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Haha! I just noticed how long my Depeche Mode review was. :lol: I promise my next one will be a little more concise. It was just hard to talk about Violator without highlighting how great every single track was. :?
By all means Fast, keep it detailed. Other people's take on things is always inciteful. It's like a late night bull session with a little Jack and Coke a few friends, music, playing pool, shooting the bull, someone has a guitar, it's all good.

Old school Metric this morning, Empty from Live It Out.

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Buy the whole Album, I'm gonna log off with this line from Too Little Too Late

"... Press your swollen lips to mine... " Emily can write man, she's been my drive buddy now for years. Every once in a while I cheat on her and drift to the radio but it just doesn't do it, ha ha!

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Have a great weekend!
Have a great weekend!
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Rock, your description of a late night bull session sounds so fun, I miss nights like that. I love music...it affects my soul and I crave those moments on when it takes over and my body must move of its own accord. Somehow I've allowed dancing g to stop being part of life and I miss it so much. Nothing has ever helped me get my groove on better than a jam band like the grateful dead.
You have to work to get it back and keep it going. Darn life gets in the way, but lemme spin it around and say it's important to expose your offspring to the wonderful world of music that makes You dance. Let em see you dance and learn to see life from your perspective. Don't lose that.

I will be the first to admit I will forever be grateful for being reignited in my music interests. Decidedly..... I'm an idiot when it come to a. Lot of things, music being but one of them.

I'm like you, I love to dance but duty calls Yada Yada, who has time to get out? Having said that I will be out tonight, go figure lol!

Anyone with a VW wish list pipe up today, that is the topic on the table tonight.

Gonna fly the drone for a bit.....

Here's my contribution for this evening - 1990's Canadian alternative rock group "Matthew Good Band" and later just Matthew Good in his solo career.

(Thus proving that I have listened to some music with no electronic influence after I turned 13...)

I'll admit that I had to quickly skim Wikipedia to get the dates right. I've got everything in the MGB discography and a good junk of his solo work as well, so I didn't remember exactly what was from when (or even which songs were before or after the and broke up).

The first video I remember seeing from MGB was "Apparitions" which was in 1997 (off their Underdogs album). You'll notice I could not find the video on YouTube, which you'll probably understand after watching it. Thematically it is dark, and it probably breaches their Terms Of Service at least 3 times, maybe more. That link is the best quality I could find, and though it's not really good, it's enough to convey just how good a video it actually was.

The song is actually the 3rd single off their second album, but it's definitely the one I remember first thanks to that video. The other singles from that second album include Everything Is Automatic (which started his trend of dropping messages into his videos... subliminal or otherwise... "United Colors of Money", anyone?) and Indestructible. Both are decidedly low-budget, but over the years that hasn't really changed. Production quality got a little better, but generally the videos are simple and non-commercial. Heck, half of them looked like they were filmed with handheld camcorders. Some actually were.

The next album I got was Beautiful Midnight in 1999. The Future Is X-Rated would be my favorite video from that... a great clip featuring the best interlude ever in a music video. :mrgreen: (Interestingly, I discovered this evening that the expression "first world problems" was coined by Matthew Good back in 1995, long before it was ever a meme.) Other great videos include Hello Time Bomb and Load Me Up (which was edited for TV... somehow it was deemed too graphic :lol: ). Other songs on that CD that didn't get videos but are also very excellent were Born To Kill - one of my faves for how it uses symphonic strings together with the rock guitar distortions and just builds and builds and builds - leaving your breathless and hanging at the very end, as well as Jenni's Song.

Side note: I thought I could get through a post without any reference to anything electronic, but I forgot that MGB did a cover of Depeche Mode's "Enjoy The Silence"... but in pure alt-rock style:
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Back to original works...

Their 4th album was The Audio Of Being. More goodness through and through (despite what Matt Good himself thought of the work). Carmelina is another "typical" Matt Good video. Watch it, and you'll see what I mean. :lol:

Of note is that Good did not have a good relationship with his record company. This explains the song Anti-Pop:
There an interesting story behind that song actually. The record company, I had already delivered that entire record to the record company. They use this whole back-channeling system cause the Matthew Good Band was a very political band. We actually weren't all friends to begin with. It was a super political situation, everyone was always trying to basically fuck everyone else over at the exact same time, and I would just puke all day. And my record company called my management who called Dave Genn who said "oh you have to write a hit for the record". So I tried to write the worst song I could possibly come up with. And then you know, in true fucking major record company fashion, they put it on the record. That's how stupid record companies are.
Of course, that was one of the released singles.

If you're still with me up to this part and have watched all the videos I've linked.... here's the payoff!


The disclaimer only makes sense if you've watched MGB for the previous 5 or 6 years. :D

And yes, that is Dale Earnhardt Jr. And yes they actually are friends, partied together a lot, and really did fly Jr's plane all over the USA with a stolen gnome long before Expedia did.

I think I have to call it a night here. Been awake for coming up on 21 hours now... :roll:
You're a real sound hound,aren't you FF? Cool.

Sounds relaxing. I walked my dog this morning - all the songs I listened to began with the letter "S" - it turned out to be a pretty good mix for an upbeat walk in the summer morning sun (read: hot already at 9 am).

a few examples: (I'm not vouching for any of these videos)

Spectacular Views - Rilo Kiley:
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Spiderwebs - No Doubt (I skipped this one today)

Spun - Grouplove:
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Stand Back - The Allman Brothers:
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Stars - Grace Potter and the Nocturnals:
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Then followed by Stars from the Les Miserables soundtrack, sung by Russell Crowe, Stay by Lisa Loeb (skipped), Steal My Kisses - Ben Harper and ended with Stepping Stone by Duffy:
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My walk wasn't that long, I guess, but I did pause a couple times to chat with folks.
Lotsa cool music here!
Still waiting for my comments to be approved before I post some links
Morning HG,

Great selection, thanks. Lots of varying selections here and not a bad one yet!
HappyGal wrote:You're a real sound hound,aren't you FF? Cool.

Sounds relaxing. I walked my dog this morning - all the songs I listened to began with the letter "S" - it turned out to be a pretty good mix for an upbeat walk in the summer morning sun (read: hot already at 9 am).
Your playlist made me laugh... not so much the content, but that fact that the only 2 songs I actually know well enough to identify were the ones you skipped. :lol:
Not music, just a peek at a star before she lit up the sky....

Amy Wine house at 18....

Amy Winehouse at 18 years old:
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She had a sound didn't she.......?

Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Be Happy!!

Pharrell William's huge summer hit still makes me smile..... These three even more so......

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
Happy, Happy, Happy.......  Nuf Said!
Happy, Happy, Happy....... Nuf Said!
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Redhead! :mrgreen:

Yeah yeah I know it's from a bottle... I don't care. I've always thought she was cute regardless.
Bottle is fine, BA are fine, whatever makes a girl happy makes me happy. I don't get people who rant on about fake this or that.

So what?

Beauty begins inside and if a girl wants to die her hair or have a BA or bleach her teeth or wear false lashes, so what? A happy woman makes everything alright.

One of my staff is russian, the drop dead gorgeous kind; we were talking tonight, she said, "what do you want to be? Right or happy?"

I couldn't agree more..... :mrgreen:
I can get into this, might slip a disk though, he he. Rather watch the COFFettes at it......

Whose up tonight?


And a durtier one.....

http://fapon.me/video/247/very-sexy-ama ... ing-naked/

So, which do you like?

Personally, I like to move a little slower....
I've tried to post some replies here 4 times already but never seem to make it through. Very frustrating! Anyway have a bunch of stuff to sift through now.

I've been following some locale Hick Hop/Rap lately. Hey it's the only rap I can understand, gime a break. (give me) :roll: There's a group called the Jawga Boys from just down the road a ways on the Georgia side. They seem to team up with guys from Kentucky all the way down to the deep South.

When you youtube the Jawga Boys pick out a vid, when that ends several options will appear, you can go from there. There are the Moonshine Bandits, PFE, The Lacs, Young Gunner, Big SMO, Joe Diffy, Moccasin Creek and a host of others. There is some tongue in cheek of course, but it's redneck what do you expect. Give you a hint, Mud Grips Every ware is one song. If ya'll have never been Mud Boggin or to an event you have no idea what they mean.

For shits & giggles check them out. Welcome to my neck of the woods. I'm the mild mannered redneck don't ya know. :lol:
Hot Hollie gots legs
Hot Hollie gots legs
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For Hollie,

The perfect song for those perfect legs....!

And a little inspired rework of your Masterpiece!

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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One of my all time favorite bands is MUSE. Matt Bellamy's voice alone stirs something within me :oops: Fast, you mentioned if you were stuck on an island and could only have 5 albums / CD's, The Resistance has been played so much that it's completely memorized. There are only a few songs from that album that I would skip over. I knew only a little about them but I saw them open for U2 about 5 years ago and I was hooked! I was lucky to make it to one of their concerts last year.

A GREAT song from that album is "Undisclosed Desires" and it sounds awesome when turned up wayyy up! Fast, if you read this, tell me what you think cause I think it has a Depeche Mode feel to it. Such talent though that this particular song isn't their "usual" style and they can go from rock to symphonic and all in between. I like to listen to them while I'm cleaning :lol: to get through the mundane tasks at hand. And it's more fun to use the broom handle as an imaginary mic :lol:

Here is the video to my favorite song of theirs, but I don't care much for the woman who dances in it (she is good but it just doesn't fit the song, IMO)

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Some concerts that are still on my list to see are Foo Fighter, Weezer, Paul McCartney to name a few. What are some concerts on your list? << Curious to know anyone's. I saw Don Henley in concert about 10 years ago and he sounds unbelievably good! Very entertaining too; he didn't just sing but talked to and engaged the audience. A few Eagles songs were thrown in too. :)

A few pics from the MUSE concert:
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Honora, Muse is pretty cool studio and live, an excellent band to see twice. Resistance is huge on my play list as well. I particularly like The 2nd Law. The track Madness I think the video link below illustrates the innovative role the Misa Digital Kitara played in the album.

The Kitara fascinates me, I had an order in for one when they decided to suspend manufacturing. I talked with the developer by email hoping to weasel one more out of them, no luck btw, and he shared a little about the developing second generation and I think it was worth the wait. The new Misa Tri Bass is out now and I am hoping for a birthday surprise but I just may break down and order it next week!

Here's the link:

Muse - Madness:
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I have a few concerts coming up, Luke Bryant for one. He puts on a great concert.

Ooh, that is a good song. Yep, I can definitely hear the Depeche Mode that you're hearing in it. (And yeah, that dancer makes no sense at all in the video... :? )

I've heard of Muse before, but I checked my iTunes library and don't have anything by them. I was trying to figure how I know them, and listening to the sample clips of each song on iTunes I recognize a few... must've been radio where I'd heard them. "Uprising" is one that I think I've heard on the radio, and I just listened to "Starlight" and that's one I definitely have heard before. I think that the next time I go on an iTunes spending spree I'll get a few of their songs... Undisclosed Desires for sure, as well as Madness for starters.

I think maybe the reason I never picked them up before was that their stuff came out around the same time as a few of the other "80s inspired" bands released stuff. Bands like The Killers, The Bravery, Wolfmother and others all kinda' blended into each other to one degree or another in the mid 2000s and I guess Muse got lost to me.

Just listening to more sample clips as I type this out and I'm recognizing a few other songs as well.

[Edit: Had to fix typos. Any more that you may find are entirely the fault of my iPad. Or my lack of sleep.
Still no comments showing up at all. Nothing after day 1.
I'm hoping I get out of purgatory soon...I really want to comment on some of this stuff!
Well you're up to 10 now... I think that's the point you can post automatically.

In any case, even if they don't show up... keep posting. They'll be approved eventually and we'll see them then.
NO long winded albums tonight...

Just a couple of great songs. :D

My theme song (in a perfect world):
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Another great American HiFi song:
" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; (holy crap I can't believe that song's already 11 years old!!!)

(both really great to sing as loud as you can in traffic)

My other theme... (I wish):
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Finishing the theme:
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G'nite. :mrgreen:
Those were great songs Fast, and I have never heard of The Guild or The Faint. My favorite American HiFi song is "Another Perfect Day" and now that I think about it, that is even more than 10 years ago that I first heard it.
The Faint song was on an episode of CSI (or maybe CSI:NY, can't remember) once, which is how I discovered it.

The Guild is a comedy web-series created by Felicia Day... they've done a few geek / gaming related songs, all funny. :lol:
I noticed this in July and just rediscovered the link...... Bellamy hopes for a new album from Muse by next summer. I know I'll look forward to it!

http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/ ... m-20140729" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Another of my favorites, U2 announced they will make their newest album a free iTunes download until October.......


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Well it's not like any of them actually need the money. :lol:

Listening to the Sucker Punch soundtrack this aft got me to searching Youtube for the originals of some of the songs...

Where Is My Mind by the Pixies vs Where Is My Mind by Yoav ft. Emily Browning

Personally I like the soundtrack version much better.... so very beautiful, and Emily Browning can really sing.

Sweet Dreams by The Eurythmics vs Sweet Dreams by Emly Browning

Tough to pick a fave... a definitive 80s classic, or a haunting, orchestral, choir-backed overture?

Maybe I'm just being distracted by Emily Browning's hotness when she's dressed up in her sailor fuku. ;)

White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane vs White Rabbit by Emiliana Torrini

Actually not much to differentiate the two. More of a cover than an actual remake. I like it, but it's not different enough from the original.

Last for tonight... I Want It All / We Will Rock You mashed up! I love mashups... more genre bending music! Also, Queen is... well, Queen. What else can you say about that?

I'll have to pick a few other mashups from my collection to post here later.

Ok... just one more: Get Up by Korn ft. Skrillex (NSFW lyrics). A killer song, and a killer video with the visuals to back up the music. (Again, Emily Browning, small costumes, guns and swords might be biasing my opinions.) :lol:

G'nite gang! :D
White Rabbit, gets me thinking about some of the old tracks.

Here's one from Marty Balin, the founder of Jefferson Airplane.

Marty Balin "Roberta" - Bodacious DF:
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And this, more recent one.....

Marty Balin & Bill Who Band - Hearts / With Your …:
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Back in the late 90s there was a band called Prozzak. I really liked them at the time. This song kinda sticks out as perfect for this group!

Prozzak - I like to watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvBg0es44ws

And here's another one of my faves from Simple Plan and Natasha Bedingfield - Jet Lag https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntSBKPkk4m4
FastFive wrote:
Jess wrote:And here's another one of my faves from Simple Plan and Natasha Bedingfield - Jet Lag https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntSBKPkk4m4
Montreal boys! Image
Love those guys!
Here's two more, but they're a bit older
Welcome to My Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0U0AlLVqpk (this one has kind of a Green Day sound)

Your Love is a Lie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAbcgmwq3EU
Definite Green Day and Blink 182 influences on them...

I remember when I'm Just a Kid first came out. It got played on Musique Plus (the French version of Much Music) in heavy rotation, and the band was pretty much invited to any and all events the studio put on. For local kids to make it big like they did was huge!
Found a great list this afternoon on YouTube...

Top 10 Sexiest Music Videos!! :D

10: I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself by The White Stripes

Kate Moss pole dancing! How that only ended up as #10 I have no idea... :?
#9: Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke

Clearly that's not the MTV version of the video.

The brunette... oh my goodness... she's got a little bit of an Ann Hathaway look going on, but oh so much sexier! I almost feel bad for the other girls in the video, who might end up going unnoticed next to her. :D
#2: Wicked Game by Chris Isaak

This is where me and the list agree once again. While most of the videos are just scantily clad women acting "sexy" (which is entertaining... but not always convincing), this video truly is sexy. It's not about bikinis, sweaty skin and gyrating... it's just so much more real than the others.

And... her eyes are stunning.

Oh, and the song's a brilliant one as well!

Honestly... watch the video, put yourself in his place (or her place, depending who's reading this) and tell me you don't need a cold shower after it's done. 8-)
Hahaha!! I just noticed I forgot to post the #1 vid... I'd come here to post another link when I realized I'd stopped at #2. :lol:

Anyways, it's Justify My Love by Madonna

Honestly... it's just all raunch and sex. The Chris Isaak vid was hotter IMO.
Great suggestions FF,

It's late and I have a flight in a few hours but here's an old one that always makes me think.....

Sinéad O'Connor - Nothing Compares 2U:
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