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By honora
^^I mean those new pics ARE so HOT Babycakes! (I hate my auto correction sometimes!) :lol: :lol:

RC, just want you know I'm thinking of you; hope all goes well.....
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By FastFive
honora wrote:Fast, can you imagine what getting the Jackhammer and Indiana Jones together would be like??!! ;) :lol:

:oops: :oops:
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By FastFive
honora wrote:Fast, can you imagine what getting the Jackhammer and Indiana Jones together would be like??!! ;) :lol:
While considering the implications of that... my head exploded. :lol:
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By BabyCakes
Thanks Honora!! When do we get to see more of you?! Was just looking back through gallery shots, I still LOVE the ones you posted! (They really need better emoticons here btw) lol
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By FastFive
BabyCakes wrote:Thanks Honora!! When do we get to see more of you?! Was just looking back through gallery shots, I still LOVE the ones you posted! (They really need better emoticons here btw) lol
+1 to that!

Personally... I think Honora needs to submit a full set to VW.

Just sayin'! :mrgreen:
By DangerousDi
Madees; outfit could also be pleather (WHICH IS fake leather).
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By honora
BC, hmmmm I'll see what I can find and will probably add more soon, but only if you keep posting more of yourself too hehe :mrgreen: ;)
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By honora
FastFive wrote:
Personally... I think Honora needs to submit a full set to VW.
Well between you and BC I'm feeling inspired now lol! :oops: :oops: I have been thinking about it lately; we'll see... ;)

We should post some pics on here again like we used to awhile back!
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By rockclimber
honora wrote:
Well between you and BC I'm feeling inspired now lol! :oops: :oops: I have been thinking about it lately; we'll see... ;)

We should post some pics on here again like we used to awhile back!

I cannot think of a more lovely distraction than that visual, Honora. You, Babycakes, and all of our lovely friends welcoming Spring.

You both have an eye for your self shots that intrigue and betray your inner beauty and intelligence. Maybe we can entice our ladies to return to the boards and join in?

Sure, snow is still on the ground for some of us, but spring is coming! I can sense it dancing around like a faint wiff of perfume that brings a smile and brightens the day.

Have a good Saturday y'all. I'll see if I can come up with a tease myself, ha.
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By rockclimber
(erm, promise no Easter bunny suit though...... :lol: :lol: :lol: Ha ha ha!)

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By FastFive
honora wrote:Wow Rock, getting all poetic there ;) Lately it doesn't even feel like spring here; more like summer!
Lucky you... we got about 2" of snow overnight. :roll:
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By rockclimber
honora wrote:Wow Rock, getting all poetic there ;) Lately it doesn't even feel like spring here; more like summer!
Only with the right inspiration, wink!

Oh, I know summer is trying us on for size for sure; it's 83 right now and beautiful out. BUT, I know a few of us are still mirred amid snow and slush (hang in there BC!)

I'll be on the water tomorrow for a bit of head clearing and the only frost will be around my beer, he he! :lol: It will be a nice break, I am always a bit introspective 'round this time of year, a little more so now than usual this year, I suppose. Sometimes, "just thinking" is all you need to do.

I'm glad you like the poetry though, maybe I'll dust one off and see how they look on a fresh day? We all get so dragged down by life's set backs and daily tests, we need a little space to re-enter wouldn't you agree?

Maybe, I'll get inspired? lol! :mrgreen: 8-)
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By Thumper
honora wrote: Lately it doesn't even feel like spring here; more like summer!
It feels like summer because of the heat coming off of our smokin' COFFettes!!!!!
honora wrote:I'm feeling inspired now lol! :oops: :oops: I have been thinking about it lately; we'll see... ;)

We should post some pics on here again like we used to awhile back!
um....HELL YA!!!!!
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By mandadees
Hey there,

I just wanted to pop in and wish all my sexy friends a special day.

Happy Easter everyone!!


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By rockclimber
Happy belated Easter gorgeous! You're working too hard , you need to come play more.

On a different topic, VW had an issue with one of its servers and parts of the forum were deleted. It looks like everything has been restored up until around 5 o'clock Tuesday, so if there's something here that you left and don't see it now, that is why.

Diego has a thread in the General Discussion area that gives the details. Diego is the administrator.

And since the Orthodox Easter is this week, and so is Passover, I hope those of you who celebrate either holiday have a wonderful time enjoying a little bit of family and faith.

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By trinityxxx
Wanted to pop in here and say hello to my dear friends. I regret not having proper private time to get on here more. As some of you RC members know cause I left a note in my thread there about my fairly recent family medical emergency and just a very long continued drawn out process. Very emotional and draining. I won't leave the details on a free public forum....but that is why I have not been around. Hope you understand.... But I certainly miss you guys and gals and all the banter.
On another note I have been reading some of you girls mentioning 'galleries'.... Ok I must be an idiot??...where do I find these galleries? Cause if the coffettes have galleries of images... Well my goodness I want to see them. :-)
Someone please guide me in the right direction. :-)
You all take care and I send my love!
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By FastFive
trinityxxx wrote:Wanted to pop in here and say hello to my dear friends. I regret not having proper private time to get on here more. As some of you RC members know cause I left a note in my thread there about my fairly recent family medical emergency and just a very long continued drawn out process. Very emotional and draining. I won't leave the details on a free public forum....but that is why I have not been around. Hope you understand.... But I certainly miss you guys and gals and all the banter.
On another note I have been reading some of you girls mentioning 'galleries'.... Ok I must be an idiot??...where do I find these galleries? Cause if the coffettes have galleries of images... Well my goodness I want to see them. :-)
Someone please guide me in the right direction. :-)
You all take care and I send my love!
Sorry to hear about the issues you're going through... sounds rotten. :cry:

As for the galleries... just click on a person profile pic (or name, either link works) and once you get their Profile Page up look right in the middle (just to the right of their profile pic) and you'll see a link that says "Show personal album of...."

That's it. :)
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By rockclimber
hi Trin,

You're in my prayers dear, check your mail when you get a chance, or did you lol?

As for galleries just click on a profile, scroll down a little bit and you should see images if there are any. I have some, Baby Cakes, Honora, Manda, those come to mind off the top of my head first.

Kiki set that part of the profile up a couple years ago but it doesn't really work smoothly. We were trying to get full size pro pics and I think this was the result of both us spending hours trying different code. So this was the best she could do. Mostly her, all I did was hunt for code. Actually the result kind of fun have as well. It is not the same, but it is pretty good.

There's also a place to make comments and to give a vote. I believe you can also follow profiles and mark images as your favorites.

Family first beautiful!
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By rockclimber
When you scroll down, you'll see two rows of images. One row is all available images, the other, the most recently posted images. If there are more in the album then you can see in that screen shot then the two rows will look different. You have to scroll through the full album row to see everything.

On my screen, the images show in the profile at the bottom automatically. There is an option to look at the album itself, though it seems rather redundant.
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By Coffjr
Trin dear - you know you are in my thoughts as is your family. I hope it all gets sorted out soon. And as far as you, cum back to us when you can but family is first.
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By FastFive
I'm pretty sure I've posted some of the Jimmy Fallon Lip Sync Battles somewhere much earlier in this thread... but here are some new ones from the actual LSB show (not the Tonight Show):

Anne Hathaway vs Emily Blunt - Part 1

That was good... but this... this is epic:

Anne Hathaway vs Emily Blunt - Part 2

(it just gets better, and better and better... so, so worth it!) :mrgreen: :lol:
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By Coffjr
I just got a message from Grumpy - his computer is down again. So it looks like it will be a while before he returns to us.
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By rockclimber
does he use a smartphone? If so he can just hook it up to wifi and work off of that for a while?

Just a thought.
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By Coffjr
Rock - now we are talking about Grumpy here.....no, just kidding. :D I don't know if he has a smart phone or not. I think he messaged me from work, so I don't know. If he is like me, I'm still holding out and don't have a smart phone - yet. I'll ask him and see what he says unless you have his email address?
By DangerousDi
Trinity: Hope things are going okay and that the person is in recovery and doing well.
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By rockclimber

I do have his email. Not sure about phone though.

John does. I think you can email him through here as well?


I'm sure she would appreciate your concern, as I understand it is touch and go. Keep her in your prayers.

I just walked in the door, my Dad is here so I'm tied up a lot this week.

Back in a bit.....
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By Coffjr
Rock - I was right, Grumpy doesn't have a smart phone. Guess we will hear from him when his computer is fixed (or replaced).

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By rockclimber
Not surprised lol. Tell him he can view threads anywhere I suppose.

maybe being cut off will serve as a motivator to get him to fix the computer or buy a new one. They're not real expensive.it is actually pretty darn hard to live modern life without one!
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By FastFive

Anybody up to anything interesting this evening? Night in for me... gonna' hang out online, or watch some TV.

Hopefully don't get stuck all alone in here for the night. :?
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By honora

Anybody up to anything interesting this evening? Night in for me... gonna' hang out online, or watch some TV.
Happy Saturday Night to you too!

Going to a poker game at a friend's house later tonight :D Cards and boobs, I mean booze! :lol:
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By rockclimber
honora wrote:

Anybody up to anything interesting this evening? Night in for me... gonna' hang out online, or watch some TV.
Happy Saturday Night to you too!

Going to a poker game at a friend's house later tonight :D Cards and boobs, I mean booze! :lol:
Cards n Boobs hmm?

Texas Hold 'Em, Strip or my favorite, Seven card Stud?

Here's an amusing online one, though I think Honora's version would be a hell of a lot more fun!
http://www.racypoker.com/strip-poker/7-card-stud" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;


Check it out Fast, you might get a kick out of it?

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By Coffjr
Honora - I'll play po-her (I mean poker) with you. Just name the game - you already have a pair.
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By FastFive
Poke her?

We've only just met.

I'm awful at poker... if it's not simple math, like Blackjack, I'll fail. :lol:
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By Coffjr
Oops, I did mean poke-her - my favorite game.

Honora - what poker game do you like to play?
By Annie
She knows how to distract the other players. I used to be pretty good at that on the pool table. Guys see tits and it works on their train of thought.
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By rockclimber
Annie wrote:She knows how to distract the other players. I used to be pretty good at that on the pool table. Guys see tits and it works on their train of thought.
Tits work for me, any time. Any time at all.
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By FastFive
Any time, all the time?

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By rockclimber
You look so different with a beard......
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By honora
I think I'm pretty good at Hold'em ;) IF it weren't for my tell that is really hard for me to control, I'd have won a whole lot more :lol: I've also started playing Omaha recently and it's similar with a few differences, but I like Hold'em better. It's interesting whenever I have sat down at a No Limit Hold'em table at a casino, most of the time the guys look at me with either disdain or with a pique of curiosity. Once I've settled in and shown them that I actually KNOW what I'm doing then they'll relax. Sometimes they are social and respectful from the start. Anyway, I do love the thrill :twisted:

Math does play it's part but what is more important is figuring out what the other player(s) have. So if you are a good "reader" then you have a huge advantage. Last, there is luck. I'd say it's a 30/60/10 ratio.

Who knows, maybe I'll be sitting next to Daniel Negreanu at a WSOP Champ game one day! Sigh, one can dream :lol:
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By rockclimber
Always happy to help hold and let you keep both hands free Honora...... ;) you have a good poker face, I suspect your "tell" is tough to spot unless you want it seen.

I'm not bad at Blackjack either, I'm told I'm hard to read. I'm good at being eye candy though. Last time in Vegas, I just stood alongside and tried to look cool while the girls played. They had it down too. They brought this little cheat sheet and set it out on the table right in front of their boobs like they were clueless. They weren't. Good time!

Next time I go to San Antonio, I'm going to add on Vegas before or after. It's been too long. Who has Vegas suggestions?
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By honora
I'm sad to see it looks like BabyCakes has left? :( :( Her pics are all taken off and I haven't seen her comment in awhile. I hope she wasn't driven away....

In fact, I haven't seen some of the other women who used to post here either. Where are all the ladies at?

P.S. Manda needs to post more ;)
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By FastFive
Without even saying goodbye? :|
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By BreeOclaire
Hey everyone,
Been a while since I stepped over the line of the RC / VW playground.

I see mention that Star & BabyCakes have been missed over here. I had seen Star on the RCBBs back around the time of all the mishap with her pics being hacked. But not since. I have also caught sight of the lovely BabyCakes there recently. Love her works!

There seems to be such a gap in the VW & RC communities. Don't know how to mend that.

On another note, I have a new HomeClips vid up if you haven't checked it out yet "Alone In My Hotel Room"...I'd love to hear what you think. Decided after many requests to post one, that I could step out of my comfort zone somewhat and test the HC waters a bit, lol.

What's NEW with everyone else here?
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