Exhibitionists meet here!
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By Hornee4you
We like to hike the dreamy draw paved trail in the evening before sunset. Wifey does a lot of flashing on the trail. If a voyeur is very appreciative she even lets them touch her tits sometimes.
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By Hornee4you
Been too hot for hiking. Wife and I are waiting for the weather to cool a bit.

Any interested voyeurs? What would be your voyeur fantasy if you were the lucky person?
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By Thinker
I would be hiking along somewhat bored since no one is around. Then I hear a distant sound...distinct...like a spank...just over the hill crest off the trail. I head in that direction. The spanks get louder. When I get to the top, I see your wife, nude and bound, with her hands up-stretched as the rope goes over a branch and is tied to a tree. Being fully exposed on all sides, you (nude too) circle her and randomly spank parts of her body. She winces when you hit a sensitive spot. Then she sees me and calls out to you to stop. You glance over and motion me to join you. You order her to be silent and suggest that I may be more comfortable nude too. I did not have to be asked twice as I quickly stripped off my clothes...
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By Hornee4you
uvgotmale970 wrote: Fri Jul 02, 2021 10:08 am I am in Troon North Scottsdale
I am a horny single dentist. Would love to watch
Pm me at hornee4you @ Gmail if you would like to set something up. I’m still trying to find an interested voyeur to give a show to

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