Exhibitionists meet here!
By Rufus
Not sure why I like it, but I remember well when I realized I did like it.

A couple of years after high school I was dating a girl who was still in school. At the time I was spending a lot of weekends out of town. Whenever I was gone, she was going to parties with her friends. One time, I asked her what all went on at the parties. She told me they just hung out and drank mostly, but sometimes they would play strip quarters. Now at the time I had never heard of playing quarters, so she had to explain that to me. I asked if she ever played strip quarters, and she replied with an enthusiastic " Oh Yes". Of course then I had to ask if she ever stripped. She said she hadn't ever stripped competely, but she had been topless several times. My first reaction was one of intense jealousy, but since we were not in an exclusive relationship at the time, I couldn't say much. After thinking about it for a while I realized I was becoming turned on about it, more so than being jealous. We ended up being a couple for quite a while, and she did a little bit of flashing, but she actually liked to talk about doing stuff more than doing it.

We eventually went our separate ways, and I met the girl that became my wife. My wife and I had only been dating about a month, and I met her for drinks one nite after work. We both were feeling very little pain, and I asked her if she wanted to ride home naked in the convertible. She couldn't get out of her clothes fast enough. I knew right then I had found the girl of my dreams. She didn't hesitate to show off to anyone that would look, and many did. We have had many occasions of public nudity, sheer clothing and such. This stuff has turned me on most of my adult life and I doubt that it will change now!
By Gina
As a woman I can only relate to what my husband has told me. He tells me that guys that know they have "hot" wife take great pride in showing others how good they have it at home. Not that they need confirmation for what they already know, but when they see another man enjoying the view he gets the whole "cave man beating his chest" feeling knowing that I am his woman.

I have to admit from a womans perspective that knowing how my husband feels about other men seeing me exposed makes it all the more enjoyable for me.

I think women should worry if their men did not want to show off their women. It could be a sign that he is either too possessive or not proud of his woman. But, it could also just be that he likes to keep the good stuff just for himself and there is nothing wrong with that either. To each his or her own, and whater works best is whats best for you.

Funny, this conversation has me feeling the urge to put on my thinnest sports bra and go for a run. Its a little nippy out there this morning. Pun intended.
GREAT question. I think I started off a little jealous. While I encouraged it, I think she also liked it. She would do it, but when there got to be to many people around, I became nervous for some reason. Back in the day when cruise ships had the topless deck, I wanted to go look at the women, but thought It would be funny if guys saw my wife topless, and we ended up at the same table with him having dinner. Of course now I think it would be great.

At one point, she was topless on Miami beach and two guys came walking by. They both started pointing and commenting on her. We both laughed about it. On a trip to Playa del Carmen with several other couples that we didnt know, but we shared transportaion van, plane and dinner with, they were older than us. Both of us were worried about them seeing her topless or in her thong at the beach. I dont know why then, but now think it would be hot. Since then, we have kids and havnt been able to frequent topless beaches, but do open the curtains with the light on at hotels every chance we get. We both talk about the fun times at the beach and I always talk to her about wanting to go to Vegas topless pool the next time we go. I asked her if she would prefer other topless women there, or would she like to be one of few. She said she prefered more women there to help her blend in more.

Not only do I like to see other women, but I think It is about likeing to "show off" mine. I think she likes it also in that it make her feel sexy and wanted. Of course I tell her it makes me hot showing them want I am going to home to and be playing with later.
I think it depends on how the showing is done. When I was younger, I dated a girl that showed off to get a lot of attention. I wasn't jealous, but it wasn't that much fun. I didn't really feel part of it. More a voyeur looking in. My current GF, on the other hand, shows off because she is an exhibitionist at heart and because it is part of her personality. She takes a lot of delight in it and her glow rubs off on me and her sensuality from is very much a part of our relationship.

There is also a thrill in really pushing the limits or even going beyond them and getting away with it. One of her most memorable outfits included a pair of fairly tight see through linen pants worn without underwear, a fact that was obvious from the rear. We went that to a concert and then met up with some close friends. At the front, the pants had a fly that was somewhat concealing, but the shadow of her pubic hair was clearly visible. She trimmed it down some so it looked like underwear from the front, but if someone had already seen the back, it was obvious what it was. It was obvious enough that her best friend pointed it out in mock shock later. The best part of it was that my GF carried it off in total comfort. I got the feeling that she would have been perfectly comfortable absolutely nude on the streets. That sort of confidence is intoxicating.
By nowear
I like it because Shy Exhibitionist Wife likes it, and it turns HER on. I'm in favor of just about anything that turns her on, so it's a slam dunk that I'd want what she wants in that case.
My wife loving it is an essential component. In fact, I never make a request for a particular outfit, because it takes the fun out of it if it doesn't come from her. She always pushes it further than I'd have thought up anyway. I enjoy the confident "rule-breaking" and her ability to enjoy something she likes without a care for what other people think about her, but more than once she's dialed it way back to boring when we're out with another woman who is not confident, so as not to make that women feel left out. I love the balance.

I once watched her navigate a large garden party in a dress that was almost as see through as pantyhose with broad opaque stripes to provide partial cover. The partial cover hid her bush, part of her butt crack and one nipple, leaving the rest, including one erect nipple exposed in every detail, in clear view. There were a hundred people studying her anatomy in every detail, from how her tits moved as she spoke to her erect nipples, and she behaved as if she was covered with a cloak. It was an experience at once surreal and thrilling. Her complete comfort in it was what made it erotic rather than simply naughty.
I also enjoy the mix of vulnerability and control implicit in a revealing outfit.

My wife once decided to wear a provocatively unbuttoned shirt to a gallery opening. At the gallery it would be very glamorous, but the steps getting there, the application of make-up and a subtle bit of glitter on the chest, the walk to the car parked on the street, the knowledge that the valet is enjoying a good long look at your completely unfettered tits as he helps you out of the car and they're possibly not looking their best when you're in that position, the glances as you make your way to the gallery through other parts of a multi-use building, can be less glamorous. Once you get to the gallery everyone sees you at once and you can own the outfit, but you can't button up or it shows you're not comfortable enough.

On that night, her walking into the gallery with the shirt open almost to her navel and gapping to reveal her tits almost to her nipples, she got a whistle from the artist and decided to own the look by French kissing him, just long enough that it was just as provocative as her shirt. It didn't go unnoticed and she was quickly being "enjoyed" by several other visitors who talked to her and took in her chest. She was happy to show off, including to the artist for whom I noticed she had put her hands in her back pocket to allow him to miss nothing. But she was also able to brush off some guys who were ogling rather than admiring. The fact that she was vulnerable to anyone "ganging" up with others so one guy could talk to her while another checked her out, but that she was also able to enjoy most of it while turning away a few unwanteds makes for an enjoyable mix.
My wife reminded me of the most important thing, sometimes showing a little skin is the best way to wear a dress. She wore a see through ribbed tank over high-waisted black pants with multiple buckle details and black leather boots to dinner yesterday. A top with matching detail would have been too much, but a plain white top would have been out of place. The crisp white ribbed tank that allowed her nipples and areolae to show through and left her broad shoulders mostly uncovered was perfect. A bra or pasties would have wrecked the look.
My wife is a bit of an exhibitionist and has been for years now, we have an open marriage (permanent hall pass) so no big deal, she is a cock teaser, never wears panties. Wears her skirts to her knees, not pretentious, always wear a bra, shelf type or sheer ,depending on where we are going she may band aid nipples. She has awesome body 34D's that are still firm and I love seeing the younger guys drool! Has done several nude photo shoots with pros. I love this woman!

At a party some years back she flashed her puss to a guy (husband of a friend) and he followed her to bathroom and got a first class BJ. That night was good for her, she got laid and sucked two guys and no body at party was wise, not even me.! Those were the good old days!
By Biguns
Why do some men like their wives exposed? Good question but you might also ask why do some women enjoy exposing themselves. Human natures makes us love to see what we are not suppose to see. There is a joy in seeing another person's spouse naked. There is also a joy in showing what your not suppose to show and seeing others reactions. When I flash, my husband loves to see the face of the people watching. Many men are like little boys, they will try to act innocent while looking because they want to see. Others will open their eyes and mouth wide open and gawk. It is exciting to think about what the person is thinking and imagine them trying to tell their friends what they saw.
When I was younger, I was possessive. If someone looked at my significant other "too hard", I would get "roid rage" (even though I wasn't on steroids lol!!)

Then I got hitched. At the time I was just starting to explore nudism. I knew that in order to get into a resort, I would need my wife with me, so I patiently tried to convince her. I also knew it meant men would see her naked; should she choose to undress.
The first try she went naked; but only out of people's sights in the back of the resort. A couple of people saw her naked but that didn't bother me. I was just happy she got naked.
The second and third time she got naked by the pool. But she was still very shy and used her sarong to cover up when someone looked at her. So it didn't bother me.

I think it was her fifth or sixth time when she started to find confidence. At that point she had met and befriended some nudists, and had gotten comfortable. She actually liked being naked around them; although she was still a bit shy about her naked body.
It was one week end where we decided to spent an entire day at a resort. She made the unexpected choice to shave smooth before heading out. Once we got there, she sat right by the pool, and proceeded to apply lotion. She particularly applied lotion to her newly shaven coot. And I saw men looking. My blood pressure shot up. I leaned over to her and mentioned that people were looking at her. And she basically shut me up. She didn't care! There was nothing I could really do.

I'm not sure where this sudden "openness" came from; but I think it was one of our female friends, who was a bit of n exhibitionist. I think my wife liked her approach and adopted it to get over her shyness. It worked.
It didn't take long for me to get over my possessiveness though. I realized that I actually liked guys checking out my wife! It made me proud of the fact that people appreciated her naked body.
From there she went from shy nudist to overexposed nudist! She started to prefer sitting/lying around with her legs open; and I went from possessive to encouraging. If I caught someone looking at her I would give them a sly smile or a wink!
The first time my wife, then girlfriend, wore a light-colored thin stretch knit pair of pants without panties to a party, I didn't notice until I was climbing a flight of stairs behind her how much of her was on display. The pants were little more than a concession to social norms and her ass crack and bush were on full display. A narrow seam in the front provided a little cover, but did nothing to provide the hundred or so folks at the party from seeing everything. The pants were so clingy that some of her bush hair was actually poking through, though I only noticed that when I was able to look very closely at home. At times, she bent over to take a photo, and a keen observer or two, fortified by drink, got a good peek at the back door. Her top was a cropped flimsy tee that wasn't see through, but made no secret of her nipples, which jiggled slightly behind its perfect looseness.

The reactions were great. There were people staring openly, people positioning to get a look, and people who didn't know her chatting her up just to get close to those tits. What I marveled at was her complete confidence in the attention and her lack of concern at photos being taken. It was a heady evening for me. Her comment to me when we emerged was that that was kind of outfit people talked about. She knew precisely the impact of it. That's the part I enjoy the most.
Shihoin, similar experience here. I've always dated women who liked to dress daringly, but my wife took it to another level. For our first date, I took her to a friend's bar for a drink before dinner. We got in early, before he was really busy for the evening. It was late fall, and a little cold so she had on a leather jacket. We sat at the bar, so we could talk to our friend for a bit and then leave and go to dinner. They got talking and hit it off and casually mid-conversation she removed her jacket to hang it on the purse hook under the bar. Nothing special there, except what she had on was a lingerie top without a bra. Between the utterly graceful removal and hanging up of the coat and the full-on appearance of her tits on the scene, I recall a mental cymbal going off in my head. She was comfortable as my friend gave her chest a frankly appraising look and she knew precisely how to display it to perfection through the entire undressing process. It was poised and clearly practiced. My friend remains a fan of her tits to this day. The bar filled up and, unsurprisingly, she got a lot of attention and stares, which she took with in her stride. When we got up to go to dinner, she asked my friend to hold the jacket for me to come by and get later. Dinner was a reservation in an intimate setting, but the walk from the car to the restaurant was full of staring people checking our her chest. What was remarkable was how quickly I got used to and started to enjoy walking in with a confident woman on my arm.
I think I gained some insight into Biguns question on why women enjoy exposing themselves. With the holiday season upon us, we were invited to a small dinner put together by some of my wife's co-workers at one of her clients. Not an official thing, but with some fairly senior folks in attendance. I dressed formally, but saw my wife dressing in a dress that was slit high, backless and with a halter front that was very see through, just enough cover to not get thrown out of a restaurant, but not enough to hide anything. When my wife moved, it was easy to see a nude body in motion with the dress more accent than concealment. Though beautiful, the dress was designed more to show off a well-toned back and occasional full length of leg than itself. I had a minor concern about her being too under-dressed, but she's often very under-dressed and her clients clearly enjoy it, so I was only slightly concerned.

I needn't have been, because as soon as I got there, a female colleague said something like, "Wow, we don't see you like this at work," and the other joined in with similar compliments. The atmosphere was comfortable and my wife tucked a lot of her dress between her legs, allowing a lot of her leg and back to show through the plate glass front window of the restaurant to those colleagues standing outside for a smoke. Those across the table from her got to stare at a pair of beautiful tits behind a closely-knit black mesh that did wonders for them in the dim light. At one point, my wife had deftly slid forward on her stool, allowing the dress to drape over the stool and away from her toned ass. There was some seriously tantalizing crossed leg that stopped short of being very very revealing, but it was clear that my wife was enjoying her colleagues' close examination of her body just as much as they were enjoying looking at it. A little sensual, but mostly just fun with taboo.

When we got home, she shrugged off he dress and cupped her hand over her pussy. "Want to see the only bit everyone didn't see this evening?" The question was rhetorical. She caught me smiling at the use of "this evening".
While my wife was walking around our room after her bath, giving our neighbor to the rear his daily fill of her nude body, I remarked that her landing strip had grown into a beautiful plume that not only covered her pussy lips, but looked great doing so. It stood out from her pale skin like an artistic banner of sexiness. She must have enjoyed the compliment a great deal because she emerged from the closet wearing one of her high-slit dresses that could be made to provide a crotch flash easily, with a skimpy chain mail bikini bottom underneath. It looked great, but just wasn't as dramatic as the uncovered plume. We went out without the mail, but with the dress. I picked a local pizza place with low lighting and high tables. By the the time I got to our table with drinks, my wife, ever the exhibitionist expert, had arranged her dress so that only a very narrow angle of view, available for a split second to those walking by showed off everything. I made sure to sit within that narrow angle and my wife enjoyed teasing me by casually fingering her crotch from time to time.
Powderman, my wife has gained her mastery of the intentional crotch slip very recently, after she discovered she could have quite a bit of fun by coming into my study in a shirt and letting it fall open while she sat on a chair across from me at my glass-topped desk. The unflinchingly exposed leg, both hiding her from view and revealing the view on offer on the other side and the beautifully exposed bush that she would casually stroke during the meal were masterfully provocative.

Today's outfit was a top with dime-sized holes the rounded square shape of construction safety barrier holes. Not only was it no cover, but the dark mesh made her nipple color stand out, almost comically. A light loose jacket worn open provided enough light block to show off her boobs without highlighting her nipples too much. I found myself staring, a lot.
the term is candaulism. the enjoyment of allowing other guys to see our women naked..comes from our own enjoyment and a need to share.
Last edited by RavenVW on Thu Dec 28, 2017 1:59 pm, edited 1 time in total. Reason: included a link for another site (wikipedia)
of course the fact that she is somewhat shy and still has a closet exhibitionist streak in her helps. so if I am the one showing her, she has little responsibility in it. SO WE get the enjoyment, while I get the blame if it goes abit wonky, like her coworker sees them....well, I think anyway. but it's still good. If he sees them and beds her for whatever reason..it's a win-win
When it comes to claiming to have secured my approval, my wife is much the same.

She once elected to wear a very revealing see through gold colored top with revealing mesh inserts to our favorite weekend lunch place. The weather was great, and we were on the patio, the wife leaning back on the chair confidently showing off. The slight movement of her breathing was drawing attention to her very visible nips behind the mesh. The gold color accented the very exhibitionist nature of the ensemble. One of her coworkers spotted us and instead of just saying hello sat down and spent the better part of thirty minutes shamelessly taking in the view on offer, basically just staring at her tits. When he was gone, my wife implied that she relied on me to make sure she wasn't showing too much. I decided not to say anything that might ruin a good thing.

A few months later, we were invited to a boozy party where we expected some of her coworkers to be present and she emerged wearing a cheap party dress purchased online that was little more than a thin wrap that hid nothing to covered. The neck plunged and she asked me for an opinion on the potential for a nip slip. The dress was tight and looked secure and I said so, but it was funny because you could see her nips right through the dress. When we arrived at the party, there were audible gasps at her outfit, but the crowning achievement was a drunk female coworker cornering my wife and sliding her hand into her dress to fondle a provocatively exposed tit. With no underwear, sweat from extended dancing drenching it and the thin fabric doing nothing to restrain bouncing tits, my wife was thoroughly on display. I didn't see it, but I'm sure a few crotch slips were delivered as well. A few days after, I asked her to put the dress on again to entertain me in the privacy of our bedroom and she laughed and said, "No, it shows too much."

Always enjoy your sharing stories and comments. Like you, I like showing off my Ginger. We are planning a date next Saturday. Ginger always uses a date opportunity to purchase new clothing. Ginger is a funk girl; loves funky music. We are going out to see her favorite band. It is at a Mexican restaurant. That means margaritas or mojitos. Both put Ginger in a fun dancing mood.

She showed me a stripped top she purchased for the date. Maybe it is just luck or designers place strips in the appropriate spot. I had her move around for different lighting angles when she modeled. The sheer black bra was clearly visible. I had her remove the bra. Very nice look. Great breast profiles; 38dd

The goal is to have some adult beverages, dancing and we should be able to convince her to remove the bra. The lighting from the band should help with the view. Like you she depends on me for guidance, but I want to have fun.

Hopefully I will have some photos.
Thanks, sjd. Sounds like you have a fun evening planned.

Alcohol can help. When she was still a girlfriend, my wife once indicated to me that she'd be far more charming slightly drunk. I obliged with a pre-date beverage or few and she requested that we stop by her home on the way to dinner. I did and she quickly changed into a long backless halter neck dress with a sheer top. When we got to the restaurant, there was a short wait of about ten minutes. My wife instructed me to seat myself on the bench while she stood leaning against a sideboard in the waiting area facing the restaurant. The area was dimly lit by wall sconces, but she knew well they would make her top see through as she leaned back against the sideboard. For ten glorious minutes, the patrons and I got to view some beautifully exposed breasts against a dark maroon and gold backdrop, after which my wife swept to the relative privacy of our booth.
For starters I am very proud of my wife and I am not afraid to show it or her off weather it be in public with her dressed provocatively or down right slutty I rather enjoy knowing she turns on other men and some women. She has worked very hard at keeping in shape and when she's read tasteful comments or has gotten those smiles of approval or even ogled weather its when she's with me or by herself or when she is out with her girlfriends and some guys flirt with her it turns us both on. My wife when we first met was a diamond in the rough and by that I mean she had very low self esteem because she had been mentally beaten down by her ex douschebag husband. She dressed frumpy hardly made eye contact with people and never thought of herself as attractive. She would always say I said whatever it took to get laid, not entirely untrue but I looked at her and could see past the shy modest librarian look and could see this vixen who hadn't yet come close to her sexual potential. Her first experience of being exposed in public was at a nude beach where she was admired but realized that she really did look attractive and it gave her a new sense of pride in herself. She's read some tasteful comments and has actually blushed. I can't stand the degrading distastefully crude remarks like I've seen on other boards that why I won't even bother with them and like it here. Everyone seem to have class and we both appreciate that
Sounds like you and your wife have a lot to be proud of, fastglass.

My wife was an exhibitionist before I met her, but even she enjoys having a supporting husband and uses it to push further than she would on her own. My own reputation is serious, so it is fun to be with someone who is more provocative. My wife enjoys this role, in addition to just showing off, and I enjoy surprising people who don't know her and make assumptions based on what they know of me.

I like your inclusion of the downright slutty. My wife loves wearing see through tops braless and shows off her tits very often, even in public and at work. She has a lot of style and dresses carefully, but knows the power of just simply baring it all, whether at an evening work party, at dinner with a couple, or at a public event like a gallery opening. She realizes that people talk behind her back, but she enjoys the slutty reputation with those people. I'll never get tired of the sight of my wife talking to someone in public with her tits in full view.
My wife used to care when people talked about her but she now knows its petty jealousy. At the nude beach its a level playing field so to speak and the one thing that she liked the most was of course people are admiring her body as well as everyone else but when they talk to you they look you in the eyes not stare at her tits.

We keep that part of our life on the downlow if you will for several reason and the few assholes I know locally don't have the balls to go to the nude beach, clothed gawkers aren't tolerated.

I guess in her case as well as others with low self esteem they need to have that defining moment that boosts their ego enough to tear down the walls they have been hiding behind. I would venture to say and would be curious to know if I was wrong that there isn't a woman on those beaches that doesn't have a good self image of herself. Same goes for those flirtatious situations like purposely bending over in a short skirt to get something off the bottom shelf or leaning across a counter so a young clerk can get a nice cleavage shot or maybe a nipple peek. I'm a pretty intimidating looking guy so I guess I am her safety and security whihc is the way its supposed to be anyway
My wife always tries to make it comfortable for people to look and enjoy, but the gawker types are annoying and she always enjoys the guy who keeps his eyes up and talks normally while also acknowledging her efforts.

My favorite example was an artist friend who whistled out loud spontaneously when we landed up at his gallery with her shirt unbuttoned and tucked into her jeans in the front to hold it closed, exposing almost everything, but kept his eyes on her's the entire time. She "rewarded" him with a French kiss held just a little longer than purely innocent. Later on, I saw her standing with her hands in the back pockets of her jeans while the artist stood beside her explaining his work and checking out her "work" at the same time. My wife later described it as a fair exchange.

We don't frequent any nude beaches, but my wife gains the same level of safety by staying within our circle for most of her exhibitionism. We've had a few negative run-ins with people who have tried to cop a feel, but she's well able to handle herself. Confidence goes without saying, I think. I've seen my wife strip down for a massage with a strange man in a foreign country a few times and there isn't the slightest hesitation or discomfort. In fact, she's always graceful doing it, and it is clear that is what is on her mind the entire time as she strips off.
We went out of town to another city for the weekend and rented an apartment overlooking a small artificial lake with a walking path around it that ran between the apartment and the lake. My wife came down topless on Saturday morning and decided to spend the entire weekend in that apartment topless in full view of the passers-by. From cooking in the kitchen to watching TV in the evening, she remained topless and visible. She did it casually and comfortably throwing on a tight-fitting see through sweater worn braless for our excursions into town and the grocery. When it was a little dark, we sat outside, her still topless, but turned towards the house and away from the lake. Her bare back clearly visible to those on the trail and some side view of her bare nipples. The neighbors adjacent to us probably got a good look at her in the low light coming out of the house, but didn't venture out on to their own deck. I realized that it was the longest I'd ever got to look at my wife's tits and discovered a new reason to have her exposed.
My wife has a pair of very revealing woven trousers she likes to wear to late night parties that tend to have lower lighting. They're a great way for her to put her heart-shaped ass on display and let people check it out at leisure, but what's really fun is that her landing strip shows through clearly and it is very plain exactly how she likes to be styled down there. Nearly every single time she wears those pants, I get some slightly drunk guy make some gibberish admiring comment. She tends to be a little more discreet, even one on one, when actually showing off her pussy, but there's something very sexy about a woman who makes no secret of her pubic hair style when in a large group.
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