Political discussions about everything

I had just gotten some old blankets from a moving truck and installed them inside my cardboard box for better insulation than newspapers.

My cardboard box has a wonderful view of the river, and my Internet access is via a tomato can and a string.

Sure would be a bummer to have to move out of my cardboard box now...
Clownkicker wrote:Look at the conservatives melting down, desperately trying to convince themselves that Trump isn't going to get caught in his crimes. They have to pretend liberals are upset about their made up talking points.
WOW unimpressive indeed! :D
And All Clown can do is whine waaaaaaaaaaaaa
And all namandgulfdumfuckstuntdouble can do is "And All Clown can do is whine waaaaaaaaaaaaa"

What a witless, impotent pussy.

So tell us, why has namandgulf's stunt double taken over completely? What have you done to the poor mush-brained bastard? His helmet fall off one too many times?
Clownkicker wrote:Every one of Trump's tweets is a crime against the English language, sillydummy.

But thanks for providing us one example of his still-juvenile intellect.
yet its all the Dem leaders who are calling for violence. Not one republican has called for the death of anyone. Look at the hate you spew in here..
"Not to mention the DOW went up again today, winner, winner, chicken dinner!"-RealChickenShitTool

^^^^^ There's your typical delusional conservative. He sits at home on Sunday convinced he's watching the Dow Jones Industrial average move. :lol:

Tool, the DOW didn't go anywhere today.
"The DOW is up deal with it :lol:"-RealStool

Dow Jones Industrial average in January this year--26,828.39
Current DOW Industrial average ----------------------25,444.34 (That's down almost 1400 points this year)

RealTool is having trouble with what "up" and "down" mean--exactly like all Republican Trump supporters who are too busy "winning" to understand they are losing their shirts to Trump's tariffs. They still believe China and Mexico are paying for them.

RealTool still desperately believes his $47 FLR stock is "up" from when he told everyone to buy at $64 as he did. :lol:
Instead of a narrow focus on this or that benchmark, ya should attempt to increase net worth.

Every person will have presidents they dislike.

Some of the main ones I disliked were LBJ and Nixon, and of course Carter and Obama had their heads in globalist air a la Woodrow Wilson.
Yes, johnforbes is wise not to focus on "this or that benchmark" (meaning the DOW industrials today, something else even uglier tomorrow) because if he focused on the DOW average today he would realize his net worth is significantly less today than it was yesterday.

Even on paper it must smart to lose a million bucks in one year, eh, johnny?

Dow Jones Industrial average in January this year--26,828.39
Current DOW Industrial average ----------------------24,979.34 (That's down almost 1900 points this year-ouch)

"Hey, LOOK OVER THERE! Legal "illegal aliens" are coming! Don't bother thinking about my destructive tariffs!"-D.J.Trump
So if that's how you measure things, you must really be grateful to Obama for taking the market from 8077 when he took office to around 20,000 when he left office, right Tool? (That's up 12,000 points in eight years - ouch) :D

What do you want to bet Trump can't do anything near that, Tool. (Forget about the percentage of increase that represents.)

(Let's see if RealTool gives Obama the same credit he gives Trump.) :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'd ascribe it to a combination of factors, as would any sentient observer.

The Fed being a tad too aggressive, the many issues with China, the runup of 6000 Dow points since Trump got elected, and so on.

If 1973-75 didn't scare me, if the Crash of 87 didn't, if the tech wreck of 2000 didn't, if the post-9/11 era didn't, if 2008 didn't, then you'll forgive me for not being scared of stocks tonight.
The fed is doing exactly what they said they were going to do...and that was to normalize interest rates.

This not should be a surprise to anybody. So the fed is pulling away the punch bowl and now everybody is pulling a tantrum? What's the federal funds rate...2% or something? That's nothing...even if they hit 3% by the end of 2019, that's rock bottom by historical standards.
No president runs the stock market.

Trump already said that the Fed was probably a bit too overtly aggressive, and no doubt some Fed members would admit that tonight in private.

But we had gone since 2009 without a really bad year.

Perhaps this will it, or perhaps not.
You need to tell that to RealTool, johnny. He keeps starting these idiotic threads giving Trump all the credit for the markets going up.

And you keep silent about it like a good partisan hack....until the news gets bad, of course. Then you're quite reasonable and admit Trump couldn't make the markets go up, like you're doing now.

The problem is, a President CAN make the markets go down with ill-advised tariffs or a destabilizing tweet.

But you'll still pretend this isn't true when Trump does something really stupid and the markets crash because of it.
With the recent tanking of the stock market people haven’t made any money in the stock market in 2018, you’re not earning more at your job because corporations are raking in profits from the tax cut scam and not paying employees more, and everything costs more because of Trump’s tariffs...
A president can help set the tone for a good stock market, and Trump has done that with de-regulation and tax cuts and other attempts to stimulate the economy.

Obama was utterly wrong about Trump not having a "magic wand."

The magic wand is tax cuts, and even JFK knew that.
elklindo69 wrote:With the recent tanking of the stock market people haven’t made any money in the stock market in 2018, you’re not earning more at your job because corporations are raking in profits from the tax cut scam and not paying employees more, and everything costs more because of Trump’s tariffs...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
OMG Elk your so funny... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm puzzled. RealTool isn't crowing about how great Trump is for the economy any longer.

When Trump took over, the Dow Industrial Average was at 19,827
Today it is at 21,792. That's less than a 10% increase in two years; 5% a year in the best global economy in 40 years.
And now the Dow has lost 18% in three months.
Additionally, 3rd quarter GDP growth is virtually identical to 3rd growth under Obama in 2014, but now there is a much better global economy.
Hardly stellar performance, is it, Tool? And Trump's tariffs, emboldening of ISIS, and erratic behavior can take much of the blame. Everyone knew the Fed was going to raise rates back at the beginning of the year, so that isn't exactly a shock to the markets, is it.

Tool's great Fluor investment that he bought at $64 is now at $30.
Partisan Hate Retirement Systems has put him in the dumper again and he isn't such a smart ass about it any longer. What a surprise.
I bought in at $47 and sold at $56. See Tool? That's how it's done.

Gold was at $1,204 when Trump took office. Today it is $1,269. A whopping increase of less than 5.5% in two years.
Tool isn't crowing about his 2.7%-a-year earnings on his shrewd gold purchase either for some reason.

Meanwhile, johnforbes is likely looking at losses in the $2 million range this year, and he's pretending to shrug it off when you know he's worried about the markets for the first time in his life. And he's worried about what Trump might do next.

One of these mornings these clowns are going to wake up and realize their blind, ignorant support of Trump has put them in the poor house.
Market adjustments are good, without them the whole economy could fail, we have the strongest economy with lowest unemployment in America's history, thank you Trump!

Some people who don't understand the market loss their asses, while I on the other had played the market like a fiddle and am smelling like a rose. From day one I've advised everyone to have a healthy investment in gold as a safe haven if the stock market adjusts. Gold is one of the few investments that has climbed 15% in value in 2018, in fact I just checked and it rocketed another 1.5% today alone on the market news and it will go UP!!! Anyone could have seen the tech market with all their corruption being exposed was going to drag down the market, I saw it and dumped the appropriate stocks and shifted it to gold. Clown had you listened to me, you too would also have made money on your investments instead of being in the red. :D

Got gold?
There is no simple way to become a billionaire.

Were it otherwise, Elkin would do it.

But he can't.

Bankruptcy is perfectly legal, and it makes perfect sense to avail oneself of the available legal provisions, and this is particularly true when attempting to perform CPR on a town as was done with Atlantic City.
John Forbes posted numerous times the lie that Trump became a billionaire with a million dollar loan from his father.

Please....Fred Trump was a billionaire. His father was the brain child of the operation. Trump inherited some 500 million dollars from his father. It doesn't take a genius to at least double your money over decades to become a billionaire if you already started with some 500 million.
".. It doesn't take a genius to at least double your money over decades to become a billionaire if you already started with some 500 million.
Why of course, Elk...Put all the money in the pot and with one roll of the dice.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Some people who don't understand the market loss their asses, while I on the other had played the market like a fiddle and am smelling like a rose. From day one I've advised everyone to have a healthy investment in gold as a safe haven if the stock market adjusts. Gold is one of the few investments that has climbed 15% in value in 2018, in fact I just checked and it rocketed another 1.5% today alone on the market news and it will go UP!!! Anyone could have seen the tech market with all their corruption being exposed was going to drag down the market, I saw it and dumped the appropriate stocks and shifted it to gold. Clown had you listened to me, you too would also have made money on your investments instead of being in the red. :D

Clown and Elk always buy when stocks are high and then sell when it's low, they let the market control them. You have to watch for signs that the market may rise or drop and act then. As soon as I saw what was happening with the social media sites, the exposed corruption and law suits, I acted and sold the appropriate tech stocks, I didn't wait until they started dropping. Monday I purchased several select stocks because I feel they're going to spring back, they're some great deals out there and the economy is super strong, people are spending and companies are hiring.
"Gold is one of the few investments that has climbed 15% in value in 2018,..."-RealStool

This is an example of why you can't believe a word out of RealTool's mouth. He is a pathological liar just like Trump.
Gold price on Jan. 2, 2018--------- $1,317.60
Gold price today, Dec. 26, 2018--- $1,266.23

https://www.bullion-rates.com/gold/USD/ ... istory.htm

This is yet another example of RealTool's fundamental confusion between the concepts of "up" and "down".
He considers a loss of $10 an ounce today to be a "rocketing" increase of 1.5%.
And he considers a loss of $51 dollars an ounce this year to be a big win. And I guess compared to his other investments with Partisan Hate Retirement Systems, it probably IS.
RealTool thinks he's a financial genius of some sort just because he can consistently lose vast sums of money with every investment.

Tool, your made up stupid shit doesn't fly anymore since the internet makes a liar out of you every time.

johnny, how 'bout you tell RealTool what you think of his fairy tale about his perfect market timing? :lol:
Clown overlooks I said Monday was a great time to buy while stocks while they're low because they WOULD rebound. Today the DOW is up almost 1,100 points, the biggest gain ever in a day, just two days after I purchased stocks while they were low. I'd bet anything that if clown or Elk owned any stocks they sold at the low point.
RealTool overlooks that he is a lying sack of shit about his gold investments.

He has no explanation for why he was lying to us about his gold's performance this year, but it sure must make him feel stupid to be caught in such childish lies. Or maybe it is just a wake up call to his gross ignorance about what is actually happening with his investments.

"I'd bet anything that if clown or Elk owned any stocks they sold at the low point."-RealTool

And I'd bet anything RealTool is a RealSucker to take that bet. :lol:
Clown once again pretends the previous discussions on this thread didn't take place. It's a libtard tactic to ignore the facts and hope the reader is stupid...which libtards are. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I predicted today's DOW rises and profited from it, while at the same time stabilized my investments with gold (just in case). One of my employees asked me today, how in the hell did you know today would be a record breaking day for the DOW? I told him I didn't know, I just predicted using simple logic. :D
I believe that Clownslacker will one day become a thousandaire.

Trump's father was hardly a billionaire, and the modest house in which Trump grew up is vivid proof of that.

Anybody can Google that to take a gander.

Trump got a 1 million loan, and that he started with.

Did he get priceless advice from a father in the same business, and valuable contacts, and training, etc? Sure.
There goes Johnnie again with the bullshit Trump story that he became a billionare after receiving a 1 million dollar loan from his father...

https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/02/trumps- ... n-nyt.html


So a 1 million dollar loan in 1975 would have to grow at a mindboggling 20% annualized return over 40 years to hit about 1.5 billion dollars!!!!!!

And this was done while bankrupting 5 casinos.

If you believe Johnnie's tall tale...well then, I have 5 bankrupt casinos to sell you.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
"Clown once again pretends the previous discussions on this thread didn't take place."-RealTool

RealTool once again pretends he didn't just yesterday lie about gold's performance this year. He said it was up 15% when it is actually down for the year. No amount of distraction and diversion can alter that lie now, no matter what was said previously on this thread. Just like his huge losses on the Fluor stock because of his partisan hate can't be altered.

RealTool models his lies on Trump's. Both will say any insane thing that comes to mind just because they honestly believe no one is on to them, and if they contradict themselves enough times, everyone will be too befuddled to remember they were lied to repeatedly.

But we DO remember, dummy.
^^^^^^ Look at RealTool slinking around with his tail between his legs, unable to apologize for his dishonesty and with no intention of changing his lying ways. More attempted distraction is all he has.

Why johnforbes condones such embarrassing and juvenile behavior from his own faction is stupefying.

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