not accept their 2016 loss, so they cobbled together a fake dossier and sought to hamstring Trump for 2 years with investigations.

It worked, but Trump reeled off a long list of accomplishments anyhow.
By Clownkicker
"After 2 yrs, the Senate Intel Committee has found no evidence of Russia collusion."-johnflubs

johnny, we could have told you two years ago they wouldn't find anything. Who ever heard of a Republican with any integrity?

They put on a show for the partisan rubes (you) and then report exactly what the rubes want to hear. What a surprise.

But you can relax. The House Democrats are going to open some real inquiries into the issue now that that partisan hack Nunes isn't chairing the committee any longer.
By johnforbes
Man, these Interwebs are rough.

Just because my high school had a wood shop, a metal shop, a herd of cattle, and FFA jackets in the hallways, they call me a rube.

Don't make me post a photograph of my first vehicle, a Dodge pickup, to prove sophistication.

It had air conditioning (hole in the floorboard) and power steering (took all your power to steer it).
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By RealJustme
Johnnie if a bald man asks a barber if he needs a haircut...what do you think the barber will say?
A real barber would say there's nothing there so why waste our time, just as Trump told Democrats and Mueller there's nothing there, they knew there was nothing there so they tried to find anything on anyone associated with Trump to destroy them since they can't touch Trump...because there is nothing there to find. Trump is probably the least corrupt President we've ever had and that drives libtards crazy since they need corruption to get what they want done.
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By namngulfvet
Clownkicker wrote:"After 2 yrs, the Senate Intel Committee has found no evidence of Russia collusion."-johnflubs

johnny, we could have told you two years ago they wouldn't find anything. Who ever heard of a Republican with any integrity?

They put on a show for the partisan rubes (you) and then report exactly what the rubes want to hear. What a surprise.

But you can relax. The House Democrats are going to open some real inquiries into the issue now that that partisan hack Nunes isn't chairing the committee any longer.
House Democrats call for FBI investigation of Trump golf clubs over undocumented workers :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ya thats pretty fucking important turd brain
By sillydaddy
The Demos are very proud of Mueller indicting
members of the Russian military...!So much so
they include them as indictments against the Trump administration... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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