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By Skeetz
Love all of Dave Dudleys songs, Grump! "Phantom 309" is probably my favorite, but in this situation I think this one is appropriate . . . .http://youtu.be/U3X3npWjxCc

Kinda' reminds me of Sunny, in a country sorta' way!

Oops, this just in from a reliable source! New bikini pics just posted, looks like she came through for ya' Grump!
Gota' Love this girl!
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By FastFive
Sunnydays wrote:Anyway, aside from the suit pics I take all my own photos, which is one reason I look like I have one arm sometimes. My camera connects to my cell phone via wifi and I have an app that turns my cell phone into a remote shutter.
Self-shot pics are no easy feat. You do them well. :D

Remote shutters are good, and so is burst shooting on a timer. If your camera does it, you can set it to snap a pic every second (or 5, 10, etc.) and then you'll get a whole bunch as you move from pose to pose in front of the camera. Keep the great shots, delete the rest.

Oh, the last (and most important step) is keep sharing with us. :mrgreen:
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By Coffjr
Sunny, I'll echo Rock in saying Hubba, Hubba! You look great in and out of those bikinis. We are a very friendly and encouraging bunch here on COFF Town Hall, I hope you have fun posting and talking with us. I can already tell that you fit right in, more ways than just one. ;) Keep giving Skeetz hell, someone has to. :lol:
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By Skeetz
Trust me Jr. she doesn't need any encouragement in that area, but I really don't mind because she looks so damn fine when she's bawling me out! LOL :D

And the make up sexting is Awesome! (I'm sure I'm going to pay for that comment!)
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By Sunnydays
Thank you all! It's a very nice welcome indeed!

Skeetzy.... you are off the hook this time because of the absolutely delicious goodies that arrived yesterday.

All non beach photos are taken by myself. I love the wifi connection with my iPhone. I can turn flash on/orr, set a timer if i need my hands, and change all sorts of settings right from my phone. The best part is I can see the shot before taking it which eliminates most of the bad shots. Plus, I can transfer to my computer right from the iphone.

The only thing I wish I had was a remote tripod. So most of my shots are shot from one position unless I move the tripod.

Mr. Sunny absolutely hates cameras. But he did a good job on the beach photos. Mostly because he wasn't in them. Wait.... he doesn't want to be in them so taking was the less of 2 evils.

He retired as of 1/16/15. I've informed him that since he's Impeding on my alone time for whatever I choose to do, he is going to be my photographer. I can't wait till the weather gets better so he'll golf more. I miss my girlfriend time!!!

He did a good job on these photos as well. He was even my wardrobe consultant today! On the other hand, he'll do pretty much anything where the Pats and Sox are concerned. lol Yep, he's from Boston and that's the language we speak....Pats and Sox.
2015 1-31 Patriots 540.JPG
2015 1-31 Patriots 529.JPG
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By rockclimber
Jbe wrote:This is a nice way to Recycle Old Jeans.... but I like what Honora did with her jeans back on page 54 MUCH better! :oops: :oops: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: ;) ;) ;)
That's not even debatable. You got me to look though!

Sunny, those are smokin! I have an IR remote I use. That works for me. I did buy a new camera recently that works off the phone app. It takes 360-degree video and stills so it doesn't have a whole lot of application yet. It is a cool thing though.
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By Skeetz
Sunny, sweetheart, what makes you think that I'm even remotely interested in wriggling off that hook? I am permanently caught and looking forward to a life sentence!

I'm very pleased that you are enjoying the goodies, but those meager morsels are no were near as tasty as you in those jeans! We can talk about the Pats gear later, and I won't even mention deflated balls! (the Logo is a nice touch btw,)

Don't know why, but I'm in a Country music mood. Not sure if it's because of Grumpy or Sunny's tight jeans . . . . oh hell yes, I am quite sure! http://youtu.be/-cHaufA26B8
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By 327retro
Sunnydays wrote:It's not often I get a request to put on clothing. lol But sure! Here you go....yellow and white.

I think a post of mine is missing. I know they are being reviewed before they get posted. Hopefully that won't last forever.
2014 11-12 yellow 60001.JPG
2014 11-9 white 50884.JPG
Thank you Miss Sunny. Good lord you look gorgeous in those suits young lady. I am a tad partial to you in the yellow if I may say. Love your wonderful sexy attitude. Only in your 30's you have the world by the tail Sunny. ♥ ♥ ♥
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By 327retro
Skeetz wrote:Love all of Dave Dudleys songs, Grump! "Phantom 309" is probably my favorite, but in this situation I think this one is appropriate . . . .http://youtu.be/U3X3npWjxCc

Kinda' reminds me of Sunny, in a country sorta' way!

Oops, this just in from a reliable source! New bikini pics just posted, looks like she came through for ya' Grump!
Gota' Love this girl!
Del Reeves? Damn-it man wish I live through those good'ol days. @ only 39 I have to live viciously through your experience. ;) :P :)

Your reliable source came through in spades Skeet. Miss Sunny is one Foxy Lady whether partially clothed or "J" bird naked. Were pleasantly getting outnumbered with exceptionally lovely ladies here. Certainly doesn't get to much better me thinks.
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By 327retro
[quote="Jbe"]This is a nice way to Recycle Old Jeans.... but I like what Honora did with her jeans back on page 54 MUCH better! :oops: :oops: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: ;) ;) ;)[/quote

I tried that with Sugar once. Well slightly modified Daisy Dukes ;) truth be told. Do you know that look a woman gives you and your glad there isn't a weapon of some sort near by when one is done cutting and she tries them on. I thought she looked fantastic. She wasn't amused. Always the neighbor thing and skeeter bites. Go figure.
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By 327retro
Sunny with the big game today who are your rooting for? :) With some Team spirit like that I may have to take your side. Don't like the Seahags anyway. ;)
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By 327retro
Skeetz wrote:Sunny, sweetheart, what makes you think that I'm even remotely interested in wriggling off that hook? I am permanently caught and looking forward to a life sentence!

I'm very pleased that you are enjoying the goodies, but those meager morsels are no were near as tasty as you in those jeans! We can talk about the Pats gear later, and I won't even mention deflated balls! (the Logo is a nice touch btw,)

Don't know why, but I'm in a Country music mood. Not sure if it's because of Grumpy or Sunny's tight jeans . . . . oh hell yes, I am quite sure! http://youtu.be/-cHaufA26B8
Good choice in a country song Skeet. I'll add. Hate to see the Ladies leave but sure do love watching them go. Badonkadonk High heels/western style boots tight jeans fantasy flannel shirt tied up just below the lovely tittie line. There's a country boy's fantasy shoot in the making ne thinks. Daisy Dukes wouldn't be out of the question either.

Color me Gone
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By Thinker
Jbe wrote:This is a nice way to Recycle Old Jeans.... but I like what Honora did with her jeans back on page 54 MUCH better! :oops: :oops: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: ;) ;) ;)
I agree that Honora did a much better job.

Here I my take on recycling old jeans. Take them and throw them away...along with those panties, shirt, bra, socks, and shoes. Now stretch in your newly found birthday suit. Fits just right, right? Now go lay out in the sun and soak up the warmth.
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By Thinker
SunnyDays, I see you know how to handle balls. You keep them near your ... You fill out that jersey much better than the players. Would love to see a team looking like you. Much more interesting!
By Jbe
Grumps wrote: Do you know that look a woman gives you and your glad there isn't a weapon of some sort near by....
Nope... never seen that look. :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: Must be reserved especially for you, Grumpy. :lol: :lol:
Thinker wrote:Here is my take on recycling old jeans. Take them and throw them away...along with those panties, shirt, bra, socks, and shoes. Now stretch in your newly found birthday suit. Fits just right, right? Now go lay out in the sun and soak up the warmth.
And THAT is why they call you "Thinker". You definitely have a better idea! :D :D
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By rockclimber
I didnt go down this morning but I DID last night, he he........

Fishnetties were deployed, much sheet rumbling and heel marks on my back......
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By Skeetz
I have no idea what you were talking about! Are you speaking in tongues or what? I think I understand you better when you write in Gaelic! You gota' splain your self son! :?

Oh never mind, I'm going back to check out Sunny's football jersey, or lack there of. Now her language I understand!
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By rockclimber

That was the start of an old post..... Fish net (gloves or are warmer things with the hole for her thumb, that sorta thing) and dining in were the topic and yes I got scratches from the effort! Good scratches though....

It's impossible to delete a comment here so I guess it will have to stay.

More importantly, Sunny's Abbs are freaking awesome. This last few really show definition!!!

I'm beat up from my weekend but my arousal is tenting from that! Hiontach!

Máthair naofa Dé agus go léir go bhfuil naofa , beidh mo shúile a bheith an gcomhlacht te sexy adhain isteach iad!

There ya go!
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By Skeetz
Gotcha Rock! I think! (maybe I need to rethink that "Gaelic" comment, where's that translation app?)

But I definitely agree, Sunny's abs are awesome, actually her everything is freaking awesome!
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By Sunnydays
Good morning! Thank you for the nice comments!

It is a Go Pats sort of day.... Sun is finally shining. Should be a good day for football and golf.
2015 1-31 Patriots 548.JPG
2015 1-31 Patriots 546.JPG
By Jbe
I tried Google Translator and got something like," Holy mother of God and all that is holy...." and something about "eyes and a hot sexy body..."

Bing translator didn't have any idea. We're gonna need your help with this, Rock. :roll: :roll: :? :? :?
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By Skeetz
I did the same John, couldn't make any sense out of it either, kinda' like listening to Grumpy after a few hours around the fire pit with his git-fiddle and a jug of Shine! But what ! did get sounded like it might be blasphemous so I decide to leave it alone.

I much prefer the pictorial language that Sunny speaks! That I can comprehend! Love that girl!
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By FastFive
Sunnydays wrote:
2015 1-31 Patriots 540.JPG
Nothing looks under-inflated there. :mrgreen:
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By rockclimber
those are cheering cushions, with dial in excitement nipples. The 2015 special edition with included massage function......
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By Skeetz
And from what I've seen, the new massage function is a real winner!

Can't wait to get a personal demonstration!
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By rockclimber
You got it John, sunny is just that! I like that line Holy Mother of God and all that is holy hahaha

Hiontach means wonderful!
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By Skeetz
Sunnydays wrote:Good morning! Thank you for the nice comments!

It is a Go Pats sort of day.... Sun is finally shining. Should be a good day for football and golf.
2015 1-31 Patriots 548.JPG
2015 1-31 Patriots 546.JPG

And an even better day for girl watching! Ain't it grand that we've got one of the prettiest girls in the country right here!

This delayed posting thing is a pain in the posterior! Makes it look like we were all ignoring your latest pics Sunny! But believe me, no one here is ignoring you! As if that were even possible!

Enjoy the second half!
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By mandadees
Hey Sunny!

I just have to say hi before bed. Welcome to our hang out. I love your sexy photos! :oops: :oops:

Come help a girl out with any recipes you like and want to share? Xoxo

Guys, I think you found another VW supermodel!
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By Sunnydays
Mandadees.... Thank you so much!

What kind of recipes are you looking for? Anything with chocolate?
2014 12-6 chocolate 525.JPG
2014 12-6 chocolate 516.JPG
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By Skeetz
Manda my love, I know you are right about the supermodel status. But she really hasn't been lost just reluctant. Heck I found her over on RC a whole year ago!

I am very pleased to see her here, and I must admit that the thought of reviving the old "trio of trouble" entered my mind a couple of times. we might have to pay LadyT royalties for the use of the name though!

OK, I really should go to bed before I start dreaming out loud!

But now I see the supermodel herself has made a spectacular return visit while I was typing! All be it in a rather sticky manner!

Sunny, if you go over to the Mandas SMC revived, thread and scroll down a ways you will see that she's heavy into healthy eating! For the life of me I can't understand how a thread I started years ago turned into the health food channel with a healthy sexy attitude thrown in. But hey I'm flexible, I can go with the flow. I'm not quite sure however, if that Crown and Cock thing is considered healthy eating? I think we have a date to get together and explore the issue!

Good night all, say Good night, Gracie!
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By Coffjr
Sunny, I like your idea on receipts! Congrads on supporting the winners of the Super Bowl, Mr Sunny must have been happy at the end of the game.
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By Thinker
Where to start? SunnyDays, glad the game turned out they way you liked. I am sure your hubby liked it too!

I had made queso sauce, chimichurri sauce, and brownies with frosting. A friend marinated flank steak and grilled it. Our tacos were delicious. (Yes, all was from scratch.)

That was a great game. Did not really care who won but glad it was not decided until the last minute, literally.
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By Coffjr
Yeah Skeetzy..... :lol: :lol: :o :lol: :lol:
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By Skeetz
Sunny Dahling, :roll: you know there are, but I'll have to research the archives. It could take a while, you know how easily I'm distaracted when I'm knee deep in your Royally Sexy images!

But anything for you my dear! Let me find my Green Eye Shade 8-) and get to it! If I don't surfice in an hour or so, will some one please dial 9-1-1

Jr. old pal, I'll let you slide this time, but I think you may not meet the eligibility requirments to call me "Skeetzy!" (tongue firmly planted in cheek!) Neither blonde enough or female enough, sorry! It's an Elite club, there has only been one other member before, and she had to get a waver as a Redhead!
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By Sunnydays
I'll try to be patient. But while we're waiting, maybe I'll post a couple of my own favorites....
2014 6-16 red shelf bra (34).jpg
2014 6-16 red shelf bra (1).jpg
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By FastFive
What man doesn't love a pearl necklace? ;)
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By Skeetz
And what man doesn't Love a woman willing to accept a Pearl Necklace!

Sorry to be gone so long but I had to rescue another "Blonde Damsel" indistress, lost in Fresno. So many beauties, so little time!
I decided that rather than monopolize the Old Town Hall, (seems as if I remember being admonished about that once before,) I would start a thread of her very own for this Lovely Creature! And it seems that one of my favorites comes from the same series as these. Geat minds think alike?

Look for it in the Private Shots list. A little, "ZZ Topp" to Enjoy as you Enjoy! http://youtu.be/Ne3XojNonEU
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By Skeetz
Yeah, I know the "Stones" had the more popular version, but who doesn't love Billy Gibbons?
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By Coffjr
Skeetz - Calm down big guy, I was just kidding you. I wouldn't call you that for real. ;)
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By Skeetz
I just couldn't resist giging you a little bit Jr. but I was only half kidding, you know how people will talk! And I'm a little bit giddy with all this attention from the "Gorgeous one!" :oops:

I hope Grumpy doesn't notice, I can only imagine what that crazy redneck might do with it! :?
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By Star
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY looking hot hot hot Sunny. :D :D I luv the white bikini shot :) :) very sexy. :) U definitely got the boys going. :P :P
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By Skeetz
Star, you obviously have considerable experience in that field as well!

I daresay you might just be an expert at "getting the boys going!" Works for me!
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By Star
Hi Skeetz :D YEY thnx hun as long as it works 4 u its all good babe. :) :) :)
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By mandadees
Sunnydays wrote:Mandadees.... Thank you so much!

What kind of recipes are you looking for? Anything with chocolate?
2014 12-6 chocolate 525.JPG
2014 12-6 chocolate 516.JPG
Yummy!!! :)
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By BreeOclaire
Wow...I had a lovely time trying to catch up on all the naughty playful fun going on in here!

Love the pics, Sunnydays...looks like you & hubby sure are having a great time together!

Hope everyone's #FriskyFriday is fabulous ;)
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