Political discussions about everything
Even in famously abortion-friendly California there is justice for abortion foes. On June 21, the San Francisco County Superior Court threw out 14 of the 15 felony counts that California Attorney General Xavier Becerra had brought against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, the anti-abortion activists who had made widely circulated undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials haggling and joking over the compensation they expected to receive for supplying the organs of fetuses aborted at Planned Parenthood clinics to for-profit “tissue-procurement” companies.
Chalk one up for the good guys. Now David and Sandra need to sue Planned Parenthood's ass off.
And what damn difference does it make. The tissue is for research to help all of mankind. It's not like it's being used to make lampshades
Have you considered those making a profit of terminating their lives do so for the money? Make it a crime to profit from an abortion and it will stop.

johnny, you claim to have a JD yourself, and no in[…]

Once you see it you can’t unsee it. An impossible[…]

So Much Winning!!!!

I knew this thread would be here, lol . Anyway, no[…]

"They relied on serial liar Cohen who admitte[…]

^^^^^^^^Look at 'im squirm.^^^^^^^^ When johnforb[…]

johnny, you made it up, as you make up everything […]

The Meaning of Life

In some of his 8,241,025 postings over his 78 year[…]

A short while after I started dating my wife I fou[…]