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Comey, implies Hillary is stupid

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 12:44 pm
by RealJustme
Comey: Hillary Clinton Still Doesn’t Understand Why She Was Under FBI Investigation

"It shows me that even at this late date [Clinton] doesn't understand what the investigation in her case was about," Comey said. Former FBI Director James Comey said that former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton still doesn’t understand why she was under FBI investigation for using a private email server during an event in Berlin on Tuesday.

Moderator Holger Stark asked Comey if he would apologize to Clinton after the Department of Justice Inspector General report revealed that Comey had used his personal email to conduct FBI business.

“No, and here’s why: again I don’t want to criticize her, but it shows me that even at this late date she doesn’t understand what the investigation in her case was about,” Comey said. “It was not about her use of personal email system, and she didn’t get that during the investigation and for some reason, still does get it.”

“That was not what it was about. It was about communicating about classified topics on that system,” Comey said.

Re: Comey, implies Hillary is stupid

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 8:26 am
by johnforbes
In 2016, on "Face the Nation" Barry O was asked directly when he learned of Hillary's server.

He said in the newspapers along with average citizens.

The IG report showed (page 89, footnote) that that was a lie.

He emailed her, including in enemy lands, on that server when both of them (one a grad of Harvard Law, the other a grad of Yale Law) had to know it was not secure.

Re: Comey, implies Hillary is stupid

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 4:58 pm
by RealJustme
Senator Grassley picked up on Comey's own admission during his interview in Berlin Monday acknowledging Hillary did commit a crime. It's about to get interesting.
Comey “It was not about her use of personal email system, and she didn’t get that during the investigation and for some reason, still does get it.”

“That was not what it was about. It was about communicating about classified topics on that system,” Comey said.

Re: Comey, implies Hillary is stupid

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:38 am
by johnforbes
The genuinely sad aspect of all this is that Comey (and Hillary) both knew she very clearly broke 18 USC 793 (and others).

But, even today, the current FBI is apparently NOT reinvestigating this even AFTER it became very clear that the prior FBI had conducted a totally fake "investigation" of Hillary.