Political discussions about everything
Since the original VW site went down and all the former posts were lost, I feel it is incumbent upon me to reiterate my earlier prediction.

The Dog Eating failure, Hussein MaoBamma, is going to get his ass handed to him in November in a landslide that will make Jimmy Carter's defeat look like a squeaker.

We note with interest that many of the Useful Idiots have chosen to abandon VW. This we ascribe to their realizing a golden opportunity to avoid having their noses rubbed into the Dog Eater Hussein's defeat.

Save Bilbo the Dildo. He soldiers on, ignoring the evidence of his own eyes.

God bless you Dildo. Perhaps you can locate the former poster known as Driver Don (another Useful Idiot).
The two of you can get together and wring out each others crying towels.
Dog I dont think so. Most are being silent on this like the union members in my neighborhood. Not one will vote for him again and they are voting for Mitt. Not many have been outspoken on this but have in the shadows admitted Obama is not good and Mitt does stand above him. My friend has admitted all his union buddies are talking behind the bosses to get Mitt in.
namngulfvet wrote:Dog I dont think so. Most are being silent on this like the union members in my neighborhood. Not one will vote for him again and they are voting for Mitt. Not many have been outspoken on this but have in the shadows admitted Obama is not good and Mitt does stand above him. My friend has admitted all his union buddies are talking behind the bosses to get Mitt in.
LOL...that's really funny how you weave a story.

Christie just went on record that if Romney doesn't win he will run for the presidency in 2016. Now that's a vote of confidence for Romney !

Indirectly he is saying he isn't even sure that Romney will beat Obama this November. No wonder he wont take the VP slot for Romney.

Lol....go ahead keep us entertain with your bedtime stories. Christie just made you look like a clown and a liar. lol...
namngulfvet wrote:Whats the matter Themission did I break your little arrogant liberal heart. Facts are facts my little liberal toad. I really dont care if you believe it or not but get ready for a heart break.
Really laughing out loud....this is hilariously...borderline delusional and ignorance.

Everybody reading this post...did you just read namgulfvet's response ? lol....How can he say facts are facts when the election hasn't even happen yet ?

Did you notice how he didn't even directly refute the comment of Christie ? His own leader does not even have confidence on Romney to win this November. And he's so confident even about it that he says it in public right in the middle of a campaign. At least have some decency and be a team player for now even if you think Romney won't win this November.

To quote Rush Limbaugh when the republicans lost the elections he said, "I'm tired of carrying the water cooler."

Go ahead Namgulfvet continue carrying the water cooler. Your are doing a great job.

hahaha....so hilarious !
namngulfvet wrote:Dog I dont think so. Most are being silent on this like the union members in my neighborhood. Not one will vote for him again and they are voting for Mitt. Not many have been outspoken on this but have in the shadows admitted Obama is not good and Mitt does stand above him. My friend has admitted all his union buddies are talking behind the bosses to get Mitt in.

1 response = Look who's not voting for Romney and is even saying it in public Chris Christie.

Go ahead water cooler carrier namngulfvet continue carrying it while your own party leaders betray you in public. You now look like a liar. How can we believe your every post now when your own party says you are lying ?

Bwahahaha !!!! lol...
We there is no abuse of power by corporations and large businesses there is no need for unions. Until that time occurs, there is a need for a balance of power and government regulation of both corporations and unions to insure real free market capitalism and no abuse of power or collusion.
BilboBagend wrote:We there is no abuse of power by corporations and large businesses there is no need for unions. Until that time occurs, there is a need for a balance of power and government regulation of both corporations and unions to insure real free market capitalism and no abuse of power or collusion.
What complete and utter BULLSHIT!
" I am definitely not pro-union, but I find it very difficult to believe that there is even ONE union member anywhere who would think that Mitt is not bad for unions. His record should speak for itself. "

Dog, If you think it is going to be unions that keep Odumbass in office you are so very wrong......

Union members make up less then 5% of the American workforce and right now about 3% of those union members are sitting home/on the bench, with no work what so ever.

If anything, The entire Walker vs the Union's situation, has pushed even more independents back to the right.....
Leroy wrote:
BilboBagend wrote:We there is no abuse of power by corporations and large businesses there is no need for unions. Until that time occurs, there is a need for a balance of power and government regulation of both corporations and unions to insure real free market capitalism and no abuse of power or collusion.
What complete and utter BULLSHIT!

Well....let's see what you got Leroy....what is it that you don't agree with what BilboBagend posted ? Avoid the name calling just respond with facts.

Prove to everybody reading this post why you call it complete and utter bullshit. And let's see who is more intelligent and makes sense between the right and the left.
themission1428 wrote:
namngulfvet wrote:Dog I dont think so. Most are being silent on this like the union members in my neighborhood. Not one will vote for him again and they are voting for Mitt. Not many have been outspoken on this but have in the shadows admitted Obama is not good and Mitt does stand above him. My friend has admitted all his union buddies are talking behind the bosses to get Mitt in.

1 response = Look who's not voting for Romney and is even saying it in public Chris Christie.

Go ahead water cooler carrier namngulfvet continue carrying it while your own party leaders betray you in public. You now look like a liar. How can we believe your every post now when your own party says you are lying ?

I hear crickets Namgulfvet....what's the matter you can answer this post based on facts ? I thought republicans are fact based when it comes to their arguments.

Republicans are like cockroaches...when you shine the light of truth they all scamper back in the dark.

Bwahahaha !!!! lol...
themission1428 wrote:
Leroy wrote:
BilboBagend wrote:We there is no abuse of power by corporations and large businesses there is no need for unions. Until that time occurs, there is a need for a balance of power and government regulation of both corporations and unions to insure real free market capitalism and no abuse of power or collusion.
What complete and utter BULLSHIT!

Well....let's see what you got Leroy....what is it that you don't agree with what BilboBagend posted ? Avoid the name calling just respond with facts.

Prove to everybody reading this post why you call it complete and utter bullshit. And let's see who is more intelligent and makes sense between the right and the left.
Why, you don't ask Dildumb to prove his claims when he makes one-liners.

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