Political discussions about everything
By johnforbes
Even in 2020, Joe was senile and could only speak with a TelePrompter.

This was concealed by vast media bias and the pretext of limited gatherings because of covid (even though lockdowns did harm first, thus contravening the dictum of Hippocrates).

Now, in 2024, Joe's senility is beyond denial, so is Michelle the best man for the job?
By Clownkicker
"Now, in 2024, Joe's senility is beyond denial,..."-johnfibs

Tell that to Republican Special Prosecutor Hur who told every one of you scumbag partisan dumbfucks that Biden appeared “to have a photographic understanding and recall."

Republicans get everything they could want in a special prosecutor, a hard-nosed registered Republican, and now Dishonestjohn pretends Hur is just another RINO who can be ignored the same way he ignores anyone who has the gall to tell him something Republicans don't want to hear. (i.e. the truth)
By Clownkicker
"This was concealed by vast media bias and the pretext of limited gatherings because of covid (even though lockdowns did harm first, thus contravening the dictum of Hippocrates)."-johnfibs

Apparently the COVID lockdowns and mask mandates have reaped a huge reward for mankind. An entire strain of flu virus that attacked children has been eradicated by the precautions. This is a huge benefit to mankind (johnforbes' tragic misunderstanding of the Hippocrites dictum not withstanding.)
https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/ ... fed4&ei=74

Just goes to show dimwit johnny just how little he knows on the subject, doesn't it.
By Clownkicker
What's apparent is that Dishonestjohn is simply lying about mRNA vaccines again.

And the proof he is lying about them is that he will once again refuse to support his silly claim with any evidence whatsoever.

It's the usual Trump-supporter MO: spew all sorts of conspiracy nonsense and then adamantly refuse to believe the science.
By Clownkicker
I wish you would rephrase it into something original, dimwit.

You've resorted to that tired, unfunny joke at least six or eight times, and for some reason it never gets any funnier.

I guess practice doesn't make perfect for intellectual pygmies like johnforbes.
By Clownkicker
I've done a bit of Dishonestjohn's homework for him. This demonstrates he's lying about vaccines and mortality:

"How Did Mortality Rates from Covid-19 Differ between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated People in a Tertiary Level Hospital of Bangladesh?"

" Abstract

This study aims to find out the difference in mortality rates between vaccinated & non-vaccinated Covid-19 positive patients who were admitted in a tertiary centre (Ward and Intensive care unit) of Bangladesh. Retrospective analysis of data over 6 weeks in February 2022- March 2022, 100 confirmed Covid-19 positive patients were included- 50 patients from ICU and 50 patients from ward irrespective of age, gender, vaccination status and co-morbidities. Seventy five percent (75.0%) of all confirmed Covid-19 positive patients were vaccinated. Mortality among vaccinated people was less compared to non-vaccinated population 41.3% vs. 52%. Interestingly it was found pregnancy was the most significant risk factor in childbearing age female group- 86.7% of patients (pregnant and peripartum) required Intensive care admission and mortality was 40.0% although none of them had any recorded co-morbidities. Again, mortality among vaccinated was significantly less (35.7%) compared to 100.0% mortality among unvaccinated. Mortality rate among patient admitted in intensive care was significantly high compared to patients treated in ward- 72.0% vs. 16.0%. In ICU 83.0% of patients who died were vaccinated (90.0% had 2 doses and 10.0% had 3 doses). On the other hand, 87.5% who died in ward were unvaccinated. Among the survivors from intensive care units- 93.0% were vaccinated compared to 7.0% unvaccinated. Pre-existing co-morbidities increased mortality (59.0%) compared to 40.9% mortality in patients without any previous medical conditions. We found vaccination against Covid-19 reduces the rate of death irrespective of co-morbidities or severity of disease. Recovery rate was significantly increased in vaccinated patients requiring intensive care support.--NIH

Conclusion: Fuck partisan shitbag johnforbes and the deadly conspiracy theories he rides in on every time he posts his dishonest, unsupported Trumpian bullshit.
By johnforbes
Mr Forbes is not a MD.

However, Bill Gates -- who dropped out of his first year of undergrad to sell software he couldn't write -- now pretends to be an expert in science and medicine.

Sure, Clowntoker is an esteemed alum of Ace's Barber School in downtown Mosquito Bite, Alabama, but that doesn't make Clown an expert either.
By Clownkicker
johnny, admitting that your posts are nonsense from a non-expert that may be ignored does not make you look better.

Meanwhile, my post was not a product of my mind. It is a product of the minds of scientific medical experts. And because they are experts, you choose to ignore them because what they say doesn't jibe with your daily consumption of unsupported partisan propaganda.

Why you have now chosen to abandon science in favor of made up stupid shit from your handlers is baffling.
By johnforbes
The posts from Clowntoker certainly are nonsense.

Or -- more properly -- leftist nonsense.

The posts from the esteemed Forbes are fantastic, fabulous, and farsighted, not to mention cogent, concise, and coherent.

Clowntoker gave them 3 thumbs up.*

* As some here already know, Clowntoker has 3 thumbs and his hand look somewhat like a catcher's mitt. Not ideal for typing, of course, but they do help his swimming.
By Clownkicker
"The posts from His Lordship certainly are nonsense.
Or -- more properly -- leftist nonsense."-johnflubs

Amazing, johnforbes is now calling scientific studies "leftist"

No wonder Republicans have repudiated all science.
By johnforbes
Surprisingly, Scientific American has leaned to the Left for decades.

Science should be utterly neutral, and seek only truth.

Yes, Mr Forbes is idealistic, but those feelings are simply part of his many virtues.

Feelings, nothing more than feelingssssssssssssssssssssssssss
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