Open Discussions about the site
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By tpaman1132
When I long onto VW or RC I am getting a Drop Down notice from the top center of the screen offering to send me updates and notifications. Anyone else getting this?? It happens again with each major section of VW and RC that I long into? It is a bit irritation and you have to click on the "no thanks" to make it go away.

Anyone know how to get rid of this??
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By BreeOclaire
Yep, same thing happening on our end as well.
Doesn't matter how many times you click "no thanks" it continues to pop up :roll:
By bigdeskjet
BreeOclaire wrote:Yep, same thing happening on our end as well.
Doesn't matter how many times you click "no thanks" it continues to pop up :roll:
I would bet that you are used to things continually popping up when you are around...
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