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By RealJustme
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 85, fractured three ribs in a fall in her office Wednesday night, according to a statement from the Supreme Court’s public information office.

“Tests showed that she fractured three ribs on the left side,” the statement said. She was taken to George Washington University Hospital where she has been admitted in serious condition.

Ginsburg has survived several fights with cancer and had heart surgery in 2014, according to CNBC. She has beaten pancreatic and colon cancer, the two deadliest forms of the disease.

People, especially younger people, were offering their own ribs on social media Thursday morning. They even started the hashtag #RibsForRuth on Twitter. The founder of the hashtag explained that everyone must do what ever it takes to insure Ginsburg holds her position on the Supreme Court until Trump is out of office.
Personally I hope she pulls through this latest health crisis and retires to live the rest of her life in peace and comfort, rather than being propped up in a chair all day so dems can keep that seat liberal.
By Clownkicker
Of course we all know what RealTool really wants is to have a 24-hour-a-day camera put on Ginsburg so that he can sit with his popcorn and gleefully watch her suffer and die. For some reason he really gets off on being entertained by watching and hoping people die.

I wonder why RealTool is trying to convince us he has taken on liberal values all of a sudden?

Is this some new Republican ploy to try to convince the world that they are human?
By johnforbes
It is a crisp and sunny autumn day, and I wish Clownslacker all the best.

Time for me to head out for a little hike (mens sana in corpore sano).
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By RealJustme
What libtards are doing to Ruth is inhumane. She's 85, in very poor health and can't find her way to the bathroom, but out of self interests they insist she show up to work everyday. Obama in his speech said he has talked to her and she assured him she would hang in there and not give up the fight.

Watch for them to implement weekends at Barney's as long as Trump is President. Libtards have no compassion. let the poor lady retire.
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By namngulfvet
Clownkicker wrote:What? johnforbes is going to go look at bodies in the men's sauna?

I could have gone all day without hearing about that.
Naww that your thing Clown. Conservatives aren't gay like LIbs :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
By elklindo69
Ginsberg is the nation's most precious resource.

Only if we could bubble wrap her and carry her around for at least 2 more years until we can get the pumpkin headed gas bag out of the WH...
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By RealJustme
Ginsberg is the nation's most precious resource.
Yeah, she's a real tiger :lol: :lol: You libtards need to let her go to bed and get some rest. You watch, once she finally does retire, there won't be one libtard willing to show where the bathroom is.
Gingsburg.JPG (51.58 KiB) Viewed 5760 times
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By RealJustme
I wonder how much Trump cheats on the links?
Who cares, he'll be replacing Ruth with a young ultra conservative and not a damn thing anyone can do to stop him. :D
By johnforbes
If they did, I would.

But the Left can tolerate anything but a different opinion.

The whole notion of "diversity" is that gender and melanin content (both genetic accidents) dictate political and economic thought, but they don't (the mind does).

Look at the wild hate which the modern Left has for any person who wanders off the ideological plantation.
By Clownkicker
"The modern Left" (whatever that's supposed to be) is not "liberals" johnny.

"The whole notion of "diversity" is that gender and melanin content (both genetic accidents) dictate political and economic thought..."-johnfibs

No actual liberal ever said "gender and melanin content...dictate political and economic thought..." or anything remotely like it.

You simply made that up. You can't have a discussion if you simply make up stupid shit and pretend it is real.
By sillydaddy
No actual liberal ever said "gender and melanin content...dictate political and economic thought..." or anything remotely like it.

You simply made that up

Clown, who henceforth will be known as "the actual liberal"...
wouldn't recognize an original thought if walked up to him and kicked him in the ass...! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
By Clownkicker
It's kind of like you calling yourself an "intelligent person" sillydummy.

An "actual" intelligent person recognizes you for the stultified dimwit you are.

You can think of yourself as being intelligent, but that doesn't mean you are, any more than being in "the Left" means you are a liberal thinker.

If you go far enough Left, you become just as anti-intellectual and authoritarian as if you go far enough Right.

The fact that you clowns don't recognize just how reactionary, anti-intellectual, and authoritarian Trump and the Republicans are only proves that you aren't actually intelligent people. And you certainly aren't liberal thinkers.
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By RealJustme
Watch the melt down when Trump replaces Ruth with a young ultra conservative. Odds are 99% she'll need to be replaced during Trump's last 6 years in office, and it's 100% he will appoint a young ultra conservative.
By elklindo69
Think about what would have happened if Obama went out and blew off a visit to a war memorial so he could sit in his hotel room to watch TV and peruse the internet to see if anybody was insulting him....the wingnut far right wing thug squad would have spontaneously combusted and Hannity and his fake outrage complex would have ripped a hole in the space-time fabric of the universe...
By johnforbes
Every college in America, and every hiring/promotion decision in the federal govt, considers birth accident "diversity."

However, this is all reverse discrimination.

The whole notion of "diversity" is that gender and melanin content (both genetic accidents) dictate political and economic thought, but they don't (the mind does).
By Clownkicker
What johnforbes is flailing about trying to say is that he couldn't find a single liberal saying what he claims they say.

So he just repeats his nonsense to convince himself it is true when it is just more made up stupid shit.
By elklindo69
sillydaddy wrote:
Think about what would have happened if Obama.....

Someone help Elk..! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :o :lol:
I'm not the one who has the Obama/Hillary obsession...

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By RealJustme
Ruth hints she may not have it in her to continue the fight, Democrats in panic mode. One thing for sure, they will demonize her as traitor if she tries to retire to enjoy her last years (?) on earth.

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