Open Discussions about the site
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By trulsfix

So I posted a few pics in Ass Flash and got a few very nice comments that really inspired me to post more. However, the second contribution got a 404 page after some hours and when looking at it under "My contributions" it was categorized "Fuck Flash". Whats the deal with that? Got an answer from the support that when the vulva is visible they will be labeled "Fuck Flash". IMHO my pic wasn't very different from a lot of others showing the same amount of vulva. Does anyone know how things work? Would really like to continue to post but if its so unclear Im a bit – to say the least – hesitant to do so.

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By rockclimber
Hi Liz,

I certainly hope someone got back with you. This is the first I've heard of that to be honest. I agree a lot do show the whole kitty.

No idea why yours would be recategorized and others not?

If you like, post it here. They seem to leave this area alone. Do you have a link to it perhaps? I suspect you'll get plenty of nice compliments here lol.

One thing I never liked was if a contributor had a post go into the RC side they couldn't even see their own stuff without a membership. One wonders if the motivation is when people. Can't even see their own sets?

That's a good question for Diego. I think his email is

One more thing, in here your post will stay up as long as you like, not disappear into the archive after a week.

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By trulsfix
Hi there!
Thx for your kind words, Im very grateful for that. That said, Im dont take it so serious, contributions submitted after mine has been far more revealing than my pics but I dont take it that hard. The only downside, or perhaps the opposite for some, is that I will probably not post again though. I will have to examine how to post here in the forums as you adviced me to.

Have a wonderful day!
By Jbe
Liz, it's easy to post a pic here. When you start a new message look under the dialog box. Click on the "upload attachment" tab. Hit the "browse" button and find the pic on your computer you want to upload. Click "open" and when it comes back to here click on "Add the file". Write something in the dialog box and hit preview. If you like it, hit "Submit"... and Bob's yer uncle.
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By rockclimber
Some recent updates may have solved your issues. Hope things work now.
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By rockclimber
They do. And it's a pleasure knowing some who enjoy it.

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