Political discussions about everything
By johnforbes
In quiet circumstances, perhaps it might be okay to hire a DEI water chick who leaves the reservoirs dry.

Or lesbians as officers in the FIre Department.

However, when forest management has not been done, and dams have been destroyed for lampreys, then chaos ensues.
Mineral Deal?

The thoughts of Mr Forbes are desired here? Well,[…]

The Trump curse...alive and well

Mr Fobes was adept at using the Royal Uniball elec[…]

If you look at any videos from Ukraine, they depic[…]

40 armed agents raiding Mar a Lago, a golf resort.[…]

Yeah, But Trump is not pocketing any money from an[…]

Cold? No, I can't believe your heart is colddddd[…]

Global Cooling

To quote the erstwhile Press Secretary Karine, thi[…]


My wife sometimes likes to wear almost totally unb[…]